My daughter wants to join the site.....

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Yea, but she'll get into those arguments regardless of the site she joins.
So unless if "Cutting her off from the Internet" is an option (which I greatly advise against).
It's basically a question of do you want it to be a website you have some access and insight to.
Ah... Ouch, then I see what you mean. Let me guess: A little on the defensive side too?

Only with me. The usual mother/teen power struggle. I don't understand what she's going through because I was never a 13 year old girl, and apparently my advice isn't as good as her friends' . I also don't understand what it's like to develop late while all my friends look like 18 year olds.

The joys of teenage girls.
Sounds... "Pleasant". While it's difficult imagine one parents as young (heck, I can't even imagine my dad being more social than a rock) that hurdle is higher when you're a teenager. You're used to your parents being, well, old.
Most grow out of it though, most.
Permission or not, she's going to make an account here, or RP Nation (Or Guild, or whatever it's called), or Gaia Online... You can't stop her unless you hardcore monitor her internet usage. And to a 13 year old, that's tantamount to reading her diary, reading her texts, reading her IMs, etc., etc..

You can't stop her without being That Mom.

Annnnnd she's 13, so... LOL GOOD LUCK.

Play it by ear, hun, without fucking her up too much or letting her get pregnant. You can do this!
Well, she's not pregnant yet, so I haven't fucked up too much. XD
more specifically, SHE hasn't fucked up that much

or gotten fucked that much


<stares into the grave he's been digging>

<looks up>

<realizes he wants to go to China because he's never been to China>

<opens mouth....>

And this is why Raz wouldn't be able to sit if he was my kid.
Personally I enjoy debates, but hate arguments.

Debates (in an informal social scenario) to me are more about people explaining their point of view; and possibly trying to convince others to agree with them. It usually is more concerned about facts, logic, reasoning, deductions, theories, and sometimes feelings, beliefs, but is generally more intellectual then arguments. Plus it usually entails more respect for each other and their right to have that opinion. Emotional investment -while there- is kept mostly in check; so that emotions like anger, hate, bitterness, are not allowed to flourish.

Most debates I get into in my social groups, usually spring up from discussions that become slight (they key being slightly) more heated when people discover they don't really share the same opinion. It then turns into a debate which usually pulls more people into it in support of either side, or possibly neutral, or just as an observer. We then debate; which concerns logic, reasoning, etc. as said above. And at the end everyone gets up, shakes hands, makes a few jokes, and walks away still friends (usually sometimes people can get too emotionally invested or not understand the difference between a debate and argument; in which case me and my friends usually explain and try to calm people down) and having had a good time with a lively discussion; and possibly with a changed opinion, better logic to defend it with, or questions to contemplate, and research in your own time in the hope of becoming better able to defend your point of view or have a point of view on the subject manner. Basically a debate is just a lively discussion when there are opposing views, but nothing more than that.

Quite often I find myself as a neutral party sort of like a unofficial judge/referee/moderator (there is usually a few of these in any group discussion) who can see both points of view and tries to make sure that no-one gets offended or hurt; and will make points that support or degrade either arguments; when they see that either side isn't conveying a particular point well enough and/or haven't thought of something that can support them and/or if their logic is flawed in the "moderators" opinion. But just because I fall into that category a lot doesn't mean I don't become one of the main debaters ever. I do occasionally and I still enjoy it. Its not about winning to me (although it is fun to make a very good point and/or to point out a fallacy within another person argument); necessarily its more about growing, and opening yourself to new ideas and empathising with those that have then, and if not changing your view, at least learning to defend it with better logic, while still respecting and empathising with others who have opposing opinion's.

Anyway's back to argument...

While arguments are usually more emotional investment and are spoken out of a place of anger, bitterness, disappoint, sadness, hatred, contempt, etc. and are less concerned with reasoning, logic, etc. and have little to no respect for each other's feeling and each other's rights to an opinion. Usually people leave feeling bad and with ill will directed at each other. These can ruin relationships and are just plain... bad.

Tl;DR: Arguments and debates are different. I think debates are good, and arguments are bad. I like debates, but dislike arguments.

...Anyway's that was a huge tangent/rant that is more relevant to the previous page than this one. Feel free to ignore this >.>

Also that needs to be a new word tangent/rant....trangent. It happens a lot; not just with me. >.>

Edit: Anyway's back to the daughter thing. I think opening her up to an environment with new ideas and people; who are generally supportive and kind; even while we make sarcastic, insane, and dark jokes about each other; could be a good idea. I'm a total supporter of balance parenting, but I think parent's are too inclined to shelter children rather then allow them develop by encountering diversity and adversity and in so doing grow. But that being said being an angsty 13 year old girl already has a bit to much of that so maybe wait.... like 3 years?
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You know..... Speaking of all things dangerous and weird online, I haven't seen my stalker around. I was sure he'd pop in to add some pokerotic comment.
Debates VS Arguments
Generally I find this is also a good philosophy to follow, both in regards to debates and simply everyday life and how one absorbs information.

Also if your daughters on this side she can be exposed to cool ideas like my above mentioned rant. *is current unsure if that is a pro or con argument*

Also can't see what you posted Gwazi; its blocked for me. Probably because of my country.
Also can't see what you posted Gwazi; its blocked for me. Probably because of my country.
Gah! That's the second time it's happened. >.<
Wait so is that... an erotic-poke comment or an erotic pokemon comment.... I'm imagining some Rule 34 shit right now....*shudders*

Search Charizarding. Enough said.
Anyways, I posted Neil deGrasse Tyson's speech at the end of his Cosmos series.
About the rules of finding information, learning new things, running tests, looking the evidence, being ready to be wrong etc.
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From my perspective, there are going to be jerks everywhere who poke and prod at the sensitive types because they get a rise from drama. It doesn't matter to them if their point in nothing but a load of bullshit, all that matters to them is the attention they can get from stirring up the pot.

Fortunately, from my time here I have seen very little of that, which is the main reason I considered letting her join. I can't shield her from every asshole out there and I'd end up going insane if I tried. At least here I can monitor what gets said to a degree and step in to my mama bear role if need be, without it looking too bad on her part. She's not an instigator like her father can be, but she definitely isn't afraid to keep things going and she hasn't quite grasped the concept of not feeding the trolls yet.

My major concern in all honesty is the attention seekers who make outrageous claims of a horrible life to manipulate the more naive individuals that buy into that stuff. That's everywhere as well, but again, I haven't seen too much of it on here.
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Okaaay this isn't going to end well...


Well that is... fucking insanely hilarious. Revolting and insane, but still hilarious.

Welcome to the pokerotic club. You have now lost your pokemon virginity. You will never be able to look at Charizard the same again!
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she hasn't quite grasped the concept of not feeding the trolls yet.
To be fair, I'm 20 and I'm still working on truly grasping this concept.
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