Music and Romance

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"You can look now Sophie." Ruffling her hair a bit as he continued to drink his goblet of blood.
Roxie removed her hands from Sophie's eyes once he was done changing. Sophie smiled, "Okay." The little girl said.

Roxie let out a sigh, and smiled at him as well. "I have to admit I was afraid they weren't going to be happy with us being together. Which kind of makes me surprised that they accepted it for now. But, I think there's some things we should talk about regarding it, without little miss Sophie."
"As did I. But things could always go wrong. Don't be too hopeful. Yes, I do agree. Perhaps when she's asleep tonight?"
Roxie nodded, "I know. They could decide something different." Then she gave him a smile, "Right. We'll talk about it when Sophie goes to bed."

"Aw, I want to listen." Sophie replied.

"It's grown up things Sophie, you wouldn't care about it anyway." Roxie said back.

"Okay, if you say so." Sophie paused, "I wanna play something together."
Nicolas nodded in agreement.

"What do you have mind?"

Nicolas enjoyed playing and spending time with her.
Sophie began to think about what she wanted to do, "I wanna play tea party." She said. It was another thing that Sophie liked to do a lot, Roxie didn't quite get why.

"If that's what you want, then we'll do that." Roxie responded with a smile.
"Do i have stuff for tea party?"

He thought for a moment but wasn't sure. "I guess we could, sure why not."
"Yay!" Sophie said, who jumped off of Roxie and rushed over to Nicolas. She grabbed his hand and smiled up at him, "Then let's get it all ready. Can we invite everyone else too?"

Roxie laughed, she did enjoy Sophie being so excited and happy. It was also nice to see her much better with guys. "If the guys would like to, but I don't want you to force them."

"I won't promise, we'll just ask if they can." The little girl replied.
"Alright then, how about Roxie and I get everything ready and you can go and ask the others." Nicolas offered to Sophie. He knew how excited she was and smiled at her. He didn't want to bring her hopes her down.
"Okay!" Sophie replied, with a giggle. "I'll go ask them." And with that the little girl ran off to find the others.

Roxie laughed as she watched the little girl run away in excitement. "She always loves tea parties." Roxie said as she got up to go with Nicolas to get the items they needed. She took hold of his hand, "Well, let's make a tea party then shall we."
Nicolas pulled her into his embrace and spun her around. "Yes, let's. I've been thinking you would make an excellent vampire bride." He said teasingly as he placed his fangs upon her neck and kissed her softly. "Little girls always enjoy tea parties. I have stuff upstairs in the attic." He led her upstairs and brought down all the items he had.
Roxie blushed lightly when he kissed her neck. "I hope that's not your way of proposing, I'd like something more than just that." She joked along with him, then nodded. "Alright, then to the attic. I'm glad you have something, if not it probably would have been fine to get whatever there was and just pretend it was for a tea party."
"In time you will see. I can't promise everything." He turned to face Roxie. "I have everything for an exquisite tea party, my daughter wanted to do it all the time so I got her the best there was before she passed and before I managed to turn her once she became of age." One they were in the attic. He pulled out an old chest that was located in the far back of the attic away from everything else and it hadn't seen to be touched in a very long time. "I hope everything is still intact." He opened the chest carefully and sighed. "Everything is still here, nothing has been broken." Nicolas held back his tears as he looked through it. Flashbacks occurred in his mind. "I remember playing with her, her little hands, so delicate, so innocent. It's a shame the plague took her and her mother."
Roxie followed him up to the attic, watching as he got the chest and opened it up. She could tell it was hard for him to look at them. She felt upset suddenly, feeling bad for him losing the people who were dear to him the most. It made her feel worse when she thought about the life he had had before her, almost giving her a bit jealously. But, that wasn't right, they were gone now and it was wrong that she would feel like that. "It is terrible, I'm sorry Nicolas." Roxie replied, she touched him shoulder gently with her hand.
He smiled at her taking hold of her hand and kissing it ever so lightly. "It's alright. Just been ages since I opened this up. The last time I looked at these was when I was putting them away after her death. I never figured I would see these again. But they belong to Sophie now and I'm sure she will take good care of them." He closed the chest and brought it downstairs carefully.
She was glad that he seemed to be looking at the bright side. Roxie nodded, "And Sophie will be very happy to accept them. She always wanted to have a set like this to use. At home, we really only used what we could find lying around the house." She followed Nicolas back down, making sure he was okay with carrying the chest down also. All that was left was setting it up and seeing if Sophie had found the others yet.
"I need to go outside for a bit. Can you do the set up? this is a bit hard for me right now." He said trying not to cry. It wasn't often he looked back on his past. "Well I'm glad she would like it. It's very old." he said before stepping out on to the porch to cry softly so Roxie doesn't see.
"Uh, yeah." Roxie said, her smile fading away. She opened up the chest and began to carefully set up their tea party. She understood how he felt, and she was upset for him as well but it was also hard to think about him and his past life with him wife and child. She let out a sigh, and continued to work on setting up the tea party.
He pulled himself together and stepped back in. "Sorry about that." He hugged her tightly. "A lot of flashbacks happened all at once. Is everything ready for Sophie's tea party?" Tickling her sides a bit.
"It's alright." Roxie replied, "Yeah. I have it all set up, now we just need Sophie and the others if their coming. I hope she didn't end up getting lost, this house is much bigger than our last one."
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