Never ending fight

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She sighed "I was just drawing and then something tapped me on the shoulder. When I turned it was my shadow and it ran away. My own shadow was alive."
"Well wait I have nothing to do so its like hide and seek once I find it you can change it." She said suddenly thinking of it as a game. "If you want you can go back to your writing if you want" she smiled again
He smiled. "Bet you I find it first!" He said and ran.
She smirked and walked the other. Quietly she went deeper in to the library. She saw it from the corner of her eye. At least she thought. She ran to the corner where she believed to find it, but nothing was there. She cursed under her breath. She was so lost.
Hunter was running through book cases now darting after something black. "Got dammit get back over here!!!" then he saw the tail. A cat.
Hinata just walked now almost giving. Then she came to a corner. Was she looking at...her shadow? It waved to her and she put her hand up and slowly touched the shadow. Then something happened. It went back to normal. It was just another shadow. "I win" she whispered. Then she went looking for hunter. He was looking at a cat. She quietly snuck up behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder and said "Boo" hoping he would jump
He jumped cursing very vulgarly. He looks up. "Got darn it, Hina!"
She had a bit of a evil look in her eyes and she smiled "That's for scaring me earlier" she winked "By the way I win"
She nodded in agreement. "By the way what were you writing about?"
She dropped it and looked around "You can go back to writing if you want"
"I don't want too." He said, pulling her closer. "I want to do something else." He said, and leaned in kissing her.
She blushed a deep red. Then she put her arms around his neck and kissed back deeply.
He held it fora moment. Then pulled back smiling "Man I love doing that.
"Then why make it last for a minute" she said and kissed him again and pulled back still her arms around his neck