Murder Game VI: Fusion

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Despair Starts to charge towards the doctor, intending to strike with his Cie'th arm. "LOOK AT ME! LOOK at what your ABANDONMENT DID! I'm Full of PSICom Bullet holes. This is all YOUR FAULT!" He continues to try and attack the doctor, while Alexander attempts to Punch Mulan in the face, though his giant stone stature would make him tremenously slow. "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH DESPAIR YOU CAUSE, DOCTOR?!" He looks at him angrily, the blood spots surrounding the bullet holes looking almost like polkadots, as they have dried, though fresh blood seems to be pouring into the caked blood. A sign that Hope is alive and well under the Prophets Manipulation? No, likely not, as the blood is only slowly moving, its not spreading quickly as it would if there were a beating heart behind it, and his skin remains ghost-pale. Despair seems to be using Hope's corpse for his own ends, not caring what enyone else thinks.

@Mari @Mighty Roman
[BCOLOR=#800000]"Oh, Monokuma's going to love this." [/BCOLOR]
He ducked behind Mulan. [BCOLOR=#800000]"In another life, I wouldn't have fought you. I would have appealed to your better nature. [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#800000]But not today. Today, nobody else will die. Pietro!"[/BCOLOR]
The Doctor called to the speedster. [BCOLOR=#800000]"If you can find a way out of the facility, look for a big blue Police Box. Put the key in the door, pull the nearest lever, and rescue the others. If I don't make it. Monokuma! If you can hear me, I hope you have some more tricks up your sleeve! Whose side are you on?"[/BCOLOR]
But The Doctor couldn't see the absent bear. At least, not yet. He turned to Mulan.
[BCOLOR=#800000]"And Mulan-"[/BCOLOR]
The Doctor smiled, buzzing the screwdriver at Freddy, hoping to shut him down. [BCOLOR=#800000]"Let's Hope for the best."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#800000]@FireDrake150 @Wedge Antilles @Mari @Atomyk[/BCOLOR]
Despair Starts to charge towards the doctor, intending to strike with his Cie'th arm. "LOOK AT ME! LOOK at what your ABANDONMENT DID! I'm Full of PSICom Bullet holes. This is all YOUR FAULT!" He continues to try and attack the doctor, while Alexander attempts to Punch Mulan in the face, though his giant stone stature would make him tremenously slow. "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH DESPAIR YOU CAUSE, DOCTOR?!" He looks at him angrily, the blood spots surrounding the bullet holes looking almost like polkadots, as they have dried, though fresh blood seems to be pouring into the caked blood. A sign that Hope is alive and well under the Prophets Manipulation? No, likely not, as the blood is only slowly moving, its not spreading quickly as it would if there were a beating heart behind it, and his skin remains ghost-pale. Despair seems to be using Hope's corpse for his own ends, not caring what enyone else thinks.

@Mari @Mighty Roman
Mulan drew her sword, in a defensive stance, as Hope, or Despair, quite angry and threatening at them. "Yes, doctor," she said, keeping her eyes on Despair.


"Hope. But what should we do? I do not have any magical powers to defeat him, or even protect us." She hoped she would not have to hurt Hope, but what other choice might they have? She started to analyze Hope's attacks, to find a weakness, and try to create a strategy to exploit that weakness.

@Mighty Roman @FireDrake150
Mulan drew her sword, in a defensive stance, as Hope, or Despair, quite angry and threatening at them. "Yes, doctor," she said, keeping her eyes on Despair.


"Hope. But what should we do? I do not have any magical powers to defeat him, or even protect us." She hoped she would not have to hurt Hope, but what other choice might they have? She started to analyze Hope's attacks, to find a weakness, and try to create a strategy to exploit that weakness.

@Mighty Roman @FireDrake150
[BCOLOR=#800000]"Well, you're more well-versed in tactical combat than I am. Can you see any potential weaknesses? Oh, and don't hold back. Hope was our friend but... now he's a threat, and I don't think that we can get the old Hope back."[/BCOLOR]

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[BCOLOR=#800000]"Well, you're more well-versed in tactical combat than I am. Can you see any potential weaknesses? Oh, and don't hold back. Hope was our friend but... now he's a threat, and I don't think that we can get the old Hope back."[/BCOLOR]

Mulan looked at Hope. Or Despair. She spoke to the Doctor without taking her eyes off of the threat in front of them. "A reliable technique is to allow the enemy to attack, to extend himself, and that usually shows a weakness that can be exploited in a counter attack." She used that technique to find the focus of a singularly well placed attack that would fall the most difficult of adversaries under unfavorable odds.


"But, has he attacked us yet? Or has he been only threatening us so far?"

@Mighty Roman
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Despair smirks at the two. "Thats right. Try and kill me, and ANY chance of getting him back fades with me." He keeps attacking the two, mainly with fairly easily avoidable magic attacks while Alexander throws punch after punch, trying to kill them. "Doctor.......Help me........" Hope squeezes out again, but his eyes are once again returned to their dark state. "Ugh, that pest! He should learn when to just coil up and stay dead." Despair throws Hopes boomerang at the doctor with Unprecidented speed and force, wishing to see the two of them dance as they avoid his attacks. Would that the Doctor listened to the corrupted version of his old friend, he may find that Hope's consiousness is still there, but can't break free, partially due to the Prophet's control keeping him at bay, and partially due to this new mindset that has taken over, commanding the punishment for disobedient l'Cie as if it were simply a normal power. "Such ants need to learn when to give up."

@Mari @Mighty Roman
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Hester wiped the tears off her face, her hand gripping her knife. In the illusion, she had dropped it, but now it had come back to her. She chose a target. She turned, sprinting onwards towards Despair. She attempted to get behind him, so that she could slash at his legs. "You little shit!" She snarled at him, "Learn to stay down!" In teuth, she didn't particularly want to help murder everyone who had been killed, but quite clearly, she was left with no choice. And she wouldn't backdown. She had no intentions of becoming a robot. "Oh ruddy hell," she muttered to herself, wishing for a moment, that she had some sort of useful power. She didn't have magic like Patchouli, or speed like Pietro. She was just Hester. Which didn't count for all that much.

@Librarian Cat @Atomyk @FireDrake150
Hester wiped the tears off her face, her hand gripping her knife. In the illusion, she had dropped it, but now it had come back to her. She chose a target. She turned, sprinting onwards towards Despair. She attempted to get behind him, so that she could slash at his legs. "You little shit!" She snarled at him, "Learn to stay down!" In teuth, she didn't particularly want to help murder everyone who had been killed, but quite clearly, she was left with no choice. And she wouldn't backdown. She had no intentions of becoming a robot. "Oh ruddy hell," she muttered to herself, wishing for a moment, that she had some sort of useful power. She didn't have magic like Patchouli, or speed like Pietro. She was just Hester. Which didn't count for all that much.

@Librarian Cat @Atomyk @FireDrake150
[BCOLOR=#800000]"Well, Mulan, can you see a weakness?"[/BCOLOR]
said The Doctor. As he saw Hester attack Despair, he almost smiled. [BCOLOR=#800000]"That's it! We need all the help we can get. I don't know much about these creatures, Hope was always very vague. Apparently the hosts can get their minds back in extreme circumstances... but we may not have time for that. Let's find a weakness, and end this before he hurts anyone. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#800000]@Mari @FireDrake150 @SirDerpingtonIV[/BCOLOR]
Despair merely chuckles and swats her away with his augmented arm. "Aww, how sweet. The little girl thinks she can defeat me with a knife." He smirks, casting Ruin in her general Direction, hoping to disarm her, and strikes at her again. "Keep trying." Looking at the Doctor, he smirks. l'Cie? or Cie'th? I am neither right now, thanks to that Bear with a Hat. Also, that Multicolored homicidal Bear Has valid points." He smirks. "What do you wish to know, Dear Doctor?"

@SirDerpingtonIV @Mighty Roman

1-2: Complete miss
3-4: Disarmed Hestor and light Damage
5-6: Serious Injury and Disarming.
[BCOLOR=#800000]"Well, Mulan, can you see a weakness?"[/BCOLOR]
said The Doctor. As he saw Hester attack Despair, he almost smiled. [BCOLOR=#800000]"That's it! We need all the help we can get. I don't know much about these creatures, Hope was always very vague. Apparently the hosts can get their minds back in extreme circumstances... but we may not have time for that. Let's find a weakness, and end this before he hurts anyone. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#800000]@Mari @FireDrake150 @SirDerpingtonIV[/BCOLOR]

"Let us see how Despair reacts to it," Mulan responded, "and we might find the weakness in him." She saw that Hester was a distance away from her, so that was good positioning. Then, she thought, she might not have the opportunity to plan something out, she may have to simply act if Despair takes the chance to attack Hester.

@Mighty Roman @SirDerpingtonIV @FireDrake150
Despair merely chuckles and swats her away with his augmented arm. "Aww, how sweet. The little girl thinks she can defeat me with a knife." He smirks, casting Ruin in her general Direction, hoping to disarm her, and strikes at her again. "Keep trying." Looking at the Doctor, he smirks. l'Cie? or Cie'th? I am neither right now, thanks to that Bear with a Hat. Also, that Multicolored homicidal Bear Has valid points." He smirks. "What do you wish to know, Dear Doctor?"

@SirDerpingtonIV @Mighty Roman

1-2: Complete miss
3-4: Disarmed Hestor and light Damage
5-6: Serious Injury.
"Hester!" Mulan cried out as Hester took a damaging blow from Despair. She then bit down on her teeth and charged upon Despair, hoping to stab any exposed body part she would be able to impale with her sword.

1-2: miss
3-4: stab to legs
5-6: stab to lower body

@SirDerpingtonIV @Mighty Roman @FireDrake150
Despair merely chuckles and swats her away with his augmented arm. "Aww, how sweet. The little girl thinks she can defeat me with a knife." He smirks, casting Ruin in her general Direction, hoping to disarm her, and strikes at her again. "Keep trying." Looking at the Doctor, he smirks. l'Cie? or Cie'th? I am neither right now, thanks to that Bear with a Hat. Also, that Multicolored homicidal Bear Has valid points." He smirks. "What do you wish to know, Dear Doctor?"

@SirDerpingtonIV @Mighty Roman

1-2: Complete miss
3-4: Disarmed Hestor and light Damage
5-6: Serious Injury and Disarming.
"[BCOLOR=#800000]What you've become. What Freddy's done to you. How you died in the portal simulator. And.... If you'll surrender quietly."[/BCOLOR]

Despair looks at Mulan, and scowls angrily at the stab. he attempts to strike her across the face, still with his augmented arm, and tries to wrench her blade free. "How Quaint. The Women are doing better then the men. You going to let that happen, Doctor? Beaten by a girl?" He laughs evilly

1-2 Miss
3-4 moderate strike
5-6 Severe strike likely inducing unconsiousness

(2nd die was accidental.)

@Mighty Roman @Mari @SirDerpingtonIV
"Ah. This is much better. The enemy made clear... is it?" Her eyes swept over the enemies. Ghosts, Robots, and a super-powered magician controlled by an unknown entity? She wasn't sure if half of those could even die, but... A fight was a fight. No... None of them were martial artists? They were just weeds to be pulled. And the first... Was obviously the most powerful? Nanami strode forth towards the barrage of chains. Her hands a blur, blades of wind cut against the chains as they closed in. "Kyotouryuu - Poppy." Her arm swayed in a hypnotizing manner as a burst of air shot upwards to redirect chains that had made it towards her.

Defense Roll
1-2: Completely Binded
3-4: Partially Binded
5-6: Remains Unbounded

If Nanami became Partially Binded, one of her arms becomes caught. "Hah... I'm really not used to fighting magic, am I?" That said, she wasn't defenseless... nor were offensive options out of the mix. With her binded hand, it vibrated and swung around ferociously to weaken the chains. Meanwhile her other hand continued in a blur, unleashing more air blades, this time at Patchouli. However, these weren't her cutting ones. These were utilized with Kyotouryuu: Cherry to create a powerful gust instead of a cutting one. They would knock the woman about, hopefully keeping her away from Pietro.

Partially Binded Offense Roll [2nd dice]
1-2: Annoyance
3-4: Slightly Stalls Patchy's attempt
5: Stalls further
6: Stalls further & deals damage.

If Nanami remained unbounded, she would simply casually advance towards Patchouli and Pietro, trying to intercept the woman before she reached the man and 'keep her at bay' with a couple dozen deadly strikes.

Unbound Offense Roll [2nd Dice]
Odds: Fail
Evens: Success

"You may want to consider shifting your control away from Patchouli. After all, she might die." Plainly stated was Nanami's intent to kill, possessed or not.

@Wedge Antilles
@Gummi Bunnies

Pietro looked at Nanami. "No!", he shouted to her, holding out his open hand towards her, gesturing her to stop attacking. "Nanami, let me try to help Patchouli. Take on one of the others. I will take care of my love. Or I'll die trying. Please. Trust me."

@Ziogen @Gummi Bunnies
Despair looks at the Doctor. "I am Halfway towards becoming a Full Cie'th, though Freddy has stopped the progression in the best possible state. He has given me life. That Hope you value so dearly, hes in here too, but held back. Thank Freddy for that one. I was discovered as a l'Cie, and murdered by Firing squad after becoming a Cie'th. And No, Surrender isn't in my vocabulary."

@Mari @Mighty Roman @SirDerpingtonIV
Despair looks at Mulan, and scowls angrily at the stab. he attempts to strike her across the face, still with his augmented arm, and tries to wrench her blade free. "How Quaint. The Women are doing better then the men. You going to let that happen, Doctor? Beaten by a girl?" He laughs evilly

1-2 Miss
3-4 moderate strike
5-6 Severe strike likely inducing unconsiousness

(2nd die was accidental.)

@Mighty Roman @Mari @SirDerpingtonIV
Mulan was knocked unconcious by Despair after stabbing her sword into his leg.


@FireDrake150 @Mighty Roman @SirDerpingtonIV
Despair smirks at the two. "Thats right. Try and kill me, and ANY chance of getting him back fades with me." He keeps attacking the two, mainly with fairly easily avoidable magic attacks while Alexander throws punch after punch, trying to kill them. "Doctor.......Help me........" Hope squeezes out again, but his eyes are once again returned to their dark state. "Ugh, that pest! He should learn when to just coil up and stay dead." Despair throws Hopes boomerang at the doctor with Unprecidented speed and force, wishing to see the two of them dance as they avoid his attacks. Would that the Doctor listened to the corrupted version of his old friend, he may find that Hope's consiousness is still there, but can't break free, partially due to the Prophet's control keeping him at bay, and partially due to this new mindset that has taken over, commanding the punishment for disobedient l'Cie as if it were simply a normal power. "Such ants need to learn when to give up."

@Mari @Mighty Roman

Naoki growled as he realized their battle had transformed once again. Cultists versus survivors, traitors versus cultists, it doesn't matter! I'm not allowing these people to win their fucking game with us! Within his soul, an unholy beast of war unleashed a harrowing roar, filling Naoki's senses with a bloodlust. I won't give these cretins the satisfaction of victory, not while I still breath fire and command the heaven's bolts!

"That is not the way of Yosuga!" His war cry signalled the evocation of Prayer, and the voices of a heavenly choir swam through the battlefield. As each of Naoki's allies heard the crusading chanting of the holy chorus, their wounds began to ache little. A new found strength seized them all, calling them to mount a defense against their foes, to never surrender to their foes. Their ailments would no longer hinder them, not as long as Naoki still breathed, "Everyone, do not lose heart against our foes! This is the open moment, the second we decide which Reason to build the new world upon! Whether or not Yosuga is ultimately victorious does not matter even to I, the King of Yosuga!"

"All that matters is that we hold fast against the slavery the Prophet demands of us! We can not falter in this course, and we shall not! To arms, men and women of freedom and merit, our time is now! In the open moment, we aid each other!" His battle cry would lift their spirits, bestowing buffs to their strength and agility. They needed to level the playing field, and Naoki would ensure they did so. Chiaki wanted me to fight against entities like the Prophet, those who would take not only the power that belongs to me but to others as well! It's time I made good on the debt I owe her for my life and protect those who matter!

"Hellfire!" The flames of hell erupted once again, called forth to issue judgment upon the damned. Charging forward as he began powering a Boltstorm, Naoki gave his first order to the unholy fire with a pointed finger, "Consume the beast known as Despair!" The spirit within the flames thrilled and leapt up to answer. It shot forward, aimed straight for Hope's chest, "Burn through his chest and destroy him!"

@Hope @Mighty Roman @Mari @DapperDogman
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Despair looks at the Doctor. "I am Halfway towards becoming a Full Cie'th, though Freddy has stopped the progression in the best possible state. He has given me life. That Hope you value so dearly, hes in here too, but held back. Thank Freddy for that one. I was discovered as a l'Cie, and murdered by Firing squad after becoming a Cie'th. And No, Surrender isn't in my vocabulary."

@Mari @Mighty Roman @SirDerpingtonIV
[BCOLOR=#800000]"Hope, please fight through this. You have so many people at home to return too. So much to fight for. So much to live for. This is your chance to be free of the L'Cie. For good. Please, fight the virus!"[/BCOLOR]

Despair blocks the strike with his Cieth arm, Crystaline structures forming to diffuse the heat. "I don't know what you Intend to do, defeat me and more of your fallen allies will charge you. I am NOT your only Foe, remember that!!!"
Hope groans a bit at the Doctors words. "I'm trying Doctor, Beat Freddy, He is making it harder to break if it werent already hard enough............"

1-2: His Crystals shatter and the Cie'th arm is detroyed, allowing the flames to hit his chest
3-4: The Cie'th Crystals diffuse the flames, but they all shatter, dealing damage to his Cie'th limb
5-6: No damage whatsoever

2nd die: Breaking free of the hold Despair has on him

1-3: No break
4-5: Partial break
6: Complete reversion.

@Mari @Mighty Roman @SirDerpingtonIV @The Tactician
The Doctor's eyes hardened, having a look somewhere between anger and pity. [BCOLOR=#800000]"Naoki! Focus that fire you used towards Freddy, Mulan, Despair's crystals seem to be a weak point of some sort, so aim for there. Non-fatal tactics only. Hope, keep fighting. With a bit of luck-"[/BCOLOR]

He ducked beneath Despair's falling arm.[BCOLOR=#800000] "We can save everybody!"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#800000]@FireDrake150 @Mari @SirDerpingtonIV @The Tactician[/BCOLOR]
Despair Attempts to leap in front of Freddy to protect him, but Hope attempts to stop him and pull the other way. "NO! FREDDY!" "DON'T YOU DARE TRY TO HELP HIM!"

1-3 Protect Freddy
4-6 Abandon Freddy

@The Tactician @Mighty Roman @Mari @SirDerpingtonIV
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