Murder Game XI: The War of the Universe

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"If I can latch onto him, I could possibly scale him rather quickly." Toboe replied.

"I'm not sure if I could carry you both either. But, I also think I saw someone climb inside through his other foot so maybe we can find a way to do what they did?" He'd suggest, looking at Rey curiously. He wondered what her thoughts on what he had said would be and couldn't help but notice Qrow's sudden tactic.

@Atomyk @Mari @C.T.

Rey nodded at Toboe. "Whatever you feel is best," she said, looking at the still threatening Elliot. "If I can get up there, this will do much more damage", she said, grabbing Skywalker's lightsaber tightly. She would defer to her friend's expert judgment here, and do the job once they found a way up to the head.

  • Nice Execution!
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"We told y'all it was Bane,"


"Now what the hay do we do?"

"I dunno. All these new folks are spookin' me,"




Like two chickens with their heads chopped off, the sisters ran wild, not caring who or what was one their back. Were they running the right way? Maybe. Did they care? Not one bit.

@Crow @Other people?????​
"Hey! I'm on you!"

Producer realised that Applejack and Applebloom were in a frenzy.

"Alright Maki," Producer utters to himself, "if you can't steer a steed, I can't get a driver's license... if you can't steer a- alright! Let's go! Kaku- no time for that!"

Steering Applejack, Producer picks Apple Bloom up and chops her head with a hand, in an attempt to snap her the little one out of this.

"Alright my little pony, hold on tight, because I'm going to prove that I am worthy of a Driver's license!"

Steering Applejack, Producer rode the horse towards Mecha-Elliot, taking a leap of faith onto the mechanical mayhem.

Applejack's hooves clopped on Elliot's metallic exterior. While this occured, Producer used his weaponized microphone to produce a deep scratch on the machine's skin.


Producer positions his weapon in a slanted manner.


His weapon goes clockwise, slowly parallel with his body structure.

"Spell. On. Me."

With the final word, his weapon was parallel to his body. A glowing blue spell circle that appeared to resemble the face of an antique clock with Roman Numerals.

"Anyone can be Cinderella... anyone can be a Princess..."

With that, the spell circle replicated itself and these copies flew all over the place, homing in to allies, old and new....

Anyone engulfed by the spell circle will be fitted into ball wear, get a great boost in any music-based capabilities and gain a rather small extent of possible powers that might signify the highest royalty in their world.

The original spell circle engulfed Producer, Applejack and Applebloom. The horses were meant to turn into what their world recognises as the mark of a princess. However, due to its lack of true perfection, and a metaphor of this Producer never truly reaching the top, Applejack simply gained wings, while Apple Bloom gained a conical horn on her head.

Producer notes his new tuxedo. "Ummm... fair enough. I don't know what I just did but I have a hunch that..."

Steering Applejack once again, the trio managed to take off into the air.

Producer then notices Apple Bloom's new horn. "Shoot rainbows or something! Use your brand new unicorn powers!"

@Archmage Jeremiah

A clock-like spell circle engulfed Shouko, turning her outfit into what appeared to be a Heavy Metal Concert costume crossed with a ball gown, all black with chains. Her guitar, too, was enhanced manyfold, into the fanciest, deadliest, most poisonous music maker ever.


These screams emerged as Shouko played a tune on her guitar. She was... better at playing it, and didn't go off-note once. Was it the magic of Cinderella?

"She strummed another tune on her electric guitar, creating a soundwave that was capable of smashing Elliot from a far distance, exploding a chunk off him.

Similiar spell circles were ready to consume Deemo and the Little Girl. Should they accept, their outfits would be changed into something more fitting for a ball, and their musical capabilities would be enhanced manyfold.


@Mari @Lizzy @Cromartie Sarkissian @C.T. @DapperDogman @The Silver Paladin @OrlandoBloomers @Hospes @Atomyk @Jeremi
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"Hey! I'm on you!"

Producer realised that Applejack and Applebloom were in a frenzy.

"Alright Maki," Producer utters to himself, "if you can't steer a steed, I can't get a driver's license... if you can't steer a- alright! Let's go! Kaku- no time for that!"

Steering Applejack, Producer picks Apple Bloom up and chops her head with a hand, in an attempt to snap her the little one out of this.

"Alright my little pony, hold on tight, because I'm going to prove that I am worthy of a Driver's license!"

Steering Applejack, Producer rode the horse towards Mecha-Elliot, taking a leap of faith onto the mechanical mayhem.

Applejack's hooves clopped on Elliot's metallic exterior. While this occured, Producer used his weaponized microphone to produce a deep scratch on the machine's skin.


Producer positions his weapon in a slanted manner.


His weapon goes clockwise, slowly parallel with his body structure.

"Spell. On. Me."

With the final word, his weapon was parallel to his body. A glowing blue spell circle that appeared to resemble the face of an antique clock with Roman Numerals.

"Anyone can be Cinderella... anyone can be a Princess..."

With that, the spell circle replicated itself and these copies flew all over the place, homing in to allies, old and new....

Anyone engulfed by the spell circle will be fitted into ball wear, get a great boost in any music-based capabilities and gain a rather small extent of possible powers that might signify the highest royalty in their world.

The original spell circle engulfed Producer, Applejack and Applebloom. The horses were meant to turn into what their world recognises as the mark of a princess. However, due to its lack of true perfection, and a metaphor of this Producer never truly reaching the top, Applejack simply gained wings, while Apple Bloom gained a conical horn on her head.

Producer notes his new tuxedo. "Ummm... fair enough. I don't know what I just did but I have a hunch that..."

Steering Applejack once again, the trio managed to take off into the air.

Producer then notices Apple Bloom's new horn. "Shoot rainbows or something! Use your brand new unicorn powers!"

@Archmage Jeremiah

A clock-like spell circle engulfed Shouko, turning her outfit into what appeared to be a Heavy Metal Concert costume crossed with a ball gown, all black with chains. Her guitar, too, was enhanced manyfold, into the fanciest, deadliest, most poisonous music maker ever.


These screams emerged as Shouko played a tune on her guitar. She was... better at playing it, and didn't go off-note once. Was it the magic of Cinderella?

"She strummed another tune on her electric guitar, creating a soundwave that was capable of smashing Elliot from a far distance, exploding a chunk off him.

Similiar spell circles were ready to consume Deemo and the Little Girl. Should they accept, their outfits would be changed into something more fitting for a ball, and their musical capabilities would be enhanced manyfold.


@Mari @Lizzy @Cromartie Sarkissian @C.T. @DapperDogman @The Silver Paladin @OrlandoBloomers @Hospes @Atomyk @Jeremi

"Huh, wha-"

Before they knew it, they were in the spell circles, and they transformed into... a glorious duo.


What is this form? And Deemo has wings! The girl was surprised.

but these flowers... magnolia flowers...

There were petals fluttering around the musical duo, as they began to charge up.

No, if i don't fight, then no one could be saved... we have to do this Deemo!

Deemo seemed to understood her telepathetically and so begins their assault. Background music seemed to play from somewhere... but where was it? It was coming from Demoo and the girl!

Together they blasted Elliot in sync with the musical beats, making each attack ultimately more powerful.

Should you be doing this?

@Bomb @Mari @Lizzy @Cromartie Sarkissian @C.T. @DapperDogman @The Silver Paladin @OrlandoBloomers @Hospes @Atomyk @Jeremi
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[BCOLOR=transparent]On Elliot's thigh. Dan seemed slightly surprised he had gotten so far up on his leg, when he aimed for the knee. But he guessed it didn't matter. Crawling back in the inside, which he supposed was a somewhat safer mode of transportation along his body, he once again reached the knee. The large hydraulic beams would impress Dan, although only slightly. It wasn't like he was actually let this robot stay whole. Unsure about which part of the knee were vital and which weren't, he resorted to simply let out fits of rage, hammering on whatever looked fragile enough to be realistically broken by him.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The sound of the battle outside came off as more and more threatening to not only Elliot, but also Dan. Once Dust, Fidget and Boba Fett managed to break Elliot's right leg, making him fall, he was caught somewhat unaware. The large noise and sudden shift in gravitational center flung Dan into a beam, which he instinctively grabbed, holding onto it for the entire fall. He was about to let go until he heard the distant sound of a thruster going off, and had again to hold onto his metal beam.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Once Elliot seemed stabilized in midair, it dawned upon Dan that breaking his knee was no longer necessary, nor helpful, and so he had to make a change in plans. Reminiscing Elliot's core seen earlier, located in his chest, he placed his goal there. And even better, if he found the thruster taking the robot in midair, destroying it might be even better. Perhaps. This all was a bit confusing all together. Now that his body was placed in a horizontal position, it would be easier for Dan to simply walk up along his thighs and into his torso.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]On his way to Elliot's chest, Dan encountered a large, cylinder-like structure, from the underneath of which blasted an intense flame. Must be the thruster. He was just about to start punching, as an odd, glowing circle appeared underneath him. "What is that? Another of Elliot's magic tricks?" Before he could blink, he found himself to be dressed in a tuxedo, comedically oversized to fit him. "What is it you're trying to do, Elliot?" Tuxedo or not, he had to start attacking. Pummeling his fist repeatedly into the thruster, he quickly noticed that, unwillingly, his punches were rythmically coordinated, following a steady beat.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]@Atomyk @Ellibot fighters[/BCOLOR]
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Even with her glasses on, Garnet held a hand over her eyes, looking up into the crimson sky to spot Elliot's torso flying above. She only looked mildly annoyed at the development, clicking her tongue in exasperation. She looked back down and pointed to Ludger standing nearby. "You, give me a boost," she said, moving to hold out her arms. With a flourish of her hands, Garnet summoned her gauntlets in a glowing pink light.


Ludger stared at her for a moment, his face splattered with the blood of Husks and Collectors alike. He lifted a sleeve to wipe at his face, giving the Crystal Gem a nod as he did so. "Got it." His dual blades combined into a sledgehammer and Ludger held it out as an invitation.

Knowing what to do, Garnet made a quick hop on the to the hammer's head, fists pointed upward in the direction of Elliot. Ludger cried out as he heaved the hammer upward with as much force as he could muster, throwing Garnet straight into the sky. She flew like a missile, body poised to latch on to Elliot once she'd reached the correct height. Someone as small as Garnet wasn't noticed by Elliot, who was busy firing off blasts to decimate the enemy armies below. With a battle cry, Garnet slammed her gauntlets down into Elliot's hull, breaking into the metal exterior.

"Ohh~? An adorable little pest has latched on to me!" yelled Elliot, his metallic voice sounding almost cheerful. "My barriers only stop bullets, not insects! Still, you think I can't do something about that?"

Garnet didn't heed Elliot's words, instead climbing up his body with purpose, her large fists throwing metal and junk down to the surface. A blue glow surrounded Elliot as he charged up his electrical shock, an attack that would hit anyone who'd chosen to invade his personal space. Garnet had just about reached the core found at Elliot's mid-section when the attack became fully charged. She moved up next to Manly Dan and lifted a gauntlet above the core, only to find her whole body convulsing from electrical shock. The Crystal Gem cried out in pain, losing her grip on Elliot and beginning to fall.

But... the power of music was dawning on the battlefield! The musical power of Shouko, Deemo, and Little Girl did more than just batter at Elliot's defences... it summoned a warrior to the field!




Sans found himself on top of what remained of Elliot's right shoulder. He gave a shrug at the predicament, choosing not to question how he'd gotten here. The multiverse had its own mysteries. He craned his head down to spot Garnet and Manly Dan beginning to fall from Elliot. Well, he wasn't about to let that happen.



i got you.

In the blink of an eye, Garnet was latched back on to Elliot's hull, her legs just dangling over the edge. Dan was next to her in a similarly precarious position. It didn't seem Sans had moved at all.


oh boy, i see where this is going. another chump who thinks he can just walk all over everyone else.

well, if he had legs any more.


i'm gonna help you out. something about the power of music is really empowering, you know? i may not have the lungs to belt much of a tune, but i think i can manage something.

Garnet grunted as she lifted herself back into a comfortable position on Elliot's side. The floating synthetic was preparing another electrical blast, but Garnet wasn't worried. There was something about this skeleton that made her feel she just didn't have to be anxious about anything.

She knew what had to be done. Lifting a hand off Elliot, Garnet gave Sans a thumbs up.

With the power of music all around... a new background tune began to jam out.

♪ Here we are ♪
♪ Now together ♪
♪ And we're never going down at the hands of the likes of you ♪
♪ We can see you're an abuser ♪
♪ So, man, how'd you get to be such a loser? ♪

♪ But guys like you don't play by the rules ♪
♪ So come on, it's real easy to see you're just a fool ♪
♪ Let's go, this looks bad for you ♪
♪ Let's go, it's time for your due ♪

As Garnet began climbing back up Elliot with renewed invigoration, Sans seemed to have another tactic in mind...



♪ Go ahead and try to hit us if you're able ♪
♪ Guess it's obvious now that mercy's off the table ♪
♪ We can tell you think you're real terrifying ♪
♪ But you're no more than unsatisfying ♪

♪ You're not gonna win, we'll be here together ♪
♪ We are gonna stay like this forever ♪
♪ It's funny you think you're a competent villain ♪
♪ But really, you're nothing more than a fill in ♪



(i know you're made) (I am made)
♪ o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪


The sound of music could even be heard by those down below Elliot and in the midst of fighting. The singing seemed to hit the warriors in waves, filling them with a sense of determination some of them may not have before felt possible. The Husks and Collectors weakened under the sounds, their connection with their Reaper overlords being drowned out. The Banshee attacking the Adds could suddenly barely function, its biotic barriers collapsing.

Ike cried out, Ragnell flashing brightly as he cut through the enemies waiting in his path. The sword was simply an extension of himself and his body a mere vessel for carnage. A Husk was cleaved in two, a Collector was impaled before it even knew it was happening, one of Bane's men was made to wear a mask of crimson after Ike's fist was done with it. He was like a boulder unrelentingly rolling down a steep hill with nothing in its path.

That was, until he noticed the disturbance above him. Junk crashed into the ground around Ike, spitting up dust and dirt. Reeling from the sudden assault on his sight, the warrior spun around rapidly, eyes searching for cover from the dangerous rain above. Whoever was attacking Elliot was creating quite the hazard for those who happened to be underneath him whether they realized it or not. Ike decided that retreating back to the hill where Yvaine and a collection of the rebels were was his best option.

Charging through Husks like a battering ram, Ike swung his sword in wide arcs, cleaving the brittle creatures like butter. Amid the flying dirt and blood, Ike spotted Yvaine on the hill. Like the fallen star she was said to be, he couldn't help but think of her as a shining beacon on this bloody and arid field. He continued toward her, only noticing a strange disturbance at the corner of his eye before it was probably too late.

Curious, Ike looked up once again and found himself horrified to witness a random laser shot from Elliot being charged toward the hill that Yvaine stood on. He looked back down toward her, mouth open wide.


"Ambro-- Yvaine!" Ike cried out at the top of his lungs, desperately hoping for his cry to reach across the battlefield. The blue-haired warrior's heart beat against his chest harshly, his legs stumbling and failing him at this critical moment. She was too far away for him to get to her in time, and Ike's only hope was that she realized the danger before it was all over.

Ike ran and ran, the music around him now deaf to his ears.

♪ This is how you lose ♪
♪ This is how it ends ♪
♪ And if you think you can stop us ♪
♪ Then you need to think again ♪
♪ 'Cause we're unstoppable ♪
♪ You never stood a chance ♪
(do you just like the feeling) (And I won't let you hurt these people)
(of your sins CRAWLING on your back?) (I won't let you hurt my friends)


♪ Go ahead and try to hit us if you're able ♪
♪ Guess it's obvious now that mercy's off the table ♪
♪ We know you think we're not something you're afraid of ♪
♪ 'Cause you think that you've seen what we're made of ♪

♪ But we're even more than just the two of us ♪
♪ Everyone you've caused pain is here with us ♪
♪ We are their fury ♪
♪ We are their vengeance ♪


Elliot tried to charge another electrical attack, but it seemed he'd somehow been drained of power. Garnet grinned as she took a spot next to Dan once again and beat on Elliot's core to a steady beat.

(i know you're made of) (I am made)
♪ o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪

(but i think we're stronger than you) (And it's stronger than you)
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪

(but i think we're stronger than you) (And it's stronger than you)
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪

(but i think we're stronger than you) (And it's stronger than you)
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪


The core exploded, jettisoning both Garnet and Dan off of Elliot. The Crystal Gem scooped the large man into her arms upon descent, cradling him as they fell to the ground. In the air, Elliot convulsed as if in the midst of a seizure. Random laser shots blasted from his mouth, one of them flying straight at Harbinger.

hey, we totally are stronger than you

Garnet landed deftly on the ground, with no harm done to either herself or Dan. She planted the man's feet firmly in the dirt and adjusted her glasses.


With Elliot convulsing, it seemed his barriers were now inoperable. It was time to fire upon him with your final attacks.

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Even with her glasses on, Garnet held a hand over her eyes, looking up into the crimson sky to spot Elliot's torso flying above. She only looked mildly annoyed at the development, clicking her tongue in exasperation. She looked back down and pointed to Ludger standing nearby. "You, give me a boost," she said, moving to hold out her arms. With a flourish of her hands, Garnet summoned her gauntlets in a glowing pink light.


Ludger stared at her for a moment, his face splattered with the blood of Husks and Collectors alike. He lifted a sleeve to wipe at his face, giving the Crystal Gem a nod as he did so. "Got it." His dual blades combined into a sledgehammer and Ludger held it out as an invitation.

Knowing what to do, Garnet made a quick hop on the to the hammer's head, fists pointed upward in the direction of Elliot. Ludger cried out as he heaved the hammer upward with as much force as he could muster, throwing Garnet straight into the sky. She flew like a missile, body poised to latch on to Elliot once she'd reached the correct height. Someone as small as Garnet wasn't noticed by Elliot, who was busy firing off blasts to decimate the enemy armies below. With a battle cry, Garnet slammed her gauntlets down into Elliot's hull, breaking into the metal exterior.

"Ohh~? An adorable little pest has latched on to me!" yelled Elliot, his metallic voice sounding almost cheerful. "My barriers only stop bullets, not insects! Still, you think I can't do something about that?"

Garnet didn't heed Elliot's words, instead climbing up his body with purpose, her large fists throwing metal and junk down to the surface. A blue glow surrounded Elliot as he charged up his electrical shock, an attack that would hit anyone who'd chosen to invade his personal space. Garnet had just about reached the core found at Elliot's mid-section when the attack became fully charged. She moved up next to Manly Dan and lifted a gauntlet above the core, only to find her whole body convulsing from electrical shock. The Crystal Gem cried out in pain, losing her grip on Elliot and beginning to fall.

But... the power of music was dawning on the battlefield! The musical power of Shouko, Deemo, and Little Girl did more than just batter at Elliot's defences... it summoned a warrior to the field!




Sans found himself on top of what remained of Elliot's right shoulder. He gave a shrug at the predicament, choosing not to question how he'd gotten here. The multiverse had its own mysteries. He craned his head down to spot Garnet and Manly Dan beginning to fall from Elliot. Well, he wasn't about to let that happen.



i got you.

In the blink of an eye, Garnet was latched back on to Elliot's hull, her legs just dangling over the edge. Dan was next to her in a similarly precarious position. It didn't seem Sans had moved at all.


oh boy, i see where this is going. another chump who thinks he can just walk all over everyone else.

well, if he had legs any more.


i'm gonna help you out. something about the power of music is really empowering, you know? i may not have the lungs to belt much of a tune, but i think i can manage something.

Garnet grunted as she lifted herself back into a comfortable position on Elliot's side. The floating synthetic was preparing another electrical blast, but Garnet wasn't worried. There was something about this skeleton that made her feel she just didn't have to be anxious about anything.

She knew what had to be done. Lifting a hand off Elliot, Garnet gave Sans a thumbs up.

With the power of music all around... a new background tune began to jam out.

♪ Here we are ♪
♪ Now together ♪
♪ And we're never going down at the hands of the likes of you ♪
♪ We can see you're an abuser ♪
♪ So, man, how'd you get to be such a loser? ♪

♪ But guys like you don't play by the rules ♪
♪ So come on, it's real easy to see you're just a fool ♪
♪ Let's go, this looks bad for you ♪
♪ Let's go, it's time for your due ♪

As Garnet began climbing back up Elliot with renewed invigoration, Sans seemed to have another tactic in mind...



♪ Go ahead and try to hit us if you're able ♪
♪ Guess it's obvious now that mercy's off the table ♪
♪ We can tell you think you're real terrifying ♪
♪ But you're no more than unsatisfying ♪

♪ You're not gonna win, we'll be here together ♪
♪ We are gonna stay like this forever ♪
♪ It's funny you think you're a competent villain ♪
♪ But really, you're nothing more than a fill in ♪



(i know you're made) (I am made)
♪ o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪


The sound of music could even be heard by those down below Elliot and in the midst of fighting. The singing seemed to hit the warriors in waves, filling them with a sense of determination some of them may not have before felt possible. The Husks and Collectors weakened under the sounds, their connection with their Reaper overlords being drowned out. The Banshee attacking the Adds could suddenly barely function, its biotic barriers collapsing.

Ike cried out, Ragnell flashing brightly as he cut through the enemies waiting in his path. The sword was simply an extension of himself and his body a mere vessel for carnage. A Husk was cleaved in two, a Collector was impaled before it even knew it was happening, one of Bane's men was made to wear a mask of crimson after Ike's fist was done with it. He was like a boulder unrelentingly rolling down a steep hill with nothing in its path.

That was, until he noticed the disturbance above him. Junk crashed into the ground around Ike, spitting up dust and dirt. Reeling from the sudden assault on his sight, the warrior spun around rapidly, eyes searching for cover from the dangerous rain above. Whoever was attacking Elliot was creating quite the hazard for those who happened to be underneath him whether they realized it or not. Ike decided that retreating back to the hill where Yvaine and a collection of the rebels were was his best option.

Charging through Husks like a battering ram, Ike swung his sword in wide arcs, cleaving the brittle creatures like butter. Amid the flying dirt and blood, Ike spotted Yvaine on the hill. Like the fallen star she was said to be, he couldn't help but think of her as a shining beacon on this bloody and arid field. He continued toward her, only noticing a strange disturbance at the corner of his eye before it was probably too late.

Curious, Ike looked up once again and found himself horrified to witness a random laser shot from Elliot being charged toward the hill that Yvaine stood on. He looked back down toward her, mouth open wide.


"Ambro-- Yvaine!" Ike cried out at the top of his lungs, desperately hoping for his cry to reach across the battlefield. The blue-haired warrior's heart beat against his chest harshly, his legs stumbling and failing him at this critical moment. She was too far away for him to get to her in time, and Ike's only hope was that she realized the danger before it was all over.

Ike ran and ran, the music around him now deaf to his ears.

♪ This is how you lose ♪
♪ This is how it ends ♪
♪ And if you think you can stop us ♪
♪ Then you need to think again ♪
♪ 'Cause we're unstoppable ♪
♪ You never stood a chance ♪
(do you just like the feeling) (And I won't let you hurt these people)
(of your sins CRAWLING on your back?) (I won't let you hurt my friends)


♪ Go ahead and try to hit us if you're able ♪
♪ Guess it's obvious now that mercy's off the table ♪
♪ We know you think we're not something you're afraid of ♪
♪ 'Cause you think that you've seen what we're made of ♪

♪ But we're even more than just the two of us ♪
♪ Everyone you've caused pain is here with us ♪
♪ We are their fury ♪
♪ We are their vengeance ♪


Elliot tried to charge another electrical attack, but it seemed he'd somehow been drained of power. Garnet grinned as she took a spot next to Dan once again and beat on Elliot's core to a steady beat.

(i know you're made of) (I am made)
♪ o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪

(but i think we're stronger than you) (And it's stronger than you)
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪

(but i think we're stronger than you) (And it's stronger than you)
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪

(but i think we're stronger than you) (And it's stronger than you)
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪


The core exploded, jettisoning both Garnet and Dan off of Elliot. The Crystal Gem scooped the large man into her arms upon descent, cradling him in her arms as they fell to the ground. In the air, Elliot convulsed as if in the midst of a seizure. Random laser shots blasted from his mouth, one of them flying straight at Harbinger.

hey, we totally are stronger than you

Garnet landed deftly on the ground, with no harm done to either herself or Dan. She planted the man's feet firmly on the ground and adjusted her glasses.


With Elliot convulsing, it seemed his barriers were now inoperable. It was time to fire upon him with your final attacks.


Rey stopped in her tracks as this happened. The change was dramatic, and very much a welcome one. She was about to try something along with Toboe, but this was even better. It was their opportunity to strike, now. The end was near, it seemed.

She looked once more at her friends, Roy, and Toboe. She felt they knew what she thought to be true, that the opening was there. "Let's end this now", she thought in her head without saying it, as she turned her attention to the enemy, activated Luke Skywalker's lightsaber once more, and then she went towards Elliot, striking at him with the Jedi weapon as much as she could, inflicting as much damage as she would be able to with the lightsaber.


@Lizzy @Cromartie Sarkissian @Atomyk
"You're right!" I cry out to Rey, preparing myself for the final onslaught. I raise a large metal rod over my shoulder, and a heavy one at that, and prepare to throw it at the creep with all my strength; it's about time someone cut him down to size

"Well, someone wants to make an enterence" A voice behind me cries. It's cold, brisk, yet young all the same. The man who carried it must must've seen a lot, been through a lot; you don't get a tone like that from raindrops and butterflies.

I turn around to make eye contact with the figure, and glare at his strange form. He's pale, but well built; he's been raised in the dark, but raised with a purpose. The man is wrapped in a mask tattoos, most of which cling to left side of his face and wrap around his neck, almost like bar codes, or labels of sorts. He's dressed in some kind of uniform, but not one I'm familiar with. It's marked with the emblem of the United Nations, but also with another crest, a flame embedded within a silver ring. He doesn't appear to be linked to any sort of rank, and he doesn't have a single medal pined to his chest, but he seems to carry himself with the authority of a man with hundreds. His bruised hands are thrusted deep into his pockets, and his body stands tilted towards me.

His head rolls back as he speaks, unveiling yet more ink coating his collar bone. "What's your name, kid. Must be pretty brave to be messing about with your toys on the front line" He walks towards me slowly, bobbing from one foot to the next as he approaches. Who does he think he is?
"The names Roy, Roy Harper. I'm not 'playing with toys', I'm trying to stay alive"

He lets out a small laugh, as he recalls his statement sarcastically. He raises his arms in a mocking sign of surrender, revealing a small firearm dangling from his left index finger.
"Sorry." He mutters "I just thought you'd want a real weapon" The Man spins the weapon around for a moment, before passing it in my direction, handle outstretched. "Ever fired a big-boy-toy before?"

He mocks me again, as my patience slowly begins to slip. I pelt the rod in Eliots general direction, not overly caring about accuracy; this asshole was too distracting for me to fight at my full potential

"Yes, I have fire a gun before. Quite often, actually"
"What are you then? A soldier?" I cries, raising an eyebrow so heavily pierced it's a miracle he can even move it.
"A theif." I bite down on my lip hard; it's best I lie to him now, rather than waste time explaining the whole 'I'm-a-vigilante" thing again. It'll just save time.
"Definitely not a Candor then." The sarcasm returns "Don't worry kid. Just take the gun and start shooting. The names Eric, I'm with the UN"
I do as he instructs, not out of desire, but out of necessity. I aim and unleash a wave of lead towards Eliot, shooting to wound. The familiar sense of recall fills my arms once again; the one perk guns have to bows is the sensation of achievement that comes with recall; it's empowering.
I catch this man, this Eric, reach down into a pouch on his leg, just out of the corner of my eye, and remove a small collection of throwing knives; looks like I'm not the only person who enjoys precision. He filters them through his fingers, almost like he's counting them, feeling then, all while remaining perfect eye contact with his foe. I notice his sadistic grin; the sheer adrenaline that must be flowing through his system must be unreal.

With but a twitch of his wrist he unleashes a flurry of blades in the direction of his opponent, aiming for his major arteries; calling Eric well trained would understate his precision. The next action flows directly out of the previous, with the UN member reaching into his jacket to remove a small, orange injector. The substance looks like Mirakuru in regards to constancy, yet the way Eric holds it stops me from thinking of the substance any longer. He catches my eye and explains "What's wrong, kid. Never seen Fear Serum before? One dose of this and Ol' Eliot over here will be seeing all of his bad dreams flash before his eyes; I've always wondered what a creep like this' nightmares would look like, maybe some of them are happening already..."

And with that, he threw the vial towards Eliot, his only recoil being another grin...

@Atomyk @The Silver Paladin (do you approve?) @Mari @Jeremi
@Verite @Krieg @EveryoneElse
Mobile post​
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  • Nice Execution!
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Bane cocked his neck lightly, a light chuckle escaping his lips. Seeing Skeletor being kicked towards the ground, the high-pitched overlord amused the mercenary. From their force field, Bane heartily laughed, taking off his overcoat. Bringing his hands together, cracking his knuckles, Bane tried to give Skeletor another swift and abrupt kick, almost akin to a "sucker punch" in terms of sheer speed.

"Trust me, there is plenty where that will co-"

The shield rocked as a familiar vessel zoomed by, the ground rattling and a certain pang resonating in the brute's heart. Tightening his gaze, Bane shook his head lightly, turning back to Skeletor. With a depressed sigh, the ballistic-vested behemoth focused his attention back towards Skeletor. A voice was whispering in his head, one that was feminine, one that reminded him of Talia. Yet he could not decipher the words in all the anarchy happening around him, hearing the voices of his followers dying underneath the power of the stranger, Bane could only whisper under his breath.

"You must make it so difficult, Steve. You will just have to imagine the fire then."

And with that, Bane continued his dance with Skeletor, throwing a fury of punches towards the boned evildoer.

@Atomyk @Jeremi @DapperDogman @Cromartie Sarkissian @Mari @Anybody else
While Skeletor had never been a master when it came to hand to hand combat, his superior physical prowess helped him immensely to keep him in this fight. The sucker punch connected snapping Skeletor's head backwards. Recovering quickly Skeletor would've gone a punch of his own aimed right at Bane's face

"I am the superior specimen in this Bane! You're going to tire yourself out eventually! Your punches are off a scullery maid, why mine are like meteors impacting the earth!" Bane's next set of punches Skeletor managed to block before aiming a well aimed punch right where Bane's kidney's would be. "Bow to me Bane! Spare your men the humiliation of seeing your battered corpse on the ground!"

Skeletor's boasting would only welcome a more brutal beat down from Bane. The final blow would send Skeletor flying to the ground.


"I will take that as a no." Skeletor spat out. "I assume you think you have me dead to rights? However!"

Bane would feel a blast of magical energy hit his back sending him crashing to the ground. "Did you expect this to be a fair fight? There are no heroes here, Bane!"

Getting to his feet Skeletor would pick Bane up over his head gloating as he did so. "I believe it is time for some disciplinary measures you mangy mutt!"

With all his strength he'd slam Bane back first on his knee before tossing him aside like a ragdoll. "That's a good boy." As the barrier around them were lifted Skeletor would use his magic to summon his staff to him.


"Farewell Bane. Perhaps you will think twice next time you think above your station. NYEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Laughing Skeletor would leave the broken body of Bane to be taken care of by his followers as the Overlord of Evil himself walked away.​

@Atomyk @Krieg @DapperDogman @Cromartie Sarkissian @Mari @Anybody else

Even with her glasses on, Garnet held a hand over her eyes, looking up into the crimson sky to spot Elliot's torso flying above. She only looked mildly annoyed at the development, clicking her tongue in exasperation. She looked back down and pointed to Ludger standing nearby. "You, give me a boost," she said, moving to hold out her arms. With a flourish of her hands, Garnet summoned her gauntlets in a glowing pink light.


Ludger stared at her for a moment, his face splattered with the blood of Husks and Collectors alike. He lifted a sleeve to wipe at his face, giving the Crystal Gem a nod as he did so. "Got it." His dual blades combined into a sledgehammer and Ludger held it out as an invitation.

Knowing what to do, Garnet made a quick hop on the to the hammer's head, fists pointed upward in the direction of Elliot. Ludger cried out as he heaved the hammer upward with as much force as he could muster, throwing Garnet straight into the sky. She flew like a missile, body poised to latch on to Elliot once she'd reached the correct height. Someone as small as Garnet wasn't noticed by Elliot, who was busy firing off blasts to decimate the enemy armies below. With a battle cry, Garnet slammed her gauntlets down into Elliot's hull, breaking into the metal exterior.

"Ohh~? An adorable little pest has latched on to me!" yelled Elliot, his metallic voice sounding almost cheerful. "My barriers only stop bullets, not insects! Still, you think I can't do something about that?"

Garnet didn't heed Elliot's words, instead climbing up his body with purpose, her large fists throwing metal and junk down to the surface. A blue glow surrounded Elliot as he charged up his electrical shock, an attack that would hit anyone who'd chosen to invade his personal space. Garnet had just about reached the core found at Elliot's mid-section when the attack became fully charged. She moved up next to Manly Dan and lifted a gauntlet above the core, only to find her whole body convulsing from electrical shock. The Crystal Gem cried out in pain, losing her grip on Elliot and beginning to fall.

But... the power of music was dawning on the battlefield! The musical power of Shouko, Deemo, and Little Girl did more than just batter at Elliot's defences... it summoned a warrior to the field!




Sans found himself on top of what remained of Elliot's right shoulder. He gave a shrug at the predicament, choosing not to question how he'd gotten here. The multiverse had its own mysteries. He craned his head down to spot Garnet and Manly Dan beginning to fall from Elliot. Well, he wasn't about to let that happen.



i got you.

In the blink of an eye, Garnet was latched back on to Elliot's hull, her legs just dangling over the edge. Dan was next to her in a similarly precarious position. It didn't seem Sans had moved at all.


oh boy, i see where this is going. another chump who thinks he can just walk all over everyone else.

well, if he had legs any more.


i'm gonna help you out. something about the power of music is really empowering, you know? i may not have the lungs to belt much of a tune, but i think i can manage something.

Garnet grunted as she lifted herself back into a comfortable position on Elliot's side. The floating synthetic was preparing another electrical blast, but Garnet wasn't worried. There was something about this skeleton that made her feel she just didn't have to be anxious about anything.

She knew what had to be done. Lifting a hand off Elliot, Garnet gave Sans a thumbs up.

With the power of music all around... a new background tune began to jam out.

♪ Here we are ♪
♪ Now together ♪
♪ And we're never going down at the hands of the likes of you ♪
♪ We can see you're an abuser ♪
♪ So, man, how'd you get to be such a loser? ♪

♪ But guys like you don't play by the rules ♪
♪ So come on, it's real easy to see you're just a fool ♪
♪ Let's go, this looks bad for you ♪
♪ Let's go, it's time for your due ♪

As Garnet began climbing back up Elliot with renewed invigoration, Sans seemed to have another tactic in mind...



♪ Go ahead and try to hit us if you're able ♪
♪ Guess it's obvious now that mercy's off the table ♪
♪ We can tell you think you're real terrifying ♪
♪ But you're no more than unsatisfying ♪

♪ You're not gonna win, we'll be here together ♪
♪ We are gonna stay like this forever ♪
♪ It's funny you think you're a competent villain ♪
♪ But really, you're nothing more than a fill in ♪



(i know you're made) (I am made)
♪ o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪


The sound of music could even be heard by those down below Elliot and in the midst of fighting. The singing seemed to hit the warriors in waves, filling them with a sense of determination some of them may not have before felt possible. The Husks and Collectors weakened under the sounds, their connection with their Reaper overlords being drowned out. The Banshee attacking the Adds could suddenly barely function, its biotic barriers collapsing.

Ike cried out, Ragnell flashing brightly as he cut through the enemies waiting in his path. The sword was simply an extension of himself and his body a mere vessel for carnage. A Husk was cleaved in two, a Collector was impaled before it even knew it was happening, one of Bane's men was made to wear a mask of crimson after Ike's fist was done with it. He was like a boulder unrelentingly rolling down a steep hill with nothing in its path.

That was, until he noticed the disturbance above him. Junk crashed into the ground around Ike, spitting up dust and dirt. Reeling from the sudden assault on his sight, the warrior spun around rapidly, eyes searching for cover from the dangerous rain above. Whoever was attacking Elliot was creating quite the hazard for those who happened to be underneath him whether they realized it or not. Ike decided that retreating back to the hill where Yvaine and a collection of the rebels were was his best option.

Charging through Husks like a battering ram, Ike swung his sword in wide arcs, cleaving the brittle creatures like butter. Amid the flying dirt and blood, Ike spotted Yvaine on the hill. Like the fallen star she was said to be, he couldn't help but think of her as a shining beacon on this bloody and arid field. He continued toward her, only noticing a strange disturbance at the corner of his eye before it was probably too late.

Curious, Ike looked up once again and found himself horrified to witness a random laser shot from Elliot being charged toward the hill that Yvaine stood on. He looked back down toward her, mouth open wide.


"Ambro-- Yvaine!" Ike cried out at the top of his lungs, desperately hoping for his cry to reach across the battlefield. The blue-haired warrior's heart beat against his chest harshly, his legs stumbling and failing him at this critical moment. She was too far away for him to get to her in time, and Ike's only hope was that she realized the danger before it was all over.

Ike ran and ran, the music around him now deaf to his ears.

♪ This is how you lose ♪
♪ This is how it ends ♪
♪ And if you think you can stop us ♪
♪ Then you need to think again ♪
♪ 'Cause we're unstoppable ♪
♪ You never stood a chance ♪
(do you just like the feeling) (And I won't let you hurt these people) ♪
(of your sins CRAWLING on your back?) (I won't let you hurt my friends) ♪


♪ Go ahead and try to hit us if you're able ♪
♪ Guess it's obvious now that mercy's off the table ♪
♪ We know you think we're not something you're afraid of ♪
♪ 'Cause you think that you've seen what we're made of ♪

♪ But we're even more than just the two of us ♪
♪ Everyone you've caused pain is here with us ♪
♪ We are their fury ♪
♪ We are their vengeance ♪


Elliot tried to charge another electrical attack, but it seemed he'd somehow been drained of power. Garnet grinned as she took a spot next to Dan once again and beat on Elliot's core to a steady beat.

(i know you're made of) (I am made) ♪
♪ o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
(but i think we're stronger than you) (And it's stronger than you) ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪
(but i think we're stronger than you) (And it's stronger than you) ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪
(but i think we're stronger than you) (And it's stronger than you) ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪


The core exploded, jettisoning both Garnet and Dan off of Elliot. The Crystal Gem scooped the large man into her arms upon descent, cradling him as they fell to the ground. In the air, Elliot convulsed as if in the midst of a seizure. Random laser shots blasted from his mouth, one of them flying straight at Harbinger.

hey, we totally are stronger than you

Garnet landed deftly on the ground, with no harm done to either herself or Dan. She planted the man's feet firmly in the dirt and adjusted her glasses.


With Elliot convulsing, it seemed his barriers were now inoperable. It was time to fire upon him with your final attacks.

The stray blast from Elliot was a direct hit as Harbinger's side would explode in a cacophony of metal and organic parts flying everywhere. The huge behemoth would crash into the ground taking anyone foolish enough to move as it feel with it.

"Our Master..." Harbinger lamented. It seemed despite their upgrades, their own weapons seemed to hit them just fine. "We are not yet defeated...We are the Harbinger of your destruction." The Reaper would get back to its feet a huge gaping hole in it side. "All is not lost. Protect the Master. If he's lost it will be our doom."
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Realising that Shouko was involved in the summoning of Sans, Producer gave her a thumbs up, but turned his attention back to Applejack when he noticed that his steed was getting a little wobbly.

"What the hay- why am ah- Ah can't feel my legs! Why do ah have wings?"

Applejack was in astonishment.

"Applejack! Remain calm!" Producer says, "I've got this, so don't panic and let me take control. Clear your mind and I'll explain everything once this fiasco is all done."

"Oh, don't worry, Producer, A've got this. Really, why does Apple Bloom have a horn-"

"Don't mind me, shieldbutt!" Producer says to Apple Bloom, interrupting Applejack's words as he rotates the little yellow filly's hairy tail, causing her to shoot magic bullets from her horn, weakening a portion of the fallen-off husk. This allowed Applejack's frontal hooves to bust through the carapace of the former machine.

"YEE HAW!" The horse neighs delightfully.

"Who's incestuous now, Bane?" Apple Bloom retorts.

"You do know what that word means, don't you, Apple Bloom?" Producer questions.


"I beg you, Cinderella

Don't leave your dreams to be mere dreams

Let's all move towards

The shining, sparkling new days!"

With this, Producer was able to charge and fire a beam from his weapon of choice - his Apple Bloom cannonbuster. The beam was thick, powerful and aimed at Elliot's unarmoured body...


@Archmage Jeremiah



With a single strum, Shouko aimed at Harbringer. This was not that strong, but it certainly hit his feet pretty hard, causing him to fall once again.



Shouko unleashed the most bloodcurdling scream in the cosmos as she prepared a musical number. Background music appeared.


Shouko synched her tunes with Deemo and the Little Girl's, ready to blast music at Elliot one final time.


@Atomyk @Mari @Lizzy @Atomyk @Krieg @DapperDogman @Cromartie Sarkissian @anyoneelse​
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Aha! Looks like the tides were turning. Seeing Elliot be forced out of his Human Reaper form with the help of... some weird skeleton that seemed to come outta nowhere, much like half of the ideas in Elliot's backstory, Joseph began to prepare to make his move.


Pulling a large, metal hammer, and a bottle of oil out of thin air, Joseph began to pour the oil all over the hammer. And the ground. Mostly the ground, considering how it was practically flying all over the place.

"Time to oil up!"

The more he attempted to pour the oil on the hammer, without even looking down at where he was supposed to be pouring, the more of a massive mess of a puddle he made. Before anyone knew it, his feet, along with Lisa Lisa's, Jonathan's, and Johnny's, were soaked in oil.

And then... He prepared his ultimate attack, ready to move once the signal was up.

[BCOLOR=transparent]The rhythm didn't stop. Dan's attention was still stuck on punching Elliot's core as Garnet arrived, however he did acknowledge her presence, this was too important to look away from. instead he merely nodded somewhat in her direction, his eyes and fist still plastered on the core. Soon, in a similar fashion to Garnet, Dan would find himself in pain from the electric shock and almost fall off Elliot. His strong hands would normally be able to pull himself up, had he not been only holding on using the very edges of his fingers.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]But then Sans arrived. As with Garnet, and around half the other creatures he'd met, among them Asgore, supernatural had stopped surprising him. To an extent. How the skeleton with a hoodie managed to pull both him and Garnet into a position in which he could easily get back up, seemed like would stay a mystery. A mystery in the same way as how Garnet and Sans managed to play music, and at such a volume.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Somehow, Dan wasn't afraid. He wasn't either, but Elliot no longer felt like a threat. It filled him with peace. Calmness. And power. Knowing that those who made his loved ones suffer, got what they deserved, it made him just more eager to smash Elliot to the ground. For them. For his children, his three sons, and one daughter. [/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]For his town, for all the various and interesting people, and for all the forest creatures that appeared to live there too. "For Gravity Falls!" Dan yelled, again slamming his fists into the core, with noticeably increased power. Once the core finally exploded, he ran backwards, welcoming Garnet's grasp. He didn't mind being saved by a woman. As long as he survived, he guessed.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Back on the ground, he noticed people going in for one final attack, and it was that which he intended to do too. His hand grabbed around the tool in his belt. This axe had chopped down countless of billions of trees, this time, a giant space killer robot - Why not? Bolting towards a discouraged Collector, Dan used it as a ramp for a jump towards Elliot. As he gained height from his jump, he flung his axe with all his power, aiming at Elliot's eye.[/BCOLOR]
Even with her glasses on, Garnet held a hand over her eyes, looking up into the crimson sky to spot Elliot's torso flying above. She only looked mildly annoyed at the development, clicking her tongue in exasperation. She looked back down and pointed to Ludger standing nearby. "You, give me a boost," she said, moving to hold out her arms. With a flourish of her hands, Garnet summoned her gauntlets in a glowing pink light.


Ludger stared at her for a moment, his face splattered with the blood of Husks and Collectors alike. He lifted a sleeve to wipe at his face, giving the Crystal Gem a nod as he did so. "Got it." His dual blades combined into a sledgehammer and Ludger held it out as an invitation.

Knowing what to do, Garnet made a quick hop on the to the hammer's head, fists pointed upward in the direction of Elliot. Ludger cried out as he heaved the hammer upward with as much force as he could muster, throwing Garnet straight into the sky. She flew like a missile, body poised to latch on to Elliot once she'd reached the correct height. Someone as small as Garnet wasn't noticed by Elliot, who was busy firing off blasts to decimate the enemy armies below. With a battle cry, Garnet slammed her gauntlets down into Elliot's hull, breaking into the metal exterior.

"Ohh~? An adorable little pest has latched on to me!" yelled Elliot, his metallic voice sounding almost cheerful. "My barriers only stop bullets, not insects! Still, you think I can't do something about that?"

Garnet didn't heed Elliot's words, instead climbing up his body with purpose, her large fists throwing metal and junk down to the surface. A blue glow surrounded Elliot as he charged up his electrical shock, an attack that would hit anyone who'd chosen to invade his personal space. Garnet had just about reached the core found at Elliot's mid-section when the attack became fully charged. She moved up next to Manly Dan and lifted a gauntlet above the core, only to find her whole body convulsing from electrical shock. The Crystal Gem cried out in pain, losing her grip on Elliot and beginning to fall.

But... the power of music was dawning on the battlefield! The musical power of Shouko, Deemo, and Little Girl did more than just batter at Elliot's defences... it summoned a warrior to the field!




Sans found himself on top of what remained of Elliot's right shoulder. He gave a shrug at the predicament, choosing not to question how he'd gotten here. The multiverse had its own mysteries. He craned his head down to spot Garnet and Manly Dan beginning to fall from Elliot. Well, he wasn't about to let that happen.



i got you.

In the blink of an eye, Garnet was latched back on to Elliot's hull, her legs just dangling over the edge. Dan was next to her in a similarly precarious position. It didn't seem Sans had moved at all.


oh boy, i see where this is going. another chump who thinks he can just walk all over everyone else.

well, if he had legs any more.


i'm gonna help you out. something about the power of music is really empowering, you know? i may not have the lungs to belt much of a tune, but i think i can manage something.

Garnet grunted as she lifted herself back into a comfortable position on Elliot's side. The floating synthetic was preparing another electrical blast, but Garnet wasn't worried. There was something about this skeleton that made her feel she just didn't have to be anxious about anything.

She knew what had to be done. Lifting a hand off Elliot, Garnet gave Sans a thumbs up.

With the power of music all around... a new background tune began to jam out.

♪ Here we are ♪
♪ Now together ♪
♪ And we're never going down at the hands of the likes of you ♪
♪ We can see you're an abuser ♪
♪ So, man, how'd you get to be such a loser? ♪

♪ But guys like you don't play by the rules ♪
♪ So come on, it's real easy to see you're just a fool ♪
♪ Let's go, this looks bad for you ♪
♪ Let's go, it's time for your due ♪

As Garnet began climbing back up Elliot with renewed invigoration, Sans seemed to have another tactic in mind...



♪ Go ahead and try to hit us if you're able ♪
♪ Guess it's obvious now that mercy's off the table ♪
♪ We can tell you think you're real terrifying ♪
♪ But you're no more than unsatisfying ♪

♪ You're not gonna win, we'll be here together ♪
♪ We are gonna stay like this forever ♪
♪ It's funny you think you're a competent villain ♪
♪ But really, you're nothing more than a fill in ♪



(i know you're made) (I am made)
♪ o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪


The sound of music could even be heard by those down below Elliot and in the midst of fighting. The singing seemed to hit the warriors in waves, filling them with a sense of determination some of them may not have before felt possible. The Husks and Collectors weakened under the sounds, their connection with their Reaper overlords being drowned out. The Banshee attacking the Adds could suddenly barely function, its biotic barriers collapsing.

Ike cried out, Ragnell flashing brightly as he cut through the enemies waiting in his path. The sword was simply an extension of himself and his body a mere vessel for carnage. A Husk was cleaved in two, a Collector was impaled before it even knew it was happening, one of Bane's men was made to wear a mask of crimson after Ike's fist was done with it. He was like a boulder unrelentingly rolling down a steep hill with nothing in its path.

That was, until he noticed the disturbance above him. Junk crashed into the ground around Ike, spitting up dust and dirt. Reeling from the sudden assault on his sight, the warrior spun around rapidly, eyes searching for cover from the dangerous rain above. Whoever was attacking Elliot was creating quite the hazard for those who happened to be underneath him whether they realized it or not. Ike decided that retreating back to the hill where Yvaine and a collection of the rebels were was his best option.

Charging through Husks like a battering ram, Ike swung his sword in wide arcs, cleaving the brittle creatures like butter. Amid the flying dirt and blood, Ike spotted Yvaine on the hill. Like the fallen star she was said to be, he couldn't help but think of her as a shining beacon on this bloody and arid field. He continued toward her, only noticing a strange disturbance at the corner of his eye before it was probably too late.

Curious, Ike looked up once again and found himself horrified to witness a random laser shot from Elliot being charged toward the hill that Yvaine stood on. He looked back down toward her, mouth open wide.


"Ambro-- Yvaine!" Ike cried out at the top of his lungs, desperately hoping for his cry to reach across the battlefield. The blue-haired warrior's heart beat against his chest harshly, his legs stumbling and failing him at this critical moment. She was too far away for him to get to her in time, and Ike's only hope was that she realized the danger before it was all over.

Ike ran and ran, the music around him now deaf to his ears.

♪ This is how you lose ♪
♪ This is how it ends ♪
♪ And if you think you can stop us ♪
♪ Then you need to think again ♪
♪ 'Cause we're unstoppable ♪
♪ You never stood a chance ♪
(do you just like the feeling) (And I won't let you hurt these people) ♪
(of your sins CRAWLING on your back?) (I won't let you hurt my friends) ♪


♪ Go ahead and try to hit us if you're able ♪
♪ Guess it's obvious now that mercy's off the table ♪
♪ We know you think we're not something you're afraid of ♪
♪ 'Cause you think that you've seen what we're made of ♪

♪ But we're even more than just the two of us ♪
♪ Everyone you've caused pain is here with us ♪
♪ We are their fury ♪
♪ We are their vengeance ♪


Elliot tried to charge another electrical attack, but it seemed he'd somehow been drained of power. Garnet grinned as she took a spot next to Dan once again and beat on Elliot's core to a steady beat.

(i know you're made of) (I am made) ♪
♪ o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
(but i think we're stronger than you) (And it's stronger than you) ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪
(but i think we're stronger than you) (And it's stronger than you) ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪
(but i think we're stronger than you) (And it's stronger than you) ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪


The core exploded, jettisoning both Garnet and Dan off of Elliot. The Crystal Gem scooped the large man into her arms upon descent, cradling him as they fell to the ground. In the air, Elliot convulsed as if in the midst of a seizure. Random laser shots blasted from his mouth, one of them flying straight at Harbinger.

hey, we totally are stronger than you

Garnet landed deftly on the ground, with no harm done to either herself or Dan. She planted the man's feet firmly in the dirt and adjusted her glasses.


With Elliot convulsing, it seemed his barriers were now inoperable. It was time to fire upon him with your final attacks.

Did the power of music really do that? Whatever.

it was time for the most powerful attack Deemo and the girl has.... what comes after the magnolia petals... are the blooming myosotis buds... The new background music started playing.

Each beat was proceeding as usual, hitting Elliot to the beats, but when the song progressed to the super dubstep part (1:18) each beat intensified greatly, and the frequency of each beat greatly amplified, hitting Elliot super fast and super powerful to the new rhythm. The pattern of the rhythm was incomprehensible to those who don't know this rhythm, but only Deemo and the girl could achieve this kind of attack.

Why do you want to go back?

@Crow @Mari @Lizzy @Cromartie Sarkissian @C.T. @DapperDogman @The Silver Paladin @OrlandoBloomers @Hospes @Atomyk @Jeremi
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Even with her glasses on, Garnet held a hand over her eyes, looking up into the crimson sky to spot Elliot's torso flying above. She only looked mildly annoyed at the development, clicking her tongue in exasperation. She looked back down and pointed to Ludger standing nearby. "You, give me a boost," she said, moving to hold out her arms. With a flourish of her hands, Garnet summoned her gauntlets in a glowing pink light.


Ludger stared at her for a moment, his face splattered with the blood of Husks and Collectors alike. He lifted a sleeve to wipe at his face, giving the Crystal Gem a nod as he did so. "Got it." His dual blades combined into a sledgehammer and Ludger held it out as an invitation.

Knowing what to do, Garnet made a quick hop on the to the hammer's head, fists pointed upward in the direction of Elliot. Ludger cried out as he heaved the hammer upward with as much force as he could muster, throwing Garnet straight into the sky. She flew like a missile, body poised to latch on to Elliot once she'd reached the correct height. Someone as small as Garnet wasn't noticed by Elliot, who was busy firing off blasts to decimate the enemy armies below. With a battle cry, Garnet slammed her gauntlets down into Elliot's hull, breaking into the metal exterior.

"Ohh~? An adorable little pest has latched on to me!" yelled Elliot, his metallic voice sounding almost cheerful. "My barriers only stop bullets, not insects! Still, you think I can't do something about that?"

Garnet didn't heed Elliot's words, instead climbing up his body with purpose, her large fists throwing metal and junk down to the surface. A blue glow surrounded Elliot as he charged up his electrical shock, an attack that would hit anyone who'd chosen to invade his personal space. Garnet had just about reached the core found at Elliot's mid-section when the attack became fully charged. She moved up next to Manly Dan and lifted a gauntlet above the core, only to find her whole body convulsing from electrical shock. The Crystal Gem cried out in pain, losing her grip on Elliot and beginning to fall.

But... the power of music was dawning on the battlefield! The musical power of Shouko, Deemo, and Little Girl did more than just batter at Elliot's defences... it summoned a warrior to the field!




Sans found himself on top of what remained of Elliot's right shoulder. He gave a shrug at the predicament, choosing not to question how he'd gotten here. The multiverse had its own mysteries. He craned his head down to spot Garnet and Manly Dan beginning to fall from Elliot. Well, he wasn't about to let that happen.



i got you.

In the blink of an eye, Garnet was latched back on to Elliot's hull, her legs just dangling over the edge. Dan was next to her in a similarly precarious position. It didn't seem Sans had moved at all.


oh boy, i see where this is going. another chump who thinks he can just walk all over everyone else.

well, if he had legs any more.


i'm gonna help you out. something about the power of music is really empowering, you know? i may not have the lungs to belt much of a tune, but i think i can manage something.

Garnet grunted as she lifted herself back into a comfortable position on Elliot's side. The floating synthetic was preparing another electrical blast, but Garnet wasn't worried. There was something about this skeleton that made her feel she just didn't have to be anxious about anything.

She knew what had to be done. Lifting a hand off Elliot, Garnet gave Sans a thumbs up.

With the power of music all around... a new background tune began to jam out.

♪ Here we are ♪
♪ Now together ♪
♪ And we're never going down at the hands of the likes of you ♪
♪ We can see you're an abuser ♪
♪ So, man, how'd you get to be such a loser? ♪

♪ But guys like you don't play by the rules ♪
♪ So come on, it's real easy to see you're just a fool ♪
♪ Let's go, this looks bad for you ♪
♪ Let's go, it's time for your due ♪

As Garnet began climbing back up Elliot with renewed invigoration, Sans seemed to have another tactic in mind...



♪ Go ahead and try to hit us if you're able ♪
♪ Guess it's obvious now that mercy's off the table ♪
♪ We can tell you think you're real terrifying ♪
♪ But you're no more than unsatisfying ♪

♪ You're not gonna win, we'll be here together ♪
♪ We are gonna stay like this forever ♪
♪ It's funny you think you're a competent villain ♪
♪ But really, you're nothing more than a fill in ♪



(i know you're made) (I am made)
♪ o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪


The sound of music could even be heard by those down below Elliot and in the midst of fighting. The singing seemed to hit the warriors in waves, filling them with a sense of determination some of them may not have before felt possible. The Husks and Collectors weakened under the sounds, their connection with their Reaper overlords being drowned out. The Banshee attacking the Adds could suddenly barely function, its biotic barriers collapsing.

Ike cried out, Ragnell flashing brightly as he cut through the enemies waiting in his path. The sword was simply an extension of himself and his body a mere vessel for carnage. A Husk was cleaved in two, a Collector was impaled before it even knew it was happening, one of Bane's men was made to wear a mask of crimson after Ike's fist was done with it. He was like a boulder unrelentingly rolling down a steep hill with nothing in its path.

That was, until he noticed the disturbance above him. Junk crashed into the ground around Ike, spitting up dust and dirt. Reeling from the sudden assault on his sight, the warrior spun around rapidly, eyes searching for cover from the dangerous rain above. Whoever was attacking Elliot was creating quite the hazard for those who happened to be underneath him whether they realized it or not. Ike decided that retreating back to the hill where Yvaine and a collection of the rebels were was his best option.

Charging through Husks like a battering ram, Ike swung his sword in wide arcs, cleaving the brittle creatures like butter. Amid the flying dirt and blood, Ike spotted Yvaine on the hill. Like the fallen star she was said to be, he couldn't help but think of her as a shining beacon on this bloody and arid field. He continued toward her, only noticing a strange disturbance at the corner of his eye before it was probably too late.

Curious, Ike looked up once again and found himself horrified to witness a random laser shot from Elliot being charged toward the hill that Yvaine stood on. He looked back down toward her, mouth open wide.


"Ambro-- Yvaine!" Ike cried out at the top of his lungs, desperately hoping for his cry to reach across the battlefield. The blue-haired warrior's heart beat against his chest harshly, his legs stumbling and failing him at this critical moment. She was too far away for him to get to her in time, and Ike's only hope was that she realized the danger before it was all over.

Ike ran and ran, the music around him now deaf to his ears.

♪ This is how you lose ♪
♪ This is how it ends ♪
♪ And if you think you can stop us ♪
♪ Then you need to think again ♪
♪ 'Cause we're unstoppable ♪
♪ You never stood a chance ♪
(do you just like the feeling) (And I won't let you hurt these people)
(of your sins CRAWLING on your back?) (I won't let you hurt my friends)


♪ Go ahead and try to hit us if you're able ♪
♪ Guess it's obvious now that mercy's off the table ♪
♪ We know you think we're not something you're afraid of ♪
♪ 'Cause you think that you've seen what we're made of ♪

♪ But we're even more than just the two of us ♪
♪ Everyone you've caused pain is here with us ♪
♪ We are their fury ♪
♪ We are their vengeance ♪


Elliot tried to charge another electrical attack, but it seemed he'd somehow been drained of power. Garnet grinned as she took a spot next to Dan once again and beat on Elliot's core to a steady beat.

(i know you're made of) (I am made)
♪ o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪

(but i think we're stronger than you) (And it's stronger than you)
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪

(but i think we're stronger than you) (And it's stronger than you)
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪

(but i think we're stronger than you) (And it's stronger than you)
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪


The core exploded, jettisoning both Garnet and Dan off of Elliot. The Crystal Gem scooped the large man into her arms upon descent, cradling him as they fell to the ground. In the air, Elliot convulsed as if in the midst of a seizure. Random laser shots blasted from his mouth, one of them flying straight at Harbinger.

hey, we totally are stronger than you

Garnet landed deftly on the ground, with no harm done to either herself or Dan. She planted the man's feet firmly in the dirt and adjusted her glasses.


With Elliot convulsing, it seemed his barriers were now inoperable. It was time to fire upon him with your final attacks.

The squid's strength had returned by now, as he would sweep up the remains of the now battered Elliot, before...
Flying around the world several times, gathering speed, and then slamming him into the ground
He also drew his own face onto the globe, how cute

Among all the loud, showy attacks, someone else had arrived

"Target sighted, current wind conditions are optimal, allowing for bullet drop, sights set"

"You are free to take the shot!"

The sound of a sniper rifle rang across the battlefield as a pair of Bane's snipers were suddenly launched from their hiding place by an explosion​
Ike held Ragnell high in the air, the blade glowing under the light of Rannoch's crimson sky. He placed his free hand on Yvaine's shoulder, giving the woman a small squeeze. He still had a long way to go when it came to making up for what he'd done to her, but at the very least he knew he could protect her here. War was what Ike knew best; he'd been forged by battle, becoming a one-man army in his own right.


"I won't get hurt. This... This is what I know best."

Even with her glasses on, Garnet held a hand over her eyes, looking up into the crimson sky to spot Elliot's torso flying above. She only looked mildly annoyed at the development, clicking her tongue in exasperation. She looked back down and pointed to Ludger standing nearby. "You, give me a boost," she said, moving to hold out her arms. With a flourish of her hands, Garnet summoned her gauntlets in a glowing pink light.


Ludger stared at her for a moment, his face splattered with the blood of Husks and Collectors alike. He lifted a sleeve to wipe at his face, giving the Crystal Gem a nod as he did so. "Got it." His dual blades combined into a sledgehammer and Ludger held it out as an invitation.

Knowing what to do, Garnet made a quick hop on the to the hammer's head, fists pointed upward in the direction of Elliot. Ludger cried out as he heaved the hammer upward with as much force as he could muster, throwing Garnet straight into the sky. She flew like a missile, body poised to latch on to Elliot once she'd reached the correct height. Someone as small as Garnet wasn't noticed by Elliot, who was busy firing off blasts to decimate the enemy armies below. With a battle cry, Garnet slammed her gauntlets down into Elliot's hull, breaking into the metal exterior.

"Ohh~? An adorable little pest has latched on to me!" yelled Elliot, his metallic voice sounding almost cheerful. "My barriers only stop bullets, not insects! Still, you think I can't do something about that?"

Garnet didn't heed Elliot's words, instead climbing up his body with purpose, her large fists throwing metal and junk down to the surface. A blue glow surrounded Elliot as he charged up his electrical shock, an attack that would hit anyone who'd chosen to invade his personal space. Garnet had just about reached the core found at Elliot's mid-section when the attack became fully charged. She moved up next to Manly Dan and lifted a gauntlet above the core, only to find her whole body convulsing from electrical shock. The Crystal Gem cried out in pain, losing her grip on Elliot and beginning to fall.

But... the power of music was dawning on the battlefield! The musical power of Shouko, Deemo, and Little Girl did more than just batter at Elliot's defences... it summoned a warrior to the field!




Sans found himself on top of what remained of Elliot's right shoulder. He gave a shrug at the predicament, choosing not to question how he'd gotten here. The multiverse had its own mysteries. He craned his head down to spot Garnet and Manly Dan beginning to fall from Elliot. Well, he wasn't about to let that happen.



i got you.

In the blink of an eye, Garnet was latched back on to Elliot's hull, her legs just dangling over the edge. Dan was next to her in a similarly precarious position. It didn't seem Sans had moved at all.


oh boy, i see where this is going. another chump who thinks he can just walk all over everyone else.

well, if he had legs any more.


i'm gonna help you out. something about the power of music is really empowering, you know? i may not have the lungs to belt much of a tune, but i think i can manage something.

Garnet grunted as she lifted herself back into a comfortable position on Elliot's side. The floating synthetic was preparing another electrical blast, but Garnet wasn't worried. There was something about this skeleton that made her feel she just didn't have to be anxious about anything.

She knew what had to be done. Lifting a hand off Elliot, Garnet gave Sans a thumbs up.

With the power of music all around... a new background tune began to jam out.

♪ Here we are ♪
♪ Now together ♪
♪ And we're never going down at the hands of the likes of you ♪
♪ We can see you're an abuser ♪
♪ So, man, how'd you get to be such a loser? ♪

♪ But guys like you don't play by the rules ♪
♪ So come on, it's real easy to see you're just a fool ♪
♪ Let's go, this looks bad for you ♪
♪ Let's go, it's time for your due ♪

As Garnet began climbing back up Elliot with renewed invigoration, Sans seemed to have another tactic in mind...



♪ Go ahead and try to hit us if you're able ♪
♪ Guess it's obvious now that mercy's off the table ♪
♪ We can tell you think you're real terrifying ♪
♪ But you're no more than unsatisfying ♪

♪ You're not gonna win, we'll be here together ♪
♪ We are gonna stay like this forever ♪
♪ It's funny you think you're a competent villain ♪
♪ But really, you're nothing more than a fill in ♪



(i know you're made) (I am made)
♪ o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪


The sound of music could even be heard by those down below Elliot and in the midst of fighting. The singing seemed to hit the warriors in waves, filling them with a sense of determination some of them may not have before felt possible. The Husks and Collectors weakened under the sounds, their connection with their Reaper overlords being drowned out. The Banshee attacking the Adds could suddenly barely function, its biotic barriers collapsing.

Ike cried out, Ragnell flashing brightly as he cut through the enemies waiting in his path. The sword was simply an extension of himself and his body a mere vessel for carnage. A Husk was cleaved in two, a Collector was impaled before it even knew it was happening, one of Bane's men was made to wear a mask of crimson after Ike's fist was done with it. He was like a boulder unrelentingly rolling down a steep hill with nothing in its path.

That was, until he noticed the disturbance above him. Junk crashed into the ground around Ike, spitting up dust and dirt. Reeling from the sudden assault on his sight, the warrior spun around rapidly, eyes searching for cover from the dangerous rain above. Whoever was attacking Elliot was creating quite the hazard for those who happened to be underneath him whether they realized it or not. Ike decided that retreating back to the hill where Yvaine and a collection of the rebels were was his best option.

Charging through Husks like a battering ram, Ike swung his sword in wide arcs, cleaving the brittle creatures like butter. Amid the flying dirt and blood, Ike spotted Yvaine on the hill. Like the fallen star she was said to be, he couldn't help but think of her as a shining beacon on this bloody and arid field. He continued toward her, only noticing a strange disturbance at the corner of his eye before it was probably too late.

Curious, Ike looked up once again and found himself horrified to witness a random laser shot from Elliot being charged toward the hill that Yvaine stood on. He looked back down toward her, mouth open wide.


"Ambro-- Yvaine!" Ike cried out at the top of his lungs, desperately hoping for his cry to reach across the battlefield. The blue-haired warrior's heart beat against his chest harshly, his legs stumbling and failing him at this critical moment. She was too far away for him to get to her in time, and Ike's only hope was that she realized the danger before it was all over.

Ike ran and ran, the music around him now deaf to his ears.

♪ This is how you lose ♪
♪ This is how it ends ♪
♪ And if you think you can stop us ♪
♪ Then you need to think again ♪
♪ 'Cause we're unstoppable ♪
♪ You never stood a chance ♪
(do you just like the feeling) (And I won't let you hurt these people) ♪
(of your sins CRAWLING on your back?) (I won't let you hurt my friends) ♪


♪ Go ahead and try to hit us if you're able ♪
♪ Guess it's obvious now that mercy's off the table ♪
♪ We know you think we're not something you're afraid of ♪
♪ 'Cause you think that you've seen what we're made of ♪

♪ But we're even more than just the two of us ♪
♪ Everyone you've caused pain is here with us ♪
♪ We are their fury ♪
♪ We are their vengeance ♪


Elliot tried to charge another electrical attack, but it seemed he'd somehow been drained of power. Garnet grinned as she took a spot next to Dan once again and beat on Elliot's core to a steady beat.

(i know you're made of) (I am made) ♪
♪ o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
(but i think we're stronger than you) (And it's stronger than you) ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪
(but i think we're stronger than you) (And it's stronger than you) ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪
(but i think we're stronger than you) (And it's stronger than you) ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪


The core exploded, jettisoning both Garnet and Dan off of Elliot. The Crystal Gem scooped the large man into her arms upon descent, cradling him as they fell to the ground. In the air, Elliot convulsed as if in the midst of a seizure. Random laser shots blasted from his mouth, one of them flying straight at Harbinger.

hey, we totally are stronger than you

Garnet landed deftly on the ground, with no harm done to either herself or Dan. She planted the man's feet firmly in the dirt and adjusted her glasses.


With Elliot convulsing, it seemed his barriers were now inoperable. It was time to fire upon him with your final attacks.

Yvaine sighed softly at the blue-haired warrior's declaration, knowing his words to be true. Even if she wished they weren't. In any case, she desperately hoped he was at least correct that this would keep him from being banged up too badly. Eventually, she gave a small nod, somewhat reassured by his gentle squeeze. A weak smile tugged at her lips as she looked to him with pale eyes, idly noting the way his sword glistened under the light. "Well, I don't think it's me that needs to know that," she remarked.

Elliot was the one that needed to learn how strong all of them were.

Watching with something like sadness as Ike's hand fell away from her shoulder and he set off into the battle, Yvaine took a small, shuddering breath, her eyes fluttering closed. She knew she'd be signing her own death warrant if she tried to enter the battlefield, so she was forced to stay back. However, she was not useless - she could keep enemies that tried to creep up to the rebels that had stayed back at bay. So, when a few of the soldiers attempted to come at the group...

"Everyone, close your eyes and stay back!"

With the command having reached the ears of the rebels behind her, Yvaine herself focused, her eyes still shut tight. All she had to do was think of the positives... Ike was okay. Elliot was going to meet his demise. Chandler was alright, even if he'd rejected her and Ike. Finally, everything would be closer to okay.


Suddenly, the North Star's eyes snapped open, her hands clenching into fists at her sides. A brilliant, blinding light enveloped her, a holy and compelling sight. Screams came from the unfortunate men that bad been coming at the group behind the star, shortly before they were blinded, sank to their knees, and perished.

Slowly, the star's stunning shine faded, and she let out a heavy breath. At least that was out of th- ...Huh? Yvaine had hardly noticed, but she now spotted Ike dashing back towards herself and the others, seeming to be shouting frantically. It took a moment, but then the laser headed straight for her caught her attention.

Eyes widening ever-so-slightly, the blonde tried her best to give out of the way, but it was too late. Luckily for her, she dodged the brunt of the blow, the attack simply skimming her side. Teeth were gritted with a muffled cry of pain came from Yvaine a she hit the ground, conveniently landing on her good side. Damn, she really was useless, wasn't she? For a moment, she was still, simply trying to recover from and shove aside the pain of the blow. Eventually, she slowly and painfully attempted to climb back to her feet, finding herself thankful that Ike had managed to warn her enough to keep her from taking a more critical hit.

Even with her glasses on, Garnet held a hand over her eyes, looking up into the crimson sky to spot Elliot's torso flying above. She only looked mildly annoyed at the development, clicking her tongue in exasperation. She looked back down and pointed to Ludger standing nearby. "You, give me a boost," she said, moving to hold out her arms. With a flourish of her hands, Garnet summoned her gauntlets in a glowing pink light.


Ludger stared at her for a moment, his face splattered with the blood of Husks and Collectors alike. He lifted a sleeve to wipe at his face, giving the Crystal Gem a nod as he did so. "Got it." His dual blades combined into a sledgehammer and Ludger held it out as an invitation.

Knowing what to do, Garnet made a quick hop on the to the hammer's head, fists pointed upward in the direction of Elliot. Ludger cried out as he heaved the hammer upward with as much force as he could muster, throwing Garnet straight into the sky. She flew like a missile, body poised to latch on to Elliot once she'd reached the correct height. Someone as small as Garnet wasn't noticed by Elliot, who was busy firing off blasts to decimate the enemy armies below. With a battle cry, Garnet slammed her gauntlets down into Elliot's hull, breaking into the metal exterior.

"Ohh~? An adorable little pest has latched on to me!" yelled Elliot, his metallic voice sounding almost cheerful. "My barriers only stop bullets, not insects! Still, you think I can't do something about that?"

Garnet didn't heed Elliot's words, instead climbing up his body with purpose, her large fists throwing metal and junk down to the surface. A blue glow surrounded Elliot as he charged up his electrical shock, an attack that would hit anyone who'd chosen to invade his personal space. Garnet had just about reached the core found at Elliot's mid-section when the attack became fully charged. She moved up next to Manly Dan and lifted a gauntlet above the core, only to find her whole body convulsing from electrical shock. The Crystal Gem cried out in pain, losing her grip on Elliot and beginning to fall.

But... the power of music was dawning on the battlefield! The musical power of Shouko, Deemo, and Little Girl did more than just batter at Elliot's defences... it summoned a warrior to the field!




Sans found himself on top of what remained of Elliot's right shoulder. He gave a shrug at the predicament, choosing not to question how he'd gotten here. The multiverse had its own mysteries. He craned his head down to spot Garnet and Manly Dan beginning to fall from Elliot. Well, he wasn't about to let that happen.



i got you.

In the blink of an eye, Garnet was latched back on to Elliot's hull, her legs just dangling over the edge. Dan was next to her in a similarly precarious position. It didn't seem Sans had moved at all.


oh boy, i see where this is going. another chump who thinks he can just walk all over everyone else.

well, if he had legs any more.


i'm gonna help you out. something about the power of music is really empowering, you know? i may not have the lungs to belt much of a tune, but i think i can manage something.

Garnet grunted as she lifted herself back into a comfortable position on Elliot's side. The floating synthetic was preparing another electrical blast, but Garnet wasn't worried. There was something about this skeleton that made her feel she just didn't have to be anxious about anything.

She knew what had to be done. Lifting a hand off Elliot, Garnet gave Sans a thumbs up.

With the power of music all around... a new background tune began to jam out.

♪ Here we are ♪
♪ Now together ♪
♪ And we're never going down at the hands of the likes of you ♪
♪ We can see you're an abuser ♪
♪ So, man, how'd you get to be such a loser? ♪

♪ But guys like you don't play by the rules ♪
♪ So come on, it's real easy to see you're just a fool ♪
♪ Let's go, this looks bad for you ♪
♪ Let's go, it's time for your due ♪

As Garnet began climbing back up Elliot with renewed invigoration, Sans seemed to have another tactic in mind...



♪ Go ahead and try to hit us if you're able ♪
♪ Guess it's obvious now that mercy's off the table ♪
♪ We can tell you think you're real terrifying ♪
♪ But you're no more than unsatisfying ♪

♪ You're not gonna win, we'll be here together ♪
♪ We are gonna stay like this forever ♪
♪ It's funny you think you're a competent villain ♪
♪ But really, you're nothing more than a fill in ♪



(i know you're made) (I am made)
♪ o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪


The sound of music could even be heard by those down below Elliot and in the midst of fighting. The singing seemed to hit the warriors in waves, filling them with a sense of determination some of them may not have before felt possible. The Husks and Collectors weakened under the sounds, their connection with their Reaper overlords being drowned out. The Banshee attacking the Adds could suddenly barely function, its biotic barriers collapsing.

Ike cried out, Ragnell flashing brightly as he cut through the enemies waiting in his path. The sword was simply an extension of himself and his body a mere vessel for carnage. A Husk was cleaved in two, a Collector was impaled before it even knew it was happening, one of Bane's men was made to wear a mask of crimson after Ike's fist was done with it. He was like a boulder unrelentingly rolling down a steep hill with nothing in its path.

That was, until he noticed the disturbance above him. Junk crashed into the ground around Ike, spitting up dust and dirt. Reeling from the sudden assault on his sight, the warrior spun around rapidly, eyes searching for cover from the dangerous rain above. Whoever was attacking Elliot was creating quite the hazard for those who happened to be underneath him whether they realized it or not. Ike decided that retreating back to the hill where Yvaine and a collection of the rebels were was his best option.

Charging through Husks like a battering ram, Ike swung his sword in wide arcs, cleaving the brittle creatures like butter. Amid the flying dirt and blood, Ike spotted Yvaine on the hill. Like the fallen star she was said to be, he couldn't help but think of her as a shining beacon on this bloody and arid field. He continued toward her, only noticing a strange disturbance at the corner of his eye before it was probably too late.

Curious, Ike looked up once again and found himself horrified to witness a random laser shot from Elliot being charged toward the hill that Yvaine stood on. He looked back down toward her, mouth open wide.


"Ambro-- Yvaine!" Ike cried out at the top of his lungs, desperately hoping for his cry to reach across the battlefield. The blue-haired warrior's heart beat against his chest harshly, his legs stumbling and failing him at this critical moment. She was too far away for him to get to her in time, and Ike's only hope was that she realized the danger before it was all over.

Ike ran and ran, the music around him now deaf to his ears.

♪ This is how you lose ♪
♪ This is how it ends ♪
♪ And if you think you can stop us ♪
♪ Then you need to think again ♪
♪ 'Cause we're unstoppable ♪
♪ You never stood a chance ♪
(do you just like the feeling) (And I won't let you hurt these people) ♪
(of your sins CRAWLING on your back?) (I won't let you hurt my friends) ♪


♪ Go ahead and try to hit us if you're able ♪
♪ Guess it's obvious now that mercy's off the table ♪
♪ We know you think we're not something you're afraid of ♪
♪ 'Cause you think that you've seen what we're made of ♪

♪ But we're even more than just the two of us ♪
♪ Everyone you've caused pain is here with us ♪
♪ We are their fury ♪
♪ We are their vengeance ♪


Elliot tried to charge another electrical attack, but it seemed he'd somehow been drained of power. Garnet grinned as she took a spot next to Dan once again and beat on Elliot's core to a steady beat.

(i know you're made of) (I am made) ♪
♪ o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
(but i think we're stronger than you) (And it's stronger than you) ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪
(but i think we're stronger than you) (And it's stronger than you) ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪
(but i think we're stronger than you) (And it's stronger than you) ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪


The core exploded, jettisoning both Garnet and Dan off of Elliot. The Crystal Gem scooped the large man into her arms upon descent, cradling him as they fell to the ground. In the air, Elliot convulsed as if in the midst of a seizure. Random laser shots blasted from his mouth, one of them flying straight at Harbinger.

hey, we totally are stronger than you

Garnet landed deftly on the ground, with no harm done to either herself or Dan. She planted the man's feet firmly in the dirt and adjusted her glasses.


With Elliot convulsing, it seemed his barriers were now inoperable. It was time to fire upon him with your final attacks.

Meanwhile, in an unknown place.




Boba Fett's deft maneuvers combined with Fidget and Dust's attacks meant Elliot would never manage to catch the explosion in time. The metal of Elliot's right leg was shredded and the giant Reaper began to hurtle toward the ground. Harbinger's attack was heading his way, so Elliot had no choice but to throw his remaining arm out in retaliation. He caught the beam with his palm, the metal becoming superheated and melting away. Elliot let out a great mechanical roar as his body crashed to the ground and quaked the very Earth. It was clear to him that his limbs had become useless.

"I can be rebuilt... this body is limitless!"

The ground continued to rumble, the core at Elliot's mid-section beginning to glow. A thrust shout out the bottom of his body lifting him up into the air. His eyes glowed with intensity as he floated above the battlefield.


Loose metal and wires hung off his shaggy synthetic frame, a piece here and there occasionally hurtling down to the ground.

"If you could only hope to reach the plane I've transcended to."

@Mari @Lizzy @Cromartie Sarkissian @C.T. @DapperDogman @The Silver Paladin @OrlandoBloomers @Hospes @Any whose attacked Elliot
Even with her glasses on, Garnet held a hand over her eyes, looking up into the crimson sky to spot Elliot's torso flying above. She only looked mildly annoyed at the development, clicking her tongue in exasperation. She looked back down and pointed to Ludger standing nearby. "You, give me a boost," she said, moving to hold out her arms. With a flourish of her hands, Garnet summoned her gauntlets in a glowing pink light.


Ludger stared at her for a moment, his face splattered with the blood of Husks and Collectors alike. He lifted a sleeve to wipe at his face, giving the Crystal Gem a nod as he did so. "Got it." His dual blades combined into a sledgehammer and Ludger held it out as an invitation.

Knowing what to do, Garnet made a quick hop on the to the hammer's head, fists pointed upward in the direction of Elliot. Ludger cried out as he heaved the hammer upward with as much force as he could muster, throwing Garnet straight into the sky. She flew like a missile, body poised to latch on to Elliot once she'd reached the correct height. Someone as small as Garnet wasn't noticed by Elliot, who was busy firing off blasts to decimate the enemy armies below. With a battle cry, Garnet slammed her gauntlets down into Elliot's hull, breaking into the metal exterior.

"Ohh~? An adorable little pest has latched on to me!" yelled Elliot, his metallic voice sounding almost cheerful. "My barriers only stop bullets, not insects! Still, you think I can't do something about that?"

Garnet didn't heed Elliot's words, instead climbing up his body with purpose, her large fists throwing metal and junk down to the surface. A blue glow surrounded Elliot as he charged up his electrical shock, an attack that would hit anyone who'd chosen to invade his personal space. Garnet had just about reached the core found at Elliot's mid-section when the attack became fully charged. She moved up next to Manly Dan and lifted a gauntlet above the core, only to find her whole body convulsing from electrical shock. The Crystal Gem cried out in pain, losing her grip on Elliot and beginning to fall.

But... the power of music was dawning on the battlefield! The musical power of Shouko, Deemo, and Little Girl did more than just batter at Elliot's defences... it summoned a warrior to the field!




Sans found himself on top of what remained of Elliot's right shoulder. He gave a shrug at the predicament, choosing not to question how he'd gotten here. The multiverse had its own mysteries. He craned his head down to spot Garnet and Manly Dan beginning to fall from Elliot. Well, he wasn't about to let that happen.



i got you.

In the blink of an eye, Garnet was latched back on to Elliot's hull, her legs just dangling over the edge. Dan was next to her in a similarly precarious position. It didn't seem Sans had moved at all.


oh boy, i see where this is going. another chump who thinks he can just walk all over everyone else.

well, if he had legs any more.


i'm gonna help you out. something about the power of music is really empowering, you know? i may not have the lungs to belt much of a tune, but i think i can manage something.

Garnet grunted as she lifted herself back into a comfortable position on Elliot's side. The floating synthetic was preparing another electrical blast, but Garnet wasn't worried. There was something about this skeleton that made her feel she just didn't have to be anxious about anything.

She knew what had to be done. Lifting a hand off Elliot, Garnet gave Sans a thumbs up.

With the power of music all around... a new background tune began to jam out.

♪ Here we are ♪
♪ Now together ♪
♪ And we're never going down at the hands of the likes of you ♪
♪ We can see you're an abuser ♪
♪ So, man, how'd you get to be such a loser? ♪

♪ But guys like you don't play by the rules ♪
♪ So come on, it's real easy to see you're just a fool ♪
♪ Let's go, this looks bad for you ♪
♪ Let's go, it's time for your due ♪

As Garnet began climbing back up Elliot with renewed invigoration, Sans seemed to have another tactic in mind...



♪ Go ahead and try to hit us if you're able ♪
♪ Guess it's obvious now that mercy's off the table ♪
♪ We can tell you think you're real terrifying ♪
♪ But you're no more than unsatisfying ♪

♪ You're not gonna win, we'll be here together ♪
♪ We are gonna stay like this forever ♪
♪ It's funny you think you're a competent villain ♪
♪ But really, you're nothing more than a fill in ♪



(i know you're made) (I am made)
♪ o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪


The sound of music could even be heard by those down below Elliot and in the midst of fighting. The singing seemed to hit the warriors in waves, filling them with a sense of determination some of them may not have before felt possible. The Husks and Collectors weakened under the sounds, their connection with their Reaper overlords being drowned out. The Banshee attacking the Adds could suddenly barely function, its biotic barriers collapsing.

Ike cried out, Ragnell flashing brightly as he cut through the enemies waiting in his path. The sword was simply an extension of himself and his body a mere vessel for carnage. A Husk was cleaved in two, a Collector was impaled before it even knew it was happening, one of Bane's men was made to wear a mask of crimson after Ike's fist was done with it. He was like a boulder unrelentingly rolling down a steep hill with nothing in its path.

That was, until he noticed the disturbance above him. Junk crashed into the ground around Ike, spitting up dust and dirt. Reeling from the sudden assault on his sight, the warrior spun around rapidly, eyes searching for cover from the dangerous rain above. Whoever was attacking Elliot was creating quite the hazard for those who happened to be underneath him whether they realized it or not. Ike decided that retreating back to the hill where Yvaine and a collection of the rebels were was his best option.

Charging through Husks like a battering ram, Ike swung his sword in wide arcs, cleaving the brittle creatures like butter. Amid the flying dirt and blood, Ike spotted Yvaine on the hill. Like the fallen star she was said to be, he couldn't help but think of her as a shining beacon on this bloody and arid field. He continued toward her, only noticing a strange disturbance at the corner of his eye before it was probably too late.

Curious, Ike looked up once again and found himself horrified to witness a random laser shot from Elliot being charged toward the hill that Yvaine stood on. He looked back down toward her, mouth open wide.


"Ambro-- Yvaine!" Ike cried out at the top of his lungs, desperately hoping for his cry to reach across the battlefield. The blue-haired warrior's heart beat against his chest harshly, his legs stumbling and failing him at this critical moment. She was too far away for him to get to her in time, and Ike's only hope was that she realized the danger before it was all over.

Ike ran and ran, the music around him now deaf to his ears.

♪ This is how you lose ♪
♪ This is how it ends ♪
♪ And if you think you can stop us ♪
♪ Then you need to think again ♪
♪ 'Cause we're unstoppable ♪
♪ You never stood a chance ♪
(do you just like the feeling) (And I won't let you hurt these people)
(of your sins CRAWLING on your back?) (I won't let you hurt my friends)


♪ Go ahead and try to hit us if you're able ♪
♪ Guess it's obvious now that mercy's off the table ♪
♪ We know you think we're not something you're afraid of ♪
♪ 'Cause you think that you've seen what we're made of ♪

♪ But we're even more than just the two of us ♪
♪ Everyone you've caused pain is here with us ♪
♪ We are their fury ♪
♪ We are their vengeance ♪


Elliot tried to charge another electrical attack, but it seemed he'd somehow been drained of power. Garnet grinned as she took a spot next to Dan once again and beat on Elliot's core to a steady beat.

(i know you're made of) (I am made)
♪ o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪

(but i think we're stronger than you) (And it's stronger than you)
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪

(but i think we're stronger than you) (And it's stronger than you)
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪

(but i think we're stronger than you) (And it's stronger than you)
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of ♪
♪ Lo-o-o-o-ove ♪


The core exploded, jettisoning both Garnet and Dan off of Elliot. The Crystal Gem scooped the large man into her arms upon descent, cradling him as they fell to the ground. In the air, Elliot convulsed as if in the midst of a seizure. Random laser shots blasted from his mouth, one of them flying straight at Harbinger.

hey, we totally are stronger than you

Garnet landed deftly on the ground, with no harm done to either herself or Dan. She planted the man's feet firmly in the dirt and adjusted her glasses.


With Elliot convulsing, it seemed his barriers were now inoperable. It was time to fire upon him with your final attacks.
Dust & Fidget
@Atomyk @Jeremi @Everyone basically

"Now... Let's finish this once and fore all!" Dust shouted, seeming very aware that Elliot was now in a vulnerable state... He suddenly spun into the air as Fidget fired three flaming projectiles... And suddenly, the projectiles exploded into three distinct pillars of flames, rising from the ground underneath Elliot, in order to blow right through his mechanical body... As the beams cleared, Dust descended down upon Elliot, delivering an powerfull downwards strike to Elliot's body... The two withdrew after their co-ordinated strikes, to make room for the attacks from the others as they all let loose upon Elliot...


Suddenly, amidst the chaos, a familiar voice suddenly rang out...

Asriel's voice shouted... A blinding light suddenly filled the area for a moment as he transformed into his more "god-like" form, but, this time, he appeared to have gathered an immense amount of power... Alot more than people had ever seen him gather before... Ever...

Suddenly, the area darkened, as a massive face, that almost resembled his own in Asriel's current, godly form... Illuminatig the area... It let out a chilling laugh, as everything suddenly went silent, for a moment... Before the face suddenly opened it's mouth, and it felt as if reality itself was being sucked into an eternal vacuum, that was it's maw... A ball of energy gathered in the center of it's gaping maw, as it emitted a humming noise that only grew louder... And louder and louder.... And then, the ball of energy seemed to explode suddenly, expanding outwards with frightening speed until everything was covered in a blinding light...

It was uncertain how much damage this would deal Elliot's already battered body... However, it would become clear once the light faded...
"Tch," Karasu spat as the Super Saiyan fired from above him. With that, there were certainly no foot soldiers left to battle. There was nothing to do but channel all of his strength into one more attack to help finish this Elliot person off. It was time for the end of all of this nonsense.

Karasu charged a single blast in one hand, a bright blue ball shining brilliantly as he prepared to help put the finishing touches on this being. Sparks crackled from the little orb, which seemed to be gradually increasing in size. Power, he needed more power, this wasn't enough to end it.

With a mighty roar, he thrust his arm forward, his cloak flying up as he pushed the powerful energy forward, propelling it towards Elliot. Even if he didn't have the power to end it, he'd pile on the damage with everyone else.

And suddenly, the orb split into countless more, each with the same amount of immense power contained within the original.

"What...?" Karasu asked, panting in disbelief. That one attack had taken everything he had left. How did so many more appear?

A glowing yellow choker had appeared around Haruka's neck. The Dragon Torque. Though Haruka did not quite understand the significance nor power of the item herself, it acted on its own to take down the threat before all of them. It observed Karasu's attack, and then observed countless more instances of it, and had all of them in a state of being propelled towards the enemy.

"...So that's its power, huh?"
"Tch," Karasu spat as the Super Saiyan fired from above him. With that, there were certainly no foot soldiers left to battle. There was nothing to do but channel all of his strength into one more attack to help finish this Elliot person off. It was time for the end of all of this nonsense.

Karasu charged a single blast in one hand, a bright blue ball shining brilliantly as he prepared to help put the finishing touches on this being. Sparks crackled from the little orb, which seemed to be gradually increasing in size. Power, he needed more power, this wasn't enough to end it.

With a mighty roar, he thrust his arm forward, his cloak flying up as he pushed the powerful energy forward, propelling it towards Elliot. Even if he didn't have the power to end it, he'd pile on the damage with everyone else.

And suddenly, the orb split into countless more, each with the same amount of immense power contained within the original.

"What...?" Karasu asked, panting in disbelief. That one attack had taken everything he had left. How did so many more appear?

A glowing yellow choker had appeared around Haruka's neck. The Dragon Torque. Though Haruka did not quite understand the significance nor power of the item herself, it acted on its own to take down the threat before all of them. It observed Karasu's attack, and then observed countless more instances of it, and had all of them in a state of being propelled towards the enemy.

"...So that's its power, huh?"
Having been so engrossed in murdering the absolute hell out of Elliot/the Reaper's troops, it took Broly a second or two to see Karasu's next attack. The energy was much stronger this time around! Why had this fool restrained himself to guarding this child's life? He clearly possessed enough power to strike out on his own! Why did he shackle himself to Haruka's side? Was her power truly worth such protection? As the energy blast started to head towards Elliot, Broly prepared his own blast to counter suit.

Of course making it much bigger than Karasu's own blast, if just to show off his superiority once again. But as the blast began splitting off, Broly couldn't help but a bit troubled.

"Where...Where is all this sudden energy coming from!?"

If it wasn't Karasu then who-


The child who Broly had sought to protect if only just so he could see the depths of her power. Was this it? To create what it saw fit against a potential threat? Was that why it took away his power and why it replicated Karasu's attack? To deal with two different opponents? All without Haruka fully understanding the significance of the power she wielded. It was enough to drive Broly up the wall and back down.


"I..I don't understand! How can a child have this kind of power...?!"

@Kaykay @Atomyk @otherelliotpeopleiguess
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