Naruto Roleplay

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Ryuu crawled over to Suki, clinging to his mother's leg with a bit more strength, maybe that of a first grader.

"What's going on?!" Kenji demanded to know from the ninja.
"I found him alone in town, I sensed he was strong, so I brought him here." He spoke. Suki lifted him holding him close to her chest.
"You stole him, you mean…" Growled Kenji…
The ninja was silent. Suki spoke. "He's much stronger...." She said looking at their son.

Kenji was now on the brink of murdering the kidnapper ninja...
He paled and with that did some handsigns disappearing. Suki held Ryuu closer to her. "I'm just glad he's safe." She inspected the cut on his cheek.
Suki held Ryuu out to Kenji so that he could reevaluate his son's abilities.
((Damn thing cut me off again. HAd a longer reply))

Suki held Ryuu out to Kenji so that he could reevaluate his son's abilities. She was curious as to what the man did, though she knew that Kenji was furious another had trained his son.
Kenji checked the boy over, and huffed.

"No technique, just a bit of physical training…Poor child shouldn't start so early! We should get him to a doctor just incase…Have any of those ninja from the leaf village arrived?"
Suki shook her head no to her husband. "No." She spoke. She looked to little Ryuu worriedly.
"Why not?! he could get serious injuries later on if we don't inspect him now! I should know…I went through training right when I was out of the womb back in Shura, and some older martial artists told me all about my injuries! I cried for days from the pain that came at first, and the pain that came later: At first my muscles were just sore, but then my ligaments had been damaged and everything…God, we need to make sure Ryuu is okay!"
Suki spoke. "I....I don't know why they're not here." She said. About that time the ninja arrived.
Kenji felt their presence, but he could not contain his anger.

"Damnit, Suki! Why don't you want to help our son?!…" He spoke, a single tear falling as he tried to take the child back, carefully...

"I'll take him! Since you think it's okay to impose harsh training on a toddler!"
Suki felt her heart breaking. Why was Kenji being so mean to her? she'd enver want to harm her son! Much less start his training at such an early age. She felt tears of her own slip down her face. Without another word she left the site as the ninjas gently took Ryuu beginning to check him.
Suki felt her heart breaking. Why was Kenji being so mean to her? she'd enver want to harm her son! Much less start his training at such an early age. She felt tears of her own slip down her face. Without another word she left the site as the ninjas gently took Ryuu beginning to check him.

((My posts sometimes havent been coming through so if this is a repost forgive me because it doesn't show on mine.))
Kenji glared at Suki. Ryuu did in fact have some problems here and there, but nothing the doctor couldn't fix. Kenji of course, couldn't stay mad forever. Later, after using a sash to tie Ryuu to his back, he and the baby began to climb buildings and search for Suki...
Suki wasn't anywhere around it seemed. Accusing her of such horrible things had really hurt Suki deeply and it would take a lot on Kenji's part to win her back over.
Ryuu began to whimper. His cries echoed throughout. Kenji knew his son was hungry, and only his mother could breastfeed him at his age…Even if he couldn't win her back immediately, he had to get Ryuu to her. He knew she loved her son dearly, but Kenji himself couldn't fathom why she wouldn't allow any medical assistance.

Suki hadn't ran off, she was out to the market to try to calm down. She was coming back with groceries in her hands. She wouldn't just abandon them. And she wasn't trying to keep medical assitance away, she was simply trying to explain that somehow the other ninja's had somehow gotten seperated from them. It wasn't her fault. She looked up at him from the ground on her way home. "Yes?" she spoke.