Murder Game V: The Reapers' Game

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Booker's arched an eyebrow when the young girl mentioned taking a picture with her phone, he pulled out his own phone and frowned at it. "This thing takes pictures? come on kid, you're pulling my leg." He smirked, he may had been old, but he was no fool. The only way to take a picture was to use one of those old time cameras.
"Well, it looks like it can. Actually, I wonder how it works... I never had my own phone before. Guess it's time to find out!" Yuka had a very curious standing on this, messing around with the other options on her phone. She knew it could since it had a little lense on the other side of the phone's screen. Despite being dead at this moment, Yuka was quite interested by the phone, both from general curiosity and the side-effects of her happiness curse. It even seemed like she didn't get the fact that Booker probably didn't have phones like this from... wherever he comes from.

@Crazy 8 Nate
In the bright light in the streets of the City that was slowly giving up its secrets, one by one in agonizing slowness . . .

I stood at the intersection where I had started from a couple of days ago, blinking in the sunlight. The whiskey that had graced my lips at the Hog's Head was as a distant of memory as my erstwhile partner. I'm not sure what had happened to Gabe at the ice cream shop. One moment he was chowing down on a root beer double dip supreme, and the next he was gone - lost in the mist and snow that had surrounded us. I had left a note with the vendor before heading off somewhere warmer, but now even the ice cream shop had been lost with the winter scenery which had made it stick out of the snow like a sore thumb among hammers.

There was no getting around it. I had lost my partner, and now another player, unbeknownst to me, had gone to whatever great beyond that was beyond this one - I was being to suspect this whole set of shenanigans was being writ large by Dame Agatha Christie herself. I didn't rate my luck high among the odds of surviving, but then I always figure the odds are against me. It saves on the ugly surprise later on.

I looked over the map provided, and decided that the better part of valor was finding out more answers. The best place was a newspaper - failing that, there was always the archives at the library. I hitched up my pants, shook off the last of the icicles hanging off the cuffs of my pants, and strolled towards that august building.

I heard a couple of young people (Marie and Marcus) talking in the stacks, and decided to leave those two alone. Partners had more than one meaning, after all.

I went down the next stack a few over, and started to browse through the books, looking for I wasn't sure what. My world had escaped and what little anchor I had in this world had sunk in the next ocean over from here. I was taking a moment out, rethinking my strategies - I needed a new partner, that's what this place used for currency, and I was fresh out of spare change.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Wedge Antilles
@Anyone headed for the art museum @Crazy 8 Nate @Gummi Bunnies

The Art Museum


You enter into a grand looking establishment which seems to hold some fine works or art. The first work of art that can be seen on the wall is a bit odd...


Continue looking around?


//ooc: My internet is back, baby! :D​
@Anyone headed for the art museum @Crazy 8 Nate @Gummi Bunnies

The Art Museum


You enter into a grand looking establishment which seems to hold some fine works or art. The first work of art that can be seen on the wall is a bit odd...


Continue looking around?


//ooc: My internet is back, baby! :D​
@Gummi Bunnies

Booker shook his head in shock and looked over at Yuka. "Uh Yuka, why is there art with you in it?" He asked, slightly puzzled
@Verite @BarrenThin @The Pimp Tactician @Batman @Everyone headed for the Shady Store

The Shady Store


Everyone headed for the Shady Store finds themselves in a dark store that appears to be a normal clothing store with dimmed lights just for a neat effect. However, the store owner waves everyone over.

"Hey, you guys are players, right? Well this store isn't like any of the other ones. Inside this store I give away... free pins. Interested?"​
Thanos would take out All About The Reapers and open it up for a read.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Thanos opens the book and begins to look at what's inside...

All About The Reapers


Reapers, or shinigami, are the guardians of the afterlife transition world known as The Underground. Each reaper has a pair of black wings that can easily identify them.

They like to keep order among their ranks, so they follow a special system...

Support Reaper: The lowest ranking reaper. They usually have very simple jobs and after accomplishing them go about their daily lives in The Underground.

Harrier Reaper: Harrier reapers are mid-ranking reapers who are permitted to act independently (within a few constraints) in order to erase Players during the game. Usually, the Game Master will specify when and where Harriers may act. Due to the rule that Reapers may not normally attack players directly, Harriers must summon Noise to attack the players.

Game-Masters: Game-Masters are highly exceptional Reapers who help lead each week of the Reapers' Game. These Reapers are the few who ever talks to the Conductor. Every week, one Game-Master is assigned to be the leader of that week.

The Conductor: The Conductor is the second-in-command Reaper, second to the Composer. Well trusted and powerful in comparison to even the Game-Masters, the Conductor's position is not one to be underestimated. The Conductor, as his name indicates, leads the Game-Master, makes critical decisions of the Reaper's Game and makes sure that both Players and Reapers alike are playing fair-game.

The Composer: The Composer is the all-powerful leader and ruler of The Underground. He sets the rules of the game, watches over his reapers, and judges which players will and will not be brought back to life after the end of each game. He is the one with the power to bring others back to life. If something where to happen to him, the acting Conductor would take his place. If someone were to defeat him, the one who defeated him would take his place and gain his power.​
"Free pins?" Minato's eyes brightened up instantly. More pins meant more magic. More magic meant better defenses. Better defenses meant Ciel wouldn't have to protect him as much, "Ciel, we may have hit the motherload!"

@Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
These books that stuck out to him made him think a little... All About The Reapers and the Noise book stuck out to him, but, he found his interest in another book; The Empire Event. Deciding to pick that one up, he figured he'd read through it, see if it'll reveal anything interesting, if not, he'd just read about the Noise or something, not a big problem, right?​
The Empire Event

Journal by a civilian

Entry 4: "An explosion happened in the middle of town the other day. It's been all over the news. They're saying that the explosion was a terrorist attack which was meant to spread a plague. I'm not sure if I believe it, but people all around town are starting to act strange. I saw a man shooting lightning from his hands and other people starting to do strange things too; almost light magic."

Entry 32: "It's crazy... Look at what our city used to be! Empire City was originally a highly populated city and consisted of three islands; the Neon, the Warren and the Historic district. The Neon was the commercial section of the city, with many companies and markets. The Warren was Empire City's slum and industrial part, and the largest island of the three. The Historic District was the cultural part of the city, with many parks and landmarks. But now it's falling apart as I write this. An unknown creature people are nicknaming The Beast is coming. Whatever that thing is, it's going to kill all of us. I wonder if it had something to do with The Blast that happened a few weeks ago? Did that thing create the beast? I suppose we'll never know now. All I do now is pray to God that by some miracle we will all survive this..."
@Verite @BarrenThin @The Pimp Tactician @Batman @Everyone headed for the Shady Store

The Shady Store


Everyone headed for the Shady Store finds themselves in a dark store that appears to be a normal clothing store with dimmed lights just for a neat effect. However, the store owner waves everyone over.

"Hey, you guys are players, right? Well this store isn't like any of the other ones. Inside this store I give away... free pins. Interested?"​
"Free pins? Yes, you have my attention," Ciel nodded, still holding the young Minato's hand, "Is there a catch to getting them, or are you just handing them out that easily?" She questioned, cutting to the chase.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Pimp Tactician @Batman @BarrenThin
Asha grabbed and started trying to read the 'Congrats to Uzuki and Kariya' book.

He's not sure why - he normally can't read human language.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Congrats to Uzuki and Kariya!

You pick up his book and realize it is not a book, but a card of congratulations.

Dear Uzuki and Kariya,

I would like to personally wish you both congratulations on being promoted by The Composer. The two of you made good Harriers before, but I'm sure you'll both be great Game-Masters as well. I hear the two of you are in charge of this upcoming reapers' game. Good luck in all your future endeavors.


The Conductor​
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@Verite @BarrenThin @The Pimp Tactician @Batman @Everyone headed for the Shady Store

The Shady Store


Everyone headed for the Shady Store finds themselves in a dark store that appears to be a normal clothing store with dimmed lights just for a neat effect. However, the store owner waves everyone over.

"Hey, you guys are players, right? Well this store isn't like any of the other ones. Inside this store I give away... free pins. Interested?"​
Joker giggled. "Why, of course! Once you tell me what the catch is. I don't sell my body."
@Anyone headed for the art museum @Crazy 8 Nate @Gummi Bunnies

The Art Museum


You enter into a grand looking establishment which seems to hold some fine works or art. The first work of art that can be seen on the wall is a bit odd...


Continue looking around?


//ooc: My internet is back, baby! :D​

@Gummi Bunnies

Booker shook his head in shock and looked over at Yuka. "Uh Yuka, why is there art with you in it?" He asked, slightly puzzled
You could see that Yuka had gotten herself into a deep and dark shade of red upon seeing herself in one of the art pieces.

"I wasn't expecting to see myself in a piece of art here. But they could at least try and not make me bathroom-prone. Whatever, that's only one picture, there's bound to be more!" Yuka sounded rather embarrassed that not only it was a picture of herself, but happening to catch one of the moments in the Heavenly Host school that she...had to use the bathroom. Yes, she needed to pee while in a haunted school building...

Anyways, Yuka brushed that memory off, there had to be some other pieces of art worth looking at, right?

@Crazy 8 Nate @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Marcus looked at the books. "Reading doesn't seem to be one of my interests," he said, "but the Underground seems like it could be helpful."
The Underground

This world is a place those chosen by the Composer are taken after they die. Those chosen can play a game and the winners are brought back to...

The rest of the text is scribbled out and a new message is written in its place.

Help me! If anyone reads this, find me deeper inside the library! Captain J.

What could that mean, you wonder? Is it worth looking into?

The Underground

This world is a place those chosen by the Composer are taken after they die. Those chosen can play a game and the winners are brought back to...

The rest of the text is scribbled out and a new message is written in its place.

Help me! If anyone reads this, find me deeper inside the library! Captain J.

What could that mean, you wonder? Is it worth looking into?


"Hey Marie," Marcus said, "let's try looking for this Captain J."

Finding herself ignored, Susan grumbled and flew off toward the art museum with Hrist in tow.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Roaming through the stacks of the library, all the while trying not to eavesdrop on the kids the couple of bookcases over from where I stood, I came across a book entitled, "Noise".

Well, if anything suited the situation I had found myself in, it was a book entitled "Noise." I pulled the black jacketed book off the shelf with my index finger, and caught it with my off hand. Flipping it open, I began to read through the copy. With my luck, it would be nothing more than some two act play from the school of 'Theater of the Absurd'.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"The mind of a subject will desperately struggle to create memories where none exist." ~Lutece

The same dream, long ago yet distinct, replayed in the Big Sister's head as fell limp within the unknown catacombs that drenched her and several others of her group. As her vision faded, she could see them, one by one, walk away, their feet guiding them forwards in this demented, perverted game. Raising her right arm outwards to them, the supposed *giant* soon fell unconscious, a dull ringing in her ears as her body ceased to move. The lights of her helm slowly dimmed, and soon enough, only the abyss greeted her distorted sight.


A flash of light. A gasp of air. A soft humming of a rhythmic melody.

The world opened around the Big Sister, fresh and anew. For the briefest of moments, solace reigned in her heart, praying that she had someone escaped this game. But, as she grew attention to her surroundings, hope soon devolved into panic and fear. Leather bounds fasten her to a velvet, barbershop chair, a flickering light hung above her as puddles of crimson flowed upon the monochromatic, checkered floorboards below. From the far, dark edges of the room, a silhouette loomed, a scalpel shimmering in the darkness and a maniacal chuckle escaping his lips. Huskily yet softly, he spoke, a heavy, masculine voice escaping his lips...

"This is not the first time, my dear."

The Big Sister squirmed and kicked in her chair, grimacing and cringing as the doctor emerged from the darkness. Into the faded light, the young woman could see the doctor's tattered outfit, the pearly white shifting to a dull, brownish grey. The scalpel itself had long rusted, that, or had dried blood from unfortunate subjects. Suppressing a screech as he lunged his free, left hand forwards, grasping the Big Sister's cheek, the young woman choked as the splicer leaned downwards, putting aside the scalpel. Grabbing a slightly cracked mirror, the doctor softly laughed, putting it in front of the Big Sister.

"But it will be the last time you remember this face."


A cry of fear that sounded genuinely human escaped the Big Sister's lips, from underneath her helm, finding herself in a new environment. Arising softly, the Big Sister did not find herself within the tunnels, but rather, out in the open streets. Hastily checking her phone, trembling, reading through the updates and trying to piece together what was going on in her mind, the behemoth of steel heaved and huffed as she stumbled about.

Regaining her breath and stance, having no time to question the dream and how she got out of the tunnels, the Big Sister made her way towards the Department Store.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Anyone noticing Big Sister out and about
[BCOLOR=transparent]You decide to browse the store to see what it has to offer. Of interest, you found four items that seem worthwhile - a [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]pork bun advertised to have "Special Spice!"[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] in it, a delicious-looking [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]box of mochi cakes[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent], an ever-so-classic [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]cup of soup[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] and, a few lanes further, [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]a fun-looking pogo stick[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]. You have no money, so most likely you will need to buy them with a pin.[/BCOLOR]​

@Gummi Bunnies

Booker shook his head in shock and looked over at Yuka. "Uh Yuka, why is there art with you in it?" He asked, slightly puzzled
You could see that Yuka had gotten herself into a deep and dark shade of red upon seeing herself in one of the art pieces.

"I wasn't expecting to see myself in a piece of art here. But they could at least try and not make me bathroom-prone. Whatever, that's only one picture, there's bound to be more!" Yuka sounded rather embarrassed that not only it was a picture of herself, but happening to catch one of the moments in the Heavenly Host school that she...had to use the bathroom. Yes, she needed to pee while in a haunted school building...

Anyways, Yuka brushed that memory off, there had to be some other pieces of art worth looking at, right?

@Crazy 8 Nate @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Finding herself ignored, Susan grumbled and flew off toward the art museum with Hrist in tow.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
The group in the art museum discovers the next piece of art inside.


It's titled:

Booker DeWitt -Ponified-by alexandru1208​
The group in the art museum discovers the next piece of art inside.


It's titled:

Booker DeWitt -Ponified-by alexandru1208​
"Awww... that's so cute!" Yuka happened to be into ponies... Well, happiness curse or not, she really did like things like this. It's just that she had no idea that it was supposed to be some pony version of Booker, she didn't bother reading the titles and stuff like that.

@Crazy 8 Nate @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk
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