Never ending fight

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
"I think you are talking about Necromancy. And this book. I don't know. I can't tell. It's too old for me to be able to figure out.
She nodded and closed the book "I will read whenever I get a translating book or something" she set it aside "What now?"
"Your turn Now Hina." he said. He looked around bait bored.
She thought for a moment and blushed. "I-I don't know"
He sighed. "What is something you have wanted to try then?"
"um" she thought about how the first day she came in to this town it was so adventurous.....and a little embarrassing. "We can go to the end of the town and look down at it from the roof"
(( I know ^^) He shrugged. "Sounds interesting... Ok et's go"
Hinata got up and gripped the book in her hand. She looked around the buildings and spotted some crates. She ran towards them and jumped up climbing them like steps until she reached the top. Jumping up and grabbing the ledge with one hand and pulling her self up with one hand. She stood up and stretched back. Then turned to look at hunter to see if he followed her up.
He snuck up behind her and covered her eyes with his hand. "Guess who."
She giggled "Could it be hunter" she said as she turned around and kissed him
He smiled and kissed her back. Holding her tenderly. "You are a very good guesser you know that?" He kissed her forehead then smiled.
"Yah I know" she smiled and entertwined their fingers "Lets go"
He grasped her hand. "Right, lead the way." He said smiling.
Jumping from roof to roof she kept a look out. As thy got closer she started to slow down. Finally at the last roof she relaxed. Hinata sat on the edge of the building looking out in to the town. "I'm really happy you were less passive today" she smiled at him "Maybe one day you can be with out me having to push you a little" she giggled.

((MY WIFI WENT DOWN do you know how horrifying it is to go almost a whole hour without wifi))
"Oh hush!" (Yes I have gone without a few weeks of Wifi.) He pushed her before she was about to jump then grabbed onto her and pulled her close. "I am much better than passive you know." he said smiling.
She blushed and smiled "Oh really?" she said teasingly ((How did you survive 0.0))
((I live in a hurricane infested state :P i live in louisiana and every year a hurricane hits. Sometimes bad sometimes, not so bad. :3. I eventually learned to deal with it :F)) "Yes really." He said, then leaned over and locked lips with her. Gently and soft. He kissed her deeply like this for a few minutes before he let go. "Right. You lead the way again." He said with a wink.
Her face was a deep red "O-okay" She got up looked around "What do you like to do in your spare time?" still blushing ((I have a friend that lives in Louisiana and I have some relatives who live there too I am in North Carolina ))
He thought for a moment. "I like to write stories." He looked at her. "What about you?" (Oh that's cool :3)
"I like to draw so how about we go to the library where you can write and I can draw"