Nefastus Lupata Academy: The Return of TJA

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Sorry, I was just, ah... feeling a touch overwhelmed when I posted that... been feeling... weird.

Have I been forgetting to do things? Are there posts I should've been making or people I should've been posting?
Not that I can think of. Though if you want, I'd love to talk about Aria and Niniane. I really like the way they paired together.
Not that I can think of. Though if you want, I'd love to talk about Aria and Niniane. I really like the way they paired together.
Oh. Yeah, I've been liking that dynamic, too...

...If you just want random chatter to pump some blood into the OOC, I could, ah... hmm...

Did I mention I bought a record player recently? o3o
Oh. Yeah, I've been liking that dynamic, too...

...If you just want random chatter to pump some blood into the OOC, I could, ah... hmm...

Did I mention I bought a record player recently? o3o
I'd really love that :).

And did you have a lot of records?
I'd really love that :).

And did you have a lot of records?
o3o Not a ton, but a small handful. It started a short while back when I found the Beatles White Album for super cheap, and bought it even though I didn't have a record player, because, like... it's an original from 1968 and it's the Beatles and it hardly cost a thing so like aaaah and then that, plus the fact that I'd been thinking a lot recently about just how cool and interesting vinyl records are, especially with how awesome they sound (which was brought on by a lot of things), made me really want to buy a record player and maybe start collecting vinyl and such. So then, once I found a guy willing to sell me one for $20 (which is insanely cheap, I might add, having looked at a bunch of record players online beforehand), I bought some other records while I waited for a chance to meet the guy and actually buy the thing, so now I have a total of 4 albums, which technically means 5 records when you consider the fact that the White Album is a two-disc set.

Aaaand after a while of that vinyl sitting around and collecting dust, I finally got a chance to buy the record player and try them out!!


And I'm now falling in love with vinyl very quickly. ^^ Which sort of makes me feel like a hipster, but... whatever. I have a record player and it's really fucking cool. ^^
o3o Not a ton, but a small handful. It started a short while back when I found the Beatles White Album for super cheap, and bought it even though I didn't have a record player, because, like... it's an original from 1968 and it's the Beatles and it hardly cost a thing so like aaaah and then that, plus the fact that I'd been thinking a lot recently about just how cool and interesting vinyl records are, especially with how awesome they sound (which was brought on by a lot of things), made me really want to buy a record player and maybe start collecting vinyl and such. So then, once I found a guy willing to sell me one for $20 (which is insanely cheap, I might add, having looked at a bunch of record players online beforehand), I bought some other records while I waited for a chance to meet the guy and actually buy the thing, so now I have a total of 4 albums, which technically means 5 records when you consider the fact that the White Album is a two-disc set.

Aaaand after a while of that vinyl sitting around and collecting dust, I finally got a chance to buy the record player and try them out!!


And I'm now falling in love with vinyl very quickly. ^^ Which sort of makes me feel like a hipster, but... whatever. I have a record player and it's really fucking cool. ^^
*giggles*, no no. It actually sounds kinda cool. Not everyone has something like that, and I think that it looks kinda cool. I mean, having a big giant disk has a lot more presence than having itunes downloaded on your computer.
*giggles*, no no. It actually sounds kinda cool. Not everyone has something like that, and I think that it looks kinda cool. I mean, having a big giant disk has a lot more presence than having itunes downloaded on your computer.
*nod, nod* 'Tis one of the reasons why I'm really liking vinyl, actually. I mean, don't get me wrong -- digital music can be a lot more convenient, but there's just something about having these records and this giant-ass machine to spin them on that just has this sort of... aesthetic to it. I mean, this stuff is fairly high-maintenance -- records are not only big but also thin and easily breakable/bendable, not to mention you don't want to get any scratches on them, of course, and you have to clean all the dust off of them before playing them for best sound quality (and same goes for the needle on the player, too), but, you know what, all that extra work is, in a strange way, actually sort of meaningful. It makes it all feel more worth it to listen to awesome music, especially since vinyl has a rather different sound to it than digital music, and can potentially sound even better than a squeaky-clean digital version if you take really good care of it all. ^^ It's hard to explain, but... wow do I love having this stuff.

Not to mention the technology behind it is just really... interesting. Like, digital's just so... digital that I just assume that computer magic can do anything, and that once you've broken something down into zeroes and ones, a computer can do whatever it wants with it and store a crazy amount of data in a super small physical space. But like... with records, the sound is like... taking up physical space on the disc. That's why they're so big. You can see which songs are longer based on how much space they take up. @_@ Plus it's just crazy to think about the fact that we're getting this sound from a super-tiny needle, wedging itself into the grooves on a piece of plastic which are so carefully crafted such that the needle going across it will re-create certain captured sound waves and then amplify them through the speakers... crazy. Digital technology is just so infinite in its potential that you don't really care what it can do because you expect it to be able to do anything, but this... this is just cool technology to think about.
*nod, nod* 'Tis one of the reasons why I'm really liking vinyl, actually. I mean, don't get me wrong -- digital music can be a lot more convenient, but there's just something about having these records and this giant-ass machine to spin them on that just has this sort of... aesthetic to it. I mean, this stuff is fairly high-maintenance -- records are not only big but also thin and easily breakable/bendable, not to mention you don't want to get any scratches on them, of course, and you have to clean all the dust off of them before playing them for best sound quality (and same goes for the needle on the player, too), but, you know what, all that extra work is, in a strange way, actually sort of meaningful. It makes it all feel more worth it to listen to awesome music, especially since vinyl has a rather different sound to it than digital music, and can potentially sound even better than a squeaky-clean digital version if you take really good care of it all. ^^ It's hard to explain, but... wow do I love having this stuff.

Not to mention the technology behind it is just really... interesting. Like, digital's just so... digital that I just assume that computer magic can do anything, and that once you've broken something down into zeroes and ones, a computer can do whatever it wants with it and store a crazy amount of data in a super small physical space. But like... with records, the sound is like... taking up physical space on the disc. That's why they're so big. You can see which songs are longer based on how much space they take up. @_@ Plus it's just crazy to think about the fact that we're getting this sound from a super-tiny needle, wedging itself into the grooves on a piece of plastic which are so carefully crafted such that the needle going across it will re-create certain captured sound waves and then amplify them through the speakers... crazy. Digital technology is just so infinite in its potential that you don't really care what it can do because you expect it to be able to do anything, but this... this is just cool technology to think about.
I totally understand. For whatever reason, sometimes something being less convenient can make it more meaningful. It is kinda like how in minecraft a giant castle made in creative mode is far less memorable than one that you made in survival, or like how in pokemon a team made during a regular playthrough is less meaningful than one made during a nuzlock challenge. When something is limited and we have to experience challenge to create something worthwhile and meaningful, the experience of obtaining that meaningful thing becomes part of how we remember that activity.
I totally understand. For whatever reason, sometimes something being less convenient can make it more meaningful. It is kinda like how in minecraft a giant castle made in creative mode is far less memorable than one that you made in survival, or like how in pokemon a team made during a regular playthrough is less meaningful than one made during a nuzlock challenge. When something is limited and we have to experience challenge to create something worthwhile and meaningful, the experience of obtaining that meaningful thing becomes part of how we remember that activity.
Yeah, I agree. I mean, I don't wanna turn into one of those snobs that constantly regards vinyl as being vastly superior to digital, since I'd be lying if I said I didn't still listen to a ton of digital music, but like... man, vinyl sure is more fun to listen to. Especially since there are just certain qualities to the sound that digital just cannot match. ^^

I can't wait for another chance to get more of these for-cheap.
Yeah, I agree. I mean, I don't wanna turn into one of those snobs that constantly regards vinyl as being vastly superior to digital, since I'd be lying if I said I didn't still listen to a ton of digital music, but like... man, vinyl sure is more fun to listen to. Especially since there are just certain qualities to the sound that digital just cannot match. ^^

I can't wait for another chance to get more of these for-cheap.
Really just anyone who berates someone's favorite way of experiencing anything is annoying.


No matter which form it takes, I never find it to be entertaining to see a snob.
This... is a thing?

If anything, I usually just see people going on about how tapes are better than DVD's -- probably from at least partially a nostalgia standpoint, though (I mean, there's a reason why things like vinyl are still being made while VHS tapes aren't...), and they're usually the minority, but... still. There are honestly people who are "snobs" about DVD's? Cuz I feel like it's hard to be a snob about the mainstream thing.

I mean, admittedly I already am a snob about Apple products, which I why I will unapologetically praise Macs and put down PC's at just about every opportunity, even though I'm usually half-joking and not really speaking out of malice for PC-users even if I do honestly believe Macs to be superior, without doubt.

But like... yeah, as much as I love vinyl, I certainly wouldn't berate anyone for liking digital music or calling it superior. o.o Which is why I just don't wanna turn into one of those stereotypical vinyl snobs -- the kind that tend to be all snobby about not just vinyl>digital but also looking down on more plebeian music, too, so to speak...

Which is why I was sort of hesitant about sneaking "Viva La Vinyl" into my signature. o.o Cuz I really like the saying, but, I just don't wanna come off as one of those types of people... so instead of putting a ton of emphasis on it, I made it small and admittedly a bit hard to spot. I think it works well.

This... is a thing?

If anything, I usually just see people going on about how tapes are better than DVD's -- probably from at least partially a nostalgia standpoint, though (I mean, there's a reason why things like vinyl are still being made while VHS tapes aren't...), and they're usually the minority, but... still. There are honestly people who are "snobs" about DVD's? Cuz I feel like it's hard to be a snob about the mainstream thing.

I mean, admittedly I already am a snob about Apple products, which I why I will unapologetically praise Macs and put down PC's at just about every opportunity, even though I'm usually half-joking and not really speaking out of malice for PC-users even if I do honestly believe Macs to be superior, without doubt.

But like... yeah, as much as I love vinyl, I certainly wouldn't berate anyone for liking digital music or calling it superior. o.o Which is why I just don't wanna turn into one of those stereotypical vinyl snobs -- the kind that tend to be all snobby about not just vinyl>digital but also looking down on more plebeian music, too, so to speak...

Which is why I was sort of hesitant about sneaking "Viva La Vinyl" into my signature. o.o Cuz I really like the saying, but, I just don't wanna come off as one of those types of people... so instead of putting a ton of emphasis on it, I made it small and admittedly a bit hard to spot. I think it works well.
Kaga-kun, honestly, the only people who would think that are people who don't know you at all. You are an absolute sweetheart, and you don't like being disrespectful to anyone. Plus, you are super open-minded. There is absolutely nothing wrong with loving something, and I don't want you to stop loving something just because there is a possibility someone who doesn't know anything about you might think you were associated with jerks. It is kinda like how I don't mind calling specific people by honorifics or throwing in the occasional japanese word, even though there is a chance someone might mistake me for a weeaboo. I get to love anime, express that love, and I can do it without being obnoxious or forceful about it. I can't see how vinyl would be any different.

And yes, it is actually a thing. Someone at school called someone a dinosaur for using a VHS player, and then another person made fun of them for using DVD instead of blueray. It was a really sorry looking discussion.
Kaga-kun, honestly, the only people who would think that are people who don't know you at all. You are an absolute sweetheart, and you don't like being disrespectful to anyone. Plus, you are super open-minded. There is absolutely nothing wrong with loving something, and I don't want you to stop loving something just because there is a possibility someone who doesn't know anything about you might think you were associated with jerks. It is kinda like how I don't mind calling specific people by honorifics or throwing in the occasional japanese word, even though there is a chance someone might mistake me for a weeaboo. I get to love anime, express that love, and I can do it without being obnoxious or forceful about it. I can't see how vinyl would be any different.
^^ D'awww. Now I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Thanks, Luna. I guess it is kind of ridiculous to be so afraid of looking like a snob, now that you mention it. XD

And yes, it is actually a thing. Someone at school called someone a dinosaur for using a VHS player, and then another person made fun of them for using DVD instead of blueray. It was a really sorry looking discussion.
Well that's just... sad.

I mean, when referring to vinyl>digital snobs or PC>console snobs, I can at least see where they're coming from, but like... that's just kind of pathetic.

Hell, really the only reason people seem to even become snobby about such things is because it's not the mainstream thing to do. Cuz, like, I mean, not everyone listens to vinyl. Lots of people are content with easily-manageable digital music. And I can see how that would make vinyl fans snobby.

However... pretty much everyone uses DVD's. Even if you have a VCR on the side, you can't completely avoid DVD's. They're the default option. There's no reason to be snobby about a DVD, because that makes you pretty much the same as everyone else. @_@ Blu-ray you could almost make an argument for, but... yeah. DVD snobs shouldn't exist. ><
^^ D'awww. Now I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Thanks, Luna. I guess it is kind of ridiculous to be so afraid of looking like a snob, now that you mention it. XD

Well that's just... sad.

I mean, when referring to vinyl>digital snobs or PC>console snobs, I can at least see where they're coming from, but like... that's just kind of pathetic.

Hell, really the only reason people seem to even become snobby about such things is because it's not the mainstream thing to do. Cuz, like, I mean, not everyone listens to vinyl. Lots of people are content with easily-manageable digital music. And I can see how that would make vinyl fans snobby.

However... pretty much everyone uses DVD's. Even if you have a VCR on the side, you can't completely avoid DVD's. They're the default option. There's no reason to be snobby about a DVD, because that makes you pretty much the same as everyone else. @_@ Blu-ray you could almost make an argument for, but... yeah. DVD snobs shouldn't exist. ><
*giggles*, Kaga-kun, you are adorable. *cuddles*
Sorry, I was just, ah... feeling a touch overwhelmed when I posted that... been feeling... weird.

Have I been forgetting to do things? Are there posts I should've been making or people I should've been posting?
Are you me? Is this my conscience speaking? Guys, I've lost it. I knew I would.
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