Murder House

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Aleks kinda jumped at the touch of nova's arm around him. Now that his mind has almost broken down or what he thought it already did. " I-I do not think that I can... live... here anymore..." He trailed off to try and not have nova hear him. But aleks undoubtedly knew she would hear him. You could almost see the tears running down his face if he did not put his head in between his legs.
Aleks mental state: Calming down. Near mental break, crying, violent shaking. Aleks thoughts: I have to leave this house.
"I know, Aleks, I know," Nova replied softly, "it's a pretty fucked-up place to live. Even for me - I'd leave in a heartbeat if I could... and if I, yaknow, had a heartbeat..."

She had no idea if what she was saying was helping. Aleks was still shaking, sobbing... fuck, am I that bad at this?
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Aleks was just glad that nova was there. Much less trying to help him.

Aleks kinda jumped at nova and rapped his arms around her back and he placed his head on top of her right shoulder, hugging her tightly, At this point he just wanted someone there and not trying to kill him. It is almost that the ghost,barbed wire thing made him turn into a child of some sort. " Promise me you will not go away from me..."

More tears rolled down his face, dripping onto the floor and some on novas sweat shirt. Poor nova she has to deal with this, and her wear shirt. Those tears may never come out of that fabric.
Aleks was just glad that nova was there. Much less trying to help him.
Aleks kinda jumped at nova and rapped his arms around her back and he placed his head on top of her right shoulder, hugging her tightly, At this point he just wanted someone there and not trying to kill him. It is almost that the ghost,barbed wire thing made him turn into a child of some sort. " Promise me you will not go away from me..."
More tears rolled down his face, dripping onto the floor and some on novas sweat shirt. Poor nova she has to deal with this, and her wear shirt. Those tears may never come out of that fabric.
Nova froze for a moment, not quite used to people getting so close to her, but then put her arms around Aleks. "I'm not going anywhere," she assured him, holding him while he cried on her shoulder. "Not like I have many options as for places to go, anyway..."

Probably not the time to say shit like that, Nova.
Aleks at this point, is starting to calm down not really shaking as much but still scared for his life. And for being so scared and still scared for his life he really cant think right. " I remembered your birthday because I remember annie talking about it and I marked it down to get you something. "

He squeezed nova a bit tighter, " I'm sorry if you did not like it, or thought it was weird. It was all I could really think of..." Once again trailing off into a mumble to try and not be heard again.

Once aleks could not cry no more and stopped shaking mostly... " I am sorry to have you see me like this. I am sorry to put you through this."
Aleks at this point, is starting to calm down not really shaking as much but still scared for his life. And for being so scared and still scared for his life he really cant think right. " I remembered your birthday because I remember annie talking about it and I marked it down to get you something. "
He squeezed nova a bit tighter, " I'm sorry if you did not like it, or thought it was weird. It was all I could really think of..." Once again trailing off into a mumble to try and not be heard again.
Once aleks could not cry no more and stopped shaking mostly... " I am sorry to have you see me like this. I am sorry to put you through this."
"It's fine, really. Everyone gets scared, especially living in a house chock full of dead people. Honestly, I'm surprised that this is the first time," Nova told him. "And the smokes were a great gift; especially since I wasn't expecting to get anything. Thank you."
Jerking awake at the sound of a loud voice echoing through the house, Parker quickly jumped from the bed and to his feet. Still shirtless, he ran and half jumped down the stairs an slid into the bathroom. Seeing Nova consoling Aleks he said, "What the f**k is going on? You two alright? I heard some kind of weird yelling."

Seeing Aleks shaking so badly and seeming so frightened struck a chord with Parker. He remembered being that scared as a child, trapped living with his father. He couldn't help but sympathize. "Hey, man. I know I'm not the nicest guy in the world but don't be afraid. Tell me what happened, if you want, and I'll watch your back next time. Sound good?" He said with a reassuring smile. Parker was by all means a selfless person. Putting himself in any kind of danger to protect someone if he felt like they deserved it. This just happened to be one of those instances.
( Ah welcome back parker to the land of the living! ) Hearing parker walk, well run, down the stairs made him jump a bit, the door opening with a slam also did not help, but once he saw that it was parker he relaxed. " I think I am ok now..."

He let his arms fall to the ground and slump out of novas arms, to rest his back on the shower wall. Trying to regulate his breathing. "Thanks you two..."

Aleks mental status: Calming down. Hyperventilating. Aleks thoughts: It could have just been a daydream... Right?
Aurora wandered into the bathroom with Parker, Nova, and Aleks. "You guys are way too fucking loud, it's like 11 am." She scolded, never having been a morning person; even in her death. Aurora looked around the claustrophobic bathroom, immediately feeling the tense and worried atmosphere, a talent she's had since living. "What did I miss?"
(edited, sorry Evan Peters was occupying my thoughts)
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(Who's Peter? lol) "Ehh calm your ass down." Parker said to Aurora. "Everyone should be awake by now the bunch of lazy asses." Running his hands through his hair he sighed and looked back to Aleks. "Well, I'll give you some space, pal. Just give me a shout if, whatever it was, happens again." Exiting the bathroom, Parker made his way to the kitchen and sat on the counter.
Aurora wandered into the bathroom with Peter, Nova, and Aleks. "You guys are way too fucking loud, it's like 11 am." She scolded, never having been a morning person; even in her death. Aurora looked around the claustrophobic bathroom, immediately feeling the tense and worried atmosphere, a talent she's had since living. "What did I miss?"
"Aleks saw... something. I dunno what it was, but it freaked him out," Nova informed her, looking up with an uncharacteristically concerned expression. Help me out....
"Aleks saw... something. I dunno what it was, but it freaked him out," Nova informed her, looking up with an uncharacteristically concerned expression. Help me out....
(Who's Peter? lol) "Ehh calm your ass down." Parker said to Aurora. "Everyone should be awake by now the bunch of lazy asses." Running his hands through his hair he sighed and looked back to Aleks. "Well, I'll give you some space, pal. Just give me a shout if, whatever it was, happens again." Exiting the bathroom, Parker made his way to the kitchen and sat on the counter.
Aurora glared at Parker as he exited the bathroom, she found him to be a huge pain in the ass. Turning her attention back to Nova and Aleks she bit her bottom lip. "If anyone else is in this house we're going to need to find him pretty soon. Do you remember what it looked like, sounded like?" Aurora asked Aleks, taking on the familiar role of comforter.
He really did not want to think of it. But he tried. " It was a man, wrapped in barbed wire. Black blood pouring from his eyes. " He could not remember much more. Trying to keep the image out of his mind was his first priority.

Mental state: Mostly calm. Little shivers, most likely from just the cold of the house. Coughs sometimes. Over all now fine.
He really did not want to think of it. But he tried. " It was a man, wrapped in barbed wire. Black blood pouring from his eyes. " He could not remember much more. Trying to keep the image out of his mind was his first priority.
Mental state: Mostly calm. Little shivers, most likely from just the cold of the house. Coughs sometimes. Over all now fine.
She nodded at Aleks, he really didn't deserve the shit that her, the other ghosts, and the house, gave him. "That sounds pretty terrifying, worse than Annie when she's having a fit." Aurora knew from experience that when comforting someone, always validate how they felt or feel. "Well, when you're ready to talk more about this barbed wire asshole or remember if he said anything, you know that you can talk to any of us. Even Parker." She assured Aleks, nodding at Nova, "In fact you should probably stay around Nova just in case he appears again. She'll be able to hear and see him better than you can."
Richard was listening in on the conversation they were all having. He was enjoying this little game. He felt a sadistic grin come across his face as he moved around the basement trying to think of who to strike next. There was always the little girl, she was always howling at whatever moved. Perhaps it was time that she faced the person who had killed her all those years ago. Richard formed back to his mortal form back to the glasses and suit. He moved up the stairs looking throughout the house. He messed with his glasses like he was nervous and was breathing heavily. He moved over to the bathroom and looked at the two girls and Aleks.
"Is... Is every, everything okay?" He was faking a nervous stutter and shaking slightly as he looked at them. He had seen another man walk off but that didn't concern him at the moment. Then he moved around to see a small girl sitting in the kitchen it was her, it was the girl he had murdered. Yet he focused his attention back to the group sitting in the bathroom. "I, I heard some yelling and I, uh, well got a little scared."
Aleks looked at the man with confusion and semi horror. He kinda sounded like the thing that was attacking him but that sounded un human, and how did this guy get in the house? " uhh. Hi? Why are you here? And who are you? "

Mental status:Normal.
She nodded at Aleks, he really didn't deserve the shit that her, the other ghosts, and the house, gave him. "That sounds pretty terrifying, worse than Annie when she's having a fit." Aurora knew from experience that when comforting someone, always validate how they felt or feel. "Well, when you're ready to talk more about this barbed wire asshole or remember if he said anything, you know that you can talk to any of us. Even Parker." She assured Aleks, nodding at Nova, "In fact you should probably stay around Nova just in case he appears again. She'll be able to hear and see him better than you can."

Richard was listening in on the conversation they were all having. He was enjoying this little game. He felt a sadistic grin come across his face as he moved around the basement trying to think of who to strike next. There was always the little girl, she was always howling at whatever moved. Perhaps it was time that she faced the person who had killed her all those years ago. Richard formed back to his mortal form back to the glasses and suit. He moved up the stairs looking throughout the house. He messed with his glasses like he was nervous and was breathing heavily. He moved over to the bathroom and looked at the two girls and Aleks.
"Is... Is every, everything okay?" He was faking a nervous stutter and shaking slightly as he looked at them. He had seen another man walk off but that didn't concern him at the moment. Then he moved around to see a small girl sitting in the kitchen it was her, it was the girl he had murdered. Yet he focused his attention back to the group sitting in the bathroom. "I, I heard some yelling and I, uh, well got a little scared."

Nova nodded. "Yeah. I'll look after you," she offered to Aleks.

At the appearance of a new face, Nova looked to the others. "I thought the house was having a bitch fit and not letting people in.."
With nova saying that, " it still is..." Or it might not. Really this could have ended last night and still not have known. Even more confused than before he wanted to know who this person was.
Nova nodded. "Yeah. I'll look after you," she offered to Aleks.
At the appearance of a new face, Nova looked to the others. "I thought the house was having a bitch fit and not letting people in.."
"It well didn't let me in. I'm sort of trapped here liked you guys." He shrugged and readjusted his glasses again nervously with a worried smirk. "I'm, uh, Phillip Price I was, um, was murdered here. Richard killed me and well, um, ever since I've been scared to meet new people. So I, uh, well, I hide in the basement." He crossed his arms and looked at Nova specifically. "I watched you and, um, your friends that night. Real tragedy that was but, um, you didn't trip." He started scratching his sleeve and biting his bottom lip.
"It well didn't let me in. I'm sort of trapped here liked you guys." He shrugged and readjusted his glasses again nervously with a worried smirk. "I'm, uh, Phillip Price I was, um, was murdered here. Richard killed me and well, um, ever since I've been scared to meet new people. So I, uh, well, I hide in the basement." He crossed his arms and looked at Nova specifically. "I watched you and, um, your friends that night. Real tragedy that was but, um, you didn't trip." He started scratching his sleeve and biting his bottom lip.
"Oh. Well, then, welcome to the club -- wait," Nova paused when the man mentioned her death. "What did you just say?"
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" I guess that is why we never seen you before. I never really go in the boiler room much." Aleks now calm as can be knowing that something wants to kill him. He wiggles in his sitting spot, not knowing his person he would have to learn another face and such. He still questions why he did not see him before.
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