Murder Tale VI: Space Jam [Non-Canon]

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And then Eruna just took a nap. Fun was fun, but she'd gotten a bit dizzy.

Unless those demons could deal with a girl who could fly to the moon in seconds and promptly blow a hole through it, good luck.

"OH TRUST ME I CAN!" Jeanne shot back after her failed attempt to steal the ball.
Motoko shouts for the ball to be passed to her.

@whoever has the fucking ball.
Motoko attempts another steal

Isaiah quietly stepped off the court and went to join Wild Dog in wondering how the game was supposed to be played.

Emalf, too overwhelmed to do anything, sits down in Section C and hugs his body pillow

Because he's totally not terrified right now.


@I give up​
Lighting her cigarette and and taking a deep breath, the nun blew out a puff of smoke as she clicked her teeth.
"Eat me, Revy. But don't think for a second I ain't gonna get even."

After that little growl, the nun glanced back at the clamoring Far Side cast, then looking up to the ceiling as if to ask God if this was some kind of dumb punishment.

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