Murder Tale I: Limited Starkweather Edition [Non-Canon]

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I looked at the guy approaching me, "For the most part. And yourself?" I stood gaugeing the threat. He was cute to be honest but I will keep that to myself, for now anyways. I noticed weapons everywhere, and looked for something I could use for a weapon as I waited for an answer. For some reason though I felt hungry and slightly in need of a joint.
"....for the most part." replied Cody after a 3 second pause, he looked to the mans face, he was rather good looking, but skinny, and looked to be no use physically. Cody took a step towards the guy and extended his hand, for a handshake.

"I'm Cody. I assume you're @La Muerte?"
Taking advantage of my ally's shield, I grab the food at the tables, stuffing them in my hoodie pocket. If I were to loose my hoodie, it would not be good. After grabbing all the food I could fit, I grab Nate's hand, tugging on it so he knows to look down and pay attention to me.

"I've grabbed all I could. I think we're good. Let's try to find (( @JextheShadow ))," I said, and moved away from the table. I stood on my tiptoes, trying to see him over the people. No such luck.

"Do you see him yet? We need to get as many allies as possible to maximize our chance of surviving.." I frowned, pouting my lips a bit, looking through the crowd for a Murder veteran I might recognize.

@murder veterans
The voice of the teen in the blue hoodie echos throughout the room, asking for teammates...
An exit sign, a good thing maybe. It might get them out of this damned hospital. Though whatevers outside may not be any better than being cooped up inside the decaying building.
Steathily moving along, trying to keep as quiet as possible on her footsteps Laura followed along with the group through the hallways towards the door the revealed the city beyond.
If she didn't have to come back here any time soon she would be happy. Not to look around her shoulder every few minutes into the dimly lit rooms that held various equiptment, shadows that plagued her mind.

As the door swung open Laura took a look at what was Carcer city.

@Reaper Jack
@The Gil

(Signing off also since its 4 am.)
$500,000 or death? Not really a good deal there. $2,000,000, now that's real money.

Jake stood up slowly, rubbing his head where a headache was forming. First, the murder game, now a migraine. Not a great day.

Presents though, that sounds good. Maybe I should check that out.

Walking into the hallway, he reached into his pockets to take stock of his possessions. Two pencils and some pennies. At least the pencils were sharp.

Inside the lobby, he leaned against a wall by the door. If this was a trap, he wanted to be the first one out. While he waited, he took the time to study the other participants.
The voice of the teen in the blue hoodie echos throughout the room, asking for teammates...
I slam the brakes just I am about to make a dash down a hall and do a "about-face" to face the young man. I walk halfway over and stare him dead in the eye. "So why should me and Nat here help you? We got someone to find." I then turned back to Nat with a quizzical look on my face. "What do ya think Nat?"
Jack looked tough. Apparently, he already had put in his head what his group would be and who he would be walking with. As for Gil, he wasn't sure yet. Looking at that bunch of stuff it actually looked like there were food and water enough for everyone. Not weapons though. But still, they could build a bigger group than that one. No way they such a little group could make it out of that hospital. Gil started to think, if there was food there, then that meant they would need it. If they were just locked on a hospital, they wouldn't be needing that for long. There was something else, outside... They would eventually need a bigger group so that they could split with safety... His eyes took sight of a familiar face. It was Xibilation, although he couldn't remember if he had her through name before, but her face... She had posted a picture once. He also looked familiar face, one he would always call "Rainbow" for not remembering his entire name. Since Gage was fighting for now, Gil thought it wouldn't hard to chat with the rest of the people. He waved at Rainbow (( @TheColourlessRainbow )) and walked to Xibilation.

"So, you're here too. Akibahara must be all over you".
I nodded as I also looked around for that fellow who ran off without Nat. "Damn, I can't find the bastard" I jumped up onto the table to get a better view of the room, he is no where in sight. "He probably ran off somewhere, let's go find him." I said as took off into the same hall everyone else headed down, I slammed on the brakes when I saw Cody trying to get into Jack's alliance. "Yo Cody, Ya wanna come with me and Nat here.?"
I grinned when I saw Gil. Finally, a familiar face. "Actually, I haven't seen him. I was under the impression he was the creepy guy who got all of us here." My eyes skimmed the crowd heading out the door one last time. "Yeah, I do see a couple of other familiar people, though."

Nate started walking with the others, and I followed him. Gil might have, too. I saw Nate motioning for another person to walk over. "Oh, Gil, by the way, the guy with the country accent over there is Nate. I'm Nat."
I slam the brakes just I am about to make a dash down a hall and do a "about-face" to face the young man. I walk halfway over and stare him dead in the eye. "So why should me and Nat here help you? We got someone to find." I then turned back to Nat with a quizzical look on my face. "What do ya think Nat?"
The figure does brandish a bat, and has a ton of food and water hidden under his sweatshirt, but they only know about the bat.
The figure does brandish a bat, and has a ton of food and water hidden under his sweatshirt, but they only know about the bat.
I do realize that the teen has a bat, which defiantly would come in useful if my group got into a scrap. Also, there was the possibility that he had food and water. Still, I looked back at Nat, waiting for her two cents.
The figure does brandish a bat, and has a ton of food and water hidden under his sweatshirt, but they only know about the bat.
I narrow my eyes, looking at him quizzically. "I don't know. Depends whether you're a rapist or not. I can't really see your face." I took a breath, gesturing to myself, Gil, and Nate. "Nat, Gil, and Nate. You are...."

All the guys had started calling me Nat, so I just introduced myself as that. It made things easier. And since I was gaining more confidence and had a better idea of what was going on, I unintentionally started acting all leader-y.

Oh boy.

Inside, I was freaking out, but seeing faces I knew put me a little at ease. There was still a traitor, though, so I had to keep my eyes open.

Fucking Murder games...

@The Last Outlaw
@The Gil
"....for the most part." replied Cody after a 3 second pause, he looked to the mans face, he was rather good looking, but skinny, and looked to be no use physically. Cody took a step towards the guy and extended his hand, for a handshake.

"I'm Cody. I assume you're @La Muerte?"

"Good god how did you know?" I asked shocked, holding my hand out to greet the guy, "But anyways the name is Tyler Lee, and you?" I just stood there shaking his hand. I still think the idea of a weapon sounded great but my manners told me to wait and be polite. "Another good question are you @TheColourlessRainbow ?"
"Good god how did you know?" I asked shocked, holding my hand out to greet the guy, "But anyways the name is Tyler Lee, and you?" I just stood there shaking his hand. I still think the idea of a weapon sounded great but my manners told me to wait and be polite. "Another good question are you @TheColourlessRainbow ?"
"Good god how did you know?" asked La muerte shocked as he held out his hand to greet Cody. Cody's thin pink lips formed a smile, his hand shake ending seconds after it begun. 'Hmm....' thought Cody, his eyes moving to Tyler's.

"Another good question are you TheColourlessRainbow?" asked Tyler Lee. Cody took a step towards Tyler,

"Yes, but which as much as I would like to be chatting with you darling, we should go. Or at the least I should, I don't like being around all these people....I have a bad feeling about it." spoke Cody as he pointed towards the front doors of the hospital lobby, then towards his hoodie pocket.

"I have water, we'll just need food if you come along, which I think I would like, what you say?"

@La Muerte
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"Good god how did you know?" asked La muerte shocked as he held out his hand to greet Cody. Cody's thin pink lips formed a smile, his hand shake ending seconds after it begun. 'Hmm....' thought Cody, his eyes moving to Tyler's.

"Another good question are you TheColourlessRainbow?" asked Tyler Lee. Cody took a step towards Tyler,

"Yes, but which as much as I would like to be chatting with you darling, we should go. Or at the least I should, I don't like being around all these people....I have a bad feeling about it." spoke Cody as he pointed towards the front doors of the hotel lobby, then towards his hoodie pocket.

"I have water, we'll just need food if you come along, which I think I would like, what you say?"

@La Muerte
(( You mean hospital lobby? xD ))
"Good god how did you know?" asked La muerte shocked as he held out his hand to greet Cody. Cody's thin pink lips formed a smile, his hand shake ending seconds after it begun. 'Hmm....' thought Cody, his eyes moving to Tyler's.

"Another good question are you TheColourlessRainbow?" asked Tyler Lee. Cody took a step towards Tyler,

"Yes, but which as much as I would like to be chatting with you darling, we should go. Or at the least I should, I don't like being around all these people....I have a bad feeling about it." spoke Cody as he pointed towards the front doors of the hotel lobby, then towards his hoodie pocket.

"I have water, we'll just need food if you come along, which I think I would like, what you say?"

@La Muerte

"Well food sounds nice but so does something to defend myself." I admitted my cobalt eyes flashing a bit of insanity. Yet the food did sound more appealing. I shrugged looking at TheColourlessRainbow and smiled, "Do you know here I can get a pistol, or a knife, or a rifle, or a shotgun, or something?" Me being completely oblivious to the weapons in the lobby. Or was it the smile that Cody had given me that threw me off, nevertheless I didn't even notice the weapons.

I narrow my eyes, looking at him quizzically. "I don't know. Depends whether you're a rapist or not. I can't really see your face." I took a breath, gesturing to myself, Gil, and Nate. "Nat, Gil, and Nate. You are...."

All the guys had started calling me Nat, so I just introduced myself as that. It made things easier. And since I was gaining more confidence and had a better idea of what was going on, I unintentionally started acting all leader-y.

Oh boy.

Inside, I was freaking out, but seeing faces I knew put me a little at ease. There was still a traitor, though, so I had to keep my eyes open.

Fucking Murder games...

@The Last Outlaw
@The Gil
He chuckles a bit. Wow, rapist. Really?

"No, I'm not a Rapist. Name's Grant by the way." He says warmly. He takes off his hood showing his young face, only 16. He seemed friendly at this moment. He then puts his hood back on.
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"Well food sounds nice but so does something to defend myself." I admitted my cobalt eyes flashing a bit of insanity. Yet the food did sound more appealing. I shrugged looking at TheColourlessRainbow and smiled, "Do you know here I can get a pistol, or a knife, or a rifle, or a shotgun, or something?" Me being completely oblivious to the weapons in the lobby. Or was it the smile that Cody had given me that threw me off, nevertheless I didn't even notice the weapons.

"Well food sounds nice but so does something to defend myself." stated Tyler. Tyler shrugged and smiled,

"Do you know where I can get a pistol, or a knife, or a riffle, or a shotgun, or something?" asked Tyler.

"Honestly, I don't. Theirs only five weapons, and shortly a riot over them will start." started Cody, his feet moving him a couple of steps back. His hand extanded out, a smiled across his lips.

"We can find something inside the hospital if you don't wanna leave unarmed, but lets please get away from all these people. It's making me uneasy." asked Cody, his greenish blue eyes giving off a sparkle.

"I promise I don't bite. Hard." mumbled Cody.

@La Muerte
"Well food sounds nice but so does something to defend myself." stated Tyler. Tyler shrugged and smiled,

"Do you know where I can get a pistol, or a knife, or a riffle, or a shotgun, or something?" asked Tyler.

"Honestly, I don't. Theirs only five weapons, and shortly a riot over them will start." started Cody, his feet moving him a couple of steps back. His hand extanded out, a smiled across his lips.

"We can find something inside the hospital if you don't wanna leave unarmed, but lets please get away from all these people. It's making me uneasy." asked Cody, his greenish blue eyes giving off a sparkle.

"I promise I don't bite. Hard." mumbled Cody.

@La Muerte

I gave a soft giggle ant Cody's last remark, "Nor do I." I looked around, "What about a pawn shop or something because isn't this a whole city?" Looking at the crowd, which was undoubtedly other RPers, it did make him feel a bit uneasy. "Because the idea of getting out sounds fucking great and I don't want to fight over weapons like a savage for chist sake."

I gave a soft giggle ant Cody's last remark, "Nor do I." I looked around, "What about a pawn shop or something because isn't this a whole city?" Looking at the crowd, which was undoubtedly other RPers, it did make him feel a bit uneasy. "Because the idea of getting out sounds fucking great and I don't want to fight over weapons like a savage for chist sake."

Ah, Tyler's giggle was a sweet tone to Cody's ears. He smiled and walked towards the front doors before stopping, answering Tyler question,

"I don't know, could be a whole city, we'll have to go outside to find out." said Cody as he walked to Tyler, and tugged on his shirt, then walked towards the front doors.

@La Muerte
Ah, Tyler's giggle was a sweet tone to Cody's ears. He smiled and walked towards the front doors before stopping, answering Tyler question,

"I don't know, could be a whole city, we'll have to go outside to find out." said Cody as he walked to Tyler, and tugged on his shirt, then walked towards the front doors.

@La Muerte

I fell close behind Cody, following him through the doors. I wonder why we all got kidnapped, yet again I still fell somehow or another this was Ali's fault but it was just a guess, maybe it was the fact he liked trouble when he GMed. Oh well we are all here now and it is what it is.

"So weapons then food sound good? I hope you can shoot a gun though because I don't want to have to cover every side of us." I laughed half picking at Cody.

(...I hope I don't get killed off one of these days for being so freaking late to join in again)

It had all gone too fast – and before the Smiley face's words could fully sink in: I was drowning again. Though it wasn't darkness from a sudden rush of pain I was suffering from this time – it was fear. The frantic rhythmic beating of my heart was only interrupted by my own frayed thoughts.

Calm down Nia you're just dreaming. I just fell asleep while slacking on my homework again – a stupid nightmare. You'll wake up in a sec, so just breath. Though as I sucked in air it felt weird – heavy as it filled my lungs; shifting my eyes to the discarded mask I could barely recall taking off, my mind was racing again. Desflurane?! Wh-what's that? Crap. I won't die right?

A humorless laugh pushed through my lips, what the fuck are you asking yourself for? It's not like you know anything. Running a trembling hand across my face the thought was pushed to the back of my mind – it's just a dream anyway… And I do know stuff – glancing wearily at the rusty door, my heart thumps fiercely. Stuff like that there's others out there or should be…w-what an elaborate dream. A small frown tugging on my lips, my hands rest flat on the table, preparing to push myself off – might as well see where this goes before I wake up…

Though, before I could fully understand what was happening I was falling – my legs like archers pulling me to the ground. Ow, shit that hur – wait! Ow?! It hurts, it fucking hurts for real meaning – I'm no…t dreaming?

Catch the traitor.

Th-that's not…

There is one amongst you.

It can't be…!

Listen to me, and your chance of survival increases

Holy fucking shit, Nia – what the hell have you gotten yourself into?
It was a rather long day at school. I was kind of grateful that we ended half an hour earlier than our usual dismissal time. I heard there was some leaving examinations the seniors were taking. Some classmates asked me study with them at the nearby Starbucks or library, I declined. It was an early dismissal and I want to get back home. The homework kept piling up despite the fact that the End of Year examinations were going to start next Monday. Shouldn't they let us study instead of giving homework? Anyway, I'm glad I survived the day. Then again, I'm dreading the next. I felt so lethargic and the weather was so hot! Opening the front door, I walked into my house, slipping off my school shoes. "I'm home~" I called out.

"Welcome back~" my brother greeted from his spot on the couch, eyes glued onto the computer. I climbed up the stairs and went into my room, throwing my school bag onto the bed. Mother and father wasn't back from work yet. I didn't bother changing out of my uniform.


Homework can wait. I switched on my laptop and went onto Iwakuroleplay. I've been frequenting the website since the beginning of this year. It was like an escape for me and also a practice for writing. Glancing at the Alerts icon, there wasn't a red sign except for the Inbox icon. It was rare for me to receive messages from anyone. Opening the message, it was from a user named 'Akibahara', inviting me to join a murder rp. Of course, I decided to join since it's been awhile that I roleplayed. Most of the groups I joined kind of died.

A few hours later
I got up my seat in front of the laptop. I had to finish my homework before my parents got back. As I turned around to retrieve my school bag, darkness came over me. The last thing I saw was two pair of red goggles looking at me.
I don't know how long later
My eyes shot open, a gas mask over my mouth. I could hear my heart pounding, my eyes drifted everywhere as I sat up, "Where am I...? Am I still in Singapore?"

The first thing I did was to check my body parts, in case I was bleeding somewhere. Luckily, I wasn't. My thoughts somehow drifted to my younger brother. I wonder if he realized I'm gone... No, for all you know, this might be a dream!! I looked down at the outfit I was wearing. Ew... I'm still in uniform. I made a disgusted look, looking down at the polka dotted uniform. My tie wasn't knotted to the top and I broke some school rules by altering my skirt.

Suddenly, a TV set started buzzing in the dim room. My attention quickly turned to the TV as a guy with a leather jacket and gloves appeared on the screen. There were no features on his face except the two long vertical cuts on the place where the eyes were supposed to be and a long cut that's supposed to form a smile. His overall appearance creeped me out as I moved further back into the bed, my back almost touching the wall. He spoke;​


Hello everyone. Welcome to your first night of rebirth. For the past few months, perhaps years of your life, you've enjoyed living a fantasy. This 'roleplaying': Your illusion, your escape, your DRUG, from such a cold, cruel outside world. [A pause] There are 24 of you. Most, if not all, of you are interconnected in a way you'll soon discover. For the next seven days, you'll experience REAL roleplaying: A real Murder Game. If you win, you return home with $500,000 via anonymous electronic payment – if you lose, you go home empty handed.

Catch the traitor.

There is one amongst you.

Listen to me, and your chance of survival increases: The door will open, head out into the hospital lobby. The Director has presents.


[The screen dies out.]
This is just a dream, right? I pinched my left arm. I winced slightly, This can 't be true... Wait... there's more here?! And a traitor...? This was starting to get confusing. What the hell did I get myself into. I started searching the room around me, noticing 23 more beds. All of a sudden, I heard a buzz coming from the door that led into the hallway. I walked down the long hallway, shivering slightly at my surroundings. I've seen this kind of setting in games and in movies, I didn't expect to be in one!

Congratulations! You've reached The Hospital Lobby.
You walk through the shabby Hospital floors, there's broken shelves, furniture scattered everywhere, with lights flickering on and off. Looking out a shattered window, you realize it's still night time. No rain. You could see little shadowy figures walk to and fro outside. Mm, you hope you don't run into them... but who knows, you may.

The Hospital Lobby was just as dirty and rotting away like any part of the Hospital units. White paint was peeled away, graffiti littered the walls, a half-moth eaten couch lay there, overturned, but something caught your attention – weapons, food, water and earpieces – a large marble table, possibly worth thousands of dollars, sat there with a lamppost shining overhead.

There was 24 earpieces, each shaped in different sizes, individually crafted to fit your earlobe. Beneath each earpiece was a name: 'Adam', 'Laura', 'Nate', etc. It looked like a bluetooth. Whoever 'The Director' is, wants you to wear them.

Unfortunately, you counted five weapons: A stainless steel machete, a fire ax, a metal baseball bat, flashlight, and a 9mm Beretta (x12 rounds). Everyone else was forced to scavenge off the dead or hide behind. I'd suggest some brave motherfuckers take the weapons first.

Oh, and obviously, food... mostly Gatorade bottles and pre-cooked TV Dinners sat there.​
Somehow, I ended up in what seems to be a lobby. A hospital lobby, in fact. The whole lobby just screamed eerie to me. Since I left the room, I could feel my heart pounding and I also felt as though I was being watched. Crying wasn't an option, nor was shouting for mother and father. They won't come. I was alone. And, there's others around me too but they seemed preoccupied with themselves, I decided to leave them alone.

As I paced around the lobby, since I didn't know what to do, a table caught my eye. There were weapons, food, water and earpieces. Wait, earpieces?! What were they for? Apparently, there were names beneath each earpiece. Most of the names she saw seemed so familiar though she couldn't recognize where she saw them from. They're like those keychains with the names you see in the store. Batrisyia. It's an uncommon name, hard to pronounce, easy to misspell. I used to get upset whenever I couldn't find my names on one of those keychains. I searched for my name. A few seconds later, I saw my name beneath an earpiece. I picked it up, and placed it in my right ear. I didn't picked up any weapons, I wasn't that confident in those kind of things.

The group before me left, I wasn't sure where they went but they seemed close. A guy asked if anyone wanted to be his teammate or something. I should look for someone to be with, being alone wasn't good for someone in a place like this. I looked around, noticing that the ones left were mostly guys. Biting the inside of my cheek, my gaze fell to the ground. Why oh why did I go to an all girl school... I grabbed two bottles of water and some food, before looking for a door out of this place. I walked down the dark hallways, occasionally saying "HELLO?!" aloud. Fear overtook me as I glanced around my dark surroundings.

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