Nefastus Lupata Academy

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"Sssomeone'sss here! Show yourself!" he hissed as both a warning and a threat.

"Stay behind me!" He commanded of the two as his more protective cautionary side took over.

Fight? Fight?! Finally, something in this school that made sense!! It didn't take long for Mona to blindly unzip her duffel bag and deftly pull out her pair of MMA gloves-- her headgear would have to wait. Strapping them on her fists, Mona was almost bouncing up and down; excited to let off some steam and throw a few punches.

And thus the waiting game began. Looking for even the slightest twitch-- scanning the halls for any signs of danger. The three of them had their eyes (and noses) peeled for what felt like ages. Weeks! 17 days you could say!! The stress of it all was slowly getting to her.

" it gone?" Mona whispered to Seth, looking to him for guidance on what to do next.
Seth hadn't moved the entire time, his breathing slowed and his eyes were unblinking, this is what he was trained for, all the memories of his teacher and the techniques he had practiced. "Finally," he thought, "it's been way to long."

His head was clear and calm, it was quite an overreaction on the whole even of no one could actually see it. Something as simple as smelling a hiding creature sparked his pent up aggression, this wasn't how he wished he'd react but it's more or less how his state of mind has slowly built up.

Normally after an ignorance of such an announcement he would proceed to take the offensive, but a thought crossed his mind, maybe they're not here to fight, maybe they have other reasons to stay hidden, perhaps they felt as he did angry and confused.

Seth's mind was drawing forth an overpowering wave of emotions, the quest, the journey, the creepy necromancer, this entire disjointed academy, and he'll even the innocent human girl. The smell of the strange creature faded away as it had assuredly fleed.

Seth didn't bother to give chase, nor utter but a single phrase. "Stand down, whatever it is has left." he slowly lowered his weapon still facing forward away from the group.

"Usstan-tlun-natha-houj-d'natha-ih'ara" he muttered to himself. Why was this happening? He didn't understand, this should be easy, he should've been prepared for this! So why was it so hard? Why did this stupid place affect him so?

He couldn't let himself be lost in this anger, nor should he have let anything interfere with his focus, especially when it came to battle.

On the outside he maintained his calm and concentrated look noear pefectly, aside from a little shake his hand it would otherwise have been unnoticeable what he was feeling.

Taking a deep and quiet breath he turned back to the others before calmly instructing, "We should keep going, it'd be best if we found the office sooner rather then later."

While he spoke his tail deftly swooped down and retrieved his fallen book which then disappeared within his cloak.
Aria blushes as Niniane brings up the whole attraction bit again. Aria had already been well into the stages of letting it drift under the bridge, but it seems as though Niniane wouldn't be letting her forget anytime soon. Besides, although Aria knew that Niniane didn't specifically say it was Aria who said she was attracted to Niniane, it still felt unfair to bring that up in front of two people they were just now meeting. Though, maybe it is just that Niniane doesn't have a filter. Aria tried to keep a level head and try to think out her plan for getting the help to find the main office, but then Locke targeted her weak spot by giving such a sincere response after she thought she'd be ridiculed then following up by petting Niniane's head. Aria's head was nearly spinning. Not even thinking, "I wanna be pet... Oh wait, ummm, I said that out loud didn't I?" Deeply embarrassed, Aria bows her head to Locke, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make such a thoughtless request. Sometimes I just want to try things, and lose sight of other things."
"Amnesia?" Niniane echoed. "Oh… I'd never thought of that before. It's possible." she told Locke, thinking over the possibility. "I suppose it would explain why I don't remember anything past last year…"

"When I last saw her, I'm not even sure if she knew her name." Orion chimed in. "I know she didn't know much about using her powers."

"I have gotten better at that." Niniane assured him, almost sounding offended.

Locke's attention quickly turns to Aria when she speaks up, and his lips curl into a sly, amused smirk at the sound of her request. He doesn't waste any time, and moves his hand from Niniane to Aria, petting her head softly. "You're so precious." He cooed, his lupine eyes locked on her, curious to see how she would respond. "While I by no means mind seeing that cute rosy blush of your's, there's no need for you to get embarrassed, sugar."

His expression twisted into one of disappointment, and he shook his head. "Darling Orion, don't patronize the poor kitten." He quickly bounced back to his charmed grin as he glanced between Aria and Niniane. "So, are you two just exploring, or do you have someplace to be?"

Nox. Latin. Night. Dark. Ev- ...Batman. Yeah sure that worked. Darkness wasn't inherently evil after all. Plus it kinda made sense with the whole gothic lolita necromancer thing she had going on. At least she didn't have an obviously evil name like MURDERKILL, SUNDERER OF THE MASSES or else they would certainly have a problem on their hands! Well mostly Neptune's hands to be more accurate. She had a feeling that it didn't matter to this girl whether her name was Shirley or Satan. Although she had the good graces to actually make sure the bodies were vacant before playing necromancer, so maybe if she did have some absurdly evil name, Neptune could let it fly. Maybe.

Neptune's brow unfurrowed and she assumed a much more smiley, casual expression to match Nox's. "Well it's nice to meet'cha Noxy, I'm Neptune~!" the neko declared, pulling the necromancer in for a light hug - which, given her strength, was a lot like a really tight hug from your average individual. After a few moments had passed, Neptune set her down and hefted up their bags with ease. "Alrighty! Which direction my new friend!"

Nox couldn't help but squeak a bit as Neptune unintentionally attempted to squeeze the life out of her. Her frail figure was completely defenseless against the vice that was Neptune's embrace, and her spine, already sore from all the heavy lifting, cracked quietly under the neko's grip.

A metal spine would really help right about now... Nox thought, her boney fingers outstretched as she tried to endure as not to offend the clueless cat. It was difficult...she imagined any moment now she would simply burst! With all her training and connections, it was ever so rare Nox had to fear for her life, and yet she swore she could see her life passing before her eyes: all those adventures around the Academy, the blazing jelly bean disasters, the cute homunculi, her pink hair phase....

Eventually, Nox found relief and her breath as she was set down, stumbling a bit as she tried to regain composure. "Well.....I don't actually know, Neptune." Nox replied, shooting her a half-smile and a shrug, "I don't even really know which part of the school I am, to be honest. I think Ex moved me into a new part of the school, since I was at the front door just a few minutes ago."
Valerie nods. "Before we begin, I'd like to know. Is my objective to catch in order to get my reward? ... or should I sufficiently entertain you? I couldn't tell you if it makes any difference but it'd certainly help." Valerie stands up and hops off the ledge of the building, onto the roof again. "We both don't know very much about each other so I won't underestimate you. I hope you will do the same." Valerie opens a Portal Projection. She reaches her hand into the portal and starts to draw from it. The portal makes a low whirring noise and blue-hued essence seeps from it, miring Valerie's arm in a circular motion.

Rin's head tilts, her crazed, wide-eyed stare locked on Valerie. "Oh! You're too kind!" She exclaimed, her girlish giggle though child-like, sounded undeniably eerie and malicious. "Don't worry about me; if I decide you're boring, I'll just kill you!"

Other than the occasional sinister giggle, her expression remained rather unchanging, as did her focus. She didn't really have any interest in Valerie's portals or the light engulfing her....she was simply fixated on Valerie herself. She could barely contain her anxiousness, and while she herself remained as still as the grave, the look she gave Valerie seemed....almost obsessed. Like the witch had been starved for amusement, and she was ravenous, on the brink of a psychotic break.

"This won't be so easy for you, so you better do the same." She added cheerfully, "So...when shall we start~?"

"Thank you. I will keep this in mind." The tengu nodded in gratitude before returning to the forms.

Some of these questions seemed right out of left field, but most of what was present in the papers made sense. Perhaps even the weird ones made more sense if you actually worked here at the school, since he figured that these were mostly meant so the faculty knew how to keep everyone comfortable while they were here. Or at least alive...maybe. I suppose the faculty is not normally allowed to kill students or let them die if they can avoid it...but I really have no clue. Truthfully, he wondered if even the teachers might be able to find a way around any "Student Murder" rules under certain conditions. Probably. He would have to really watch himself here.

Keeping that in mind, he continued filling out the papers. He didn't have a lot of special requirements, but he wrote down the few he could remember. In the event of a fatality...cremation would be fine. He would need the ashes sent back home for proper care, of course, since his clan had its own funeral rites that he hoped to have observed. Hopefully this wouldn't be necessary...

Eventually coming to the waiver, he stared at it for a while before finally signing. Standing up, he looked down at the bag at his feet before handing in the forms. Daiki...Why Daiki? Glancing over at Eri's bag, he could see that hers also had the given name on it. Ah, that's just how they label them, then. Satisfied with this, he handed over the documents and picked up the bag.
"I have a few ID-sized photos with me, so I was wondering if it would be OK if you just used one of those," Eri said while taking out her wallet from the pocket it was in. She did all this with her left hand while the right still speed across the paperwork that the secretary gave her. She waited for a reply while stopping from time to time to think twice about some of the stuff that she was writing down, but she was overall, progressing trough the stuff at a good speed.

The secretary turned their head towards Eri as they gathered up Katsuruga's papers, making sure they were all straightened out before setting them down on the desk. "Aw shucks, Mam!" They replied, just as cheerful and unfazed looking as ever, "I'm super duper sorry, but I've just got to take your photograph myself! You see, I'll print your ID out myself, as soon as I'm able to snap a picture of you." They explained. "You just go right ahead and let me know when you're all ready, okey dokey?"
Locke's attention quickly turns to Aria when she speaks up, and his lips curl into a sly, amused smirk at the sound of her request. He doesn't waste any time, and moves his hand from Niniane to Aria, petting her head softly. "You're so precious." He cooed, his lupine eyes locked on her, curious to see how she would respond. "While I by no means mind seeing that cute rosy blush of your's, there's no need for you to get embarrassed, sugar."

His expression twisted into one of disappointment, and he shook his head. "Darling Orion, don't patronize the poor kitten." He quickly bounced back to his charmed grin as he glanced between Aria and Niniane. "So, are you two just exploring, or do you have someplace to be?"
Aria knew that Locke was being quite flirtatious, but honestly, I couldn't even bring myself to care much about that. It felt nice to be flattered, and it felt even better to have my head pet. I feel the smooth sensation as my hair parts from Locke's hand, softly brushing against my head. I close my eyes a bit to soak in the experience. By this point, I've essentially tuned out my surroundings. I almost don't notice when Locke talks to me again. Still very relaxed and content, "We were looking for the main office since I'm new here, but the map I had was incorrect, and Niniane forgot which way we came from. She thought one of you could help."
"That is correct." Niniane spoke in affirmation of Aria's words. "She asked if I knew of any students here that possessed abilities such as teleportation or the ability to phase through walls, so that the building's walls would not be a hindrance to them. There are many beings here that fit these requirements, but you two were nearest." she explained softly and monotonously, tail flicking slightly behind her.
With a straight expresion on her face Eri just handed the now filled paperwork to the secretary while saying: "Alright but I am not a fault for whatever might happen. Devices which try to take my photo usually act oddly." Then she waited for the secretary to say or do something and hoped that all will be alright, her and photo-taking devices didn't get along at all, that is why back at home her photos were taken by a Tsukomogami. Well not her problem, she has warned the secretary and it was now in the hands of this odd member of the school staff.
Aiace just stared past his two companions, wondering what it was that had been there before. Whatever it had been, perhaps they had been scared off; he had to admit that even he had been a little intimidated by Seth. It almost made him feel bad for the poor thing, even though he never saw it. At least they hadn't been attacked.

"Ah... so we're good now? Okay, then, let's keep going." He started walking in the direction they had previously been heading, but suddenly felt that there was something else he was going to do. Looking down, he caught sight of the bottle still in his hand. "Oh, right!" He turned back to the other two. "I found this on the ground earlier! Do either of you know what it is, by any chance?" The glowing liquid still shone pretty brightly, and he was still just as curious about it as before. "Whatever it is, it looks interesting!"


I wonder what she means by 'acting oddly.' The tengu wasn't sure, but chalked it up to normal fears that many seemed to have about taking bad pictures. Although, she was a shrine maiden, so perhaps she was referring to some sort of supernatural interference as a result of a previous venture? Perhaps she was cursed or something...

Deciding it wasn't his business, he shrugged it off and looked back to the secretary. "I am ready whenever you can take the picture. Please do as you must." He gave a small smile, just a very slight upturn at the corners of his mouth. It was mostly just to show that he was prepared and didn't do much to show any actual emotion, but it was just an ID photo. It shouldn't matter too much, right?
The secretary's eyes dilated as they turned their gaze to Katsuruga, the irises widening and narrowing with a soft whir, like a camera trying to focus in on something. They stared at him for only 8 seconds before a pair of soft clicks sounded, and then they blinked, their eyes returning to normal....ish....

"Okey dokey, Mr. Daiki!" They chimed, their expression actually almost changing. It was difficult to make the distinction, but they actually looked slightly more alive for a moment, their uncanny cheerful smile replaced by a look of subtle pride. "Your photo will take just a minute or two to process and print out." They clapped their hands together and turned their head towards Eri, "Are you ready then, Mis Unakahi?"


"Well, if you girls need a lift to the Main Office, we can get easily get you over there." Locke replied, still stroking Aria's hair, since there was no doubt from the look on her face that she didn't want him to stop. He acknowledged Orion once more, his expression almost sweet and full of completely faked innocence, like he would ever actually do anything just to be helpful. "Orion, darling, you do remember where the Main Office is, right?" He asked with a charming smile. If Orion knew anything about Locke's true nature, he'd be savvy to what the vixen really meant: it meant he was coming with Locke and the girls, whether he would by his own free will or if Locke had to drag him along.

And Locke was probably just itching for an excuse to put a leash on Orion already....


Elsewhere, a catboy sat on the ceiling.

Anyone who spotted Chester would assuming he was spacing out, as the "boy" sat very still, save for the tail that curled and flicked behind him. He stared out towards nowhere in particular, deep in thought and terribly focused, concentration on his task so much that for once he didn't even sense the wolf and his songbird approaching from down the hall.
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At this point, I was totally off guard. Though I'm sure a very small reason for this had to do with me absorbing some of Locke's aura inadvertently by having him stroke my hair like this, I'm mostly sure that it is because it felt so good that Locke could sweep me off my feet and I wouldn't mind at all. I wonder if it is typical to wish I didn't have to stand just so that I could focus more on something else... Well, regardless, he'll probably stop when we get to the main office, so I'll just have to enjoy myself for the time being.
Mona let out an exasperated sigh as her arms fell to her sides. She didn't see a thing, but those two apparently could tell whether things were here or not even when she couldn't. Maybe it was some sort of magical 6th sense humans don't have. Extra-sensory stuff like Spidey-sense. As her mind was going on a tangent as her thoughts drifted back to her comic books, Mona did a quick double take as she noticed the strange bottle the cat-boy was holding. Was it a magic elixir? That liquid stuff from glow-sticks? Was it radio-active? If it was, there was the slight chance it could give her super powers! Like... like... Spiderman! Yeah! She could climb up walls, make terrible one-liners, and... no but really, what was it? All Mona could do was blankly stare at the brilliant liquid.
Rin's head tilts, her crazed, wide-eyed stare locked on Valerie. "Oh! You're too kind!" She exclaimed, her girlish giggle though child-like, sounded undeniably eerie and malicious. "Don't worry about me; if I decide you're boring, I'll just kill you!"

Other than the occasional sinister giggle, her expression remained rather unchanging, as did her focus. She didn't really have any interest in Valerie's portals or the light engulfing her....she was simply fixated on Valerie herself. She could barely contain her anxiousness, and while she herself remained as still as the grave, the look she gave Valerie seemed....almost obsessed. Like the witch had been starved for amusement, and she was ravenous, on the brink of a psychotic break.

"This won't be so easy for you, so you better do the same." She added cheerfully, "So...when shall we start~?"

"Now." Valerie does not plan to leave her position. As she's unable to fly, she plans to project several Aether portals and chase Rin about with it. Valerie figures she could catch Rin easily. Projecting a portal discreetly is no trouble for her and all she would have to do is reach her hand through. So long as she's able to keep her arm attached to her own Aether portal, it'd be no trouble to connect another Aether portal in Aetheress to a portal in Regularity. She'd even be able to split her hand several times due to the properties of Aether portals. Valerie watches Rin carefully to see if she keeps her place or starts moving.
Rin reels in quickly, pulling her arms into her chest and ducking her head for a mere two seconds, rapidly building up energy before suddenly releasing it with a roar in the form of an explosion of pink inferno that expanded out a good 20 feet. The chase is on though: there's no time to catch her breath or put out the flames that stuck to her hands, her dress and face. She didn't even wait to see if the portal mage had gotten caught in the firey explosion. Since she didn't give herself time to restore the energy lost in her explosion, it hurt like hell when she drew even more energy to her forearms, using her magic to expand the ulna and radius bones and cause spikes of various sizes to rip through the flesh. It was clear in the way she moved that she could feel every bit of this, but it didn't slow her down. Her forearms suddenly began to rapidly spin, now resembling drills. Just after the fire had fizzled out, she swan dived into the floor, violet sparks rising up as she drilled her way through the concrete.

Within seconds she fell through, and she didn't even touch the ground before she caught herself, and fervently hovered away. With any luck, the inferno she projected at Valerie had given her a head start, because all she could do now was keep her guard up and run, until she recharged. The bones in her arms had reverted the instant she stopped drawing her magic to them, but she had yet heal up the ribbons of skin dangling from the bone. While recharging wouldn't take more than a minute or two, she had to use her remaining power sparingly, so she wouldn't be defenseless should Valerie manage to catch up quickly.

Unless she had been roasted alive. That would certainly put a damper on their game of cat and mouse.
"I am, let's finish this up," Eri said and waited for the secretary to take her photo. She let out a sight and with a serious and cold expression waited for the photo to be taken. This was tiring her out mentally much more then she though it cloud.
"Huh?" Orion echoed in confusion. "I mean, I figured you would know just as well, but-"

"I'm pretty sure he does." Niniane interjected softly, her round eyes looking innocently ahead at them.

Orion's eyes stayed narrowed during the short moments of silence that followed, looking between Locke and Niniane as he was suspicious that something was going on in that vixen's head but was still too dense to figure out exactly what he was going for. "…But whatever." Orion finished his thought. "Yeah, I can take us there." he answered the girls. "…Even though, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure you can teleport on your own." he hissed in annoyance at Niniane.

"Can I?" she answered innocently. "Oh… I hadn't thought of that."

"…Whatever." he growled, reaching towards Niniane, but as soon as they made contact, she flinched and pulled her hand back, as if the silver's skin had just burned her. "…What?" Orion snarled.

Silently, Niniane distanced herself somewhat so that Aria stood between the two of them, and then she gently nudged the aura mage towards Orion before stepping closer to Locke, taking hold of his hand. "I will travel with this one." she spoke softly, eyes locked on the foxboy.


"I know the main office is around here somewhere…" Moon murmured seemingly to himself as he wandered the school's hallways. "I know I usually get lost in these sorts of halls, but I swear they look different than they did last year…"

The silver was then snapped out of his thoughts as he took notice of the catboy above him, sticking to the ceiling as if he were some kind of insect or spider. Moon only stared and blinked cluelessly for a few moments, not sure what to say or do, until Goldie flew from her perch on his shoulder over to the ceiling-dweller and, as the boy sat still as a statue, she landed on his chin before chirping loudly back down at Moon.

"…No, you're right, that is weird." Moon answered, wondering if the catboy would react at all.
Mr. Daiki... It sounded so strange to him. Perhaps he would just have to get used to the strange ways of doing things around here. Although, hearing the secretary say "Miss Unakahi" made him question how he had signed his papers... I'm usually pretty good about that...I guess I was distracted. Hoping he had not messed up anything else on his papers, he turned his thoughts to the secretary. According to what he had seen, there must have been a camera...or cameras...built into the eyes. It was a clever design in his opinion, and he wondered if it made the secretary proud to show off such a thing.

It must be very useful to be able to take pictures with one's eyes...
Rin reels in quickly, pulling her arms into her chest and ducking her head for a mere two seconds, rapidly building up energy before suddenly releasing it with a roar in the form of an explosion of pink inferno that expanded out a good 20 feet. The chase is on though: there's no time to catch her breath or put out the flames that stuck to her hands, her dress and face. She didn't even wait to see if the portal mage had gotten caught in the firey explosion. Since she didn't give herself time to restore the energy lost in her explosion, it hurt like hell when she drew even more energy to her forearms, using her magic to expand the ulna and radius bones and cause spikes of various sizes to rip through the flesh. It was clear in the way she moved that she could feel every bit of this, but it didn't slow her down. Her forearms suddenly began to rapidly spin, now resembling drills. Just after the fire had fizzled out, she swan dived into the floor, violet sparks rising up as she drilled her way through the concrete.

Within seconds she fell through, and she didn't even touch the ground before she caught herself, and fervently hovered away. With any luck, the inferno she projected at Valerie had given her a head start, because all she could do now was keep her guard up and run, until she recharged. The bones in her arms had reverted the instant she stopped drawing her magic to them, but she had yet heal up the ribbons of skin dangling from the bone. While recharging wouldn't take more than a minute or two, she had to use her remaining power sparingly, so she wouldn't be defenseless should Valerie manage to catch up quickly.

Unless she had been roasted alive. That would certainly put a damper on their game of cat and mouse.

As Rin charges up the blast, Valerie enlarges the size of her Aether portal. She opens another a large distance away. As Rin unleashes the blast towards her, Valerie escapes into the portal, popping out from the other side. She closes the portal she'd entered from as to avoid the debris from the blast from entering the portal or disrupting it. With this, however, Valerie loses track of Rin's position. She focuses to try and sense supernatural presences in the area. As it is, however, too many are around for Valerie to pinpoint Rin. As the giant blast had blinded her view, Valerie didn't see which way Rin headed off to. Valerie starts to head back towards the area that was blasted to look for a lead.
Era was walking around outside enjoying the sun it had taken her a while to get back outside after she had entered the school for the minor use of a bathroom and ended up spending hours trying to find her way back "Dang shifting walls and rooms got me all flustered." she sighed and continued walking letting her wings spread so they could enjoy the sun as well giving them a few flaps now and then to stretch them. After a bit Era found her way to a bench and sat down stretching her legs and arms as she did. Smiling she sat back and continued to enjoy the day as she people watched.
Seth awkwardly sheathed his blade and slid the book back into his hand. He was ready to start off down the hall when the Catboy started inquiring about a strange bottle he found.

The first thing that crossed his mind was a rule his mentor told him: "Don't touch anything without knowing what it is. Unless you are fully prepared to learn it to the fullest.". His first action would've been to scold the curious cat, and to teach him the bad that could occur. But he wouldn't feel right doing so, this isn't his land, he came to learn, not teach.

Stepping over to him he held out his hand in kind, "I could take a look if you wish, but I can't guarantee I will be able to tell you what it is." Seth knew a bit about alchemy and the practice of creating salves and potions for medicinal purposes. As well as some, deadly concoctions but he was far from perfect at it.

Whether or not he had the capability of knowing the substance in the bottle he decided it'd be better to check it, in case either of these two accidentally ingest black snake venom or something else as careless.

So he stood there, still some feet from Aiace's reach one arm outstretched and the other clutching his almanac. Hopefully he could help, but the chances were likely slim.
Moon and Goldie went completely unnoticed until the songbird made herself at home on the eldritch's chin. He paused for just a moment, snapping back to reality, then continued.....whatever it was he was doing on the ceiling. "Please remove yourself from my face." He asked calmly, never taking his eyes off the spot on the ceiling he was focused on. From what he could tell, neither the bird nor the boy were any kind of threat to him, nor were they especially pesky. Of course that didn't mean he was entirely safe from the real monsters that wandered about this school as they pleased, but if he could just visit a few more places around these halls, he would become the eyes and ears of this school.


Rin didn't look back, as she sped down the corridors, her pointed toes just inches from the floor as she quickly hovered away from her playmate. It was fairly quiet, and she seemed to be alone in whatever part of the school she had escaped to. The hole she had drilled through the 5th floor ceiling was well behind her now, and after turning many random corners she could no longer see it.

After another minute of giving herself some distance, she slowed to a stop. Her eyes flickered like fuchsia flames as they darted around, rapidly scanning the hall for any suspicious activity. "Lost her....for now....." Rin mumbled to herself, holding her injured arms out in front of her. Her eyelids fluttered as she focused her magic into her forearms, and within moments the shredded flaps of skin wrapped themselves around Rin's open flesh, fixing themselves. The wounds were healing at an unnatural rate, but all considering, this should've surprised no one. Still, Rin couldn't really move around all that much until the healing process was complete. While her eyes could not stray from their empty gaze, the hallway was at least dead silent: her ears would be her saving grace should Valerie come and try to sneak up on her.


"Oh, I do know where it is!" Locke replied, taking a step towards Aria, "I just wanted to make sure you could follow. See ya there~!"

He spoke very quickly, and as he finished he grabbed Aria's arm and stepped backwards, pulling both she and Niniane into his chest, wrapping an arm around either girl's waist.

And in the blink of an eye, Orion had been left in an empty, void of any monotonous catgirls, mischievous vixens or blushing mages.


Once more the secretary's irises changed into those dilating lens that focused in on Eri, whirring and clicking twice before the artificial being closed their eyes, still moving around papers on their desk. It took a couple of seconds, but once more their eyes flashed open, reverted back to more human-like eyes and that same chipper smile. "Thank you, Miss Unakahi! Both your IDs will be printed lickety-split!" They assured, oblivious to the miko's cold demeanor and sour attitude. Back to their robotic state of bliss.

Not even an entire minute passed before a sudden flash of silver light lit the room, appearing right beside Katsuruga and fading just as quickly had it had come.

"Worked like a charm~" The fox-eared silver stated, barely paying any mind to the tengu standing not even a foot away from him and the girls.
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