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(W) "You misunderstand, I am not with a group. I am just aware that in fact, you are a part of the advent. The pigeon comes only to those dropping food, where there is no food, there is no pigeon to accept the food. The pigeon does not flock to those teasing food, only when it is an absolute possibility. In other words, it is common knowledge that those voyaging to these lands bring additional coinage for the services of others keeping an eye out. Could explain it better, I don't think you have the legs to stand the information." He grinned, of course . . . Achelias could ask about it later.
(W) Achelias would of nodded and said "Alright I understand, well I defiantly owe you. I just got here today and i've had my life saved twice. I seriously need to be more cautious. Oh by the way what did you mean we have an hour before attracting unnecessary attention? I've been walking around like this for awhile but this place seems completely deserted almost with the exception of my group searching around" in a curious tone of voice.
(E2) "Now." Serdtse shattered the slab on the ground, the slab instantly absorbing the two of them into a void that made a bright light- a boom and an notification to Zaun that something had happened in the group. "Do you feel okay?" Serdtse asked, the sight of leaves falling in the air, the sky was covered in light and dark green leaves- absolutely massive amounts of people trafficking around them on the go, horses, cattle of all kinds- dirt roads and social context that would be impossible to understand due to the amount of people having conversation. Massive, absolutely massive trees that strung all the way up to the skyline straddled by spiral ramps that indeed, helped people along up the trees. Branches stretched in between one another in large bridges, protected by natural GreenPatch logs. The ground was littered with light and dark green mashed bits of leaves in the ground, it was a bright and sunny day- a day that declared a new beginning for Arin.

Arin has left the RP Area . . .

(TaterGattler the roleplayer remains within the current campaign.)
(W) Contendo walked along with his new 'dog' or rescue, which ever Achelias preferred, towards the nearest group . . . which was very easy for him to find. The reasoning behind the manner, well then, someone might have to find that out. "Your designated group leader should be around this corner, if they do show aggression I am expecting you to graciously explain the situation you were in; and that in fact, if it wasn't for me you would be dead. Understand?" He asked, only a brief glance he gave the crawling puppet- or whatever was left of the puppet.
(W) Achelias would of nodded and said "Alright, thank you for everything. Just follow behind me" in a friendly tone of voice as he crawled his way around the corner and would look to see if the group and his leader were there. If she was and if there was nothing wrong with them he would of stopped crawling to raise his hand to wave and said "Hey!" in a friendly tone of voice. Though raising his hand, his arm seemed to move clunky due to the bullet in his shoulder received from Contendo. If Contendo followed him Achelias would of said "Its okay, this man saved my life from this weird infected dog creature. The two people who you put me with were not actually people, they attacked me and nearly killed me. They got rid of my legs." in a slightly annoyed tone of voice but he still smiled before adding "But don't worry, I took care of them" in a more neutral tone of voice.
(W) "Madam" Yarn turned just as the group did, they were looking at some kind of instructions or possibly even a map. Though the context of the map seemed . . . in another language. She gave a surprised facial expression and looked down at Achelias. "Uh." Was the only thing she really said or at least for that moment. She reached into her pocket, taking out 10 golden coins and handing them up to Contendo. Which, he took ever so carelessly and pocketed them that instant- he gave no other words and decided to go off on his own. "I apologize for the inconvenience, I do wonder where your partners went? If those people weren't a part of the group, the group must also have more. I will dispatch assistance, as for you, I believe you ought to . . . find a way to fix yourself. My only emergency slabs lead to either GreenPatch, Pompeii, Frail or Heiwa. Do you have a preference?" Yarn asked, she took out a ticket and handed it to Achelias- it was in her back pocket. It was black and grey, looked to be for identification.
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(W) Achelias would of turned to Contendo "Thank you sir" in a friendly tone of voice before turning to Yarn. Achelias would of then turned to Yarn and said "Madam, like i said. I took care of them. Tom is missing a head and Guy got burned alive and cooked from the the armor he wore. They will no longer be a problem for the group." in a friendly tone of voice before saying "Ah well as much as I'd like to stay, I didn't think I'd end up in this kind of mess. I can fix myself up in Heiwa" in the same friendly tone of voice as he gently grabbed the ticket and slab she had handed him. He would of say "Good luck in the rest of your mission, Have a fantastic day" in a friendly tone of voice and then broke the slab to teleport to Heiwa.
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