Murder Game XVII: The Infinity Parable

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The sudden arrival of the group into the fight quickly tipped the fight in the winged monster's favor. Soon enough all of the shadow creatures were dealt with leaving only the people who had joined the fray and the monsters on the streets.

The tallest and most imposing of them all walked up to the group and after a moment of looking around he spoke to them.


"Thank you for the aid, strangers. Those demons suddenly materialized in our home and attacked. I don't know how much longer we would have managed had you not arrived."
He gave them a bow before continuing. "I am Goliath, and these are my friends of the Manhattan clan."

Goliath motioned towards the others who gave them a wave and a welcome in one form or another. "Yeah don't mention it, we know their boss so it only felt right to give you guys a hand." America responded in turn.

Goliath noticed that America was looking around wearily and spoke. "Perhaps we should continue this conversation some place less conspicuous."

Those that could could get up by their own power headed back to the roof while those that couldn't were carried by those who could fly.

Once one the roof Goliath lead them to the door of the clock tower and beckoned them to enter.


Inside they found that the clock tower had been turned into a makeshift home of sorts. There was electricity for a small kitchen, a TV and other appliances. All in all it didn't quite look as grim and bare as the exterior might have lead the group to believe.

An older looking creature with a white beard spoke up next.


"While the rescue was appreciated, perhaps you could tell us how you suddenly appeared from thin air on the roof of our home?"

Goliath seemed like this was a good point and nodded. "Hudson is right. While we are no strangers to magic nor technology, such a large number of you appearing here has to mean something."

"Well you see the thing about that is..." And so America once again detailed everything to Goliath and his friends. From their capture, their escape and about the hearts of light.

When she finished the smallest of Goliath's group spoke up. "Whoa...that sounds huuuuge!"

"Yes, indeed." Goliath responded in turn. "So if these shadows are looking for these hearts of light...what caused them to arrive here? While I wont argue for our nature...wouldn't a human be an easier target then a Gargoyle?"

When Goliath said that the what seemed to be the only female among the Gargoyles cautiously looked down at the floor.​

@Archmage Jeremiah @Atomyk @Crow @dalecOoOoOoOoOper @Gummi Bunnies @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Josh M @Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Krieg @LuckycoolHawk9 @Mason Moretti @Midnight Maiden @Nater Taters @Shizuochan @thatguyinthestore @York @Yun Lee @Takumi @Verite
Star looked around the new location with a wide smile on her face.


"Woah! This place is so cool! It's like my castle but smaller." Star exclaimed as she skipped around the area, eyeing the various things that she thought was cool but in reality they had back at Marco's house. As she was walking, Star accidentally bumped into the female gargoyle and dropped her wand. "Whoops, sorry about that." Star said as she picked up her wand off the ground. As she did so, Star noticed the worried expression on her face. Being the general good person she was, Star decided to see what was wrong with her.

"Hey.... what's wrong?" Star asked the girl in a genuinely worried tone.

Meanwhile, deciding that he'd had enough of talking gargoyles, birds, raccoons, and...


Whatever the hell Tigger was, Marco decided to simply help himself to some chips he found before sitting down and seeing what's on TV.


@Jeremi @whoever​
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A new universe meant new faces, naturally. Billy was just thankful these guys weren't annoyed with their sudden arrival or blamed them for the disturbances. With Thanos apparently already here and causing trouble, what was the best option for them? There didn't seem to be much of an option but try to help these guys before moving on. The only right option, anyway.


"We really don't know what makes someone a heart of light or how to even properly, y'know, point them out." Billy shrugged. "Know any humans who donate to charity or something?"

Meanwhile, Tommy had decided to sidle up next to the female Gargoyle. "Something on your mind?" he asked, practically shoving Star aside.

@Jeremi @thatguyinthestore @Everyone​
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Star looked around the new location with a wide smile on her face.


"Woah! This place is so cool! It's like my castle but bigger." Star exclaimed as she skipped around the area, eyeing the various things that she thought was cool but in reality they had back at Marco's house. As she was walking, Star accidentally bumped into the female gargoyle and dropped her wand. "Whoops, sorry about that." Star said as she picked up her wand off the ground. As she did so, Star noticed the worried expression on her face. Being the general good person she was, Star decided to see what was wrong with her.

"Hey.... what's wrong?" Star asked the girl in a genuinely worried tone.

Meanwhile, deciding that he'd had enough of talking gargoyles, birds, raccoons, and...


Whatever the hell Tigger was, Marco decided to simply help himself to some chips he found before sitting down and seeing what's on TV.


@Jeremi @whoever​

Marco couldn't really find anything special on TV considering how late in the night it was. A lot of news, infomercials and bad horror movies.

A new universe meant new faces, naturally. Billy was just thankful these guys weren't annoyed with their sudden arrival or blamed them for the disturbances. With Thanos apparently already here and causing trouble, what was the best option for them? There didn't seem to be much of an option but try to help these guys before moving on. The only right option, anyway.


"We really don't know what makes someone a heart of light or how to even properly, y'know, point them out." Billy shrugged. "Know any humans who donate to charity or something?"

Meanwhile, Tommy had decided to sidle up next to the female Gargoyle. "Something on your mind?" he asked, practically shoving Star aside.

@Jeremi @thatguyinthestore @Everyone​

Goliath as well didn't quite understand the concept of the hearts of light. "I see. Perhaps then we should seek out someone who can?"

The female gargoyle meanwhile was surprised to see two strangers coming her way, and one being super fast for that matter.


"It wasn't anything serious. I was just thinking."
She started. "During the fight it just seemed like a lot of those shadows started surrounding me until you guys came."

Goliath's realized what she was implying. " you think that-?"

"Yeah, what if I was one of the hearts of light?"

As she said that the door to the clock tower opened again as a woman in a red coat walked. "I heard about the attack figured I'd come up to check up on you al-" She suddenly realized there were more than just the gargoyles in the tower.


"Oh uh...I didn't know you had company."

"Do not worry they're friends, they helped us during the fight."
Goliath assured the woman before introducing her to the group. "Everyone this is detective Elisa Maza, a friend of ours who has helped us to transition in this new world. Her precinct is in fact bellow this very clock tower."

"New world?"
She chuckled. "You've been walking about for a few years now already Goliath, I think you can stop calling it that."

"It's still a learning experience. However..."
He turned his attention back towards Angela. "What does that mean then, if you are one of the lights?"

"I'm not sure."
Angela shrugged. "Especially since no one here seems to know exactly what it means."

Now it was America's turn to speak up. "It means that you're in trouble. If the shadows came after you once then it means that they're going to try again."
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Hercules and Megara

Now that everything had settled down, Hercules answered the other Hercules's question. " My companion is indeed named Megara. I wish I could answer your question about Hera, but I do not know anything about her, sadly. I have only talked with my father Zeus on how to get back to cast out. I also wish I could have been more helpful, but I was protecting Megara from things that could have attacked her," he looked over at her for a bit, worry evident on his face and he hoped that the others understood. He wouldn't admit that he was in love with her, but he felt that she was worth protecting at the end of the day."

Megara looked over at the others. " So what we do know is that the heart of lights seem to be only female so far. Goosalyn, Angela, perhaps Pochantas," she said. " Do you go out of your way to help people, Angela?" She asked.

@Takumi @Jeremi @Atomyk @Others @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X
Marco couldn't really find anything special on TV considering how late in the night it was. A lot of news, infomercials and bad horror movies.

Goliath as well didn't quite understand the concept of the hearts of light. "I see. Perhaps then we should seek out someone who can?"

The female gargoyle meanwhile was surprised to see two strangers coming her way, and one being super fast for that matter.


"It wasn't anything serious. I was just thinking."
She started. "During the fight it just seemed like a lot of those shadows started surrounding me until you guys came."

Goliath's realized what she was implying. " you think that-?"

"Yeah, what if I was one of the hearts of light?"

As she said that the door to the clock tower opened again as a woman in a red coat walked. "I heard about the attack figured I'd come up to check up on you al-" She suddenly realized there were more than just the gargoyles in the tower.


"Oh uh...I didn't know you had company."

"Do not worry they're friends, they helped us during the fight."
Goliath assured the woman before introducing her to the group. "Everyone this is detective Elisa Maza, a friend of ours who has helped us to transition in this new world. Her precinct is in fact bellow this very clock tower."

"New world?"
She chuckled. "You've been walking about for a few years now already Goliath, I think you can stop calling it that."

"It's still a learning experience. However..."
He turned his attention back towards Angela. "What does that mean then, if you are one of the lights?"

"I'm not sure."
Angela shrugged. "Especially since no one here seems to know exactly what it means."

Now it was America's turn to speak up. "It means that you're in trouble. If the shadows came after you once then it means that they're going to try again."

"Oh... yeah that Thanos guy is after the 'Hearts of Light' for whatever reason." Star said with a bit of a frown. Her frown quickly turned into an award winning smile, however, as Star remembered that their group was filled with fighters that were more than competent.


"But you don't gotta worry. You'll be totally fine with us! We're like pro fighters, right guys?" Star asked, turning to Emma and Killian specifically for confirmation.

Since there was nothing on TV, Marco stood up and approached Herbert to ask about the weird inventions he made. Marco had a science fair coming up, so he was actually hoping that Herbert could tell him how that toaster thing was made so he could make one of his own.


"Hey Herbert. How exactly did you make this thing?" Marco asked, pointing to the toaster gun with his right index finger.

@Crow @Jeremi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Midnight Maiden @whoever​
Chapter 2
The long night

The creature had no chance against the numerous attacks aimed its way and it finally vanished out of existence. This but confirmed that Thanos had been here.

America came downstairs to investigate the racket and after a very quick explanation from Tommy it was clear to her what they had to do next.

"We need to jump, Darkwing's daughter's kidnapped and we're compromised."

"Then I'm going with you!" Darkwing responded having finished sulking. "Gosalyn's out there and I can't just sit here and do nothing!"

While America understood his plight they couldn't drag another cast away with them. "Then who will be here to protect the city if something terrible happened to it? Let us handle the saving and you deal with your city. We'll get Gosalyn back to you, I promise."

Darkwing mumbled something under his breath to America, sounded like a begrudging 'you're right.' "Please get her back to me."

America had already rolled up her hand into a fist before punching the wall of the house and another portal emerged. "Everyone, we're heading out!" After everyone left and the portal closed only Darkwing and Launchpad were left to clean up the mess.

"They'll find her DW, I'm sure of it!"

"Maybe...I'm just afraid in what state she'll be..."

Lunchpad could only give his boss a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

The group on the other hand found themselves in another city in the middle of night on top of the roof of what seemed to be a clock-tower. If St Canard had reminded some of New York then this city was a spitting image of it! Before the group could try to figure out anything else they would hear fighting down in the streets.

Huge monstrous beings with wings were fighting the same creature that had been in the Darkwing Duck household not too long ago, but this time they were far more numerous.

Considering however what their opponents looked like.

Where they friend or foe?

Cast list:

@Archmage Jeremiah as Judy Hopps
@Atomyk as Wiccan and Speed
@Crow as Herbert P. Bear
@dalecOoOoOoOoOper as Orson Krennic
@Gummi Bunnies as Tigger
@J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X as Hercules and Amadeus Cho
@Josh M as Venom (Flash Thompson)
@Kaykay as Gogo Tomago
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Captain Hook
@Krieg as Rocket Raccoon
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Hercules and Megara
@Mason Moretti as Young Xehanort
@Midnight Maiden as Emma Swan
@Nater Taters as Artyom "Arty" Chyornyj
@Shizuochan as Songbird
@Takumi as Pocahontas
@thatguyinthestore as Star Butterfly and Marco Diaz
@Verite as Hiro Hamada and Baymax
@York as Violet Parr
@Yun Lee as José Carioca​

The sudden arrival of the group into the fight quickly tipped the fight in the winged monster's favor. Soon enough all of the shadow creatures were dealt with leaving only the people who had joined the fray and the monsters on the streets.

The tallest and most imposing of them all walked up to the group and after a moment of looking around he spoke to them.


"Thank you for the aid, strangers. Those demons suddenly materialized in our home and attacked. I don't know how much longer we would have managed had you not arrived."
He gave them a bow before continuing. "I am Goliath, and these are my friends of the Manhattan clan."

Goliath motioned towards the others who gave them a wave and a welcome in one form or another. "Yeah don't mention it, we know their boss so it only felt right to give you guys a hand." America responded in turn.

Goliath noticed that America was looking around wearily and spoke. "Perhaps we should continue this conversation some place less conspicuous."

Those that could could get up by their own power headed back to the roof while those that couldn't were carried by those who could fly.

Once one the roof Goliath lead them to the door of the clock tower and beckoned them to enter.


Inside they found that the clock tower had been turned into a makeshift home of sorts. There was electricity for a small kitchen, a TV and other appliances. All in all it didn't quite look as grim and bare as the exterior might have lead the group to believe.

An older looking creature with a white beard spoke up next.


"While the rescue was appreciated, perhaps you could tell us how you suddenly appeared from thin air on the roof of our home?"

Goliath seemed like this was a good point and nodded. "Hudson is right. While we are no strangers to magic nor technology, such a large number of you appearing here has to mean something."

"Well you see the thing about that is..." And so America once again detailed everything to Goliath and his friends. From their capture, their escape and about the hearts of light.

When she finished the smallest of Goliath's group spoke up. "Whoa...that sounds huuuuge!"

"Yes, indeed." Goliath responded in turn. "So if these shadows are looking for these hearts of light...what caused them to arrive here? While I wont argue for our nature...wouldn't a human be an easier target then a Gargoyle?"

When Goliath said that the what seemed to be the only female among the Gargoyles cautiously looked down at the floor.​

@Archmage Jeremiah @Atomyk @Crow @dalecOoOoOoOoOper @Gummi Bunnies @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Josh M @Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Krieg @LuckycoolHawk9 @Mason Moretti @Midnight Maiden @Nater Taters @Shizuochan @thatguyinthestore @York @Yun Lee @Takumi @Verite

Marco couldn't really find anything special on TV considering how late in the night it was. A lot of news, infomercials and bad horror movies.

Goliath as well didn't quite understand the concept of the hearts of light. "I see. Perhaps then we should seek out someone who can?"

The female gargoyle meanwhile was surprised to see two strangers coming her way, and one being super fast for that matter.


"It wasn't anything serious. I was just thinking."
She started. "During the fight it just seemed like a lot of those shadows started surrounding me until you guys came."

Goliath's realized what she was implying. " you think that-?"

"Yeah, what if I was one of the hearts of light?"

As she said that the door to the clock tower opened again as a woman in a red coat walked. "I heard about the attack figured I'd come up to check up on you al-" She suddenly realized there were more than just the gargoyles in the tower.


"Oh uh...I didn't know you had company."

"Do not worry they're friends, they helped us during the fight."
Goliath assured the woman before introducing her to the group. "Everyone this is detective Elisa Maza, a friend of ours who has helped us to transition in this new world. Her precinct is in fact bellow this very clock tower."

"New world?"
She chuckled. "You've been walking about for a few years now already Goliath, I think you can stop calling it that."

"It's still a learning experience. However..."
He turned his attention back towards Angela. "What does that mean then, if you are one of the lights?"

"I'm not sure."
Angela shrugged. "Especially since no one here seems to know exactly what it means."

Now it was America's turn to speak up. "It means that you're in trouble. If the shadows came after you once then it means that they're going to try again."

Hercules and Megara

Now that everything had settled down, Hercules answered the other Hercules's question. " My companion is indeed named Megara. I wish I could answer your question about Hera, but I do not know anything about her, sadly. I have only talked with my father Zeus on how to get back to cast out. I also wish I could have been more helpful, but I was protecting Megara from things that could have attacked her," he looked over at her for a bit, worry evident on his face and he hoped that the others understood. He wouldn't admit that he was in love with her, but he felt that she was worth protecting at the end of the day."

Megara looked over at the others. " So what we do know is that the heart of lights seem to be only female so far. Goosalyn, Angela, perhaps Pochantas," she said. " Do you go out of your way to help people, Angela?" She asked.

@Takumi @Jeremi @Atomyk @Others @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X
"The hearts of light are female, hmm..." Zé shrugged. "In that case, we need to keep a close watch on the women in our group, as well as senhorita Angela here-after all, if multiple ones attacked her, who is to say that the two hearts already with us will have the same experience? Oh! And, ah..." Zé casually strolled to Elisa, giving her a wink. "I can keep a close eye on you as well, senhorita Maza, if you would like."

The sudden arrival of the group into the fight quickly tipped the fight in the winged monster's favor. Soon enough all of the shadow creatures were dealt with leaving only the people who had joined the fray and the monsters on the streets.

The tallest and most imposing of them all walked up to the group and after a moment of looking around he spoke to them.


"Thank you for the aid, strangers. Those demons suddenly materialized in our home and attacked. I don't know how much longer we would have managed had you not arrived."
He gave them a bow before continuing. "I am Goliath, and these are my friends of the Manhattan clan."

Goliath motioned towards the others who gave them a wave and a welcome in one form or another. "Yeah don't mention it, we know their boss so it only felt right to give you guys a hand." America responded in turn.

Goliath noticed that America was looking around wearily and spoke. "Perhaps we should continue this conversation some place less conspicuous."

Those that could could get up by their own power headed back to the roof while those that couldn't were carried by those who could fly.

Once one the roof Goliath lead them to the door of the clock tower and beckoned them to enter.


Inside they found that the clock tower had been turned into a makeshift home of sorts. There was electricity for a small kitchen, a TV and other appliances. All in all it didn't quite look as grim and bare as the exterior might have lead the group to believe.

An older looking creature with a white beard spoke up next.


"While the rescue was appreciated, perhaps you could tell us how you suddenly appeared from thin air on the roof of our home?"

Goliath seemed like this was a good point and nodded. "Hudson is right. While we are no strangers to magic nor technology, such a large number of you appearing here has to mean something."

"Well you see the thing about that is..." And so America once again detailed everything to Goliath and his friends. From their capture, their escape and about the hearts of light.

When she finished the smallest of Goliath's group spoke up. "Whoa...that sounds huuuuge!"

"Yes, indeed." Goliath responded in turn. "So if these shadows are looking for these hearts of light...what caused them to arrive here? While I wont argue for our nature...wouldn't a human be an easier target then a Gargoyle?"

When Goliath said that the what seemed to be the only female among the Gargoyles cautiously looked down at the floor.​
Marco couldn't really find anything special on TV considering how late in the night it was. A lot of news, infomercials and bad horror movies.

Goliath as well didn't quite understand the concept of the hearts of light. "I see. Perhaps then we should seek out someone who can?"

The female gargoyle meanwhile was surprised to see two strangers coming her way, and one being super fast for that matter.


"It wasn't anything serious. I was just thinking."
She started. "During the fight it just seemed like a lot of those shadows started surrounding me until you guys came."

Goliath's realized what she was implying. " you think that-?"

"Yeah, what if I was one of the hearts of light?"

As she said that the door to the clock tower opened again as a woman in a red coat walked. "I heard about the attack figured I'd come up to check up on you al-" She suddenly realized there were more than just the gargoyles in the tower.


"Oh uh...I didn't know you had company."

"Do not worry they're friends, they helped us during the fight."
Goliath assured the woman before introducing her to the group. "Everyone this is detective Elisa Maza, a friend of ours who has helped us to transition in this new world. Her precinct is in fact bellow this very clock tower."

"New world?"
She chuckled. "You've been walking about for a few years now already Goliath, I think you can stop calling it that."

"It's still a learning experience. However..."
He turned his attention back towards Angela. "What does that mean then, if you are one of the lights?"

"I'm not sure."
Angela shrugged. "Especially since no one here seems to know exactly what it means."

Now it was America's turn to speak up. "It means that you're in trouble. If the shadows came after you once then it means that they're going to try again."

"Oh... yeah that Thanos guy is after the 'Hearts of Light' for whatever reason." Star said with a bit of a frown. Her frown quickly turned into an award winning smile, however, as Star remembered that their group was filled with fighters that were more than competent.


"But you don't gotta worry. You'll be totally fine with us! We're like pro fighters, right guys?" Star asked, turning to Emma and Killian specifically for confirmation.​
Hercules and Megara

Now that everything had settled down, Hercules answered the other Hercules's question. " My companion is indeed named Megara. I wish I could answer your question about Hera, but I do not know anything about her, sadly. I have only talked with my father Zeus on how to get back to cast out. I also wish I could have been more helpful, but I was protecting Megara from things that could have attacked her," he looked over at her for a bit, worry evident on his face and he hoped that the others understood. He wouldn't admit that he was in love with her, but he felt that she was worth protecting at the end of the day."

Megara looked over at the others. " So what we do know is that the heart of lights seem to be only female so far. Goosalyn, Angela, perhaps Pochantas," she said. " Do you go out of your way to help people, Angela?" She asked.

@Takumi @Jeremi @Atomyk @Others @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X
"The hearts of light are female, hmm..." Zé shrugged. "In that case, we need to keep a close watch on the women in our group, as well as senhorita Angela here-after all, if multiple ones attacked her, who is to say that the two hearts already with us will have the same experience? Oh! And, ah..." Zé casually strolled to Elisa, giving her a wink. "I can keep a close eye on you as well, senhorita Maza, if you would like."


Yup. Definitely gargoyles. This day just kept on getting weirder and damn weirder. Sighing as she and the others were led to the tower with a gaze wandering as they walked, she begrudgingly listened to what the rather odd beings had to say, stowing her sword and shoving her hands in her pockets as she walked with a rather tense expression on her face, lips tightened visibly. "Yeah. I don't suppose you have anything to drink around here? ...Preferably something hard?" she remarked, though she was fairly sure she knew the answer. Still, it was worth a shot. A drink would be reallyyyy nice right about now, after all the crazy shit she'd gone through in under less than twenty-four hours alone. Not to mention the stuff preceding it.

Whether or not her inquiry was answered, she tried her best to steel up, crossing her arms and regarding the gargoyles as they spoke their minds and America explained. "Well, I mean... Human or not, we're all the same. You don't have to be human to be pure of heart. Hell, most ordinary humans I know? Not really the first term I'd describe them with," she pointed out at the suggestion humans might be easier targets. "Which is all that matters. Since I don't think the guy behind this is going for the easy ones- just the ones he needs for... Whatever it is he wants these hearts of light or whatever they're called for."

Briefly looking to the female Gargoyle, though, she appeared sympathetic before letting out a small sigh. "Listen, lady, if you think you might be one of those hearts? If those... shadow... things, were after you, specifically? Then I say trust your instincts on it. Even if it's hard. Because it is, having some crazy role shoved on you like that- I would know. But no matter whether you're one of them or not? We'll make sure you're safe," she assured, offering a gentle smile she had displayed to few here thus far.


"Woah, hold up- we don't know anything about who these hearts of light or if they're all female yet or what, so don't get too far ahead of yourself in--... Oh my God. You're-" Okay. Yup. Too much. As though having a Star Wars character here wasn't bad enough, now she was seeing characters from... Disney shows? Gosh, what the hell was up with this place? Sure, she had seen fairytale characters of all sorts before, but none were actually the Disney version. "...Okay. Not going to focus on that right now," she stated stiffly, eyes slightly wide and hands slowly lowering down. "Point is, if we try to narrow it too far down before we know anything for sure, then we risk eliminating possible candidates based on 'evidence' that hasn't even been confirmed."

Before any more could be said on the subject, Emma found that Star was looking to her for confirmation on something. Something kind of trivial, perhaps, but still. She wasn't going to let the kid down. So despite a small laugh being given at Star's words- a warm one, lacking in any mockery -, Emma nodded in confirmation, smiling warmly at the young girl. "...Yeah, kid. I'd say we make a pretty da--" Oh. Right. Children. "-rn good team."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @everyboday​
Marco couldn't really find anything special on TV considering how late in the night it was. A lot of news, infomercials and bad horror movies.

Goliath as well didn't quite understand the concept of the hearts of light. "I see. Perhaps then we should seek out someone who can?"

The female gargoyle meanwhile was surprised to see two strangers coming her way, and one being super fast for that matter.


"It wasn't anything serious. I was just thinking."
She started. "During the fight it just seemed like a lot of those shadows started surrounding me until you guys came."

Goliath's realized what she was implying. " you think that-?"

"Yeah, what if I was one of the hearts of light?"

As she said that the door to the clock tower opened again as a woman in a red coat walked. "I heard about the attack figured I'd come up to check up on you al-" She suddenly realized there were more than just the gargoyles in the tower.


"Oh uh...I didn't know you had company."

"Do not worry they're friends, they helped us during the fight."
Goliath assured the woman before introducing her to the group. "Everyone this is detective Elisa Maza, a friend of ours who has helped us to transition in this new world. Her precinct is in fact bellow this very clock tower."

"New world?"
She chuckled. "You've been walking about for a few years now already Goliath, I think you can stop calling it that."

"It's still a learning experience. However..."
He turned his attention back towards Angela. "What does that mean then, if you are one of the lights?"

"I'm not sure."
Angela shrugged. "Especially since no one here seems to know exactly what it means."

Now it was America's turn to speak up. "It means that you're in trouble. If the shadows came after you once then it means that they're going to try again."

Hercules and Megara

Now that everything had settled down, Hercules answered the other Hercules's question. " My companion is indeed named Megara. I wish I could answer your question about Hera, but I do not know anything about her, sadly. I have only talked with my father Zeus on how to get back to cast out. I also wish I could have been more helpful, but I was protecting Megara from things that could have attacked her," he looked over at her for a bit, worry evident on his face and he hoped that the others understood. He wouldn't admit that he was in love with her, but he felt that she was worth protecting at the end of the day."

Megara looked over at the others. " So what we do know is that the heart of lights seem to be only female so far. Goosalyn, Angela, perhaps Pochantas," she said. " Do you go out of your way to help people, Angela?" She asked.

@Takumi @Jeremi @Atomyk @Others @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X


"Oh... yeah that Thanos guy is after the 'Hearts of Light' for whatever reason." Star said with a bit of a frown. Her frown quickly turned into an award winning smile, however, as Star remembered that their group was filled with fighters that were more than competent.


"But you don't gotta worry. You'll be totally fine with us! We're like pro fighters, right guys?" Star asked, turning to Emma and Killian specifically for confirmation.

Since there was nothing on TV, Marco stood up and approached Herbert to ask about the weird inventions he made. Marco had a science fair coming up, so he was actually hoping that Herbert could tell him how that toaster thing was made so he could make one of his own.


"Hey Herbert. How exactly did you make this thing?" Marco asked, pointing to the toaster gun with his right index finger.

@Crow @Jeremi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Midnight Maiden @whoever​

"The hearts of light are female, hmm..." Zé shrugged. "In that case, we need to keep a close watch on the women in our group, as well as senhorita Angela here-after all, if multiple ones attacked her, who is to say that the two hearts already with us will have the same experience? Oh! And, ah..." Zé casually strolled to Elisa, giving her a wink. "I can keep a close eye on you as well, senhorita Maza, if you would like."


Yup. Definitely gargoyles. This day just kept on getting weirder and damn weirder. Sighing as she and the others were led to the tower with a gaze wandering as they walked, she begrudgingly listened to what the rather odd beings had to say, stowing her sword and shoving her hands in her pockets as she walked with a rather tense expression on her face, lips tightened visibly. "Yeah. I don't suppose you have anything to drink around here? ...Preferably something hard?" she remarked, though she was fairly sure she knew the answer. Still, it was worth a shot. A drink would be reallyyyy nice right about now, after all the crazy shit she'd gone through in under less than twenty-four hours alone. Not to mention the stuff preceding it.

Whether or not her inquiry was answered, she tried her best to steel up, crossing her arms and regarding the gargoyles as they spoke their minds and America explained. "Well, I mean... Human or not, we're all the same. You don't have to be human to be pure of heart. Hell, most ordinary humans I know? Not really the first term I'd describe them with," she pointed out at the suggestion humans might be easier targets. "Which is all that matters. Since I don't think the guy behind this is going for the easy ones- just the ones he needs for... Whatever it is he wants these hearts of light or whatever they're called for."

Briefly looking to the female Gargoyle, though, she appeared sympathetic before letting out a small sigh. "Listen, lady, if you think you might be one of those hearts? If those... shadow... things, were after you, specifically? Then I say trust your instincts on it. Even if it's hard. Because it is, having some crazy role shoved on you like that- I would know. But no matter whether you're one of them or not? We'll make sure you're safe," she assured, offering a gentle smile she had displayed to few here thus far.


"Woah, hold up- we don't know anything about who these hearts of light or if they're all female yet or what, so don't get too far ahead of yourself in--... Oh my God. You're-" Okay. Yup. Too much. As though having a Star Wars character here wasn't bad enough, now she was seeing characters from... Disney shows? Gosh, what the hell was up with this place? Sure, she had seen fairytale characters of all sorts before, but none were actually the Disney version. "...Okay. Not going to focus on that right now," she stated stiffly, eyes slightly wide and hands slowly lowering down. "Point is, if we try to narrow it too far down before we know anything for sure, then we risk eliminating possible candidates based on 'evidence' that hasn't even been confirmed."

Before any more could be said on the subject, Emma found that Star was looking to her for confirmation on something. Something kind of trivial, perhaps, but still. She wasn't going to let the kid down. So despite a small laugh being given at Star's words- a warm one, lacking in any mockery -, Emma nodded in confirmation, smiling warmly at the young girl. "...Yeah, kid. I'd say we make a pretty da--" Oh. Right. Children. "-rn good team."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @everyboday​
And so, their group had moved again. Within this new location, the clocktower, Hook leaned against a wall and opened his coat, removing his flask. After the battle, he had decided it was high time he took a rum break. He hadn't had a sip in hours and god how he needed a drink. He opened the top of his flask and took a swig of the liquid, deciding to listen to the conversations of the others. Apparently, a theory was floating around about the hearts of light. Interesting. Almost as interesting as the dark haired beauty in the red coat. Damn was she interesting. Hook couldn't help but eye her up from top to bottom, even while replying to Star. "Yes, we've done well thus far. Let's hope our good fortune on the battle field continues, eh?"


Next, he would notice Emma call out about a hard drink, for a moment breaking his gaze from the woman he had been staring at. "Aye, I've always got rum on me. Help yourself, Swan," the captain offered extending his flask out to Emma. While he did so, however, his eyes strayed past her, again looking at the woman. Apparently, Hook was thirsty for more than just rum. : |

After offering the drink to Emma, he shifted his focus back to their conversation about the hearts of light, unable to resist. "A promising theory, but I'd wager we need more proof before we treat it as fact. I agree that we shouldn't narrow it down just yet," he said, a smirk crossing his lips. "However, I don't mind keeping my eyes on the women. I can most certainly help out with that," Killian added, winking at the dark haired beauty he had been staring it. It obviously hadn't been the first wink she had received either, considering how Zé had just done the same thing only moments ago.

@Jeremi @Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore @Yun Lee @LuckycoolHawk9 @dalecOoOoOoOoOper
And so, their group had moved again. Within this new location, the clocktower, Hook leaned against a wall and opened his coat, removing his flask. After the battle, he had decided it was high time he took a rum break. He hadn't had a sip in hours and god how he needed a drink. He opened the top of his flask and took a swig of the liquid, deciding to listen to the conversations of the others. Apparently, a theory was floating around about the hearts of light. Interesting. Almost as interesting as the dark haired beauty in the red coat. Damn was she interesting. Hook couldn't help but eye her up from top to bottom, even while replying to Star. "Yes, we've done well thus far. Let's hope our good fortune on the battle field continues, eh?"


Next, he would notice Emma call out about a hard drink, for a moment breaking his gaze from the woman he had been staring at. "Aye, I've always got rum on me. Help yourself, Swan," the captain offered extending his flask out to Emma. While he did so, however, his eyes strayed past her, again looking at the woman. Apparently, Hook was thirsty for more than just rum. : |

After offering the drink to Emma, he shifted his focus back to their conversation about the hearts of light, unable to resist. "A promising theory, but I'd wager we need more proof before we treat it as fact. I agree that we shouldn't narrow it down just yet," he said, a smirk crossing his lips. "However, I don't mind keeping my eyes on the women. I can most certainly help out with that," Killian added, winking at the dark haired beauty he had been staring it. It obviously hadn't been the first wink she had received either, considering how Zé had just done the same thing only moments ago.

@Jeremi @Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore @Yun Lee @LuckycoolHawk9 @dalecOoOoOoOoOper
"See? We've got this, for sure," Emma concluded again after Killian's addition to Star's inquiry, smiling as she flatten her hands to her sides. Whew. Killian still hadn't crushed Star's hopes and dreams yet, even after they had been in a group for what felt like a good few hours at the very least. Actually, more than that, he seemed to actually get along with her and treat her quite well. That was definitely promising, whether it was due to her status as a child or perhaps something else. In any case, as long as the kid was safe and happy, so was Emma.

Even if that meant watching her shoot some weird magical rainbows and muffins and the like everywhere from some magic wand and Killian eyeing up some reporter.. She just... Wanted to make sure no kids got hurt in this.


Nodding her gratitude as Killian offered her his flask, she more than happily took it, grateful that someone had a drink around here. Even if it was-- Oh. Suddenly it actually hit her, as she raised the flask to take a sip. Killian. Eyeing up reporter lady that had joined them. Okay. "..On second thought? I don't think I'm thirsty," she mumbled with mild disgust, screwing the flask shut and shoving it back to Killian as she turned her attention away. If his blatant eye-screwing wasn't gross enough, she didn't really feel like drinking anything from him. Especially when it might have some of his spit on it. Ew.

Trying to shift her focus back to the matter at hand, Emma did her best to ignore Killian, mulling over what she could. "So. What we know so far: we were all brought to some cell by that Thanos guy, using America over here's powers. Two of us from that original group were something called... Hearts of Light, but I don't really know what that means, and apparently nobody else does, either. It sounds like it's been speculated that it means people who are pure of heart, but again? I haven't heard a damn thing that might, I don't know... Prove that," she muttered, running a hand through her hair as she went on. "It sounds like Angela here might be one, but do we really know any others, for sure? I mean, it could be anyone. But if we're gonna stop Thanos from getting whoever they are, we kinda need to figure out just what the guidelines are. Or qualifications. Whatever--"

And then the comment came.


"...Seriously?" Emma deadpanned, glaring at Hook with a pure lack of amusement. "Now is really not the time, Hook."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi @dalecOoOoOoOoOper @Yun Lee @LuckycoolHawk9 @Everyboday​
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Klutzy Ninja Kitty
A new universe meant new faces, naturally. Billy was just thankful these guys weren't annoyed with their sudden arrival or blamed them for the disturbances. With Thanos apparently already here and causing trouble, what was the best option for them? There didn't seem to be much of an option but try to help these guys before moving on. The only right option, anyway.


"We really don't know what makes someone a heart of light or how to even properly, y'know, point them out." Billy shrugged. "Know any humans who donate to charity or something?"

Meanwhile, Tommy had decided to sidle up next to the female Gargoyle. "Something on your mind?" he asked, practically shoving Star aside.

@Jeremi @thatguyinthestore @Everyone​

Marco couldn't really find anything special on TV considering how late in the night it was. A lot of news, infomercials and bad horror movies.

Goliath as well didn't quite understand the concept of the hearts of light. "I see. Perhaps then we should seek out someone who can?"

The female gargoyle meanwhile was surprised to see two strangers coming her way, and one being super fast for that matter.


"It wasn't anything serious. I was just thinking."
She started. "During the fight it just seemed like a lot of those shadows started surrounding me until you guys came."

Goliath's realized what she was implying. " you think that-?"

"Yeah, what if I was one of the hearts of light?"

As she said that the door to the clock tower opened again as a woman in a red coat walked. "I heard about the attack figured I'd come up to check up on you al-" She suddenly realized there were more than just the gargoyles in the tower.


"Oh uh...I didn't know you had company."

"Do not worry they're friends, they helped us during the fight."
Goliath assured the woman before introducing her to the group. "Everyone this is detective Elisa Maza, a friend of ours who has helped us to transition in this new world. Her precinct is in fact bellow this very clock tower."

"New world?"
She chuckled. "You've been walking about for a few years now already Goliath, I think you can stop calling it that."

"It's still a learning experience. However..."
He turned his attention back towards Angela. "What does that mean then, if you are one of the lights?"

"I'm not sure."
Angela shrugged. "Especially since no one here seems to know exactly what it means."

Now it was America's turn to speak up. "It means that you're in trouble. If the shadows came after you once then it means that they're going to try again."


So, next time those things show up, we see which ones of us they're aiming for?"
"See? We've got this, for sure," Emma concluded again after Killian's addition to Star's inquiry, smiling as she flatten her hands to her sides. Whew. Killian still hadn't crushed Star's hopes and dreams yet, even after they had been in a group for what felt like a good few hours at the very least. Actually, more than that, he seemed to actually get along with her and treat her quite well. That was definitely promising, whether it was due to her status as a child or perhaps something else. In any case, as long as the kid was safe and happy, so was Emma.

Even if that meant watching her shoot some weird magical rainbows and muffins and the like everywhere from some magic wand and Killian eyeing up some reporter.. She just... Wanted to make sure no kids got hurt in this.


Nodding her gratitude as Killian offered her his flask, she more than happily took it, grateful that someone had a drink around here. Even if it was-- Oh. Suddenly it actually hit her, as she raised the flask to take a sip. Killian. Eyeing up reporter lady that had joined them. Okay. "..On second thought? I don't think I'm thirsty," she mumbled with mild disgust, screwing the flask shut and shoving it back to Killian as she turned her attention away. If his blatant eye-screwing wasn't gross enough, she didn't really feel like drinking anything from him. Especially when it might have some of his spit on it. Ew.

Trying to shift her focus back to the matter at hand, Emma did her best to ignore Killian, mulling over what she could. "So. What we know so far: we were all brought to some cell by that Thanos guy, using America over here's powers. Two of us from that original group were something called... Hearts of Light, but I don't really know what that means, and apparently nobody else does, either. It sounds like it's been speculated that it means people who are pure of heart, but again? I haven't heard a damn thing that might, I don't know... Prove that," she muttered, running a hand through her hair as she went on. "It sounds like Angela here might be one, but do we really know any others, for sure? I mean, it could be anyone. But if we're gonna stop Thanos from getting whoever they are, we kinda need to figure out just what the guidelines are. Or qualifications. Whatever--"

And then the comment came.


"...Seriously?" Emma deadpanned, glaring at Hook with a pure lack of amusement. "Now is really not the time, Hook."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi @dalecOoOoOoOoOper @Yun Lee @LuckycoolHawk9 @Everyboday​
Mind drifting away again, Killian would retain little of what Emma or the others would say involving their situation as he would take a few more swigs of his rum, not even really noticing when Emma turned down his offer for a drink. He did, however, notice the glare Emma shot at him. It took him a moment to realize why, but when he did a smirk would cross his lips.


"Why do you care, love? Jealous?" he teased, side-stepping closer to Emma, near enough to breathe on the back of her neck. "Well, you have my full attention now, darling. Should've said something sooner if you wanted it. I'm always happy to oblige.~"

@Midnight Maiden
  • Love
Reactions: Midnight Maiden
Mind drifting away again, Killian would retain little of what Emma or the others would say involving their situation as he would take a few more swigs of his rum, not even really noticing when Emma turned down his offer for a drink. He did, however, notice the glare Emma shot at him. It took him a moment to realize why, but when he did a smirk would cross his lips.


"Why do you care, love? Jealous?" he teased, side-stepping closer to Emma, near enough to breathe on the back of her neck. "Well, you have my full attention now, darling. Should've said something sooner if you wanted it. I'm always happy to oblige.~"

@Midnight Maiden

"Oh, that is not what I want and you know it," she shot back, placing a hand on her hip and giving Hook yet another look as she did so. "I care because we're supposed to be helping these people. Making them feel safe. And your aimless flirting isn't going to do that- in fact, pretty sure it does the exact opposite," she mused, moving to cross her arms. His closeness was slightly unnerving, her body unwittingly tensing at the feeling of his breath on her neck. But it was quickly dismissed. He had no power over her. He would not sway her. Couldn't distract her from--

...What had she been saying?

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
  • Love
Reactions: Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Oh, that is not what I want and you know it," she shot back, placing a hand on her hip and giving Hook yet another look as she did so. "I care because we're supposed to be helping these people. Making them feel safe. And your aimless flirting isn't going to do that- in fact, pretty sure it does the exact opposite," she mused, moving to cross her arms. His closeness was slightly unnerving, her body unwittingly tensing at the feeling of his breath on her neck. But it was quickly dismissed. He had no power over her. He would not sway her. Couldn't distract her from--

...What had she been saying?

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Is that so? Well, dirty looks aside, I beg to differ," Hook responded, his grin only widening. Suddenly, the other women in the room didn't matter. He was yet again having fun with his personal favorite one. "Are you suggesting my flirting is hurting people? Or is it just one person in particular? Like, say for example, a certain beautiful, possibly jealous, blonde in front of me--the one and only lass to complain about it thus far." Killian circled behind Emma, like a cat toying with its prey. He then lowered his voice to a deep whisper saying, "It's quite alright, love. I won't tell them."

@Midnight Maiden
  • Love
Reactions: Midnight Maiden

"Is that so? Well, dirty looks aside, I beg to differ," Hook responded, his grin only widening. Suddenly, the other women in the room didn't matter. He was yet again having fun with his personal favorite one. "Are you suggesting my flirting is hurting people? Or is it just one person in particular? Like, say for example, a certain beautiful, possibly jealous, blonde in front of me--the one and only lass to complain about it thus far." Killian circled behind Emma, like a cat toying with its prey. He then lowered his voice to a deep whisper saying, "It's quite alright, love. I won't tell them."

@Midnight Maiden

"There's a big difference between jealousy and knowing what it's like to be led on, and what it leads to," Emma replied smoothly with a faintly bemused grin, eyebrows quirked and eyes following Killian as he circled around her with wariness. It was as she had warned him not so long ago- she would not let him out of her sight. She knew what he was capable of, and she wasn't going to let him pull any tricks on her.

"There isn't a damn thing to tell. So I suggest you get serious about this, because the way I see it? The longer you keep screwing around, the longer it takes us both to get to Storybrooke. Got it?" Maybe that would get him to refocus. Though, it didn't matter if he did or not. She would figure something out, even if it had to be on her own. Even if it had to be through all of these distracting things he kept doing. Speaking of... "And didn't they ever teach you about personal space in Neverland? Or at least that navy of yours?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
  • Love
Reactions: Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"There's a big difference between jealousy and knowing what it's like to be led on, and what it leads to," Emma replied smoothly with a faintly bemused grin, eyebrows quirked and eyes following Killian as he circled around her with wariness. It was as she had warned him not so long ago- she would not let him out of her sight. She knew what he was capable of, and she wasn't going to let him pull any tricks on her.

"There isn't a damn thing to tell. So I suggest you get serious about this, because the way I see it? The longer you keep screwing around, the longer it takes us both to get to Storybrooke. Got it?" Maybe that would get him to refocus. Though, it didn't matter if he did or not. She would figure something out, even if it had to be on her own. Even if it had to be through all of these distracting things he kept doing. Speaking of... "And didn't they ever teach you about personal space in Neverland? Or at least that navy of yours?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Is that so? Well, dirty looks aside, I beg to differ," Hook responded, his grin only widening. Suddenly, the other women in the room didn't matter. He was yet again having fun with his personal favorite one. "Are you suggesting my flirting is hurting people? Or is it just one person in particular? Like, say for example, a certain beautiful, possibly jealous, blonde in front of me--the one and only lass to complain about it thus far." Killian circled behind Emma, like a cat toying with its prey. He then lowered his voice to a deep whisper saying, "It's quite alright, love. I won't tell them."

@Midnight Maiden

"Oh, that is not what I want and you know it," she shot back, placing a hand on her hip and giving Hook yet another look as she did so. "I care because we're supposed to be helping these people. Making them feel safe. And your aimless flirting isn't going to do that- in fact, pretty sure it does the exact opposite," she mused, moving to cross her arms. His closeness was slightly unnerving, her body unwittingly tensing at the feeling of his breath on her neck. But it was quickly dismissed. He had no power over her. He would not sway her. Couldn't distract her from--

...What had she been saying?

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Mind drifting away again, Killian would retain little of what Emma or the others would say involving their situation as he would take a few more swigs of his rum, not even really noticing when Emma turned down his offer for a drink. He did, however, notice the glare Emma shot at him. It took him a moment to realize why, but when he did a smirk would cross his lips.


"Why do you care, love? Jealous?" he teased, side-stepping closer to Emma, near enough to breathe on the back of her neck. "Well, you have my full attention now, darling. Should've said something sooner if you wanted it. I'm always happy to oblige.~"

@Midnight Maiden

"Awww, you two argue like an old married couple." Star said with a grin as she listened to the pair bicker. That's when Star had an idea! Snapping her fingers, Star tugged out her wand and held it in the air with a smile.

In a brief flash of light, Emma was now in a wedding dress complete with flowers and everything while Killian...


Star was about to change them both back to normal, but then one tiny itty bitty detail threw the interdimensional princess completely off guard.


"Kiiiiiiiiiilian..... Aaaaaaaaaabs......"
Yup, looks like Star's inner teenage girl was kicking in when she saw Killian's rockin' six pack. Damn I mean just look at those abs! You can practically skate on those things!

Ahem... Yeah Star was gonna be stuck like this for a bit.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Midnight Maiden @whoever


"There's a big difference between jealousy and knowing what it's like to be led on, and what it leads to," Emma replied smoothly with a faintly bemused grin, eyebrows quirked and eyes following Killian as he circled around her with wariness. It was as she had warned him not so long ago- she would not let him out of her sight. She knew what he was capable of, and she wasn't going to let him pull any tricks on her.

"There isn't a damn thing to tell. So I suggest you get serious about this, because the way I see it? The longer you keep screwing around, the longer it takes us both to get to Storybrooke. Got it?" Maybe that would get him to refocus. Though, it didn't matter if he did or not. She would figure something out, even if it had to be on her own. Even if it had to be through all of these distracting things he kept doing. Speaking of... "And didn't they ever teach you about personal space in Neverland? Or at least that navy of yours?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Awww, you two argue like an old married couple." Star said with a grin as she listened to the pair bicker. That's when Star had an idea! Snapping her fingers, Star tugged out her wand and held it in the air with a smile.

In a brief flash of light, Emma was now in a wedding dress complete with flowers and everything while Killian...


Star was about to change them both back to normal, but then one tiny itty bitty detail threw the interdimensional princess completely off guard.


"Kiiiiiiiiiilian..... Aaaaaaaaaabs......"
Yup, looks like Star's inner teenage girl was kicking in when she saw Killian's rockin' six pack. Damn I mean just look at those abs! You can practically skate on those things!

Ahem... Yeah Star was gonna be stuck like this for a bit.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Midnight Maiden @whoever


"Ah, but have I ever led you on, love? If your answer to that question is no, I can assure you in due time that you'll open your eyes to the truth. Not all people are worthy of your mistrust, one of them being me,"
Killian replied, actually taking a slight step back when Emma would use her serious tone. "Well, the way I see it is that we have a long path ahead of us either way. Why not relax a little? No need to be so uptight. Have a drink, loosen your shoulders," he said, this time pushing his flask into her hands. "I long to venture into StoryBrooke just as much as you do, but I've waited a long time for my revenge already... I suppose waiting a bit longer won't harm me--especially since I have your enjoyable company to keep me occupied."

"As for the personal space bit,"
he began to say, a smile yet again tugging at his lips. Somehow, this woman was so charming, especially when she was frustrated. "So it seems, I have to stand closely to you so that I may gain your attention. Perhaps if it wasn't so hard to get your attention, I wouldn't stand so clo--"



The pirate cut himself off, surprised when Emma's appearance would suddenly change. He found himself so entranced that he didn't even notice his shirt was missing or that Star was fangirling over his abs. His mouth fell partly open, while his blue eyes widened in surprise. What the heck had just happened? He wasn't exactly sure, but he did know that Emma looked like an angel--the most radiant woman he had ever laid eyes on.

"Uh, Swan, you're--" He cut himself off, gesturing to the dress she was wearing with a dumbfounded expression on his face. He would then clear his throat to try and compose himself, finishing his statement afterwards. "...beautiful, I must say." Using his hook, Killian reached up to tug at the collar of his coat only to realize... it wasn't there. He briefly looked down at himself, frowning afterwards. "Bloody hell, when did I lose my clothes?" Even with the lack of a shirt on, however, he suddenly felt really warm. And he could hardly keep his eyes off Emma's dress.

@Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore
  • Love
Reactions: Midnight Maiden
The sudden arrival of the group into the fight quickly tipped the fight in the winged monster's favor. Soon enough all of the shadow creatures were dealt with leaving only the people who had joined the fray and the monsters on the streets.

The tallest and most imposing of them all walked up to the group and after a moment of looking around he spoke to them.


"Thank you for the aid, strangers. Those demons suddenly materialized in our home and attacked. I don't know how much longer we would have managed had you not arrived."
He gave them a bow before continuing. "I am Goliath, and these are my friends of the Manhattan clan."

Goliath motioned towards the others who gave them a wave and a welcome in one form or another. "Yeah don't mention it, we know their boss so it only felt right to give you guys a hand." America responded in turn.

Goliath noticed that America was looking around wearily and spoke. "Perhaps we should continue this conversation some place less conspicuous."

Those that could could get up by their own power headed back to the roof while those that couldn't were carried by those who could fly.

Once one the roof Goliath lead them to the door of the clock tower and beckoned them to enter.


Inside they found that the clock tower had been turned into a makeshift home of sorts. There was electricity for a small kitchen, a TV and other appliances. All in all it didn't quite look as grim and bare as the exterior might have lead the group to believe.

An older looking creature with a white beard spoke up next.


"While the rescue was appreciated, perhaps you could tell us how you suddenly appeared from thin air on the roof of our home?"

Goliath seemed like this was a good point and nodded. "Hudson is right. While we are no strangers to magic nor technology, such a large number of you appearing here has to mean something."

"Well you see the thing about that is..." And so America once again detailed everything to Goliath and his friends. From their capture, their escape and about the hearts of light.

When she finished the smallest of Goliath's group spoke up. "Whoa...that sounds huuuuge!"

"Yes, indeed." Goliath responded in turn. "So if these shadows are looking for these hearts of light...what caused them to arrive here? While I wont argue for our nature...wouldn't a human be an easier target then a Gargoyle?"

When Goliath said that the what seemed to be the only female among the Gargoyles cautiously looked down at the floor.​

@Archmage Jeremiah @Atomyk @Crow @dalecOoOoOoOoOper @Gummi Bunnies @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Josh M @Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Krieg @LuckycoolHawk9 @Mason Moretti @Midnight Maiden @Nater Taters @Shizuochan @thatguyinthestore @York @Yun Lee @Takumi @Verite

Star looked around the new location with a wide smile on her face.


"Woah! This place is so cool! It's like my castle but bigger." Star exclaimed as she skipped around the area, eyeing the various things that she thought was cool but in reality they had back at Marco's house. As she was walking, Star accidentally bumped into the female gargoyle and dropped her wand. "Whoops, sorry about that." Star said as she picked up her wand off the ground. As she did so, Star noticed the worried expression on her face. Being the general good person she was, Star decided to see what was wrong with her.

"Hey.... what's wrong?" Star asked the girl in a genuinely worried tone.

Meanwhile, deciding that he'd had enough of talking gargoyles, birds, raccoons, and...


Whatever the hell Tigger was, Marco decided to simply help himself to some chips he found before sitting down and seeing what's on TV.


@Jeremi @whoever​

Marco couldn't really find anything special on TV considering how late in the night it was. A lot of news, infomercials and bad horror movies.

Goliath as well didn't quite understand the concept of the hearts of light. "I see. Perhaps then we should seek out someone who can?"

The female gargoyle meanwhile was surprised to see two strangers coming her way, and one being super fast for that matter.


"It wasn't anything serious. I was just thinking."
She started. "During the fight it just seemed like a lot of those shadows started surrounding me until you guys came."

Goliath's realized what she was implying. " you think that-?"

"Yeah, what if I was one of the hearts of light?"

As she said that the door to the clock tower opened again as a woman in a red coat walked. "I heard about the attack figured I'd come up to check up on you al-" She suddenly realized there were more than just the gargoyles in the tower.


"Oh uh...I didn't know you had company."

"Do not worry they're friends, they helped us during the fight."
Goliath assured the woman before introducing her to the group. "Everyone this is detective Elisa Maza, a friend of ours who has helped us to transition in this new world. Her precinct is in fact bellow this very clock tower."

"New world?"
She chuckled. "You've been walking about for a few years now already Goliath, I think you can stop calling it that."

"It's still a learning experience. However..."
He turned his attention back towards Angela. "What does that mean then, if you are one of the lights?"

"I'm not sure."
Angela shrugged. "Especially since no one here seems to know exactly what it means."

Now it was America's turn to speak up. "It means that you're in trouble. If the shadows came after you once then it means that they're going to try again."

"Oh... yeah that Thanos guy is after the 'Hearts of Light' for whatever reason." Star said with a bit of a frown. Her frown quickly turned into an award winning smile, however, as Star remembered that their group was filled with fighters that were more than competent.


"But you don't gotta worry. You'll be totally fine with us! We're like pro fighters, right guys?" Star asked, turning to Emma and Killian specifically for confirmation.

Since there was nothing on TV, Marco stood up and approached Herbert to ask about the weird inventions he made. Marco had a science fair coming up, so he was actually hoping that Herbert could tell him how that toaster thing was made so he could make one of his own.


"Hey Herbert. How exactly did you make this thing?" Marco asked, pointing to the toaster gun with his right index finger.

@Crow @Jeremi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Midnight Maiden @whoever​

"Nice lair you've got here..." Herbert bemused as he looked around the inside of the clocktower. "Traditional clock gives a nice feel. Ever considered switching to digital? Just asking."

The clocktower was a fine piece of work. The gears, the mechanisms, all there for Herbert to steal, that is, if the Gargoyles weren't guarding the place.

Herbert would consider stealing the entire thing to add to his new fortress if it weren't for the fact that the entire group was on the run from Thanos. And that he needed to keep his HQ super-secret so that the penguins don't destroy it again.

And that the gargoyles seemed to be on the same track as the rest of the group.

Herbert takes a peek at what Marco was watching.

"That kind of reminds me of Night of the Living Sled. They air it every Halloween," Herbert comments on what seemed to be a scene in a watered-down B-movie live action adaptation of Frankenstein, in black and white, before Marco kept switching channels.

Since Marco asked, Herbert answered, "I jury-rigged a toaster earlier on, the same way you saw me jury-rig an entire vending machine. It's kind of my thing when I don't have too much time to invent something grand, great and awesome."

Hercules and Megara

Now that everything had settled down, Hercules answered the other Hercules's question. " My companion is indeed named Megara. I wish I could answer your question about Hera, but I do not know anything about her, sadly. I have only talked with my father Zeus on how to get back to cast out. I also wish I could have been more helpful, but I was protecting Megara from things that could have attacked her," he looked over at her for a bit, worry evident on his face and he hoped that the others understood. He wouldn't admit that he was in love with her, but he felt that she was worth protecting at the end of the day."

Megara looked over at the others. " So what we do know is that the heart of lights seem to be only female so far. Goosalyn, Angela, perhaps Pochantas," she said. " Do you go out of your way to help people, Angela?" She asked.

@Takumi @Jeremi @Atomyk @Others @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X

Angela thought that was a really weird question to ask. "I mean...I help where I can? We all help where we can. I can't say I do it more or less than anyone else in my clan."

"The hearts of light are female, hmm..." Zé shrugged. "In that case, we need to keep a close watch on the women in our group, as well as senhorita Angela here-after all, if multiple ones attacked her, who is to say that the two hearts already with us will have the same experience? Oh! And, ah..." Zé casually strolled to Elisa, giving her a wink. "I can keep a close eye on you as well, senhorita Maza, if you would like."


Was the walking talking parrot flirting with her? "That's okay, I can take care of myself. That goes double to you." She added to Killian.​


Yup. Definitely gargoyles. This day just kept on getting weirder and damn weirder. Sighing as she and the others were led to the tower with a gaze wandering as they walked, she begrudgingly listened to what the rather odd beings had to say, stowing her sword and shoving her hands in her pockets as she walked with a rather tense expression on her face, lips tightened visibly. "Yeah. I don't suppose you have anything to drink around here? ...Preferably something hard?" she remarked, though she was fairly sure she knew the answer. Still, it was worth a shot. A drink would be reallyyyy nice right about now, after all the crazy shit she'd gone through in under less than twenty-four hours alone. Not to mention the stuff preceding it.

Whether or not her inquiry was answered, she tried her best to steel up, crossing her arms and regarding the gargoyles as they spoke their minds and America explained. "Well, I mean... Human or not, we're all the same. You don't have to be human to be pure of heart. Hell, most ordinary humans I know? Not really the first term I'd describe them with," she pointed out at the suggestion humans might be easier targets. "Which is all that matters. Since I don't think the guy behind this is going for the easy ones- just the ones he needs for... Whatever it is he wants these hearts of light or whatever they're called for."

Briefly looking to the female Gargoyle, though, she appeared sympathetic before letting out a small sigh. "Listen, lady, if you think you might be one of those hearts? If those... shadow... things, were after you, specifically? Then I say trust your instincts on it. Even if it's hard. Because it is, having some crazy role shoved on you like that- I would know. But no matter whether you're one of them or not? We'll make sure you're safe," she assured, offering a gentle smile she had displayed to few here thus far.


"Woah, hold up- we don't know anything about who these hearts of light or if they're all female yet or what, so don't get too far ahead of yourself in--... Oh my God. You're-" Okay. Yup. Too much. As though having a Star Wars character here wasn't bad enough, now she was seeing characters from... Disney shows? Gosh, what the hell was up with this place? Sure, she had seen fairytale characters of all sorts before, but none were actually the Disney version. "...Okay. Not going to focus on that right now," she stated stiffly, eyes slightly wide and hands slowly lowering down. "Point is, if we try to narrow it too far down before we know anything for sure, then we risk eliminating possible candidates based on 'evidence' that hasn't even been confirmed."

Before any more could be said on the subject, Emma found that Star was looking to her for confirmation on something. Something kind of trivial, perhaps, but still. She wasn't going to let the kid down. So despite a small laugh being given at Star's words- a warm one, lacking in any mockery -, Emma nodded in confirmation, smiling warmly at the young girl. "...Yeah, kid. I'd say we make a pretty da--" Oh. Right. Children. "-rn good team."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @everyboday​

Angela appreciated the words Emma said to her. "Thank you, but at the same time what are we going to do to figure this all out?"

"We can't really assume anything right now."
America replied agreeing with Emma. "Whatever the case is, we know there's a heart of light here because of those shadows, but how are we going to figure it out?"

Goliath had been quiet for a moment lulling over their options before he spoke. "I might have a suggestion, but I'm not quite sure how you will like it."

Elisa seemed to get what he was implying. "I think I know what you're going to suggest..."

"There is a man in this city called David Xanatos. While the gargoyles and him have had a...feud."

"Now that's the understatement of the century."
The short gargoyle quipped cutting Goliath off for a moment.

"Yes...but in recent times we have become allies, of a sorts. I'm sure if anything in this world will help us gain some clarity in this situation it's Xanatos."

"Are you sure about this?"
Angela asked concerned. "Even if we're allies now, don't you think Xanatos would want to harness this thing for himself if he figured any of this of?"

"Hmm...perhaps we do not have to tell him everything. We'll say that you are feeling unwell and are concerned about your health. Perhaps that will be enough to get his help."

"Right now I think we're down for anything."
America replied. "If there's anyone who can help us no matter how slim we should check it out."

@Archmage Jeremiah @Atomyk @Crow @dalecOoOoOoOoOper @Gummi Bunnies @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Josh M @Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Krieg @LuckycoolHawk9 @Mason Moretti @Midnight Maiden @Nater Taters @Shizuochan @thatguyinthestore @York @Yun Lee @Takumi @Verite
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"Awww, you two argue like an old married couple." Star said with a grin as she listened to the pair bicker. That's when Star had an idea! Snapping her fingers, Star tugged out her wand and held it in the air with a smile.

In a brief flash of light, Emma was now in a wedding dress complete with flowers and everything while Killian...


Star was about to change them both back to normal, but then one tiny itty bitty detail threw the interdimensional princess completely off guard.


"Kiiiiiiiiiilian..... Aaaaaaaaaabs......"
Yup, looks like Star's inner teenage girl was kicking in when she saw Killian's rockin' six pack. Damn I mean just look at those abs! You can practically skate on those things!

Ahem... Yeah Star was gonna be stuck like this for a bit.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Midnight Maiden @whoever

"Ah, but have I ever led you on, love? If your answer to that question is no, I can assure you in due time that you'll open your eyes to the truth. Not all people are worthy of your mistrust, one of them being me,"
Killian replied, actually taking a slight step back when Emma would use her serious tone. "Well, the way I see it is that we have a long path ahead of us either way. Why not relax a little? No need to be so uptight. Have a drink, loosen your shoulders," he said, this time pushing his flask into her hands. "I long to venture into StoryBrooke just as much as you do, but I've waited a long time for my revenge already... I suppose waiting a bit longer won't harm me--especially since I have your enjoyable company to keep me occupied."

"As for the personal space bit,"
he began to say, a smile yet again tugging at his lips. Somehow, this woman was so charming, especially when she was frustrated. "So it seems, I have to stand closely to you so that I may gain your attention. Perhaps if it wasn't so hard to get your attention, I wouldn't stand so clo--"



The pirate cut himself off, surprised when Emma's appearance would suddenly change. He found himself so entranced that he didn't even notice his shirt was missing or that Star was fangirling over his abs. His mouth fell partly open, while his blue eyes widened in surprise. What the heck had just happened? He wasn't exactly sure, but he did know that Emma looked like an angel--the most radiant woman he had ever laid eyes on.

"Uh, Swan, you're--" He cut himself off, gesturing to the dress she was wearing with a dumbfounded expression on his face. He would then clear his throat to try and compose himself, finishing his statement afterwards. "...beautiful, I must say." Using his hook, Killian reached up to tug at the collar of his coat only to realize... it wasn't there. He briefly looked down at himself, frowning afterwards. "Bloody hell, when did I lose my clothes?" Even with the lack of a shirt on, however, he suddenly felt really warm. And he could hardly keep his eyes off Emma's dress.

@Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore
Angela appreciated the words Emma said to her. "Thank you, but at the same time what are we going to do to figure this all out?"

"We can't really assume anything right now."
America replied agreeing with Emma. "Whatever the case is, we know there's a heart of light here because of those shadows, but how are we going to figure it out?"

Goliath had been quiet for a moment lulling over their options before he spoke. "I might have a suggestion, but I'm not quite sure how you will like it."

Elisa seemed to get what he was implying. "I think I know what you're going to suggest..."

"There is a man in this city called David Xanatos. While the gargoyles and him have had a...feud."

"Now that's the understatement of the century."
The short gargoyle quipped cutting Goliath off for a moment.

"Yes...but in recent times we have become allies, of a sorts. I'm sure if anything in this world will help us gain some clarity in this situation it's Xanatos."

"Are you sure about this?"
Angela asked concerned. "Even if we're allies now, don't you think Xanatos would want to harness this thing for himself if he figured any of this of?"

"Hmm...perhaps we do not have to tell him everything. We'll say that you are feeling unwell and are concerned about your health. Perhaps that will be enough to get his help."

"Right now I think we're down for anything."
America replied. "If there's anyone who can help us no matter how slim we should check it out."

@Archmage Jeremiah @Atomyk @Crow @dalecOoOoOoOoOper @Gummi Bunnies @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Josh M @Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Krieg @LuckycoolHawk9 @Mason Moretti @Midnight Maiden @Nater Taters @Shizuochan @thatguyinthestore @York @Yun Lee @Takumi @Verite

At first, all Emma could really do was give Killian a half-amused and half 'seriously?' look. "You aren't the first guy to say those things. In fact, pretty sure it's a typical line. Especially for the people who are 'worthy' of just that. Besides, you're a pirate- surely you've heard 'there's plenty of fish in the sea'. So if you could let up and start taking this at least a little more seriously, it'd be great." Yeah. Tell him, Emma. She did seem to grow mildly frustrated by his statements, though, a tense laugh coming from her as she gestured around them. "Relax? How the hell am I supposed to relax when that crazy lady you were working with could be back in Storybrooke right now? My son could be in danger, and he's having to face that without his mother... Again," she stated with a tinge of pain to her features and tone, only to pause briefly with a deep breath through her nose. "Waiting a bit longer might not be a big deal to you, but it sure as hell is to me."


"Yeah. I'll take that drink now,"
she muttered, secretly grateful as the pirate placed the flask in her hands. Within moments, she had unscrewed it, taking a sizable swig before finally lowering it again. She really needed it right now, to the point she was beyond giving a damn who had been drinking from it before her. "Thanks. But you might want this back before I take the rest," she mused, passing it back to the captain.

Waiting less than patiently for the alcohol to work it's magic on her, Emma only scoffed at Killian's claim about having to be close to get her attention. "Oh, please. We've talked plenty without you getting so personal. Try another excuse." With that, she glanced back to the others again. Particularly, Angela, considering her inquiry on what they would do. "Well, I'm not sure just yet. But we're going to figure this out. Whoever these hearts of light are, whatever Thanos wants with them? He sure as hell ain't getting them on my watch. We'll just have to find them first and keep them out of reach. Though, easier said than done. But if you all know someone who may be able to help like you say..."


Okay. So there had been a sudden flash of light smack in the middle of the whole conversation at hand, causing Emma to briefly lose her train of thought. At first, she didn't really notice anything different, not counting a sudden, random compliment from Killian that left her looking slightly confused as she glanced to him. Only to notice that he was shirtless, yet still looking hotter than the flames of hell. "Thanks? You, uh-" There was a pause, her eyes briefly glancing him over again. Okay. So shirtless was a good look on him, regardless of what had caused it. But she wasn't going to say that aloud. So instead, she pursed her lips, smiling and gesturing to his torso briefly. He might've been gazing at her so intensely she felt warm, but she wasn't really averting her gaze, either. "Aren't wearing a shirt-- What the...?" That was when she noticed the flowers in her hands. And shortly after, looked down at herself, noting the dress as the flowers fell to the ground, forgotten and unwanted.

She really wished there weren't kids around right now. Because this was a bitch.

Letting out a small laugh, Emma nodded, still looking downward as she bit her cheek. Yeah. She had a good feeling she knew who did this. And she just happened to be drooling over her man Killian's abs right now. "Yeah. Hold that thought," she murmured to Killian, giving him a tight smile before turning away, slowly making her way over to the teen responsible and tripping momentarily, unused to wearing such long and regal dresses. Still, she managed to crouch to the girl's height, looking her in the eyes. "Star?... Star. Kid, what did I tell you earlier? It isn't like this, with Killian and I. So can you please undo... Whatever this is?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi @everyboday​
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"Nice lair you've got here..." Herbert bemused as he looked around the inside of the clocktower. "Traditional clock gives a nice feel. Ever considered switching to digital? Just asking."

The clocktower was a fine piece of work. The gears, the mechanisms, all there for Herbert to steal, that is, if the Gargoyles weren't guarding the place.

Herbert would consider stealing the entire thing to add to his new fortress if it weren't for the fact that the entire group was on the run from Thanos. And that he needed to keep his HQ super-secret so that the penguins don't destroy it again.

And that the gargoyles seemed to be on the same track as the rest of the group.

Herbert takes a peek at what Marco was watching.

"That kind of reminds me of Night of the Living Sled. They air it every Halloween," Herbert comments on what seemed to be a scene in a watered-down B-movie live action adaptation of Frankenstein, in black and white, before Marco kept switching channels.

Since Marco asked, Herbert answered, "I jury-rigged a toaster earlier on, the same way you saw me jury-rig an entire vending machine. It's kind of my thing when I don't have too much time to invent something grand, great and awesome."



Well, that didn't really answer Marco's question. He wasn't really sure how to "jury-rig" anything. Heck, Marco wasn't even sure he knew what jury-rigging meant. But if these were the type of machines that Herbert made when he was low on parts or was running out of time, just imagine what kind of things he made when he actually had the time and the resources!

"So... what kind of things do you usually make?" Marco asked in an attempt to sound normal, but was really coming off as more awkward if anything.


At first, all Emma could really do was give Killian a half-amused and half 'seriously?' look. "You aren't the first guy to say those things. In fact, pretty sure it's a typical line. Especially for the people who are 'worthy' of just that. Besides, you're a pirate- surely you've heard 'there's plenty of fish in the sea'. So if you could let up and start taking this at least a little more seriously, it'd be great." Yeah. Tell him, Emma. She did seem to grow mildly frustrated by his statements, though, a tense laugh coming from her as she gestured around them. "Relax? How the hell am I supposed to relax when that crazy lady you were working with could be back in Storybrooke right now? My son could be in danger, and he's having to face that without his mother... Again," she stated with a tinge of pain to her features and tone, only to pause briefly with a deep breath through her nose. "Waiting a bit longer might not be a big deal to you, but it sure as hell is to me."


"Yeah. I'll take that drink now,"
she muttered, secretly grateful as the pirate placed the flask in her hands. Within moments, she had unscrewed it, taking a sizable swig before finally lowering it again. She really needed it right now, to the point she was beyond giving a damn who had been drinking from it before her. "Thanks. But you might want this back before I take the rest," she mused, passing it back to the captain.

Waiting less than patiently for the alcohol to work it's magic on her, Emma only scoffed at Killian's claim about having to be close to get her attention. "Oh, please. We've talked plenty without you getting so personal. Try another excuse." With that, she glanced back to the others again. Particularly, Angela, considering her inquiry on what they would do. "Well, I'm not sure just yet. But we're going to figure this out. Whoever these hearts of light are, whatever Thanos wants with them? He sure as hell ain't getting them on my watch. We'll just have to find them first and keep them out of reach. Though, easier said than done. But if you all know someone who may be able to help like you say..."


Okay. So there had been a sudden flash of light smack in the middle of the whole conversation at hand, causing Emma to briefly lose her train of thought. At first, she didn't really notice anything different, not counting a sudden, random compliment from Killian that left her looking slightly confused as she glanced to him. Only to notice that he was shirtless, yet still looking hotter than the flames of hell. "Thanks? You, uh-" There was a pause, her eyes briefly glancing him over again. Okay. So shirtless was a good look on him, regardless of what had caused it. But she wasn't going to say that aloud. So instead, she pursed her lips, smiling and gesturing to his torso briefly. He might've been gazing at her so intensely she felt warm, but she wasn't really averting her gaze, either. "Aren't wearing a shirt-- What the...?" That was when she noticed the flowers in her hands. And shortly after, looked down at herself, noting the dress as the flowers fell to the ground, forgotten and unwanted.

She really wished there weren't kids around right now. Because this was a bitch.

Letting out a small laugh, Emma nodded, still looking downward as she bit her cheek. Yeah. She had a good feeling she knew who did this. And she just happened to be drooling over her man Killian's abs right now. "Yeah. Hold that thought," she murmured to Killian, giving him a tight smile before turning away, slowly making her way over to the teen responsible and tripping momentarily, unused to wearing such long and regal dresses. Still, she managed to crouch to the girl's height, looking her in the eyes. "Star?... Star. Kid, what did I tell you earlier? It isn't like this, with Killian and I. So can you please undo... Whatever this is?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi @everyboday​

"Heeheehee..... Killian...... hot...... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaabs~"

Meanwhile, Star was way too busy gawking over Killian's amazing hawt abs to even notice Emma try and get her attention. Looks like you're gonna have to find a way to cover him up yourself if you want Star to snap out of her little trance.

@Crow @Midnight Maiden @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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