Murder Game VI: Fusion

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"... I don't think everyone will make it out. More than just Cell or Hope-- Our numbers will dwindle."
Hearing these words as Mulan stepped closer to the portal made her cringe slightly. But, it was something that needed to be done. And she stepped in.

She found herself at home. Her father was in front of it, smiling, and looking at her. "Mulan!" he yelled out. "Is it really you?"

She was speechless, as she ran towards her father, and hugged him.


"I have missed you so much," Mulan whispered to her father, "I acted to protect you, and yet, I feel so much guilt. Despite anything I have done in our family name, I feel guilt for leaving you, father." Tears fell from her eyes, as she felt so sad, guilty, and happy, all at the same time. Her father remained quiet for a time, and after a while, she wondered why.

She separated herself a little from her father. "Why do you not say anything, father? Have I... disappointed you? If I have, it was only to protect you. I could not allow you to put yourself in the harm of the Rourans war against our country. You have served with honor, enough, in the past already."

Mulan's father smiled, as he held a black microphone in his hand. "You are truly, my child, my daughter," he said, "and you are my greatest honor. I only must question, however, your motive. If you succeed in what you are after, on that Tour you have joined. What would you do with all of that power?" Mulan thought about it now. So many emotions were clouding her mind and heart. She recognized the microphone, right away, as the object she should take from her father and return to the portal with. But she was torn now, not thinking as clearly as she would be. The tears continued to drop from her eyes.

She badly wanted to explain to her father what she intended to do; he was not fully aware of the distrust of her within the Army, and her lack of power to enact needed change in order to overcome bureaucracy within the government of China, to protect the nation against the Rouran invaders. "Nothing can convince me of your righteousness, my daughter. Stay with me, or leave with this... this object, and never return. You will likely never see me again."

Sad that her father was beyond convincing, she took the microphone from her father, and looked at him, tears still moist in her eyes. "Trust me father. Please. I will come back to you and I will make things right." Then, she turned away and ran as fast as she could back to the portal, not wanting to let the memory of her father influence her any more from staying back.

She reappeared at the Tour, and immediately fell to her knees, tears in her eyes, as she clutched the microphone with her hands.
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The Doctor was good at a lot of things. Talking about emotions was not one of them. As he saw Mulan fall to her knees, in tears, as she fell out of the portal, he knelt on the ground and put his arm around her, comfortingly as he could. He layer his teacup on the ground, nearby. [BCOLOR=#800000]"What did you see? Who did you see?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#800000]@Mari [/BCOLOR]
The Doctor was good at a lot of things. Talking about emotions was not one of them. As he saw Mulan fall to her knees, in tears, as she fell out of the portal, he knelt on the ground and put his arm around her, comfortingly as he could. He layer his teacup on the ground, nearby. [BCOLOR=#800000]"What did you see? Who did you see?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#800000]@Mari [/BCOLOR]

Mulan looked at the Doctor, as she answered. "I saw... my father. He was angry at me for wanting to continue on the Tour, but... somehow, I was able to come back. The temptation to just stay with him, as it has been many years since I left home... it was so overwhelming." She stood up, after a few moments. "But, I will be okay. I know I am doing the right thing." She heard of others saying what they saw in their experience wasn't real, but for Mulan, it was very real, in her mind. She could not get past the disappointment on her father's face, at least not for a while.

"Thank you Doctor, I just need some time... I will be okay." She smiled at him, through her tears, to reassure him.
A look of surprise turned up from her face, being offered such an important item from Tails.


"If you're sure of that Tails... I'll take good care of this... promise," Patchouli spoke after a moment of registering that Tails was doing this, carefully taking the seed with her hand before placing it into her pocket.

@TheBombMan @Wedge Antilles @Nate Dawg
As Tails told the story of the seed to them, Pietro wondered about whether his partner had any skills with regards to growing plants. But then, he realized, this probably wasn't the nicest place to allow a seed of such personal value to grow and be rooted to. Still, he was curious. "Hey partner," he asked, "do any of your skills involve plant growth? Not that I want to see it grow up in this weird place. But in case of emergency. What if it's like Jack's magic beans? Would you be able to grow it quickly with a spell?"

@Gummi Bunnies @TheBombMan @Nate Dawg

As the young woman cried, Ellis would gentlemen lift her up.

"That's it. Better out than in. Just let all of that junk out, 'kay? I got your back. "

Ellis would wrap his arm around her. As he looked at the portal.

"I'm next, I guess. I rather not go, though. What was it like?"
At last it was time for River to enter her portal. She wasn't afraid. She had already faced her demons and come out the other side stronger. Lightly she stepped through to the other side.

What she saw hand't been what she was expecting. She was standing far above a shimmering world... River felt her heart skip a beat, it was her home. She sensed the thought's of two others behind her, both of them radiating intense hostility towards the other.

She turned. There was a red hooded man and a man in a dark leather trench coat standing beside him.

The two men looked at each other and reacted incrediably violently. The man in the trench coat pulled an unusual looking gun out of the holster on his hip while the other slid and pivoted a knife out of the apparatus on his arm.

The trenchcoated man looked around and said "Frell. Not again."

The man in the hoodie reacted similarly, looking down at the planet below and swearing violently.

River couldn't go deep into the minds of these men for some reason, she could only sense the emotions they were feeling.

River looked at them significantly and asked, "Are you my test."
"No." Said a firm voice. A man had appeared behind her again, a shadowed man. "They are your allies. You are the third. The final piece of the puzzle. There will be others, but none are so essential as you."

The red hooded man was just staring angrily at the ground, or rather where the ground would be, he seemed more than a little wary of the shadowed man. For his part the man with the gun just looked confused.

River tried to gently probe the shadowed man's mind. She could not. It was like he wasn't even there. She could see him with her eyes, but not with her other senses. In place of that much needed information she simply asked. "Who are you?"

"You do not need to know, you only need to listen and heed my warning. The Archdemon threat will be handled with or without your assistance. What succeeds him is far worse. Without you three all that we have worked for will be lost to the fade."

Yet another man stepped in seemingly knowhere, he was wearing a strenchcoat and had a hood pulled low over his face. "Terribly sorry for the simplistic nature of my disguise. I'm afraid its not time for me to show myself yet." When he spoke his voice was curiously well cultured and refined. If River had been from the Earth of old she would have been able to place him as an upperclass Britishman.

He continued on as she listened. "I must first point out that I am a man of my word before all else. Anything I promise you will be yours to keep, assuming you take my offer of course." He gestured to the planet below. "I know you recognize this. Even one not of your abilities would I dare say. I shall speak simply and shortly with my offer. I can give you a life with your family. No Alliance at your door, no blood on your hands, no Miranda haunting your dreams still."

River stared at the world below her for a long moment, then sadly she looked at the mysterious hooded man. "If you knew me, you'd know I gave that up a long time ago."

The hooded man's response was weary, as if he had been expecting such an answer. "As you wish. The choice was yours, so too will be the consequences." The hooded man pulled something from behind his back, it was the black microphone. "Still though. You have completed your challenge with dignity and honor. I can respect that, even in my enemies.
He handed it to River and then offered one last piece of advice. "If you join them, you will become a murderer." He then walked off.. into another place.

The shadowed man looked at River then at the two men. They were both arguing furiously, although River couldn't hear them. Perhaps one of the mysterious men had put them on mute. With a single hand gesture from the shadowed man the two squabbling children were removed from the place were they stood.
"I'm very proud of you River." He said, and then she was back where she started.

Even with her computer like brain she could not figure out what had just happened. Still though, she had retrieved her prize, maybe that was all that mattered in the end.​
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As the young woman cried, Ellis would gentlemen lift her up.

"That's it. Better out than in. Just let all of that junk out, 'kay? I got your back. "

Ellis would wrap his arm around her. As he looked at the portal.

"I'm next, I guess. I rather not go, though. What was it like?"

"Junk?", Mulan wondered. What did that mean? But, maybe it wasn't important. What was important was that Ellis seemed to care a lot.

"What it was like, for me," she explained, as she started, "very emotional. I saw my father, for the first time in over ten years. It really was him, though, hearing words from the others, maybe it was not really him. But, I felt a strong temptation to not return, to stay with him and take care of him again, to convince him that my actions are right." She found the strength and emotion to smile at Ellis. "But, as most others have, I managed to return here, to finish what we all have started."

"I keep on forgettin' you ain't familiar with the way we in the future use words. I mean, Ya gotta let that negative stuff out. It holds you down, makes it hard to keep a clear head with junk in your mind. Ya get what I mean now? It's just waste, like garbage. And it's years been ten years since you've seen your dad? That's horrible. That had to be rough. I'll be honest with you, I love my parents , but we ain't close. Kinda wish I was, but I guessing they're dead now, with the whole zombie outbreak where I'm from. So, guess I gotta go now huh?
As Tails told the story of the seed to them, Pietro wondered about whether his partner had any skills with regards to growing plants. But then, he realized, this probably wasn't the nicest place to allow a seed of such personal value to grow and be rooted to. Still, he was curious. "Hey partner," he asked, "do any of your skills involve plant growth? Not that I want to see it grow up in this weird place. But in case of emergency. What if it's like Jack's magic beans? Would you be able to grow it quickly with a spell?"

@Gummi Bunnies @TheBombMan @Nate Dawg
"I guess I do... My photosynthesis spell..." Patchouli sighed, thinking about that. Maybe she could grow it when she returns to her library...

@Wedge Antilles
"Perhaps you should go. Many have already gone and returned from the portal, you should deal with your... fate there too, now." Mulan looked at the portal again, and wondered. "Though I have gone in already, experienced what it had for me and took back the microphone, I would be willing to help you if you want. I would not hesitate to do that, if you feel you need someone there with you. It might not affect me as much as you, as it will be your experience." She then looked at Ellis. "Would you like me to accompany you?"

@Josh M
Elizabeth Keen: Death Isn't My Style
For reasons Elizabeth Keen didn't understand, she was able to enter the portal just like the other living players. Although she didn't understand, she was grateful to the generous Cat god who allowed her to actually participate with the others in this event. So the spectral agent made her way for the portal, floating directly into it in order to accomplish her task.

From the moment she crossed over into the portal, it was as if she had blinked and the world around her had changed again in an instant. Elizabeth found herself standing in an empty ally way--her body whole once again--with a gun in her hand. The gun in her hand was pointed towards a man on his knees in front of her; he had a brown sack over his head. Inching forward with caution, Liz took hold of the bag and yanked it off the man's head. Her eyes widened as a pair of familiar eyes looked up at her. The man before her was none other than Tom Keen, her ex-husband.


"Liz, what are you waiting for?" he asked, looking up at her with daring intensity in his eyes. "Kill me. I'd like to see you try. We both know you don't have it in you, but it's what you've always wanted to do. Why not do it now? You and I both know this place is only an illusion. It won't matter if you do it or not. You'll get to live out the fantasy of revenge you've always dreamed of."

Elizabeth furrowed her brows, a dark glare clouding her eyes as she looked at Tom. She pointed her gun at him, tapping lightly on the trigger without firing. The smug smirk he wore on his face pissed her off. He had worn the same look on his face so many times after she found out their marriage was a ruse; Tom had only married Elizabeth to spy on her for some batshit crazy criminal.

"Oh, like hell I want to--"

"Lizzy, stop."

Upon hearing a very familiar voice cut her off, Elizabeth turned to look over her shoulder, opening and shutting her mouth for a moment when she saw the man behind her.

"Fathe-- Reddington," she finally managed to say, looking at him.

"Lizzy, don't kill him. It's what he wants. He's playing you. If you kill him, you'll fail your mission. You won't be able to find your microphone and leave this place."

Liz scowled and turned away from Reddington, shaking her head. "I know I'm your daughter, but I wish you wouldn't always treat me like a naive little girl," she replied, turing her gaze back to Tom. "Neither of you even finished listening to what I was going to say. I was going to say, oh, like hell I want to kill you, Tom, but I'm not that stupid."

Elizabeth stepped toward Tom put her gun away before punching him hard on the back of the head to knock him out. Once he was out cold, she began to search him, finding the microphone on his person. Once she had it in hand, she turned around to look toward Reddington again.

"Good job, Lizzy. I'm... proud of you."

Liz looked at her father solemnly. "You're dead, aren't you? You died a little while after I did in the facility, didn't you?"


"Perhaps," he replied ambiguously. "But I hope--whether I died or not--you don't lose yourself. Keep moving forward. It's what I want, your happiness is what I've always wanted."

The agent smirked and shook her head. "I don't know if I can promise you'll see me happy, but I do know I can promise I'll keep fighting. For a while, when I died, I gave up. But now, I realize... there are still a few things I need to do before I bite the dust. Death isn't my style," she said, stepping past Reddington and making her way for the portal to return with microphone in hand.
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"If ya want. I don't mind. I mean, I'll go in first, just check on me if I'm there too long."

Ellis would walk towards the portal before stopping, walkin back to Mulan. Locking eye with her, he'd kiss her on the check. With a smirk on his face, he'd tip his hat and enter the portal.
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"I guess I do... My photosynthesis spell..." Patchouli sighed, thinking about that. Maybe she could grow it when she returns to her library...

@Wedge Antilles

Pietro smiled as Patchouli informed them that she could grow the seed, or assist it, with a spell. He was a little concerned, though, as he would help her to sit down, and he would sit with her. "The seed is nice, for Tails I would love to help you grow it too. But, are you okay? You seem... I don't know. A little sad? Quieter? There's nothing wrong with either. Just tell me if something is on your mind, if you want. I'm here for you. Love." He kissed her again, on her cheek, hoping she would cheer up a little, or tell him what might be on her mind.
@Gummi Bunnies @TheBombMan @Nate Dawg

"If ya want. I don't mind. I mean, I'll go in first, just check on me if I'm there too long."

Ellis would walk towards the portal before stopping, walkin back to Mulan. Locking eye with her, he'd kiss her on the check. With a smirk on his face, he'd tip his hat and enter the portal.

"If the portal even allow me entrance again," Mulan responded, "I'll tag along behind you. I am very curious to see what it would show you, I can admit that to you. And I of course will stand to support you."

And then, a kiss from him to her cheek made her cheeks flush with warmth. She looked at him, and just smiled at the gesture, as she followed, a few steps behind Ellis, into the portal.

@Josh M @Librarian Cat
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Pietro smiled as Patchouli informed them that she could grow the seed, or assist it, with a spell. He was a little concerned, though, as he would help her to sit down, and he would sit with her. "The seed is nice, for Tails I would love to help you grow it too. But, are you okay? You seem... I don't know. A little sad? Quieter? There's nothing wrong with either. Just tell me if something is on your mind, if you want. I'm here for you. Love." He kissed her again, on her cheek, hoping she would cheer up a little, or tell him what might be on her mind.
@Gummi Bunnies @TheBombMan @Nate Dawg
Inside, she couldn't handle this secret of hers without blowing it all. Maybe...if she just told Pietro truthfully, would he...?

"... Can... c-can I talk to you... in private?" She whispered, hoping no one would eavesdrop on them due to her lack of energy for a magic bubble.

@Wedge Antilles
(OOC:Okay being I feel Like being a bit Lazy find the page again)


Rose listened to the change it sounded on destination. She didn't smile but seemed to frown and gave a sigh. She glanced at Sadao. "I'm going to head on my own to my world being it sounds we should." She gave another sigh seeming as if she didn't like what she would face. "I have a feeling what awaits me truly is best to face alone." She stated obviously something was wrong. She thought a moment on the object. She would pick a friend if they were here but they weren't instead she took out a flask that she apparently had in her belt. "I guess I'll use this it was empty before I got here anyways." She said a little to herself. She the stepped through a portal that was dark energy it seemed. Rose vanished beyond where the others no longer saw her on the bridge.

Rose felt the portal take her. She looked around seeing her home earth before her. Something didn't seem right she just wasn't sure what. She saw Jump City but it wasn't the same cheerful Jump City she thought she left. 'Must just be the weather.' She thought seeing how it appeared foggy. Then she noticed someone near by in a cloak. 'Raven?' She wondered and gave a small grin to go greet her friend. "Hey Rae." She stated giving a wave.

Her friend turned. "Rose?" Raven questioned in monotone the after a moment gave a nod. "Why?" She asked. Rose gave a questioning look. "Why what Raven?" She replied. "Why leave? Why join a murder game Rose." She questioned her tone dry. "Raven how did you?" She paused. "Look I don't have time for this Rae." Raven shook her head. "It's still going isn't it." Raven stated and watched Rose nod. She gave a sigh. "Wilson what's your role?" She then asked a serious look. Rose gave a confused look. "Role? Rae why are you asking how do you know all this?" She asked then Raven seemed to vanish before she could get an answer. 'Great the witch has to leave at the worst times. Rose focus.' She thought to herself realizing Raven must have been a distraction from her getting the mic.

Rose then began to walk heading where she felt the mic would be. Her father's lair where else? Rose sighed knowing what the challenge might be. She always hated being compared to him. The reason why she couldn't explain not even to herself. She walked then found it. She stopped then placed on her mask to sneak in. Slipping in the best she could she began to look around. 'Come on he must have it he seems to be working for the prophet somehow.' She thought as she looked.

Out from the shadows stepped a man he grinned. "Hello Rose. Or should I call you Ravager?" He asked a grin on his face no mask obviously thinking to either have a day off perhaps or he knew his daughter was coming. "Looking for something?" He asked grinning. "Or taking in what you will do to this place?" He asked.

Rose looked at him. "How did you?" She paused. "Wait do what?" She asked her eye wide. 'Is that what Raven meant? Is my mind playing tricks on me or is this real?' She wondered. Then she saw her father grin wider. "I bet your after this." He announced and held out a black microphone. "If you want it. Either we can do this the easy way which you admit your exactly like your father. That your truly daddy's little girl. Or well the hard way is you try taking this from me. Which we both know won't happen so you'll fail and die here. Or isn't that the Prophet's rule." He said smirking.

"You bastard." She said annoyed already. "I'm nothing like you." She stated. He sighed. "Oh so fighting it is. To bad your demon boyfriend isn't here. Or your Azreathian friend. No one will save you Rose." He said. Rose stared at him and pulled out her blades. "Shut up. You have no right to talk that way about either of them." She said then realized he said boyfriend. She grew quiet for a moment. "You also have no right to claim knowledge about my personal life." She said ferocious.

Slade laughed. Then shrugged. "Fine." He said then pulled out his own blade and went toward Rose. The two started in a stale mate. Slade then having more experience on the serum and Rose grinned. "I'll make you admit the truth." He said Rose said nothing and tried to knock him down. He dodged then she tried hitting the string that held the mic to Deathstroke. Her blade missed. Then Slade throw his sword away and pulled out a needle. Rose's eye went big. She knew what was in the needle and knew she wouldn't be able to fight anything if he succeeded. "No Cure on you this time hu Rose." He said and gave a laugh. Rose began to make her attempts a little more cautious while Slade began to seem to advance. Soon Rose was in a corner and couldn't really move. Before she had a chance to try and knock away the serum Slade had managed to knock her second sword away. The fight became more of Rose trying not to get hit where skin showed and a fist fight. She was losing. "Just give me the mic I needed it Slade." She said still struggling the needle near her neck. Then she gave a grunt knowing her attempt must have failed. She soon felt the serum taking over her thoughts where they seemed more clear. She looked at Slade. "Father give me the mic now." She said more demanding than a plea like a few moments ago. He grinned and steeped back. "No you still must admit your fear. All of it." He said.

Rose sighed knowing what fear. She wasn't willing to talk before the serum she still wasn't but that control was not there any longer. She had control near others she knew her actions she knew unless her father said for a reason. "You want the truth." She stated looking at him. "Yes there are times I hate you. But your my father and there are times I have looked up to you. There are times I wish to be like you and others like mom." She finished and sighed. She stood up straight having most of that off her chest and stroked a hand through her hair. "Can I have the black microphone now?" Slade grinned. "Well you past my trial yes." He said. "For admitting is the first step." He said and handed her the mic. "You know when you come back you don't have to go back to the Titans. There not family." Rose shook her head. "Your wrong they are family." She stated and took the mic then headed to leave. Something didn't sit right in her. She knew what she had said which she didn't like. She hadn't fully admitted it but she fears she maybe more like her father than she is willing to admit.

Rose once more saw Raven but something seemed different. It was as if the first Raven she met was her Raven but this one was like this place. 'Something is messed up and wrong here.' She thought and didn't like any of the vibs she got. She knew her father probable planed this all along. But why bothered her. She then after being back where she first arrive pulled out the flask. She wished Raven seemed a little more like herself or was a little more friendly with her short return but knew that if Raven really had learn a talking to was awaiting her back when this game was over if she lived that long. She tapped it then stepped through a portal yet again this one red and black a little different from before making Rose think that Raven might have originally brought her here for some reason. She then went to meet back up with Sadao.


@MrDubWubs @Librarian Cat
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Inside, she couldn't handle this secret of hers without blowing it all. Maybe...if she just told Pietro truthfully, would he...?

"... Can... c-can I talk to you... in private?" She whispered, hoping no one would eavesdrop on them due to her lack of energy for a magic bubble.

@Wedge Antilles

"Yeah, sure", Pietro responded. "Anything for you." He led Patchouli a little farther away from everyone else so that no one else would hear them speaking, unless for some reason one or both of them shouted. "What is it, love?", Pietro asked, with a look of care, and concern, on his face.

@Gummi Bunnies
"Yeah, sure", Pietro responded. "Anything for you." He led Patchouli a little farther away from everyone else so that no one else would hear them speaking, unless for some reason one or both of them shouted. "What is it, love?", Pietro asked, with a look of care, and concern, on his face.

@Gummi Bunnies
"...I'm sorry for this..." Patchouli mumbled quietly, her eyes filled with disappointment with herself,"...i'm actually a cultist... But I had no will to kill anyone... Originally...I did this so I could help benefit and support my friend's residence...but now... I wish to ensure that everybody gets a good ending... I'm so sorry...for keeping this a secret...Pietro."

@Wedge Antilles
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