Naruto: A Second Chance

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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Yea i read it ^^, Now just need @Skeie to post as well :3
It's fine, thanks for telling us ^^
I added my training percentages at the end of my character bio for easy reference. Also, did you decide whether or not you wanted to give any of us training for Hibiki's exercise in many things? Also, it seems the entirety of Team IDGAF is ready for the next day.
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Yea i did, but i'm reading over the entire fight so i know what you guys gained. Also we still have to wait for @Skeie @Ash Mortis @mahigan @Shoske and a few others to make posts about the changing time/replying to another post.
Alright i posted it.
Well feck, but we did plow through a lot of time.
Yes, yes you did, plus it was an easy fight for Hibiki so he didn't gain as much in stats XD
No, I was talkign about having to wait for others. We've had ourselves a grand time.
Aaaah okay, i understand ^^. Just think it would be kinda weird that your characters were in the next day while everyone else was still in the previous XD
Still here if anyone was wondering. Just chillin' out and waiting for the next day, unless someone wants to set up a night-time interaction or something.
Still need @Skeie to reply to my IC post alongside @mahigan and @Shoske to reply as well, since they were planning an interaction
Should give them a time limit since it looks like the majourity of us are on for the next day.
I'll give them till wednesday to post or i'm going to the next day. they still have around a week to post before their kicked though.
Don't forget that for genin every 5% in chakra they get +500 in the chakra amount, meaning Neji now has 2,500 Chakra ^^
Added the new stats and hopefully I did it right.. o.o

-Kumiko, your bossness is showing.

-Akihiko, you're starting to have the grace of a ballerina.
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