Nefastus Lupata Academy: The Return of TJA

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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I'm still here! I'm coming up with a post now!

Aw, heck! That race sheet is still on my to-do list? I really need to get on my paperwork... I'll take a look at what I can get done for that over the weekend. Sorry if I'm a bit slow, I'm adjusting to a completely new schedule and a little stressed by the RP mess I've gotten myself into... I am here and posting again, though, so I won't keep you waiting if I can avoid it! I'm making the rounds right now!
Busy time then?
I'm always able to help start trouble. :3
*Continues to stir trouble in this thread*
That is SOOOO 5 years ago. :P
10 Years ago. :P




I knew I had something good in that set of bookmarks.
*Huddles in a corner and wimpers*
In all my years...
I... I have seen nothing like that.
Luna-Chan! Help! D:
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