Murder Game VI: Fusion

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"Let's see... when I was hanged... I wrote a message with my blood. I finally remember who I wrote down. The name I wrote was Cell. I also knew that during our escape, I also scanned Ellie. She's innocent." Tails said. He kept the part about Patchouli silent. He didn't want to risk spreading it. "Let's see... I think that's all the useful things I remembered."

edit: grammar

@Nate Dawg
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Rose breathed as she was back and held the microphone. 'Why Slade. Ugg...' She thought her admitting part of what she feared. She then heard Sadao and tried to give a smile. "As well as it could I guess." She answered. "I know why Deathstroke was here." She stated and sighed. Her neck still hurt from the needle and the whole it left still was red. "He's still a pain and I don't think he's going to leave me alone anytime soon." She said with a sigh. "You? Everything go alright?" She asked him. She didn't say anything about her father's comment but still she could feel herself fighting blush.
"I'm fine. The Hero's sword does more damage than I thought it would... This will take some time to heal, but I got that stupid microphone. " *He noticed that the smile wasn't exactly genuine so he tilted his head a little* "Are ou sure you're ok? Your smile doesn't exactly say you're ok." *He says worried and would very much so like to help*
"Together then, love. I'm with you." After she broke off the kiss, he leaned towards Patchouli to kiss her lips again. It seemed they had a few moments to wait on others, and a relatively private location, so, why not enjoy each other's company, while they waited? And, it would be a further confirmation of their partnership, their relationship now.

He didn't break the kiss as she did, he kept their lips together.

@Gummi Bunnies
Patchouli got all red again, but expected the second kiss from me. It wouldn't be a surprise at this point.

Closing her eyes, she leaned in towards Pietro, she wanted this to last forever. However...she knew that things would start moving on soon...

@Wedge Antilles
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A place unfamiliar to him.

That was where Chris Redfield had ended up in the blink of an eye. He was not dressed in his usual soldier get-up. He was not armed with his weapons. He was not in some odd facility tour that promoted a strange substance called Fuse. There was no Coalition in sight. All Chris Redfield could tell was that he was in an unfamiliar place. From his observations, he seemed to be in some sort of empty bar, wearing casual, comparatively comfortable clothes for a change, instead of that bulky, impractical BSAA garb.

But who even was "Chris Redfield" anyway? The mystery was to be found out soon.

He shifted about in his stool, looking around the place. It was empty, and quiet as a whistle as that. No sounds. The lights were not humming, and the television in the corner mounted on the wall was off. Here, Chris felt truly alone. As alone as he tended to feel before. As alone as when he thought Jill had died, and as alone as when...

Well, almost as alone as when he came back.

Death was a strange phenomena. It was something Chris was very familiar with. He had spent decades combating bioterrorism and other worldwide threats, which involved gunning down zombies and those who were infected with whatever viruses Wesker would come up with. He had also lost a fair share of friends, including Piers Nivans and...

Ah, that's right. Piers. He was a tricky subject. Chris would vividly remember fighting alongside the man during the Edonian Civil War during the rise of the C-Virus, as well as the campaign in China. Well, perhaps "remember" was the wrong word. That would imply that he recalled a memory that had happened in the past, but in Chris's reality, it had yet to happen. But of course, with all that multiverse mumbo jumbo, who was to say that perhaps it had already happened in other dimensions? After all, as explained to him by a Makoto Naegi, the one who had introduced him to the Coalition that he fought for now, time was relative to each dimension. For every dimension where he had yet to be born, there was another where he had already passed on.

But he was jumping around, getting ahead of himself. With all the quiet, and no place to go, Chris figured he may as well stay seated and try to start from the beginning.

So where did it all begin?

Well, ironically enough, the clearest starting point Chris could think of was the end. Well, his end, to be exact. Though his memory was a bit shoddy on the details of his so-called demise, he knew that he had been brought back to life by some sort of miracle, some sort of mistake, and once he had awakened again, Claire was there by his side in a strange world. Claire had somehow brought him back and brought him to a utopia that could only exist in dreams.

A utopia where the bioterrorism he had nearly spent his whole life fighting did not exist. A world where Umbrella was not some sort of terrorist organization bent on spreading their viruses all over the place. A world where the good didn't have to die for no reason. A world where everything was right. A world with no worries at all to care for.

This world that was nothing more than a lie.

"Heya, Chris. Fancy meeting you here," a familiar voice spoke rather casually, a young woman pulling up a stool and sitting down next to him out of the blue.

Looking at her in disbelief, Chris could only utter her name, attempting to register why on Earth she would be in a place like this. "C-Claire...?"


His little sister, Claire Redfield, had just appeared out of the blue and sat down next to him.

"Hey, what are you giving me that look for? You look like you've seen a ghost," Claire said with a smile, playfully nudging him on the arm. Like a normal little sister would. Though Claire Redfield was no little girl anymore, no longer the little child that young Chris wanted to protect, she was still one in her brother's eyes, even after the things she was capable of doing, and the things she had done.

Yeah, that was right. Claire had brought him back from the dead, and in doing so, had also damned many others to a living hell, including that Ellie girl that had showed up in the tour Chris had infiltrated along with that creepy priest. She had damned others to a living hell in some incident that would only be referred to as "Silent Hill," and then later, the "Murder Game" phenomena that the then-newly revived Chris would decide to fight and put an end to.

"I... Well, I guess I do, huh? Days have been rough lately," he mumbled, looking away and looking around for something to drink. This was an uncomfortable and difficult situation indeed. The last time he had seen her... didn't end so well. But he was getting out of order again, and needed to collect his thoughts. Something was definitely wrong here, that was for sure.

Right, so timeline so far. He died. Claire brought him back to life. He found himself in a utopia where everything was well and good. A utopia that was formed when Claire had doomed all the others in a Murder Game in Silent Hill. This utopia that Chris could not accept. It was nothing more than a giant lie. Most others would be shocked and surprised out of their wits that someone they cared for went ahead and damned others to hell just so they could bring them back, and some might even be flattered. But Chris could not see this as anything but just absolutely the worst thing one could do.

"Oh, yeah? Whatcha been up to?"

What was more, the "resurrection" process had somewhat gone awry. Though Chris didn't know the details of his mystical resurrection, he knew that he was not the exact same Chris that Claire had in mind. To put it simply, he, the Chris Redfield that had come to life, had gone through events that the world had yet to transpire. His body, mind, and soul were from that of the year 2013, but his sister, the world she came from, and the world he was brought back to, was from that of the year 2001. To put it simply, he was, for all intents and purposes, from the future. But to her, it was good enough. To Claire, he was still the same Chris Redfield for the most part.

"Ah... y'know. Things. Unfinished business."

Chris had initially rejected Claire for the horrible things she had done, all just to bring him back. He could not bring himself to appreciate or thank her for being resurrected if it meant not thinking about the others who were not saved in the meantime. He could not bring himself to be grateful if it meant that all of the days, all the memories, all the times he had suffered, bled, shed tears, and poured sweat into his actions, had all amounted to absolutely nothing. He could not bring himself to be grateful if it all meant that someone else instantly did all the protecting and saving with just a wave of a finger, compared to all the suffering and hard work that Chris had went through in the life that he could remember.

"Huh? What just things? That's way too broad. C'mon, tell me! Specifically."

But even after all the horrible things she had done for him, Chris still could not bring himself to completely hate her either. After all, she was his little sister. She was family. And family cleaned up after each other's mistakes. Though he didn't quite completely forgive her, he didn't completely resent her either. No matter what, he could never hate his own flesh and blood. That was why he would fix the issue that she had created himself, and he would make sure she would simply let him make everything better. After all, if he wasn't able to work to save and protect others, what could Chris Redfield do in life anyway?

"Uh... well, you wouldn't believe me. After all, bioterrorism's no longer a threat. Everything's all hunky-dory in this world, right? Besides, it's... a long story."

Initially, he had no means to actively combat whoever was behind this false utopia. But in the nick of time, as fast as a shooting star, they appeared. They showed up and gave Chris the path he needed to walk down. Makoto Naegi and Darth Rex. The leaders of two organizations, the Future Foundation & G.O.R.E., who had collaborated together to create the Coalition, a group dedicated to fighting the mysterious Murder Games and the ultimate mastermind of everything, Arch Demon Akibahara. They were the ones who convinced Chris that all was not lost, that he still had fighting to do, that he could undo his sister's wrongdoings. So without hesitation, he joined them, naturally. Even if she was not entirely sorry for what she had done, he still forgave her in his own odd way. But perhaps if he spoke more, he would become self-contradictory. For now, that was where the backstory ended. At least, as far as he could remember for now.

"Hmph. You still haven't caught up? What a pain."

Wait, what?


"Huh? Claire, what are you...?"

What was she talking about?

"You're not in the utopia, you know. Well, not that utopia anyway. You're in an even better place. Beyond the world where the threat of Umbrella is nothing more than a fleeting nightmare. This is a place where not only is the threat of Umbrella and TRICELL a fleeting memory, but the Murder Games and the Arch Demon are gone as well. See, isn't that what you wanted? You can't complain if there's nothing left to fight for."

What? But...

"... How?"

It was illogical. But... what, was this the work of the portal or so? Either way, this had to be some sort of illusion! Some sort of trick that someone or something was playing on him!

"Still questioning things even after it's all well and done? I'm not sure if that's exactly like you or unlike you at all, Chris."

A reality like this...

"Look... stop playing games with me. Who are you? I know damn well you're not Claire! Not the real one anyway!"

... couldn't be anything else other than a lie...

"I'm whatever you want me to be. Would you prefer if I take the form of Jill Valentine? Or maybe Sheva Alomar? Either way, it doesn't matter. This place is for you, Chris. You have been provided with an escape plan. The world that you would dream your efforts would end in. A world where not only is Wesker defeated, but as is Akibahara as well. You've fought for long enough, Chris. Now it's time to rest. Here, you can peacefully live out the rest of your life without any worry of whoever else might be suffering. Because suffering doesn't exist here if you don't want it to be, after all. If you stay, you'll get to rest forever, but if you choose to leave, you'll damn yourself to a fight you don't know how it might end."

... Just like the other place...

"No, no... you're not the real Claire. Claire wouldn't..."

... Because there was no such thing as a perfect utopia.

"I'm as real as the other Claire Redfield incarnations out there, Chris. And you're just another incarnation in the vast multiverse. But that is besides the point. I--"

But that doesn't mean that he couldn't keep fighting to get to the closest one could get to a utopia. Even if he spent the rest of his life fighting, he wouldn't mind as long as he could see results for a better tomorrow. That was what he had decided when he signed up for the military, when he became a member of S.T.A.R.S., when he co-founded the BSAA, when he had joined the Coalition.

"That's where you're wrong. It's not beside the point. It's the entire point. The multiverse is exactly what's at stake if I decide to fight. This place... is this supposed to tempt me? Don't waste my time! How could I possibly rest here knowing that I'd be potentially damning the entire multiverse if I stay? This empty place, full of illusions... There's nothing for me anyway. I want real, genuine peace. Not this fake shit!"

Just like with the other utopia that Claire had brought him to, this was all fake, and like that one, he didn't want something fake. There was nothing to fight here, and nothing to fight for. Staying here would be an utter waste, and he didn't intend on wasting anything. Not time, not the lives of others, not anything!

"I see... So is that your real choice?"

There was no choice. This was the only path he could take from here on out.

"Yeah, it is."

The thought did not occur to him even once to stay here. To him, this so-called utopia where Wesker and Akibahara were already defeated was just as useless to him as the utopia where Umbrella was a simple, humble company with innocent enough intentions.

"Very well, then. I can't stop you. Then in that case, go... Go back to your world. Keep suffering, keep fighting..."

Her words had no passion, no hatred, and no malice. Almost like a robot. She did not seem sad, happy, angry, or anything of the like. Simply... understanding? Perhaps that was the wrong word, but before Chris could think of a better one, bars like that one would see in a prison cell would appear out of nowhere, separating him and Claire. A heavy load would be felt on Chris's body, and as he'd look down, he'd see his old armor and equipment back on him, as though he had always been wearing it.


Instinctively, Chris grabbed the bars, as though intending to break them, gritting his teeth briefly. But that was a futile effort. And he shan't dwell with actions that were futile. Not like fighting for the sake of the multiverse. So with that in mind, he calmed down, taking a breath and letting go of the bars that separated him from the ideal worlds beyond.

"I'll make everything right! Just you wait and see! I'll fix every mistake you ever made! You won't have to worry about a damn thing! Your big brother's gonna make it all okay again!"

He didn't know why he said that. After all, this was not the same Claire Redfield that had brought him back to life, so here, his words had gone over the individual's head, but despite so, he imagined that from here, he could reach his younger sister. But how would he know anyway? Perhaps it was a pointless gesture, but even so, it didn't mean he couldn't try, right?

With that being said, he'd turn around and quickly run off, heading towards the first door he'd see. The exit to the bar he was just in.

And in the blink of an eye, he'd find himself back in the tour, back to the task of fighting for the Coalition.

To fight for hope.​
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"Let's see... when I was hanged... I wrote a message with my blood. I finally remember who I wrote down. The name I wrote was Cell. I also know that during our escape, we also scanned Ellie, and she's innocent." Tails said. He kept the part about Patchouli silent. He didn't want to risk spreading it. "Let's see... I think that's all the useful things I remembered."

@Nate Dawg
Bonnie nodded, he felt for whatever reason Tails was holding back on the truth, but he figured whatever it was. He would share it if he wanted to, Bonnie wouldn't force him
Walking into, than out of the portal, Everything seemed alright, at first. FInding the microphone rather easy, Ellis would chuckle. Well, until a voice would stop him in his track.

"Hey Ellis."

OOC: More tomorrow. I gotta go to bed soon.
"Uh--" Holding up his hands, Cole realized he really didn't want to know. "You don't have to tell me a thing." He gestured behind himself, where the others who made it out were gathering. He opened his mouth to speak, but found he couldn't talk. He was wondering if it would be right to tell his friend what occurred in the portal. It was... private, and something he could only imagine telling Zeke. Perhaps it didn't matter at all if he chose not to say anything. "... I don't think everyone will make it out. More than just Cell or Hope-- Our numbers will dwindle."


"Yeah..." She muttered to herself. "But right now we just have to end this crap before it escalates any further. We'll go scorched earth on their asses."

"The True Cultists"

The Prophet's hologram cracked with every successful passing member through the portal.

The monitors around the bridge started sparking as the hologram turned purple, as well as the microphones held by the players. Springtrap's microphone, however, turned into gold, like himself, in a way. As the final Tourists made their way past the portal, the monitors displayed static.

Then the monitors and the microphones each player was holding, just EXPLODED!


Shards flew out everywhere, and just like that...

However, the shards, and all the destroyed pieces, floated in midair, it was like, for a brief second, the explosion froze.

It didn't.

The shards all started flying up into the air, swirling with flashes of blue and purple all over the place, creating this ball of stuff. The ball than shaped to take on the form of a brown figure that glowed purple, then Springtrap's golden microphone flew out of his hand into the hand of the figure.

"Thanks for the microphone, my dear Vincent Snyder..." he said politely to the animatronic. As the light faded away, everyone could see the true identity of who The Prophet really was...


"Did you miss me? Because I was DYING to see you! Name's Freddy! Freddy Fazbear!"

Was The Prophet really a talking animatronic bear? Was this some kind of trick? The Cultist files had never mentioned anything about this.

It was then that Monokuma, Librarian Cat, and Pretty Boy were returned to the group. The cat was mighty surprised to see that the man he had worked for was not who he thought he had been.

Freddy floated above all of the players, teeming with Fuse. He gave a sly smile.

"Oh, you probably saw it coming anyways! We must go on with the tour! But first, I must establish some important things with you... lovely people:

Firstly, as you may have guessed, this Tour was never what it seemed! The Cultists, everything that went wrong, the outside threats... did you think, maybe, it was all intentional? You're not here for anything like a tour, you're here to participate in a manufactured Murder Game!

Secondly, as you can all obviously see, I DO intend to have most, if not all of you killed before I reward you anything. I'm not just going to give all these people our precious supply of Fuse and just set them free like that... NO WAY! It's not like I intend to turn you all into robots... oh wait, yes I do! HA HA HA HA!

Thirdly, you people still think you have ghosts running around? Come on! Those of you who died just had your minds uploaded to the facility's supercomputer! You've been nothing but projected data this whole time! Soon you'll all be data... and I'll upload you into some new fancy bodies!"

Prophet Fazbear lowered itself down to a pedestal and looked at all the tourists with a sarcastic look of sorrow.


"And I must congratulate those of you standing here for making it through those portals! Part illusion, part computer program, you guys sure are lucky! But, we must have a brief moment of silence for those... who did not make it through."

A bunch of golden bears floated down to the ground as each name was called out.


Cell, the most obvious TRAITOR the world has ever known."

"Hope Estheim, who's only fault was being a victim to corruption. He was a SURVIVOR."

"Gaz Membrane, the best video-game player the world will never see. Her role was a SURVIVOR."

"And finally, Johnny Cade, who I actually wanted to see live to the end of this thing, but alas temptation was a bit too much for the fellow. He was a SURVIVOR."

"The fates of Fox McCloud, Ika Musume, and Jameson Locke are still unknown, but let's hope they all come out in one piece as well no? But just a suggestion... I'd pick up them golden versions of ME! Not to help my ego, but they look so very pretty...

OH! I forgot one last thing..."

Freddy zapped his finger a Patchouli Knowledge. She could feel a pulse of energy through an er, energy that seemed to cure her of any flaws or inabilities she may have had, in almost a few seconds, she was more powerful than she ever was before.

She was gifted with godlike powers.

Why? Because she finished all of her tasks:

1. To say 'Singularity' in her post
2. Live to see C-3PO die
3. Have 10 different Tourists talk about The Prophet
4. Discover The Prophet's true identity

"Pretty much everybody knows that our very own Patchouli is a member of my cult, but I don't want the poor lady fighting by herself, and I'm just too lazy to pitch in... why not make this more interesting!"

With the swipe of his hand, all the 'ghosts' started glowing purple, and they all turned to face the remaining survivors, They were being controlled by Freddy this time, with a new directive: kill the remaining survivors.


"I'm sorry, but you know too much, I must have my cult, my TRUE cult by turning you all into my robots now.


Meanwhile, Monokuma and Prophet Fazbear are just going to sit, watch, and enjoy popcorn...

@york - Quote (Cavestory)
@Verite - Touma Kamijou (Raildex)
@Atomyk - Cole MacGrath (inFamous)
@Yiyel - Garnet (Steven Universe)
@Wedge Antilles - Pietro Maximoff (X-Men: Days of Future's Past)
@CCC Kouhai - Sheimi Moriyama (Ao no Exorcist)
@Gummi Bunnies - Patchouli Knowledge (Touhou Project)
@MrDubWubs - King Satan (The devil is a part timer)
@Ziogen - Nanami Yasuri (Katanagatari)
@Raven - Rose Wilson (Teen Titans Young Justice)
@Librarian Cat - Himself (Books and Dragons) [TECHNICAL NPC]
@TheColourlessRainbow - Jeffrey Sprit (OC)
@DapperDogman - Natalia (Team Fortress 2)
@Jenny - Ellie (The Last of Us)
@Josh M - Ellis (Left 4 Dead 2)
@BarrenThin - Raymond Reddington (The Blacklist)
@Thuro Pendragon - River Tam (Firefly)
@Nate Dawg - Springtrap (Five Night's at Freddy's 3)
@CrimsonLaurana - Luke fon Fabre (Tales of the Abyss)
@Jeremi - The Stalk (Saga)
@SirDerpingtonIV - Hester Shaw (Mortal Engines)
@Mighty Roman - The Doctor (Doctor Who)
@SPARTAN Bennett - Jameson Locke (Halo)
@Mirage - Ika Musume (Shinryaku! Ika Musume)
@Cres - Fox McCloud (Star Fox)

~Gone With the Wind~

@Hospes - Gaz Membrane (Invader Zim) - LOST!SURVIVOR!LEFT BEHIND!
@Xibilation - Johnny Cade (The Outsiders) - LOST!SURVIVOR!LEFT BEHIND!
@FireDrake150 - Hope Estheim (Final Fantasy XIII) - EXECUTED!SURVIVOR!LEFT BEHIND!
@Dinoteen - Perfect Cell (Dragon Ball Z) - EXECUTED!TRAITOR!LEFT BEHIND!
@smdzTheCakeGodL - L Lawliet (Death Note) - MURDERED!SURVIVOR!IMPALED!
@PetrosPower62 - Handsome Jack (Borderlands) - MURDERED!SURVIVOR!SHOT OVER AND OVER!
@Hegemon1984 - Claire Bennet (Heroes) - MURDERED!SURVIVOR!HEAD CRUSHED!
@Poetic_Justic3 - Matthew Micheal Murdock "Matt" (Marvel Comics/Movies) - MURDERED!SURVIVOR!IMPALED!
@TheBombMan - Tails (Sonic the Hedgehog) - MURDERED!CULTIST!HUNG!
@Solar✹Golden - James Noble (OC) - EXECUTED!SURVIVOR!EXPLOSIVOS!
@The Tactician - Naoki Kashima (Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne) - HAUNTED!SURVIVOR!HONORABLE DEATH!
@Krieg - Arya Stark (Game of Thrones) - EXECUTED!SINGULARIST!ENGULFED IN FLAMES!
@Emperor of Gallifrey - C-3PO (Star Wars) - MURDERED!SURVIVOR!ENGULFED IN FLAMES!
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty - Elizabeth Keen (The Blacklist) - EXECUTED!SURVIVOR!'ACCIDENT'!
@Mari - Hua Mulan (Mulan: Rise of a Warrior) - MURDERED!SURVIVOR!SHOT THROUGH THE HEAD!
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"well...I will not die today." stated Jeffery as he looked around him, his hands in the air, He wasn't sure about his new powers, but he knew his intense emotions would surly help in in this deadly battle.

"I must have that fuse to save my sister." stated Jeffery as he backed up, waiting for someone to come at him.


"F-Fight... but..." Patchouli was quite shocked by the outcome of things, but in all of this... she didn't want to hurt anybody. Sure, she felt great overall, her health problems for once were non-existent... but Patchouli never wanted this to happen. She promised Pietro that she wouldn't-

"Ugh... what a mess you are, Patchy! You know what?! How about I take care of this for you? Just hold still!"

A voice rang out, and only Patchouli would recognize this.

This was the voice of the Scarlet Devil, Remilia Scarlet. Not known to the others until now, Remilia was also in on the plot within the Cultist of Singularity in the first place.

"Re-Remilia... please... just... don't-"

Before Patchouli could even argue back to the voice of her friend, a flash of red appeared in her eyes. Little did everybody know that Patchouli's will and "fate" was in the control of this unseen devil that was Remilia. In simple sense, Patchouli was being controlled like a puppet under Remilia's command.

"How nice of you tourists to allow my useful Patchy to go along with the tasks so easily~! Guess it's time to clean up. Who knows? Maybe I can bring home some good snacks, my little sister and I just love tasting different varieties of blood. Kihihihihihihi..."

In combination of Patchouli's possession and the boost of power from completing the cultist tasks, she was also gifted with the usage of Remilia's spells due to the mind-control.


"Let's begin this bloody farce, shall we? See if you can dodge this spell! Miserable Fate!"


These chains spread out in the hopes of wrapping around the unfortunate targets, and then squeeze them tightly as if it were to constrict and suffocate them.

They had to remember that Patchouli wasn't the one that willed herself to harm them, but her own friend that had taken over her own will and mind.

~Dice Roll~
(for those that want to go against RemyControlled!Patchouli)
Roll 1 Dice
Odd = Successful Dodge
Even = Failure to Dodge (tied down by magic chains for 1 post)

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Tails couldn't control his body.

Yes he was controlled by the Prophet.

"P-Patchouli! Pietro! Bonnie!" Tails pleaded. "Help me!"

Tails remembered he left the laser gun somewhere behind. However, he was flying headfirst into Pietro before he knew it.

@Wedge Antilles @Gummi Bunnies @Nate Dawg
Pietro yelled at Tails. "Fight it if you can!", as he dodged the headfirst dive of Tails towards him.


He saw there was a greater concern, especially on a personal note, as he saw Patchouli, so he yelled to Springtrap. "Bonnie! Try to keep Tails from hurting anyone! And himself!". He would then try to get to his wayward love, Patchouli.

@TheBombMan @Nate Dawg @Gummi Bunnies
The Doctor looked into the portal, wondering who would survive the temptation. He counted who had already returned from the portal, as he savoured the last of the tea he had somehow bought back with him. He could see Pietro, Patchoulli, Springtrap, Ghost Tails, the spiky-haired fellow he hadn't spoken too...but Hope hadn't returned. The Doctor wished he could assume that Hope was merely taking his time, but he instead knew exactly what had happened. Hope was dead. He turned to the others. He could use the company. He had lost Hope, like he had numerous companions before him. Ace, Hex, Peri, many. [BCOLOR=#800000]"You could argue that it wasn't my fault...but I can only assume the worst."[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#800000]"I'm sorry that I couldn't help you, Hope. But I will avenge you. Find the traitors, solve the mystery. Save the others.[/BCOLOR]
He addressed those who survived the portal.

[BCOLOR=#800000]"But you know what we do have? Something to fight for. No matter what you saw in there, it is what keeps you fighting. We will find the Traitors. We will find out what's going on here. We will survive. In honour of those we'll return home to, and those we have lost. Let's take the fight to The Prophet. Let's end this.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#800000]@FireDrake150 @Wedge Antilles @Gummi Bunnies @Nate Dawg @Atomyk @Librarian Cat @Mari @Everyone [/BCOLOR]
The Doctor remembered his speech from earlier. Time to rally the troops. But first...he dived for the golden Freddies, picking up 2 as one of the ghosts came towards him. [BCOLOR=#800000]"Fight. Because we have something to fight for. We have no superiors, no inferiors, no reinforcements, no hope, no chance of rescue. It's now all about survival. And avenging those we once fought alongside."[/BCOLOR]
He got the sonic screwdriver out of his pocket. It could help rebuild technology. And disrupt it. And with a bit of luck..sometimes destroy it. [BCOLOR=#800000]"Only weapon I have..."[/BCOLOR] He pressed the button. [BCOLOR=#800000]"Only weapon I need."[/BCOLOR]
He pointed it at the ghosts, then at Freddy. [BCOLOR=#800000]"The bigger they are."[/BCOLOR] The Screwdriver whirred. [BCOLOR=#800000]"The Harder they Fall."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#800000]@Atomyk @Librarian Cat @Everyone.[/BCOLOR]
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"F-Fight... but..." Patchouli was quite shocked by the outcome of things, but in all of this... she didn't want to hurt anybody. Sure, she felt great overall, her health problems for once were non-existent... but Patchouli never wanted this to happen. She promised Pietro that she wouldn't-

"Ugh... what a mess you are, Patchy! You know what?! How about I take care of this for you? Just hold still!"

A voice rang out, and only Patchouli would recognize this.

This was the voice of the Scarlet Devil, Remilia Scarlet. Not known to the others until now, Remilia was also in on the plot within the Cultist of Singularity in the first place.

"Re-Remilia... please... just... don't-"

Before Patchouli could even argue back to the voice of her friend, a flash of red appeared in her eyes. Little did everybody know that Patchouli's will and "fate" was in the control of this unseen devil that was Remilia. In simple sense, Patchouli was being controlled like a puppet under Remilia's command.

"How nice of you tourists to allow my useful Patchy to go along with the tasks so easily~! Guess it's time to clean up. Who knows? Maybe I can bring home some good snacks, my little sister and I just love tasting different varieties of blood. Kihihihihihihi..."

In combination of Patchouli's possession and the boost of power from completing the cultist tasks, she was also gifted with the usage of Remilia's spells due to the mind-control.


"Let's begin this bloody farce, shall we? See if you can dodge this spell! Miserable Fate!"


These chains spread out in the hopes of wrapping around the unfortunate targets, and then squeeze them tightly as if it were to constrict and suffocate them.

They had to remember that Patchouli wasn't the one that willed herself to harm them, but her own friend that had taken over her own will and mind.

~Dice Roll~
(for those that want to go against RemyControlled!Patchouli)
Roll 1 Dice
Odd = Successful Dodge
Even = Failure to Dodge (tied down by magic chains for 1 post)

Pietro focused his attention on Patchouli. He tried to appeal to her senses. "You promised you wouldn't do this! Patchouli! I thought we were..."

And then, the spell of Miserable Fate came. Pietro was overcome with emotion, not thinking clearly, so he wasn't his normal, elusive self. At the last moment he realized his partner, his love, was aiming a spell at him. He tried to dodge at the very last moment, even for him.

@Gummi Bunnies
Pietro focused his attention on Patchouli. He tried to appeal to her senses. "You promised you wouldn't do this! Patchouli! I thought we were..."

And then, the spell of Miserable Fate came. Pietro was overcome with emotion, not thinking clearly, so he wasn't his normal, elusive self. At the last moment he realized his partner, his love, was aiming a spell at him. He tried to dodge at the very last moment, even for him.

@Gummi Bunnies
A sigh of annoyance escaped the librarian's lips as the speedster avoided the spell. Typical.

"Yeah yeah yeah, you really love my good ol friend Patch. No hard feelings, but I had to pitch in and take over since clearly she didn't want to fight anybody. A shame, really. Besides, once I help Patchy win, I might consider bringing you back so she wouldn't start complaining to me," Remy!Patchouli seemed like she loved to toy around with Pietro, knowing of the true feelings that Patchouli had for him. Having a certain technique that might as well work out due to the relationship at hand, the possessed Patchouli sped towards Pietro, thanks to the Fuse enhancements she got.

It was unclear on what she wanted to do with him, but letting her get close may not be a good idea.

Even=unable to dodge

@Wedge Antilles
(@Librarian Cat I Hope this is okay (forgive the pun) but Hope isn't going to be outright controlled to the same extent, but rather, mind warped. Dark Hope / Hopeless you could call it.)

(Could be a potential Boss Fight but I'm no GM so I won't be able to make it so.)

Press Play

Hope stands there, Clothes ripped and torn, His Cie'th form reverting, and as he steps slowly and ever closer to the Doctor and Mulan, it would become evident that while it is Hope, theres also something very wrong. Unlike the others who are CONTROLLED by the prophet, Hope seems different. as he approaches, the holes in his clothes resemble those made by a firing squad. "You left me, Dear Doctor. you left me to die. and so did you, Mulan. Now, it seems, My targets are clear."His brand, while not in stage 13 anymore, and showing sighs at a regression, reverts to a stage 1-13. the black arrows recede, but the Eye stays open.

(The Eye from this one (the red thing), mixed with stage 1.(the image with NO arrows))

Hope smirks, walking ever closer. "You can say whatever you want about the ashes, or corpses coming back to life, but one fact remains. You. abandoned. me. Now face the consequences of making a L'CIE ENEMY!!!!" At this point hope shows his brand, and its colors have inverted. The black arrows have turned red, as well as the rest of the black on the brand, and the eye seems to have grown some. its clear his brand isn't acing normal, and GIANT magical Circles surround the Doctor and Mari. Coming from the one on the ground, spires start to rise, as part of the figure shoots down from the identical rotating circle in the sky. A few minutes later, Hope had cast Ruin and all the debuffs he could, including SLOW and IMPERIL and DESHELL, among the others. whether or not they took matered not to the corrupted teen, as his eyes seem to have a sort of red glint to them. he stops approaching, in order to smirk evilly at the Doctor. "Time to face the music, Dear Doctor. When I'm through with you, You'll WISH you had a doctor nearby." at this point, a monolithic titan stands before them, but he looks more powerful then the last time they fought him.


Hope folds his arms and rocks his weight to the leg thats behind him, tapping his foot impatiently. Hope Estheim. More like Hopeless. More like Anti-Hope. More like, Despair. "Also, Doctor. Mulan. ENOUGH calling me Hope. if you know whats good for you, you will abandon that principle. My name, now, is Despair. an emotion that, if you don't yet feel, you will soon." He smirks, and lets out a cruel, evil laugh as he tilts his head to the sky. What have you Done, Prophet? He doesn't seem the same. and indeed he is not. If this is indeed the Prophets work, he seems to have done a massive number to the teenager, not just physically and emotionally, but Psychologically too.


pulling back, his arm returns to a Cie'th like state, (State 4), and he strikes at the two he approached. "Doctor.........Help me.........It hurts........................................ I'm not in control............." He groans, Eyes flickering back to his normal eyes for a fraction of a seccond before they revert to their red state, and he continues trying to strike the timelord and the Soldier in front of him. "How very noble. but, I must tell you, any harm that comes to me ALSO affects Hope. Despairing enough yet?" He advances again, as Alexander starts also trying to strike the two. A: "YOU, SHALL, NOT, PASS!!!" Despair Smirks again. "Besides, Defeat me, and Hope is STILL dead. you can thank our little robotic overlord for that one."

@Mighty Roman @Mari
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A sigh of annoyance escaped the librarian's lips as the speedster avoided the spell. Typical.

"Yeah yeah yeah, you really love my good ol friend Patch. No hard feelings, but I had to pitch in and take over since clearly she didn't want to fight anybody. A shame, really. Besides, once I help Patchy win, I might consider bringing you back so she wouldn't start complaining to me," Remy!Patchouli seemed like she loved to toy around with Pietro, knowing of the true feelings that Patchouli had for him. Having a certain technique that might as well work out due to the relationship at hand, the possessed Patchouli sped towards Pietro, thanks to the Fuse enhancements she got.

It was unclear on what she wanted to do with him, but letting her get close may not be a good idea.

Even=unable to dodge

@Wedge Antilles

"Patchouli! If you can hear me, love. Please. I don't want to hurt you. I promised to protect you. Fight against whatever is taking you over!"

Pietro wasn't used to this, any of this. But he was in it now, and he wasn't going anywhere. The woman his heart had grown so fond of, her life, and his, were at stake now. He then, again, realized she was coming at him, and he barely noticed in time. Still, he tried to evade her attack again.

@Gummi Bunnies
"Ah. This is much better. The enemy made clear... is it?" Her eyes swept over the enemies. Ghosts, Robots, and a super-powered magician controlled by an unknown entity? She wasn't sure if half of those could even die, but... A fight was a fight. No... None of them were martial artists? They were just weeds to be pulled. And the first... Was obviously the most powerful? Nanami strode forth towards the barrage of chains. Her hands a blur, blades of wind cut against the chains as they closed in. "Kyotouryuu - Poppy." Her arm swayed in a hypnotizing manner as a burst of air shot upwards to redirect chains that had made it towards her.

Defense Roll
1-2: Completely Binded
3-4: Partially Binded
5-6: Remains Unbounded

If Nanami became Partially Binded, one of her arms becomes caught. "Hah... I'm really not used to fighting magic, am I?" That said, she wasn't defenseless... nor were offensive options out of the mix. With her binded hand, it vibrated and swung around ferociously to weaken the chains. Meanwhile her other hand continued in a blur, unleashing more air blades, this time at Patchouli. However, these weren't her cutting ones. These were utilized with Kyotouryuu: Cherry to create a powerful gust instead of a cutting one. They would knock the woman about, hopefully keeping her away from Pietro.

Partially Binded Offense Roll [2nd dice]
1-2: Annoyance
3-4: Slightly Stalls Patchy's attempt
5: Stalls further
6: Stalls further & deals damage.

If Nanami remained unbounded, she would simply casually advance towards Patchouli and Pietro, trying to intercept the woman before she reached the man and 'keep her at bay' with a couple dozen deadly strikes.

Unbound Offense Roll [2nd Dice]
Odds: Fail
Evens: Success

"You may want to consider shifting your control away from Patchouli. After all, she might die." Plainly stated was Nanami's intent to kill, possessed or not.

@Wedge Antilles
@Gummi Bunnies
(@Librarian Cat I Hope this is okay (forgive the pun) but Hope isn't going to be outright controlled to the same extent, but rather, mind warped. Dark Hope / Hopeless you could call it.)

(Could be a potential Boss Fight but I'm no GM so I won't be able to make it so.)

Press Play

Hope stands there, Clothes ripped and torn, His Cie'th form reverting, and as he steps slowly and ever closer to the Doctor and Mulan, it would become evident that while it is Hope, theres also something very wrong. Unlike the others who are CONTROLLED by the prophet, Hope seems different. as he approaches, the holes in his clothes resemble those made by a firing squad. "You left me, Dear Doctor. you left me to die. and so did you, Mulan. Now, it seems, My targets are clear."His brand, while not in stage 13 anymore, and showing sighs at a regression, reverts to a stage 1-13. the black arrows recede, but the Eye stays open.

(The Eye from this one (the red thing), mixed with stage 1.(the image with NO arrows))

Hope smirks, walking ever closer. "You can say whatever you want about the ashes, or corpses coming back to life, but one fact remains. You. abandoned. me. Now face the consequences of making a L'CIE ENEMY!!!!" At this point hope shows his brand, and its colors have inverted. The black arrows have turned red, as well as the rest of the black on the brand, and the eye seems to have grown some. its clear his brand isn't acing normal, and GIANT magical Circles surround the Doctor and Mari. Coming from the one on the ground, spires start to rise, as part of the figure shoots down from the identical rotating circle in the sky. A few minutes later, Hope had cast Ruin and all the debuffs he could, including SLOW and IMPERIL and DESHELL, among the others. whether or not they took matered not to the corrupted teen, as his eyes seem to have a sort of red glint to them. he stops approaching, in order to smirk evilly at the Doctor. "Time to face the music, Dear Doctor. When I'm through with you, You'll WISH you had a doctor nearby." at this point, a monolithic titan stands before them, but he looks more powerful then the last time they fought him.


Hope folds his arms and rocks his weight to the leg thats behind him, tapping his foot impatiently. Hope Estheim. More like Hopeless. More like Anti-Hope. More like, Despair. "Also, Doctor. Mulan. ENOUGH calling me Hope. if you know whats good for you, you will abandon that principle. My name, now, is Despair. an emotion that, if you don't yet feel, you will soon." He smirks, and lets out a cruel, evil laugh as he tilts his head to the sky. What have you Done, Prophet? He doesn't seem the same. and indeed he is not. If this is indeed the Prophets work, he seems to have done a massive number to the teenager, not just physically and emotionally, but Psychologically too.


pulling back, his arm returns to a Cie'th like state, (State 4), and he strikes at the two he approached. "Doctor.........Help me.........It hurts........................................ I'm not in control............." He groans, Eyes flickering back to his normal eyes for a fraction of a seccond before they revert to their red state, and he continues trying to strike the timelord and the Soldier in front of him. "How very noble. but, I must tell you, any harm that comes to me ALSO affects Hope. Despairing enough yet?" He advances again, as Alexander starts also trying to strike the two. A: "YOU, SHALL, NOT, PASS!!!" Despair Smirks again. "Besides, Defeat me, and Hope is STILL dead. you can thank our little robotic overlord for that one."

@Mighty Roman @Mari
[BCOLOR=#800000]"Oh, Monokuma's going to love this." [/BCOLOR]
He ducked behind Mulan. [BCOLOR=#800000]"In another life, I wouldn't have fought you. I would have appealed to your better nature. [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#800000]But not today. Today, nobody else will die. Pietro!"[/BCOLOR]
The Doctor called to the speedster. [BCOLOR=#800000]"If you can find a way out of the facility, look for a big blue Police Box. Put the key in the door, pull the nearest lever, and rescue the others. If I don't make it. Monokuma! If you can hear me, I hope you have some more tricks up your sleeve! Whose side are you on?"[/BCOLOR]
But The Doctor couldn't see the absent bear. At least, not yet. He turned to Mulan.
[BCOLOR=#800000]"And Mulan-"[/BCOLOR]
The Doctor smiled, buzzing the screwdriver at Freddy, hoping to shut him down. [BCOLOR=#800000]"Let's Hope for the best."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#800000]@FireDrake150 @Wedge Antilles @Mari @Atomyk[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#800000]"Oh, Monokuma's going to love this." [/BCOLOR]
He ducked behind Mulan. [BCOLOR=#800000]"In another life, I wouldn't have fought you. I would have appealed to your better nature. [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#800000]But not today. Today, nobody else will die. Pietro!"[/BCOLOR]
The Doctor called to the speedster. [BCOLOR=#800000]"If you can find a way out of the facility, look for a big blue Police Box. Put the key in the door, pull the nearest lever, and rescue the others. If I don't make it. Monokuma! If you can hear me, I hope you have some more tricks up your sleeve! Whose side are you on?"[/BCOLOR]
But The Doctor couldn't see the absent bear. At least, not yet. He turned to Mulan.
[BCOLOR=#800000]"And Mulan-"[/BCOLOR]
The Doctor smiled, buzzing the screwdriver at Freddy, hoping to shut him down. [BCOLOR=#800000]"Let's Hope for the best."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#800000]@FireDrake150 @Wedge Antilles @Mari @Atomyk[/BCOLOR]
Pietro looked at the Doctor after eluding Patchouli's last attack on him. "Doctor! I must take care of Patchouli. I'll take care of the others, later!"
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