Neko's FIght Back

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Night chuckled softly. See? I'm not all alone she thought inside her head. When they reached the tent Night began folding the blankets back up and putting them away before she and Aria took down the tent. "Well all done. Guess it's time to go, huh?"
Adint looked over to her and gave a small nod, "Yeah if your ready." He said quickly and gave Night a lopsided grin, offering her and Aria a helping hand.
Night smiled before nodding softly. "Ready as I'll ever be." She waited a moment watching for the little girl with dirty blonde hair, come trailing back bouncing around with three apples, which she kept one to her self and gave the others to Night and Adint. "Thanks." Aria nodded with glee before biting down on the red surface. Night looked at her apple, she was bringing it to her mouth when a fuzzy tail wrapped around it and pulled it out of her hand. When she looked Lynn was playing catch with it in her hands, before she took a huge bite out of it. Night no longer wanted the apple or food in general. So instead she took Adint's and Aria's hands and started her walk north. But Lynn jumped in front of her, still eating her apple. "Nie-Nie where you going?" Lynn asked. Through clenched teeth Night managed, "Away from you!" When she finished with the apple she threw the core at Night's feet. Her lower lip twitched but she said nothing. "Sorry princess but I've got special orders to get you to Virginia." "Special orders?..." "Yup from daddy dearest him self." Night's jaw practically dropped and for a moment she couldn't speak. "He really wants to see you Night. Plus he kinda needs you now." Night remained silent before finally saying something. "I won't leave them..." "That's fine they can come. Now lets see... it will probably us about a week and a half to get there... think you can manage?" She only nodded her head. "Great lets go!" Night no longer held no ones hand let alone speak at all.
Adint watched the interactions between Night and Lynn, biting his bottom lip, a little frustrated. "Hmm." He shook his head. He hasn't taken a bite of his apple yet. Looking at Night he watched her eyes. What was bothering her so much? He brought his hand up, and showed her his apple, still intact. "Here. I'm not too hungry, I want you to have it, just don't let Lynn steal it."
Night's attention snapped to Adint as he held up his apple to her face. A soft smile crawled onto her face as she carefully took the apple. She nodded her head once before biting down on the red surface. It was sweet and a bit sour. Night couldn't remember the last time she had such a yummy tasting apple. She giggled in delight as swallowed her first bite before trying to offer some to Adint.
Afint shook his head, trying to hide the fact that he actually was a little hungry. "I'll eat later." He said softly with a small smile. "Anyways, tell me more about yourself, Night." He said, looking to her eyes.
Night thought for a moment as she shoved the apple into Adint's mouth. She didn't believe for a moment that he wasn't hungry. "Hmmm... well when I was younger I ran away from home."
((Jeez XD))

Adint gasped as Night shoved the apple into his mouth. He coughed a little bit and looked at her. A small frown on his face. "Ah yeah ... I van understand why ... Everything's, it just, it all goes to crap." He said with a frown. "But we need to make things different ... Well ... At least, that's what I would like to happen."
She couldn't help but laugh a bit at him. She hadn't meant to shove the apple that hard. Guess she still didn't know her own strength yet. "Haha sorry about that and your right. Guess there's no point dwelling on the past when we still have a future to build." She offered a small smile as slipped her hand in his.
He blushed a little bit as she slipped her hand against his, his eyes widening. He nodded quickly. "Of course, Night." He replied softly and not into the apple. "Mmm."
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