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Murder Game V: The Reapers' Game

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Teresa tried to reply to Ash's comment, but couldn't quite form words with how her teeth were chattering. She'd never been in the cold enough to have become accustomed to it.. Which was probably why she was shaking so bad.

And, a look around showed that Ash was right. She didn't know where the blonde had run off to.. But hopefully she was okay. "Y-yeah.." she stammered her agreement, going to follow without a word of protest.

Admittedly, she was annoyed with the jab of their new acquaintance; but hey.. They owed him. She was fine with him leaving.

Maybe conversation was a good idea..? Quietly, Teresa glanced at Ash, seemingly ignoring his arm around her. "S-so.. Wh-.. Where are you f-fr-from, anyways..?" she queried, trying to break the silence. She glanced at Hurley, tilting her head. "..Wha-what was your name, again..?"

@Ozzie Chanter @Thuro Pendragon @Anyone headed for the castle
"My name's Hurley."

Hurley brightened as an idea occurred to him. "Hey, do you have a partner? I have a fire pin that might be able to take care of the problem, but I can't use my pins."

@Ozzie Chanter
Crazy bitch wasn't just yelling, but also pulling light into a singular form. Previously as a Valkyrie, she could summon her weapon and armor, just like this. Now, it seemed like a failed attempt. There was only light, no blade. It would have to do. It gathered and shone, the reflection from the snow causing it to be utterly blinding. A brilliance in the shape of a long spear. Her feet slammed into the ice as she charged forward, the beast's attention drawn elsewhere.

"Death is too good for you, prepare to be obliterated!"
Her back arched back as she stopped her momentum, and then surged forward releasing it all in a massive throw. The glimmering spear of light shot straight for the Snow Monster's chest.

Not that Ash would ever admit it, but the scramble to recover his pin had been nerve-wracking. He'd thought for sure there that he'd finally run out of shots.

The last thing he remembered before passing out was promising to buy drinks for Guy and Gabe as a thank-you.

When he woke, chilled to the bone and lying on the snow, Jenny was nowhere to be seen and Teresa was curled up and shivering about three feet away from anyone.

"Sister, you're making me feel cold lookin' at you," he told her. "We'd better get moving before we all freeze our buns off. Looks like we're one short of our numbers anyhow."

Slinging an arm around Teresa's shoulders, he turned to Gabe, Guy, and Hurley.

"I don't know about you guys, but past experience tells me that we're supposed to go check out the big castle. Let's roll."

"Uh. Look, no offense. The whole take-charge attitude is sexy, really it is. You big lug. But I'm not following around the mongoloid who can't keep track of the only thing tying him to this ex-mortal coil."



Oh man, the look on Ash's face was priceless. If Gabriel could've, he would've framed it. Literally. Like, he'd have snapped up a frame.

Despite the easy glib he was serving up, Gabriel couldn't help but glance at Guy a bit warily. Hopefully his partner would back him up here.

"It's been real, homies, but uh, we'll probably just get in each other's way. Divide and conquer, right?"

Gabriel made a beeline for the Ice Cream Stand. Either Guy would be on his heels, or the ex-archangel would have to find a new travel buddy.

Ash, meanwhile, was all set to head for the Castle. If Teresa and Hurley wanted to warm up first, they'd have to stop him or go on their own.

@Nobody Important @Iowan Corn @Thuro Pendragon @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Anyone else who wants some of this

Vote: Rocket
I looked up from the phone in my hand, and gave a curt nod in agreement with Gabe. "If we look after everything you lose, we'll be here all day."
Turning to ask Gabe where he'd thought we ought to head, I found myself staring at a twin pair of shuffled trails through the snow. "Hey, slow down, my legs still haven't noticed I'm using them to stand upright in."

I shook the snow from my shoes, before giving it up as a bad job, and started after him. "Says here on the screen that three of the players are dead - two of them electricuted before drowning. I wonder who out of this batch wanted to knock these two off?" It was a good enough puzzle to ignore the wet socks and the chill down my back. "Course, it's not me, and I'm really pretty sure it's not you, so that's two eliminated. Who has an electric joy buzzer for a power button?"

Pulling up to a stop right before I run into the back of him, I realize where we are. "An Ice cream stand? Gabe, we woke up as cold and wet as drug store slushies not more than an hour ago, and now, you're wanting ice cream?" I shook my head, and set my hat back on my head. "Where'd you grow up, Duluth?"

@Ozzie Chanter
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Atomyk @Ziogen @SirDerpingtonIV @DapperDogman

Dodging the avalanche was a poor idea. Susan was hit by a flying piece of ice, knocking her Frantic pin away. Hrist and Chandra, unfortunately, did not react in time (one possibly due to shock - the other due to being busy yelling), and got hit with the full force of the Avalanche, knocking them back several feet and knocking the wind out of them. And from the cover of the falling snow, the ice giant surged and aimed a swipe straight at Pyrrha.

Evens: hit. Odd, miss.

And it missess
Pyrrha rolled out of the way of its swipe, and continued charging it. She raised her shield in the air, and rolled again, to the side of the creature, where she aimed a slash at one if its large legs.

Ash let Gabe go without more than a scowl. He wasn't about to beat up a midget. At least not one who'd saved his bacon.

Meanwhile, the guy whose bacon Ash had saved was making conversation.

"My name's Hurley. Hey, do you have a partner? I have a fire pin that might be able to take care of the problem, but I can't use my pins."

Jenny had been Ash's partner, last he checked. But now that they were split up, he figured that probably meant the deal was off for the time being...

"I guess I do now," he said, grabbing Hurley's hand and giving it a firm shake. "Let's start some fires."


@Thuro Pendragon @Nobody Important
@Atomyk @DapperDogman @Ziogen @SirDerpingtonIV @Klutzy

Pyrrha's leg slash combined with the piercing power of Hrist's light-spear caused the creature to tumble over, taking the spear in the chest... and being mostly snow it captured it, causing a brilliant light show as the creature melted from the light being converted to heat. All that was left was it's face, which was pouting, sad and angry. "Go back..."

They could notice that his puddle was spreading, creating a thick puddle of ice as it went, and freezing Rhyme's legs in ice.
Ash let Gabe go without more than a scowl. He wasn't about to beat up a midget. At least not one who'd saved his bacon.

Meanwhile, the guy whose bacon Ash had saved was making conversation.

"My name's Hurley. Hey, do you have a partner? I have a fire pin that might be able to take care of the problem, but I can't use my pins."

Jenny had been Ash's partner, last he checked. But now that they were split up, he figured that probably meant the deal was off for the time being...

"I guess I do now," he said, grabbing Hurley's hand and giving it a firm shake. "Let's start some fires."


@Thuro Pendragon @Nobody Important
"Stand back. This can get a little messy."

Hurley concentrated. "Flame on!" His hand caught on fire. Now that he was prepared for it Hurley didn't freak out. He concentrated again and it grew higher. He then threw it on the ground.

Sitting down at the edge of it he asked the others. "Got anything to eat?"


@Nobody Important
Teresa nodded slightly, offering Hurley a small smile. "Nice to meet you.. I'm Teresa," she replied, sentences a bit difficult to make out, due to the teeth chattering.

She had been about to respond to the question, when Ash stepped in rather. Well; looked like she'd be stuck partner less again 'til someone else came along. Granted, she had no idea how to use her pins..

@Ozzie Chanter @Thuro Pendragon
Jenny looked up to the man as he extended his hand. Even though the water felt great, she didn't want to refuse his offer and took his hand, getting out with his help. "Jenny. Thank you, that's very kind of you..." she said while being pulled out, giving Ryu a smile.

Ryu smiled and spoke softly. "Nice to meet you Jenny." he said as he looked at her. "And it was nothing, I just walked up is all." he said with a laugh. "What happened anyway?" He asked as he looked back at the Reaper and Kamina.

*Seeing as how the reaper would not fight back Kamina turns to Ryu and Jenny* "Damn coward. To scared to fight the mighty Kamina!" *He says back at the reaper. He takes a deep breath and looks back at the two* "Ah I see you have meet Jenny, Bro." *He says after putting an arm around Ryu*
@Joellie @Ryu Keiko
"An Ice cream stand? Gabe, we woke up as cold and wet as drug store slushies not more than an hour ago, and now, you're wanting ice cream? Where'd you grow up, Duluth?"

Oh. Yeah. Gabriel kind of forgot that was a problem when you were human.


On the other hand... it was ice cream. Evidently, having a sweet tooth wasn't something that had gone away with his Grace or his Trickster persona.

"I grew up... north. Way north." He grinned, shrugging. "But let's skip that story and focus on the murder mystery at hand. I'm afraid I haven't done a whole lot of mingling, so I don't have much to go on. Let's forget motive for a minute here and go over means and opportunity. The best bet is someone who was near them at the time, who had a pin with electric mojo, and wasn't too busy with something else. Those two weren't anywhere near us as far as I know. We should find out if they were over at the big ruckus with the ugly octopus."

Playing detective was kind of fun, Gabriel had to admit. Maybe he could stick himself (or some Winchesters) into one if he ever got his powers back.

@Iowan Corn
Teresa nodded slightly, offering Hurley a small smile. "Nice to meet you.. I'm Teresa," she replied, sentences a bit difficult to make out, due to the teeth chattering.

She had been about to respond to the question, when Ash stepped in rather. Well; looked like she'd be stuck partner less again 'til someone else came along. Granted, she had no idea how to use her pins..

@Ozzie Chanter @Thuro Pendragon
"Are either of you hurt? I have a healing pin."

@Ozzie Chanter

She had no idea if she were going the right way, even if she had her phone to assist her on navigation. Was this what it felt like to be the leader? Well, it did kinda for Yuka, considering that Jodie had been loosely following her because they were partners. Heck, it made her wonder if there were more bad things waiting for her at that Ice Cream stand. Not to mention that she didn't realize that there were a few going to this location as well.

"Uu-..." Yuka said to herself, completely scared if she and Jodie should turn back and find others... again, not realizing that there others headed this way too...

@Ozzie Chanter @Iowan Corn @TheColourlessRainbow @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Ryu smiled and spoke softly. "Nice to meet you Jenny." he said as he looked at her. "And it was nothing, I just walked up is all." he said with a laugh. "What happened anyway?" He asked as he looked back at the Reaper and Kamina.

"Well, I was just here to warm myself a bit, so I lied down beside the spring..." she started explaining while rolling her shirt up to just below the chest in order to squeeze as much of the water out as possible. "... and then that... Reaper person thought it was a good idea to push me in... Gave me quite the scare."

The longer she was standing outside of the warm water, the more she began to feel how cold it actually was, even right beside the spring. Now that all of her clothes and her hair were wet, the transition between hot and cold would become even harder, but she didn't know that :)

Susan - Ice Castle - Hrist/Chandra/Pyrrha

The snow around her rapidly melted, allowing Susan to catch her breath. She tumbled out of the melting snow, shivering and wet as a dog. Her eyes searched for the creature she called upon, finding Rhyme trapped in the ice now. Her heart went out to the little squirrel, and even though she herself was freezing, Susan instead asked Hrist to heat up Rhyme. "She needs it more," she said simply.

@Yiyel @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Ziogen @SirDerpingtonIV
"Well, I was just here to warm myself a bit, so I lied down beside the spring..." she started explaining while rolling her shirt up to just below the chest in order to squeeze as much of the water out as possible. "... and then that... Reaper person thought it was a good idea to push me in... Gave me quite the scare."

The longer she was standing outside of the warm water, the more she began to feel how cold it actually was, even right beside the spring. Now that all of her clothes and her hair were wet, the transition between hot and cold would become even harder, but she didn't know that :)

*Kamina's inner perv started to show* "I think I was told that if you kept your clothes on when your wet it is quite dangerous" *He says with a smile. He positions his face to where his glasses block out his eyes with light*
@Ryu Keiko
While walking to Santa's workshop, Marcus realizes his partner ditched him! "What the?" He brought out his phone and thought of voting "Hurley", but held himself back.

"Damn it, hate those who turn against you."
"Hmph. Ridiculous. ... Still, I admire your respect for a comerade. Very well." Hrist walked up to the anime and shone her glorious light on it. Belatedy, Hrist wondered if Susan could have just resummoned the creature to get it unstuck. Oh well. "After this, we shall proceed. If this is the lair of the Frost Giants, I will be sure to eliminate each and every one. To me, that is more important than my life. It is my duty."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
*Kamina's inner perv started to show* "I think I was told that if you kept your clothes on when your wet it is quite dangerous" *He says with a smile. He positions his face to where his glasses block out his eyes with light*
@Ryu Keiko
"Dangerous?" Jenny asked. "Is it? ... I... didn't know. How... What would happen? What do I do?" She kept wringing out her shirt, front and back, slightly worried now.
@Ryu Keiko
Round 2: Frozen Nightmare

The kraken was weak! With only three tentacles left, it stood no chance as Crono managed to finish it off with his sword. It was unable to regenerate this time, it squirmed and cried in agony as it died, sinking into bloody water that pooled around it.

After defeating the kraken, you can see two black hooded reapers from afar speaking with each other.

"That was odd. I didn't summon that kraken for the players to fight. Did you?" asked the first reaper.

The second reaper shook his head. "I didn't. How bizarre. Maybe the bosses did? Uzuki and Kariya seem like they would have told us if they were going to do something unplanned though. I suppose not. So much for them being reliable Game Masters..."

After solving your first mission and defeating the kraken at the High Seas! restaurant--along with all of the other activities you may have done during the day--you and all of the other players are exhausted. You can see that the restaurant is still flooding and the streets of the town are a little flooded also, but you don't bother to stop it. You've accomplished your job already and your timer had disappeared, so you decide to head with the group for higher ground--where it's dry--so you can rest. Besides, if the Reapers wanted you to do something about the flooding, they would have let you know, right?

In your quest for higher ground, your group finds itself at the edge of town with the same reaper standing guard along the invisible wall that had been keeping you trapped in the small area. He looks over the group, his eyes barely visible under his dark hood.


"Mission complete; you may pass," he simply says.

Behind him, you can see the once shimmering invisible wall disappears. Your group is free to move on!

So move on you do...

You find yourselves atop a hill just outside the city. The view is gorgeous; there is a relaxing sunset glowing in the distance.


You decide to plop down and take a rest either by yourself or with one of your new friends while you watch it. The sigh of orange, red, and yellow melting into one another is so soothing that you eventually feel your eyelids start to grow heavy...

You fall asleep.

During the night, the temperature drops. It's so cold that the ends of your fingers and toes stiffen. You can barely move, even when you awaken the next morning and find yourself covered by a thick layer of snow. What in the world?

You stand up and brush the snow off yourself before looking around.


Oh hell. No wonder you were so dang cold...

Off in the distance, you can see two Reapers arguing.


"This is all your fault, Kariya! You're the one who was too lazy to text the players and tell them to stop the High Seas! restaurant from flooding! It would have made a good mission, not to mention it probably would have stopped his freakin' ice apocalypse!"


"Yeah, like I knew that some unknown force would break into our game, summon some kraken, and use the water to freeze everything, Uzuki. We just have to figure out who is doing this before all seven days of the game are up. Calm down, we'll get this sorted out."

"Sorted out!? How!?"

"We'll just... uh... have the players take care of it! Find and destroy the source of this ice apocalypse! Fail and face erasure. Blah, blah, blah. It would make a perfect mission. We'll text it to them."

"Okay, I guess that works. But still, I wonder how they're going to react when they see another one of their friends was killed by one of those traitors that are rumored to be floating around?" Uzuki said, gesturing to a pair of bodies resting at her feet.

Shiki and Silver could be seen lying on the ground. They were both frozen in ice, their bodies hard as rocks. They had been dead for while...

"They'll get over it," Kariya replied to Uzuki. "or they'll find the traitor who did it. Not my problem. But we can text them some information on the bodies if they want. Because pretty soon, those things will be disappearing. They are only souls, after all. Anyhow, let's just text them the mission so we can get on with the games, shall we? We wouldn't want to upset the boss."

"Right," Uzuki replied with a nod.

Eventually, the two reapers realize the players are listening in on their conversation.

"Hmph, mind your own business worms! Check your phones. We've just sent you your next mission. Get on it!" She turns to Kariya. "Let's blow this popsicle stand."

The two reapers vanish into thin air. Just as they suggest, you decide to check your phone.

"Find and locate the source (or sources) of the ice apocalypse. Fail and face erasure. -The Reapers"

This time, a timer doesn't appear on the palm of your hand. It looks like they're giving you all the time in the world. The Reapers really must want this taken care of...

You receive a second text. It's a map of the area.

Wandering Oaken's Trading Post and Sauna: a warm place set up to take shelter from the cold. You can purchase warm clothing, hiking supplies, cures to any hotdog issues you may have received, and other goods here.

Mysterious ice castle: In the distance, you can see a strange looking castle carved entirely out of ice. Looks suspicious...

Ice Cream stand: You're not sure what it's purpose is, but you see a man wearing a uniform pushing around an ice-cream cart.

Santa's Workshop: The workshop of jolly 'ol Saint Nick seems to have appeared out of nowhere. However, from a distance, you can see no light coming from inside the building. You wonder if this place is vacant.

Unknown tunnel: A ladder leads into a hole in the ground. You have no idea where it may take you...

Hot Springs: If you aren't a fan of warming yourself up at a sauna, this could be an alternative.

Abandoned Library: Although most regular builds appear to be covered in ice and snow, you see that one library actually may be accessible.

A third text is then sent.

Side quest: Coco the young reaper, who was with Rocket, has gone missing. Will you (or anyone) look for her?

After reading the last text and looking over all of the destinations, which one will you choose?

Finally, one last text is sent.

"Last night, two players were murdered: Shiki and Silver. Upon examining them, we've found they had electrical burns on their bodies, so they were stunned by electricity. They were then dragged, thrown into the water, and drowned, only to be frozen in blocks of ice when the snowstorm came in."

Meanwhile, Kanye wakes up in a snowbank with Chandra for some reason. Maybe he was stalking her

Minato and Ciel wake up handcuffed to each other. Apparently, the reapers thought it would be funny to pull a prank on them since they were fighting so much before.

Marie sees an intricately carved ice sculpture off in the distance. Wait a second... it's... herself!

Asha wakes up with his wings frozen in ice, finding it difficult to move.

Elizabeth is still unconscious, but with the efforts of Booker and Chrom, she is now breathing again. Thank goodness.

Players, you may continue posting! All missing pins have been returned! Voting for traitor starts now and will be closed at mid-round update. Remember, bold and underline the name you chose as your traitor vote and any location you choose to visit. A mid-round update will occur after the first cause of the ice apocalypse is discovered and eliminated. Good luck!


@BarrenThin as the Joker (DC Comics)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as William "Maxwell" Carter (Don't Starve)
@Verite as Ciel (Type-Moon)
@Jeremi as Thanos (Marvel Comics)
@The Pimp Tactician as Minato Arisato (Persona 3)
@Mari as Emma Frost (X-Men, Marvel Comics)
@Dat Pussy Cat as Silver Sablinova (Marvel Comics) and Teresa Agnes (The Maze Runner Series)
@Krieg as Big Sister (Bioshock Trilogy)
@Xibilation as Marie (The Aristocrats)
@Joellie as Jenny (Doctor Who) and Kanye West
@Yiyel as Assassin Asha (Iji) Immunity for first half of round 2.
@The Gil as Lorne Malvo (Fargo)
@york as Crono (Crono Trigger) Immunity for second half of round 2.
@DapperDogman as Chandra Nalaar (Magic The Gathering)
@Gummi Bunnies as Yuka Mochida (Corpse Party: Blood Covered)
@Josh M as Chrom (Fire Emblem)
@Salsacookies as Wander (Shadow of the Colossus)
@Caramon Zero as Gajeel Redfox (Fairy Tale)
@Atomyk as Susan Ashworth (The Cat Lady) Motorcycle expired
@Ziogen as Aesir (Valkyrie Profile)
@Batman as Batman (Batman Arc)
@Wedge Antilles as Marcus Wright (Terminator: Salvation)
@Raven as Rocket (Sucker Punch)
@MrDubWubs as Kamina (Gurren Lagaan)
@El Presidente as Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect Series)
@Arlathina as Ashabel eh'l Nahime
@Arnold Solomon as Jorik Goringtove
@sierra as Ryou and Bakura (Yugioh duel monsters)
@Crazy 8 Nate as Booker DeWitt (Bioshock Infinite)
@Levy McGarden as Levy McGarden (Fairy Tale) and Eevee (Pokemon)
@TheColourlessRainbow as Elizabeth (Bioshock Infinite) and Jodie Holmes (Beyond Two Souls)
@froggy as P.E.T.E
@Xx420BLAZEITxX as Claptrap (Borderlands)
@Ryu Keiko as Ryu Keiko
@SirDerpingtonIV as Pyrrha Nikos (RWBY)
@Ozzie Chanter as Gabriel (Supernatural) and Ashley "Ash" J. Williams (Evil Dead Trilogy)
@Celeste as Celestia 'Celeste' Ludenberg (Dangan Ronpa)
@Thuro Pendragon as Hurley (Lost)
@Iowan Corn as Guy Noir (A Prairie Home Companion)


Ashabel, the Dancer

The vistas of the hill were quite beautiful, entrancing even. After some time, Ashabel began to feel herself slipping into a quiet slumber. She tried to resist, but it was simply so much easier to let her body slacken, sprawled out there next to Emma. She was so exhausted from the events of the first day.
Ashabel awoke in a start, shocked by the sensation of a cold that had spread throughout her entire body. For a moment, she thought she had died, again that is. When Ashabel had faded from life, she remembered a similar experience. Everything had felt so cold and increasingly distant. It was a fading sensation in her opinion. She sat up, snow falling off of her cold body, to find that Emma was still next to her. In fact, she had awoken before Ashabel. It seemed that two more had perished during the night. Ashabel eyed the others suspiciously. In truth, she had no idea who was committing these acts of murder.
Emma thought of the deceased girls. She didn't know them, didn't meet them personally. "Rest in peace," she said, softly.

She wasn't too find of the cold and her attire wasn't well suited to it. "Ashabel," she said to her partner, "I suggest we head to
Wandering Oaken's Trading Post and Sauna."

"Perhaps we could find some warmer clothing, and if time permits, enjoy some time at the sauna?"

@Arlathina @everyoneelse @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"That sounds like a splendid idea, darling. Why don't you lead the way?" Ashabel said.

@Mari @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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