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"And now if you'll excuse us."

He said politely to Gilgamesh and Hideo's way as well as any others, before stepping off a brisk distance. He expected Lon'qu to follow and waited patiently. A few moments later, if he did come? Roman would turn to him with a serious look in his eye....And then stab Melodic Cudgel into the earth. Off came the ascot, knotted loosely around the hook.

Then the white tailored jacket.

And then the vest and the collared shirt.

Finally, Roman stepped away from his equipment, clad in a black silk tank top and his dress slacks.

Red suspenders held these up, Roman tucking his thumbs beneath them and revealing a build far more muscled then one would believe of a thief. He kept the hat, tilted at a cocky angle as he looked like an eighteenth century bare-knuckled fighter.

Which was precisely what he had in mind as he spoke.

"The girl...Saber. Bill fed me information, whenever I slept and reported. Among the things he mentioned, was her. If she showed up, she was to have top priority and his sources ran deep. He told me the bare basics and that was enough...Fighting her head on was not going to work, so I went for the sneaky approach. For what its worth? She did love you....Enough to step into a box where she'd be stabbed moments later. It was your name she had on her lips when she died and well....I understand. So here I am. I'm unarmed. You can try to cut me down with that sword in hand, but your honor and her memory won't let you, won't it? But here I am. I'm a man of the street and in the slums is where I grew up. We settled our differences without ideas of honor. Couldn't tell you an epee from a saber either. What they did have was a broken bottle, where they'd carve your name on your chest with before you can blink and that was how I learned. So if you wanna settle any scores, or at least take a swing? Well....Here I am. I'm not going to kill you- I'm heartily sick of it. So tell me Lancelot?"

He peered at him and wished he had a cigar.

"....Gonna take a swing?"

@Crimson Spartan @Gwazi Magnum @Gummi Bunnies @Hospes

He gave Roman a long.. Hard stare but soon lifted up that sword...


He did swing... But probably not with what Roman meant... Still his sword stopped mere centimeters from Roman's neck. Before Roman could comment it was there... Where all Lon'qu would have to do is move his hand ever so slightly and he'd cut Roman's head clean off...

"I....Also grew up in the streets... The Slums if you would but...."

He moved the sword away from Roman...


"Like I said.... Killing you would only leave me at square one with more blood on my hands.... Completely pointless... Punching you... Which is probably what you meant by 'take a swing' is also pointless..."

He then turned his back on the thief.....


"Believe me every fiber of my being wants to take that swing.... But vengeance isn't a good thing to be fueled by..." And with that Lon'qu just left Roman standing there as he walked back to join Gilgamesh and the others.



On some level, Mabel relished the feeling of the odd shadow creature digging it's dagger-like claws into her skin, causing her sleeve to be painted crimson with her very own blood. It was an exhilarating feeling, and the pain was actually found enjoyable. It was likely that this was the exact same reason that she had made no attempt to dodge Hisoka's card attack, prior. Regardless, she even went as far as to pout when the creature made it's way off. Oh, well. Looked like the clown was still around, at the very least, even if he was no longer assaulting her and had drawn his card away from her throat.

What a shame.

Regardless, a grin was thrown right back at him, and she seemed to share his sentiment. "Truly, indeed. As to fun? I must agree. Plenty was to be had, for certain." That was true. Oh, had Mabel had a blast. That much was more than likely quite obvious. "I would quite enjoy another opportunity to play~" she assured. "Until then..."

It appeared that she and the clown weren't alone, though - a familiar face had joined her. Inigo, his name was. She recalled his- and the others' -quite vividly. But it didn't matter who he was or how much trouble he had caused, it seemed, for the young woman giggled nonetheless. "Oh, how oh so very wonderful of you to offer, darling," she spoke, biting her lower lip and even reaching to flirtatiously wrap her arms around his neck. After doing so, she got on her tippy-toes so that her mouth was right by his ear before she spoke again. This time? In a sultry whisper.


"...But let me assure you, if you ever so much as think about harming a single hair on my brother's pretty little head again? Let's just say I can easily get rid of every single last 'wonderful' thing in your life and turn it to hell with a thought." With those words, she untangled her arms from around him and took a step back, throwing him a wink. "Got that, darling~?"


With that out of the way, Mabel resumed simply beaming, as though she hadn't said a single word. Or, worse yet, had, and had enjoyed it. But the grin in that moment didn't match the one that came when she took notice of Roman. Especially when he pointed out that she needed help. "Oh? So, the big bad wolf is coming to the princess's aide? How nontraditional~" she hummed, teasingly. "Besides, 'need' is such a strong word. I think what you meant to say was that you want to provide help. But you need not fret. My tolerance is quite high, I assure you. Ehehe."

Yet, there the thief went, placing a hand on her wound. She didn't so much as flinch as he did so - just watched with unmasked amusement. The healing likely would've felt nice, to anyone but the Gleeful, who only let out a dramatic sigh. "How dreadful. It appears my clothes have been dirtied," she commented offhandedly before actually caring to look to Roman again and respond to his latest pitch. "Safe word? Heh. Amusing, truly, that you think I'd require such a thing."

But then it appeared his attention got pulled elsewhere - boring. At least, until he mentioned letting the Lon'qu fellow 'take a swing'. Ooh, someone grab her the popcorn.

@Verite @Ringmaster @Crimson Spartan @Whoever​
"..Someone already beat you to that i'm afraid..." Inigo had whispered back just as Mabel finished whispering to him but before she stepped back. His smile never faded...


"About that offer now... I can make some tea for you and your brother if you prefer... Does he even drink tea...?" inigo responded like his usual self. It seemed reverse Mabel couldn't shake this flirt :/...

Gilgamesh raised an eyebrow when Lonqu swung the sword only to stop it before making contact. He waited until Lonqu made his way back to the group before stating "So, you spare him, and then intimidate him... But you talked too long for just that to happen. I take it you learned something else?".

@Crimson Spartan
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Averting her gaze, Zinnia scratched the ground with one of her feet. "I almost wish we weren't friends," she suddenly blurted out, not caring if her comment came off as offensive. "You're going to leave and I'm not ever going to see you again. I'm not sure what point there is to having a friend like that." She sighed. How ironic was it that the first friend she had made was one she would never get to see again?

"Weeeell, anyhow," she began, clearing her throat. Zinnia didn't want to sound so depressed. "I hope your journey goes well for you. You're lucky you have a purpose where you come from. Some people," like me, "don't really have anything to live for." Zinnia would return to Hoenn and then what? She would be back to square one.

@The Tactician
"I understand, Miss Zinnia. It is quite the tragic irony of being travelers such as us, almost always alone, and when we do find another like us, the time together passes all too soon."

It truly was tragic the course that the currents and waves of fate have led the young adventurer down.

"... If you wish, you can join me. Perhaps you will find something in my world, some place where you belong. I can not promise anything... But perhaps you will finally discover what you seek there."
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Midnight Maiden
Gilgamesh raised an eyebrow when Lonqu swung the sword only to stop it before making contact. He waited until Lonqu made his way back to the group before stating "So, you spare him, and then intimidate him... But you talked too long for just that to happen. I take it you learned something else?".

@Crimson Spartan
"Self restraint is one thing... But sometimes it takes a bit more for someone to get the message you're conveying..." Was all Lon'qu had to say on that topic..

@Gwazi Magnum

He gave Roman a long.. Hard stare but soon lifted up that sword...


He did swing... But probably not with what Roman meant... Still his sword stopped mere centimeters from Roman's neck. Before Roman could comment it was there... Where all Lon'qu would have to do is move his hand ever so slightly and he'd cut Roman's head clean off...

"I....Also grew up in the streets... The Slums if you would but...."

He moved the sword away from Roman...


"Like I said.... Killing you would only leave me at square one with more blood on my hands.... Completely pointless... Punching you... Which is probably what you meant by 'take a swing' is also pointless..."

He then turned his back on the thief.....


"Believe me every fiber of my being wants to take that swing.... But vengeance isn't a good thing to be fueled by..." And with that Lon'qu just left Roman standing there as he walked back to join Gilgamesh and the others.


Roman Torchwick was not a hero.

But he understood loss and revenge. And while he wouldn't have shed tears himself and doubted Lancelot would either if it was him, some things you just had to do. Even at personal cost, if only to give up some peace of mind and prevent the slums from ripping and tearing apart in petty power struggles. It was a good lesson for Roman growing up, learning how to manipulate and when to choose his fights. To say nothing of his ability to bluff. He faced the sword with as much fear as he did Bill, before he turned to stone. It was liberating in a way, knowing you'd spit in the eye of the greats and they could do no more. But he calculated Lon'qu right and watched him go. But if he hadn't? Well....

That was what Aura was for.

If you played the game with the cards you were dealt, you were doing it wrong. But the gamble paid off and Lon'qu walked away, apparently satisfied and knowing he was nothing like him. Pfft. Roman could have told him that for free. Still, he didn't count on that little reveal. On that intimate bit of information that struck Roman in a place he didn't think still existed.

That of a grubby, dirty-redheaded boy who swore he was going to be a gentleman when he grew up.

Lon'qu and Roman started off in the same place.

Only one of them made it.

He sighed out and rubbed a hand over his face, his other hand on his hip as muscles rippled. And walking back to his clothing, he sat down on the grass and laid out, letting out a grunt as he waited in thought.

Lon'qu was only one.

There were others he felt might want to make their thoughts known.

@Crimson Spartan @Gwazi Magnum @Gummi Bunnies @Hospes
Ashe was about to release another quickening. Another bout of judgment. She was abnout to release another quickening on the twins. Then Bill Cipher was gone. All was calm. The world was peaceful once again.

And then music came from outside of the clearing. It was hard rock. AC/DC to be exact. The Eternal heroes last song.

A black '67 Impala with its windows broken would drive up.


It would park nearby, and the Winchester Brothers would get out. They wouldn't be wearing suits like FBI Agents anymore, and instead, Dean was wearing a leather jacket, and Sam was wearing a green button up shirt.


"Alright, we're back. What a rush, huh, Sam? That was the best death I've had in a while." Dean said to Sam.


"Yeah, Dean. Now, I kind of want to check on that girl from the cave. Shee if she's holding up at all." Sam said, looking around for either Solas or Junko.
"Alright, Sam. you go do that. I'm going to go talk to Michiko." Dean said. ":She probably has our stuff."
@Atomyk @Takumi @Anyone @THE WINCHESTERS ARE BACK! @Short Post

Michiko had turned to look at where she left the whiskey bottle during the fight but was dissapointed to see that it had shattered from a stray weapon. She sighed before pulling out the flask from her jacket pocket and taking a sip. She didn't get a chance to beat the shit out of Bill but that was okay, he got what he deserved. And once she was back home? It was back to trying to find Hiroshi. At least, more for Hatchin's benefit than her own now.

Speaking of Hatchin, where the hell was she? Taking a quick look around she'd spot the girl standing near the entrance to the shack, eyes narrowed as if she was silently judging someone past the woman.


Confused, Michiko turned around and noticed Dean. He was probably looking for her.

Wait a minute....

"Dean!!!" she called, running towards him. She'd skid to a stop near him.

And then she'd slap him.


"You ever make me feel like shit by dying so suddenly again the next time we meet, be it hell or heavan, I'll kick you in the--!" she was cut off by Coco, who (now back into her original cat like form) meowed loudly and started rubbing against the woman's legs.

@Minerva @The ship is back on course~ <3
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"..Someone already beat you to that i'm afraid..." Inigo had whispered back just as Mabel finished whispering to him but before she stepped back. His smile never faded...


"About that offer now... I can make some tea for you and your brother if you prefer... Does he even drink tea...?" inigo responded like his usual self. It seemed reverse Mabel couldn't shake this flirt :/...


Huh. Well. That was new. The male didn't seem even slightly discouraged or put off. That much was impressive, even Mabel had to admit. But that positive was somewhat negated by something else Inigo did - he believed that he'd already lost everything. If there was one thing that Mabel knew, and she knew very well? It was that there was always something to lose.


Letting the comment slide for the moment, Mabel simply placed a hand on her hip and let out a hum. "...I suppose I could live with that," she stated, almost as though having tea made for her would be more tolling on her rather than Inigo. However, she seemed almost as though she weren't entirely paying attention. And just that was true - her focus wasn't at all on Inigo. A slight frown now tugged on her lips, and she found herself mildly aggravated. Roman had ignored her jabs, and she didn't at all take well to being ignored. And, apparently, she wasn't the only one.


"You could ask the man you're speaking of," came a second voice from right behind Inigo. And the owner of it didn't exactly look or sound pleased, either. Especially considering the burns and few slashes on him.

Hah. Yeah. Looked like you were going to have a good time.

@Crimson Spartan @Verite @Ringmaster

Roman Torchwick was not a hero.

But he understood loss and revenge. And while he wouldn't have shed tears himself and doubted Lancelot would either if it was him, some things you just had to do. Even at personal cost, if only to give up some peace of mind and prevent the slums from ripping and tearing apart in petty power struggles. It was a good lesson for Roman growing up, learning how to manipulate and when to choose his fights. To say nothing of his ability to bluff. He faced the sword with as much fear as he did Bill, before he turned to stone. It was liberating in a way, knowing you'd spit in the eye of the greats and they could do no more. But he calculated Lon'qu right and watched him go. But if he hadn't? Well....

That was what Aura was for.

If you played the game with the cards you were dealt, you were doing it wrong. But the gamble paid off and Lon'qu walked away, apparently satisfied and knowing he was nothing like him. Pfft. Roman could have told him that for free. Still, he didn't count on that little reveal. On that intimate bit of information that struck Roman in a place he didn't think still existed.

That of a grubby, dirty-redheaded boy who swore he was going to be a gentleman when he grew up.

Lon'qu and Roman started off in the same place.

Only one of them made it.

He sighed out and rubbed a hand over his face, his other hand on his hip as muscles rippled. And walking back to his clothing, he sat down on the grass and laid out, letting out a grunt as he waited in thought.

Lon'qu was only one.

There were others he felt might want to make their thoughts known.

@Crimson Spartan @Gwazi Magnum @Gummi Bunnies @Hospes
There is battling demons using music. Then there is battling demons using cannons and rock salt. Clarence would believe there is quite the difference, and the way the two methods blended into each other as of recently, confused him. Who's to say they couldn't have just fired at them from the beginning?

Oh well. They were being fought, and that was what mattered. Not that he could contribute so much, but still. Noticing the fight commencing, he took to his piano. Now for something HE'D play.

But before he could end the overture, a hole ripped through this dimension, leading to another, and with it, his newly acquired companions were leaving. Back to the world of the living. One of them, anyways. It hurt him to leave so soon. Playing the piano made him feel more alive than in long, even after the energetic rush of reuniting with the Surface.

Though there was more there than a piano would ever give to him. Among the living, was more adventure, more company, more… pleasure. Ech, plus RGB was there. And, hopefully, so was a way back to London.

Ah yes, London. In a slow, slender motion he rose, away from the white and black keys that for the last time were what kept him alive. And even still, the music seemed to keep going. Clarence, however, thought naught of it as he made his way towards the portal, and eventually through it.

London. His home city of wonder, majesty, class divide and squid men. Ever since taken to the Neath, the place had only gotten worse and worse. The people, seemingly oblivious to the fact, was verging on disaster. Morality was dead, laws along it. Yet the Masters, self-declared rulers of the city, did not care for them the slightest. City after city they had taken, leeching off it as their home for a few hundred years, until all was gone.

But Clarence, of seemingly little importance as he was, was not one to let that happen to London. His plan was to do anything in his growing power to stop the Masters of the Bazaar.

He once more had to shield his eyes from the intense light combined from the sun and various explosions at arriving back in Gravity Falls. How he'd missed the place. Oh, and Bill was there. Being pulled into yet another underworld, it seemed.


What? What did he miss? Ok, there was RGB. Injured and unconscious, but seemingly still alive. Good. Stroding over to him, Clarence took a short pause besides Roman.

Oh right, he was exhausted beyond legitimate reason.

The Brit practically fell to his knees besides Roman, despite best efforts to calmly sit down. A proper upper class gentleman couldn't afford to have "Hilariously falling to the ground under public eye" on his reputation now, could he?

"Greetings, once again, Roman. Would it be too much of a stretch to ask about what in the world happened here?"

Subtlety be d__ned. He was finding out what was going on, if he so had to ask the apparent bad guy himself. If that was indeed the case, bothered him none.

"This entire event had been far more of a slaughterfest than anyone here would find themselves comfortable with, I believe. Oh, how my only wish is to return to 1894, to London…"

Trailing off in voice, Clarence pulled out another bottle of wine. One of the better ones, at that. Greyfields 1868 First Sporing. Clarence could say it time and time again. Nothing was like the tastes of Neathen mushroom wines. And while yes, he had promised himself to restrain to a more austere lifestyle, he needed a stiff drink. No matter the price. No wine was too expensive to enjoy after being threatened on your life. For real this time around.

He took a sip. Then another. Then a large one. His once distressed mind was numbing. He hands the bottle to Roman, his tired expression offering a drink. Surely he can't resist a sip or two of only the finest of wine, reserved for only the closest protéges of Mr. Wines?

What? What did he miss? Ok, there was RGB. Injured and unconscious, but seemingly still alive. Good. Stroding over to him, Clarence took a short pause besides Roman.

Oh right, he was exhausted beyond legitimate reason.

The Brit practically fell to his knees besides Roman, despite best efforts to calmly sit down. A proper upper class gentleman couldn't afford to have "Hilariously falling to the ground under public eye" on his reputation now, could he?

"Greetings, once again, Roman. Would it be too much of a stretch to ask about what in the world happened here?"

Subtlety be d__ned. He was finding out what was going on, if he so had to ask the apparent bad guy himself. If that was indeed the case, bothered him none.

"This entire event had been far more of a slaughterfest than anyone here would find themselves comfortable with, I believe. Oh, how my only wish is to return to 1894, to London…"

Trailing off in voice, Clarence pulled out another bottle of wine. One of the better ones, at that. Greyfields 1868 First Sporing. Clarence could say it time and time again. Nothing was like the tastes of Neathen mushroom wines. And while yes, he had promised himself to restrain to a more austere lifestyle, he needed a stiff drink. No matter the price. No wine was too expensive to enjoy after being threatened on your life. For real this time around.

He took a sip. Then another. Then a large one. His once distressed mind was numbing. He hands the bottle to Roman, his tired expression offering a drink. Surely he can't resist a sip or two of only the finest of wine, reserved for only the closest protéges of Mr. Wines?

Roman was surprised he remembered his name. He glanced upward at the figure and then his gaze went to the wine bottle. With a shrug, he took it and sniffed it first, swirling the liquid to let the bouquet rise. Huh....A little nutty, not any grapes he could distinguish. What was this? He took a sip and then savored the flavor, letting it roll in his mouth before swallowing.

"....That's good. And I'm not so sure anymore either. But the sun is shining, we're not dead-dead and I think its all over. Where were you?"


Koyomi, meanwhile, just let out an exasperated sigh.

"Never... again..." He simply said to Gran and Djeeta, running a hand through his hair, before glancing at Karen, "You okay, Karen-chan? I'm not sure if I'll ever be okay ever again."

@Crow @Kaykay

"Well, the important thing is that we won, right, Nii-chan?"

Her shoulders drooped and her expression clouded a little before she continued.

"...Even if I think I'll feel bad for all those 'Gattai' kind of shows, now..."

@Crow @Verite

Roman was surprised he remembered his name. He glanced upward at the figure and then his gaze went to the wine bottle. With a shrug, he took it and sniffed it first, swirling the liquid to let the bouquet rise. Huh....A little nutty, not any grapes he could distinguish. What was this? He took a sip and then savored the flavor, letting it roll in his mouth before swallowing.

"....That's good. And I'm not so sure anymore either. But the sun is shining, we're not dead-dead and I think its all over. Where were you?"


So Roman remembered his name. Pleasant. Atop that, he liked the wine. Well, truth be told, who wouldn't like it?

"We're not dead. Why, that is naught short of a miracle. To think I mere moments in the past was roaming the land of the dead and waiting, gracing a stage and crowd with my unbeknownst piano knowledge."

He took another sip of the wine.

"And here are you, Roman, yes? You were nothing short of the one announcing our musical feat against the group of shadows. What, exactly, was your involvement with them, if you don't mind me asking? It is only in my interest to connect the pieces of our story."

"I'm never watching a super robot or sentai show ever again," Koyomi sighed, continuing to rub his head a bit, "Hopefully, we can uncover the bodies of Kanbaru and Ougi-chan from the rubble, and then head home with them afterwards," He spoke, calming down and placing a hand on his hip. Before he could do that though, first things first...

Somewhat abruptly, the young man would break into a small jog, running over to Junko's direction and clearing his throat in a somewhat awkward attempt to attract her attention.


"H-Hey... Uh, Enoshima, was it?" He asked, his avoidant gaze after his... unprofessional display after combining (against his own will, one must emphasize) with Karen, Gran, and Djeeta rather obvious, though before long, managing to get over that.


"You were right. I don't know. There are a lot of things I don't know about you. I barely even know your name," He said, finally looking at her now, "But I know that... You've been through a lot. I've met a lot of people with hard lives, to the point that I can almost identify them with a passing glance, but it isn't the fact that they've had it rough that would make them admirable, but rather, how they deal with it today."

"It's like I said before. You may be unfortunate in life, but you don't have to suffer. However, that also means that you have to save yourself. You can't spend all your time waiting for someone else to help you, no matter how often others will be alongside you. If not by helping your situation, then by braving through whatever frontier you may come across, no matter what, you have to endure. I won't pretend to know your circumstances, and I won't pretend that it's not arrogant to give advice because of that, but... The last time I found myself unable to completely save a girl, she... left."


"But ah, I guess the point I'm trying to make is... Well, it's like the Americans say, right? Don't hope for an easy life, but the strength to endure a hard one. I probably messed that up somewhere along the line, but... Yeah. There's no point in having physical strength alone. The real deal needs to have mental strength and will. If there's one thing to take from all this rambling, it's that... Well, just be strong, I guess. Keep being strong. And admirable. Take pride in what you've survived."


"Or... in short, good job on closing the portal."

This went on for longer than he had intended.

@Kaykay @Atomyk


"My, my. How bothersome..."

Shortly after the fall of the haughty, loud monster that certainly liked to flaunt his abilities, Shinobu would revert back to her original form, that of being an eight year old's body. Evidently, she had already exerted her energy on fighting the creature and dodging its attacks, as well as the oafs who accidentally fired in her general direction.

I desire some energy, but I couldn't ask my master of it... Hmph. It's quite degrading, but if it's only for a little while longer... Shinobu idly thought to herself, not bothering to finish the thought as she was about to act it out, whatever it was.

Nonchalantly approaching Djeeta from behind, she would take her arm, and without any explanation whatsoever, she would suddenly start gnawing on the girl's arm, like a dog on a bone, though not nearly as rough, making small gnawing noises, her eyes closed, as she began to extract bits of energy of Djeeta. In fact, it almost felt like a massage! At least, that was what Shinobu would imagine it felt like for Djeeta, given how... eccentric she was.

Moggle moggle moggle.

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The Final Curtain

On three fronts the battle raged. In the Afterlife on the stage as blows were exchanged and strikes in eerie synchronization to the wail of the instruments. Guns barked and lightning crackled as the pervasive free for all loomed on the stage. Weirdmaggedon was losing, unable to detect the true Samurai and it would cost. And around them, the world burned and twisted as the outside world made its presence known...Bill was getting distracted and the world around them was failing because of it. Then the roar of a powerful cannon from the audience slammed into Weirdmaggedon's drummer, supported by the Hunter on his shoulder and the Plain Doll, who had taken the role of Gunner. A crackle of ectoplasmic fire ripped from the hand of Granny Weatherwax and then inspired by the Eternal Heroes on the stage, the audience realized.

They were many.

They had nothing to lose.

And the nightmares that had lorded it over them for so long were within reach.

With a battle cry raging from hundreds of throats, the audience sat up as one and charged.

The Eternal Heroes had done it.

And their music would live on in this world for as long as dreams would be dreamt.

Granny nodded with satisfaction at the results. Aloud, she spoke.

"Sometimes, we need to put down our own monsters to make sure they're dead. You lot...Not the sort of music I'd listen to, but good enough. Here."

She stretched out a hand and the shadows rippled and tore apart to reveal a circle. Bright sunlight, lost to this point shone vividly through as the sounds of explosions carried on.

"This ain't going to hold forever. Go! Now!"

The Hunter and the Plain Doll, hand in hand smiled as one at the Eternal Heroes. At least, the eyes of the Hunter crinkled upward in a position one doubted he did much and the Plain Doll's serene expression showed the peace long denied as she curtsied.

"Good dreams to you....Eternal Heroes."

"Tis the end of the road for you here. The dream has ended. It is time to wake up."

Wake up.....


Bill Cipher was livid.

Power crackled around his person and distorted the landscape. Flowers turned to savage, ravenous monsters beneath his feet. Footprints walked away and formed a committee and somehow, at some point Twisted Fate would find himself holding back a door in thin air containing an infinite amount of monkeys. Something about presenting their take on Shakespeare. It was madness and Bill was about ready to stop playing around. Turning everyone here to stone would be a wonderful start and then he could take care of the rest of this universe. All would perish, all would- There was a faint sense of something being cut.

Bill paused in horror, slowly turning to see the portal leading from the Afterlife.


He called power to him...And like a wild bronco, his power fought back. Bill Cipher was shocked and he'd stare at his hands. The Conmans deal! Without awarding him his reward to seal the deal, his power was fighting back. Deals were sacred and their format more so- By violating that? Bill had essentially handicapped himself this entire fight.... And without the powers and souls, he no longer had anything to pay back his friends. Well fine then. He'll just finish this fight and then he'll deal with the rest. He was still in control....He was still in control!

Hell came to Gravity Falls.

The earth broke up as the wail of tormented victims screamed for salvation. The heat even at this distance was scorching and something was rising up. The air near the crack grew toxic, with the stench of fear and despair made manifest.

Bill looked terrified.

The figure who rose from the crack in the ground did not look evil. White was his predominant color, white silk and cream coloration with a tall, top hat to go with it, same color. He idly flicked off a fleck of soot on his sleeve and smiled at Bill in the most disarming manner.

"I'm in control! Look, I still got the power! They can't resist it at all- I just need time!"

The figure cocked his head, his smile still unwavering. Bill began to blabber on.

"I can get their powers! And your souls back, you know I'm good for it! You want something extra off the top? Money? Power, your own galaxy! I JUST NEED A LITTLE MORE TIME! AHHHHH!!"

The reason for Bill's panic became suddenly clear as from the crack, liquid shadow flowed out and began to engulf the Dream Demon. The white-clad man watched on in faint interest as Bill began to fight back. But he had been exhausted by the fight and even his power deserted him.

And slowly, but surely he was dragged towards the crack. Him and all his minions, all screaming to try to get away.


The drums beat out, Bill yelled desperately.


And with a final scream, he was dragged down below as the crack sealed itself up.

The air became less toxic and the figure stared at everyone, giving the impression he was memorizing their faces....Before he raised his hands and clapped thrice. Slowly, each echo reaching across the torn up battle field. In a rich and cultured tone, he spoke.

"Brava. Brava. Bravamissia."

And in a flare of black flames, he too was gone.

Silence reigned briefly....Gravity Fall's Weirdmageddon effects retreated in turn. Restored to their original state, everything returned back to normal. The statue of Roman, untouched in the fight transformed back to cloth and flesh, Roman coughing rapidly as he hacked and cleared out the air in his lungs. That was horrible.

The Reverse-Twins, remained where they were. Out of all of Bill's minions, passed over by the shadow-hands. They made it.

And a world was saved once more.


@C.T. as Hank Pym[Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes]-Until he switched to Gwenpool. : |
@DapperDogman as Sans[Undertale AU] and Fox[You're Next]
@T.O.M. as Ougi Oshino and Kanbaru Suruga[Monogatari]
@Crow as Gran and Djeeta[Granblue Fantasy]
@Verite as Koyomi Araragi and Shinobu Oshino[Monogatari]
@Kaykay as Karen Araragi[Monogatari]
@PRINCE⚫JUSTIN⚫PERFECTION™ as Maleficent[Maleficent]
@Mighty Roman as Thor Odinson[Marvel]
@The Tactician as Samurai Jack[Samurai Jack]
@IntrusivePenDesperateSword as Clarence Irawn[Fallen London]
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Alex Mercer[Prototype]
@Bomb as Meteo[L]
@CookieMonster as River Tam[Firefly] and Jessica Jones[Jessica Jones]
@Jeremi as Jennifer Walters aka She-Hulk[Marvel Comics] and Rainbow Mika[Street Fighter]
@Atomyk as Pearl[Steven Universe]
@Gummi Bunnies as Hideo Kawamura and Will.CO21 "Wiruko"[Sentou Jousai Masurawo]
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Lorekeeper Zinnia and Aster the Whismur[Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire]
@Melon as Hanzō Urushihara AKA Lucifer[Hataraku Maou-sama!]
@Crimson Spartan as Lon'qu[Fire Emblem Awakening/Murder Games] and Inigo[Fire Emblem Awakening]
@york as Max Caulfield[Life is Strange]
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Jack Joyce[Quantum Break]
@Krieg as Lena "Tracer" Oxton[Overwatch]
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Lincoln Campbell[Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D] and Thomas "Tommy" Merlyn[Arrow]
@Lissamel as RGB[The Property of Hate]
@The Silver Paladin as Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester[Supernatural]
@ResistingTheEnlightened as Duke Togo[Golgo 13] and Michaelangelo "Spike" Scarlatti[Flashpoint]
@Ringmaster as Roman Torchwick[RWBY]
@TheColourlessRainbow as Edward Elric[Fullmetal Alchemist]
@Cromartie Sarkissian as James 'Bucky' Barnes[MCU]
@Gwazi Magnum as Gilgamesh[Fate Series]
@Yang Lee as LeShawna[Total Drama]
@Raven as Uncle Chan and Jade Chan[Jackie Chan Adventures]
@Takumi as Michiko Malandro and Hana "Hatchin" Morenos[Michiko and Hatchin]
@Josh M as Enzo Amore and Colin "Big Cass" Cassady[WWE Kafabe]
@Yun Lee as Aran Ryan[Punch-Out!!!]
@Mr.Scales ⚖ as Frank Castle[Daredevil/MCU]
@Nater Taters as Kirby[Kirby Franchise]​
"Ugh!" Takeru was held down by Mabel's telekinetic force, causing his armour to dissipate into nothingness But soon, the Gleefuls halted their actions as Mabel was stabbed.


"I'm just glad that this is all over. I am starting to miss my friends back home after everything that has happened, but I think I'll miss you the same way, Shirai-san. I just know you really want to see your 'Onee-sama' after being seperated from her for quite a while."

Ghost adjusts his back for a bit, due to the strain of the telekinetic push.


"That was actually kind of cool! We should totally do that again!"

But now it was time to de-fuse. The fusion split into its five components and the Hippogriff flew away into the Sky.

Koyomi, Karen, Gran and Djeeta were completely intact with no evident side effects.


"Oh! The people who died are back! Hey guys! Anyone seen Meteo?" Djeeta runs towards the ones who have returned from the afterlife, her armour clunking in the process. "I think I'll need to get used to Dark Fencer. Haven't worn armour this heavy for a while.


"Relax Araragi. It was just badly proportioned armour overlapping the figure of your sister carrying you by the feet. We certainly were something, and I think I'll miss you all. While I'd rather not enter one of these twisted games again, I'm certain there are other ways we'll be able to cross paths and meet again," Gran nods, then turns to Aran. "Hey, Aran, I'm over here!"


"Hello there~ who are you?" Gran and Djeeta's friend, Lyria, found Miku crawling to her arms. Looking into the distance, she sees quite the sight. "Other worlds are beautiful, but nothing is more beautiful than the sight of bonds forming."

"Nyaa..." the Catsune said.


"I guess I should take the chance to know Gran and Djeeta's new friends, shouldn't I, little guy?"

@Verite @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @york @Jeremi @etcetcetc​
A tear was observed on Djeeta's cheeks


"Died in his death. He did seem like a cowardly type. I thought he was afraid of death, but it seems that he was more afraid of what life has to offer. He- he's from a different world. I- I'm sure I'll be..."

Her back faces Tommy as her tears and sobbing were more obvious. Droplets of salty water fell on her black-hued armour.

It was indeed an odd sight to see someone donning that suit and crying at the same time.

"I just need a bit of time to... let it go. I'm sure that this is just a crush... less than a day old... it won't be difficult to get over it, I'm sure I'll be alright in a week or two..."



"Thanks Aran. I call this job Dark Fencer. It's pretty tanky yet light. Anyways, I think I'm going to miss you quite a bit, Aran. Time flies so fast. This morning, I was blaming you for Max's Murder, and now, we're saying our goodbyes. Maybe fate will allow us to cross paths again? And speaking of Max..."

Gran sees Maxine walking by.

"Maxine, catch!"

He tosses a Staff of Illusions at her. "I believe this belongs to you. It really helped me out." This was followed by a thumbs up.

@york @Yun Lee
Max Caulfield
@Yun Lee @Crow @Gwazi Magnum @Others?

Her illusions... They worked! It hurt her head to concentrate as much as she did, but, she knew she had to keep the going... For Jack, for everyone here... Though, even through the immense pain in her head, she could see Granny Weatherwax holding off the audience that charged at them, telling them to go... And the Hunter, holding a strange, but somehow familiar doll in his hands, telling them the dream had enede... That it was time to wake up...

Wake up...

Her head began to spin... As the world around her seemed to merge into one solid color... Before fading away...

Suddenly, she felt herselt rushing through the air... Towards something...

She could hear voices, and she could make out the figures of two people far away... Someone she didn't recognize... And Roman, from that strange Battle of the Bands event... Faint mumbles, but she could catch something the stranger said to Roman... About deflecting the blame from Roman's first kill... That first kill was... Her... So Roman was the one who killed her? It... Seemed to make sense come to think of it... But yet, he helped them in the end... After he was killed no less, but still... She wasn't quite sure what to think of it at all...

And then... She passed them by, rushing towards something... A familiar figure, lying on the floor... Was that... Her? Suddenly, a flash of bright light filled her vision... And then, she awoke...

Max finally opened her eyes, taking a deep breath as she shot up suddenly... Breathing deeply as she looked around...


"Am I... Alive again?"

Her neck felt quite sore, and her body felt cold and clammy, like she had taken a dive not too long ago... Yeah... She was definitely alive... Her nose felt like it was bleeding a little, which only seemed to confirm this...

She looked towards Roman, eyeing him briefly... He definitely wasn't innocent in this matter, but wasn't really up for getting revenge or yelling at him at all... She couldn't help but be reminded of Nathan Prescott, or... At least how he might have turned out, had things carried on the path she had originally made for herself... Maybe there was still some good in him? She sighed, deciding to leave him be, as it seemed he had his own troubles to attend to... For now... But next time he kiled her in a murder game or something, she probably wouldn't be as lenient about this.

Suddenly, she heard someone call out for her to catch, and instinctively, she raised her hand, and did exactly that... Blinking, she noticed it was her staff of illusions; the one she must have lost after she died in the world of the living, looks like someone had put it too good use when it was gone.


"Thanks... I owe you one!" Max said, a little more cheerfull than usual.

From what it looked like; Bill Cipher had been defeated, in the form of that very name the band she faced off in the afterlife was called... The Weirdmageddon... Such a strange name, but, oddly fitting... She noticed Jack re-acquainting himself with Zinnia too, and the others from the afterlife talking amongst one another, including Clarence, who was now speaking with Roman... Looks like everyone was doing alright now... She turned back to Gran, looking a little curious though as she spoke.


"So... What did I miss while I was... Gone?" She asked, a curious tone creeping into her voice.

"I understand, Miss Zinnia. It is quite the tragic irony of being travelers such as us, almost always alone, and when we do find another like us, the time together passes all too soon."

It truly was tragic the course that the currents and waves of fate have led the young adventurer down.

"... If you wish, you can join me. Perhaps you will find something in my world, some place where you belong. I can not promise anything... But perhaps you will finally discover what you seek there."

The lorekeeper shrugged. "I guess I wouldn't know. I've never met anyone like me that I've parted from until now." She paused, "Unless, ya know, Aster counts." But what happened with Aster was different. She was dead. Jack wasn't dead, but never seeing him again was probably a close second when it came down to frustrating circumstances.


Zinnia picked her head up suddenly. "What?" she questioned, letting out a laugh afterwards. "Join you? ...Oh, I get it! You're joking, huh?" Zinnia could picture that anyone really would want her to go with them. Nobody had ever invited her along for anything!

@The Tactician
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Midnight Maiden

"I'm never watching a super robot or sentai show ever again," Koyomi sighed, continuing to rub his head a bit, "Hopefully, we can uncover the bodies of Kanbaru and Ougi-chan from the rubble, and then head home with them afterwards," He spoke, calming down and placing a hand on his hip. Before he could do that though, first things first...

Somewhat abruptly, the young man would break into a small jog, running over to Junko's direction and clearing his throat in a somewhat awkward attempt to attract her attention.


"H-Hey... Uh, Enoshima, was it?" He asked, his avoidant gaze after his... unprofessional display after combining (against his own will, one must emphasize) with Karen, Gran, and Djeeta rather obvious, though before long, managing to get over that.


"You were right. I don't know. There are a lot of things I don't know about you. I barely even know your name," He said, finally looking at her now, "But I know that... You've been through a lot. I've met a lot of people with hard lives, to the point that I can almost identify them with a passing glance, but it isn't the fact that they've had it rough that would make them admirable, but rather, how they deal with it today."

"It's like I said before. You may be unfortunate in life, but you don't have to suffer. However, that also means that you have to save yourself. You can't spend all your time waiting for someone else to help you, no matter how often others will be alongside you. If not by helping your situation, then by braving through whatever frontier you may come across, no matter what, you have to endure. I won't pretend to know your circumstances, and I won't pretend that it's not arrogant to give advice because of that, but... The last time I found myself unable to completely save a girl, she... left."


"But ah, I guess the point I'm trying to make is... Well, it's like the Americans say, right? Don't hope for an easy life, but the strength to endure a hard one. I probably messed that up somewhere along the line, but... Yeah. There's no point in having physical strength alone. The real deal needs to have mental strength and will. If there's one thing to take from all this rambling, it's that... Well, just be strong, I guess. Keep being strong. And admirable. Take pride in what you've survived."


"Or... in short, good job on closing the portal."

This went on for longer than he had intended.

@Kaykay @Atomyk


"My, my. How bothersome..."

Shortly after the fall of the haughty, loud monster that certainly liked to flaunt his abilities, Shinobu would revert back to her original form, that of being an eight year old's body. Evidently, she had already exerted her energy on fighting the creature and dodging its attacks, as well as the oafs who accidentally fired in her general direction.

I desire some energy, but I couldn't ask my master of it... Hmph. It's quite degrading, but if it's only for a little while longer... Shinobu idly thought to herself, not bothering to finish the thought as she was about to act it out, whatever it was.

Nonchalantly approaching Djeeta from behind, she would take her arm, and without any explanation whatsoever, she would suddenly start gnawing on the girl's arm, like a dog on a bone, though not nearly as rough, making small gnawing noises, her eyes closed, as she began to extract bits of energy of Djeeta. In fact, it almost felt like a massage! At least, that was what Shinobu would imagine it felt like for Djeeta, given how... eccentric she was.

Moggle moggle moggle.

@Crow bb​


"Ahaha~ there you are, Shinobu-chan~" Shinobu's fangs pierced through Djeeta's solid armour husk and sunk into her flesh. "I guess Rome really is a vampire land after all, teehee~"

That sure cheered the lass up after hearing about the loss of Meteo

Speaking of Rome, the man of Rome, Roman Torchwick, was up ahead.

"Hey, you baaaaastaaaarrrr-"

Djeeta flung a punch, but stopped seconds before her fist connected with Roman Torchwick's face. This fist collapsed into palm and patted Roman on the shoulder.

"You're hard to like, but you're even harder to hate, Roman Torchwick. You really are the dirtiest conman around, tricking a one-eyed, triangular primal beast that turned the entire Gravity Falls into a living nightmare. He was pretty angry."


"Oh, Djeeta! Care to introduce me to your new friends?" Lyria walks towards Djeeta as she looks at Shinobu and Roman.

@Verite @Ringmaster

Max Caulfield
@Yun Lee @Crow @Gwazi Magnum @Others?

Her illusions... They worked! It hurt her head to concentrate as much as she did, but, she knew she had to keep the going... For Jack, for everyone here... Though, even through the immense pain in her head, she could see Granny Weatherwax holding off the audience that charged at them, telling them to go... And the Hunter, holding a strange, but somehow familiar doll in his hands, telling them the dream had enede... That it was time to wake up...

Wake up...

Her head began to spin... As the world around her seemed to merge into one solid color... Before fading away...

Suddenly, she felt herselt rushing through the air... Towards something...

She could hear voices, and she could make out the figures of two people far away... Someone she didn't recognize... And Roman, from that strange Battle of the Bands event... Faint mumbles, but she could catch something the stranger said to Roman... About deflecting the blame from Roman's first kill... That first kill was... Her... So Roman was the one who killed her? It... Seemed to make sense come to think of it... But yet, he helped them in the end... After he was killed no less, but still... She wasn't quite sure what to think of it at all...

And then... She passed them by, rushing towards something... A familiar figure, lying on the floor... Was that... Her? Suddenly, a flash of bright light filled her vision... And then, she awoke...

Max finally opened her eyes, taking a deep breath as she shot up suddenly... Breathing deeply as she looked around...


"Am I... Alive again?"

Her neck felt quite sore, and her body felt cold and clammy, like she had taken a dive not too long ago... Yeah... She was definitely alive... Her nose felt like it was bleeding a little, which only seemed to confirm this...

She looked towards Roman, eyeing him briefly... He definitely wasn't innocent in this matter, but wasn't really up for getting revenge or yelling at him at all... She couldn't help but be reminded of Nathan Prescott, or... At least how he might have turned out, had things carried on the path she had originally made for herself... Maybe there was still some good in him? She sighed, deciding to leave him be, as it seemed he had his own troubles to attend to... For now... But next time he kiled her in a murder game or something, she probably wouldn't be as lenient about this.

Suddenly, she heard someone call out for her to catch, and instinctively, she raised her hand, and did exactly that... Blinking, she noticed it was her staff of illusions; the one she must have lost after she died in the world of the living, looks like someone had put it too good use when it was gone.


"Thanks... I owe you one!" Max said, a little more cheerfull than usual.

From what it looked like; Bill Cipher had been defeated, in the form of that very name the band she faced off in the afterlife was called... The Weirdmageddon... Such a strange name, but, oddly fitting... She noticed Jack re-acquainting himself with Zinnia too, and the others from the afterlife talking amongst one another, including Clarence, who was now speaking with Roman... Looks like everyone was doing alright now... She turned back to Gran, looking a little curious though as she spoke.


"So... What did I miss while I was... Gone?" She asked, a curious tone creeping into her voice.


"Let's look at things from my point of view..." Gran tries to remember the hectic day, "I saw these dragons imprisoned in amber... I think they called them 'dinosaurs'. We fought this 'Velociraptor' thing. After that we were transported to another reality where the Pines were evil... and we dealt with some insectoid creature that could change shape, and we eliminated Roman as a Traitor... afterwards we entered this dream realm, and the door I entered lead to some beach for some reason. Our time was cut short as we were engulfed by darkness, and we soon ended up in a Monochrome Gravity Falls where we met those Alternate Reality Pines again, and afterwards, it was raid boss time with Bill Cipher."

Gran tried to catch his breath. "I don't remember talking that much before. Long story short - a lot has happened. I bet it has been a hectic day in the afterlife for you too."

A chuckle emerged from Gran's mouth. It has indeed been quite the day.

"They would have just ruined it early for us. I can't stand kids anyway."

"Wiruko is not a child, she is the great Will.CO21 virus!"

Apparently Wiruko overheard that comment, but before she could make a scene out of this, Hideo bonked her on the head again.


The lorekeeper shrugged. "I guess I wouldn't know. I've never met anyone like me that I've parted from until now." She paused, "Unless, ya know, Aster counts." But what happened with Aster was different. She was dead. Jack wasn't dead, but never seeing him again was probably a close second when it came down to frustrating circumstances.


Zinnia picked her head up suddenly. "What?" she questioned, letting out a laugh afterwards. "Join you? ...Oh, I get it! You're joking, huh?" Zinnia could picture that anyone really would want her to go with them. Nobody had ever invited her along for anything!

@The Tactician

"Hey Zinnia, good to see you around again."

Hideo would idly walk over to Zinnia and Jack, seeing that he hasn't seen Zinnia in awhile until now.

@The Tactician @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Tommy looked over and went through his mind. He had delivered the bad news, Lincoln was off helping others/interacting. He remembered someone else he wanted to say goodbye to.Sans. He went looking for the skeleton. " Sans," he called out.

Max Caulfield
@Yun Lee @Crow @Gwazi Magnum @Others?

Her illusions... They worked! It hurt her head to concentrate as much as she did, but, she knew she had to keep the going... For Jack, for everyone here... Though, even through the immense pain in her head, she could see Granny Weatherwax holding off the audience that charged at them, telling them to go... And the Hunter, holding a strange, but somehow familiar doll in his hands, telling them the dream had enede... That it was time to wake up...

Wake up...

Her head began to spin... As the world around her seemed to merge into one solid color... Before fading away...

Suddenly, she felt herselt rushing through the air... Towards something...

She could hear voices, and she could make out the figures of two people far away... Someone she didn't recognize... And Roman, from that strange Battle of the Bands event... Faint mumbles, but she could catch something the stranger said to Roman... About deflecting the blame from Roman's first kill... That first kill was... Her... So Roman was the one who killed her? It... Seemed to make sense come to think of it... But yet, he helped them in the end... After he was killed no less, but still... She wasn't quite sure what to think of it at all...

And then... She passed them by, rushing towards something... A familiar figure, lying on the floor... Was that... Her? Suddenly, a flash of bright light filled her vision... And then, she awoke...

Max finally opened her eyes, taking a deep breath as she shot up suddenly... Breathing deeply as she looked around...


"Am I... Alive again?"

Her neck felt quite sore, and her body felt cold and clammy, like she had taken a dive not too long ago... Yeah... She was definitely alive... Her nose felt like it was bleeding a little, which only seemed to confirm this...

She looked towards Roman, eyeing him briefly... He definitely wasn't innocent in this matter, but wasn't really up for getting revenge or yelling at him at all... She couldn't help but be reminded of Nathan Prescott, or... At least how he might have turned out, had things carried on the path she had originally made for herself... Maybe there was still some good in him? She sighed, deciding to leave him be, as it seemed he had his own troubles to attend to... For now... But next time he kiled her in a murder game or something, she probably wouldn't be as lenient about this.

Suddenly, she heard someone call out for her to catch, and instinctively, she raised her hand, and did exactly that... Blinking, she noticed it was her staff of illusions; the one she must have lost after she died in the world of the living, looks like someone had put it too good use when it was gone.


"Thanks... I owe you one!" Max said, a little more cheerfull than usual.

From what it looked like; Bill Cipher had been defeated, in the form of that very name the band she faced off in the afterlife was called... The Weirdmageddon... Such a strange name, but, oddly fitting... She noticed Jack re-acquainting himself with Zinnia too, and the others from the afterlife talking amongst one another, including Clarence, who was now speaking with Roman... Looks like everyone was doing alright now... She turned back to Gran, looking a little curious though as she spoke.


"So... What did I miss while I was... Gone?" She asked, a curious tone creeping into her voice.


"Ahaha~ there you are, Shinobu-chan~" Shinobu's fangs pierced through Djeeta's solid armour husk and sunk into her flesh. "I guess Rome really is a vampire land after all, teehee~"

That sure cheered the lass up after hearing about the loss of Meteo

Speaking of Rome, the man of Rome, Roman Torchwick, was up ahead.

"Hey, you baaaaastaaaarrrr-"

Djeeta flung a punch, but stopped seconds before her fist connected with Roman Torchwick's face. This fist collapsed into palm and patted Roman on the shoulder.

"You're hard to like, but you're even harder to hate, Roman Torchwick. You really are the dirtiest conman around, tricking a one-eyed, triangular primal beast that turned the entire Gravity Falls into a living nightmare. He was pretty angry."


"Oh, Djeeta! Care to introduce me to your new friends?" Lyria walks towards Djeeta as she looks at Shinobu and Roman.

@Verite @Ringmaster


"Let's look at things from my point of view..." Gran tries to remember the hectic day, "I saw these dragons imprisoned in amber... I think they called them 'dinosaurs'. We fought this 'Velociraptor' thing. After that we were transported to another reality where the Pines were evil... and we dealt with some insectoid creature that could change shape, and we eliminated Roman as a Traitor... afterwards we entered this dream realm, and the door I entered lead to some beach for some reason. Our time was cut short as we were engulfed by darkness, and we soon ended up in a Monochrome Gravity Falls where we met those Alternate Reality Pines again, and afterwards, it was raid boss time with Bill Cipher."

Gran tried to catch his breath. "I don't remember talking that much before. Long story short - a lot has happened. I bet it has been a hectic day in the afterlife for you too."

A chuckle emerged from Gran's mouth. It has indeed been quite the day.

A tear was observed on Djeeta's cheeks


"Died in his death. He did seem like a cowardly type. I thought he was afraid of death, but it seems that he was more afraid of what life has to offer. He- he's from a different world. I- I'm sure I'll be..."

Her back faces Tommy as her tears and sobbing were more obvious. Droplets of salty water fell on her black-hued armour.

It was indeed an odd sight to see someone donning that suit and crying at the same time.

"I just need a bit of time to... let it go. I'm sure that this is just a crush... less than a day old... it won't be difficult to get over it, I'm sure I'll be alright in a week or two..."



"Thanks Aran. I call this job Dark Fencer. It's pretty tanky yet light. Anyways, I think I'm going to miss you quite a bit, Aran. Time flies so fast. This morning, I was blaming you for Max's Murder, and now, we're saying our goodbyes. Maybe fate will allow us to cross paths again? And speaking of Max..."

Gran sees Maxine walking by.

"Maxine, catch!"

He tosses a Staff of Illusions at her. "I believe this belongs to you. It really helped me out." This was followed by a thumbs up.

@york @Yun Lee
Aran nodded. "Fancy! Guessing they put that Dark Fencer stuff in hiding like my gloves!" Aran listened to what Gran told him, and it was a bit...odd to hear someone sound so sincere. Sure, he knew he had some gans out there, but even in this dream, hearing an imaginary child actually gonna miss him...it tugged at some heartstrings he didn't know were there.

"You were a good one, lad! Hopefully I'll manage to dream you up later on!" He turned to Max, looking her over. Skinny little teen...yeah, no way would he kill a twig like that! "Ah, so you must be Max, eh? Good to see you ain't dead!"

@Crow @york
Tommy looked over and went through his mind. He had delivered the bad news, Lincoln was off helping others/interacting. He remembered someone else he wanted to say goodbye to.Sans. He went looking for the skeleton. " Sans," he called out.

"that's my name, use your own" the skeleton says, seemingly having appeared behind Tommy

"you need something brotien shake?"

Tommy smiled a bit ." Well, of course, but how else do you call someone?" He asked the skeleton man.

" I wanted to say goodbye, you were cool to hang out with," he said.

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