Murder Game V: The Reapers' Game

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@Verite @The Pimp Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @york @TheColourlessRainbow

The man on the throne stands up as the others approach, waving a hand in their direction while looking rather annoyed.


"Um, and just who the do all of you think you are? I didn't give any of you permission to come down into my well. I was hoping that the lot of you were joking about coming down here. I recommend that you all leave or there could be consequences," he says wiggling a finger at them.

In reply to Ciel he says, "Yes, that would be me." He smoothly bows in front of the players. "Rumpelstiltskin at your service. I am quite well known for my... "exchanges," he said with a smirk.​
@Verite @The Pimp Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @york @TheColourlessRainbow

The man on the throne stands up as the others approach, waving a hand in their direction while looking rather annoyed.


"Um, and just who the do all of you think you are? I didn't give any of you permission to come down into my well. I was hoping that the lot of you were joking about coming down here. I recommend that you all leave or there could be consequences," he says wiggling a finger at them.

In reply to Ciel he says, "Yes, that would be me." He smoothly bows in front of the players. "Rumpelstiltskin at your service. I am quite well known for my... "exchanges," he said with a smirk.​
Crono refused to leave, in fact, a stubborn look formed on his face as he crossed his arms there as if to say that he wasn't going to have any of these shennanigans. All he really wanted was to recover the pins that were taken for no reason and leave, but, he had a feeling "Rumpelstiltskin" probably wouldn't do that very easily.
"Let's see, we threw pins in and expected a fair trade, as you said would be given. Instead, we were robbed by you and your little thief. I think we have every right to be down here asking questions." Minato asserted as he tapped his foot against the ground in irritation.

@Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Turning to address the lady who'd spoken to her, Chandra was pleasantly surprised to find an interesting looking woman before her, someone who looked like she handle herself, yet at the same time, was someone who'd not sacrificed the pursuit of beauty in order to attain such a state

To call her pretty would be a crime, the woman before Chandra was nothing short of entrancing, almost like Liliana Vess, someone with both power and amazing looks...

Though it was unlikely this woman was a 2,000 year old necromancer...and it was even less likely she'd slept with Jace
"What kind of Pact" she said at last, after looking the woman over a few times
Chandra wondered what color of mana she wielded...

And then she walked away...
With a huff, Chandra sat down and sulked moodily
She'd been too busy ogling the lady, that by the time she opened her mouth, she'd already vanished

Such is life
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@Verite @The Pimp Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @york @TheColourlessRainbow

The man on the throne stands up as the others approach, waving a hand in their direction while looking rather annoyed.


"Um, and just who the do all of you think you are? I didn't give any of you permission to come down into my well. I was hoping that the lot of you were joking about coming down here. I recommend that you all leave or there could be consequences," he says wiggling a finger at them.

In reply to Ciel he says, "Yes, that would be me." He smoothly bows in front of the players. "Rumpelstiltskin at your service. I am quite well known for my... "exchanges," he said with a smirk.​

"E-Excuse me!!" Yuka tried to speak up, trying to drift away from her usual shy self,"Since you were.. the one that told us about... taking our pins for a trade...and we were... given nothing...."


"Can you at least say sorry for that! Please?!" Yuka didn't really seem to be that convincing as her voice squeaked a bit at saying 'please.'

@TheColourlessRainbow @The Pimp Tactician @Verite @york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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@Verite @The Pimp Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @york @TheColourlessRainbow

The man on the throne stands up as the others approach, waving a hand in their direction while looking rather annoyed.


"Um, and just who the do all of you think you are? I didn't give any of you permission to come down into my well. I was hoping that the lot of you were joking about coming down here. I recommend that you all leave or there could be consequences," he says wiggling a finger at them.

In reply to Ciel he says, "Yes, that would be me." He smoothly bows in front of the players. "Rumpelstiltskin at your service. I am quite well known for my... "exchanges," he said with a smirk.​
Ashabel, the Dancer

The gold in the room glittered brilliantly, reflecting off of the gems encrusted in Ashabel's elegant dress. As they entered the room, Ashabel was struck by a haggard man sitting upon a throne amidst the vast amounts of treasure and riches. He stood, acknowledging them with the wave of his hand, although the expression on his face wasn't necessarily a friendly one.

"Um, and just who the do all of you think you are? I didn't give any of you permission to come down into my well. I was hoping that the lot of you were joking about coming down here. I recommend that you all leave or there could be consequences," said the strange man.

After one of the other members of the group addressed him, he announced himself to be Rumpelstiltskin. 'What a strange name,' Ashabel thought. After a moment of silence, Ashabel began, "Well, you will have to forgive us... Rumplestiltskin. We were unaware that this well belonged to anyone."​
Joker giggled. "Nope!"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Emma smirked a bit at Miyagi's statement. "Well," she replied, "partnerships haven't been so good in my past life."

She looked at the other two. "And I would hate to break up the happy couple here. Heaven forbid I create any more scandal."

She then turned back to Miyagi. "I'm sure I'll find someone soon, I just haven't gotten around to it. Shall we dance?"

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @BarrenThin @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"You wish to practice with pins? You cannot practice without partner. Pins no work without partner. Perhaps you partner with my apprentice, Daniel-san, just for a few minutes so you can practice with pins," he offered, looking at the young man beside him.


"Whaaa? Me? Why me?" he questioned, frowning.

Miyagi waved a finger in his face. "Be helpful to others. And you..." he glanced at the Joker. "Read signs from now on. You not read instructions in this reapers' game, you die," he warned.

@BarrenThin @Mari @CrunchyCHEEZIT
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"Your species is young and naive. The Komato have been studying and teaching the art of vendetta for longer than humans have existed. It is an art to us." @Nobody Important
The kick on Marcus' chest was more painful than the blow to his face, but it wasn't quite as painful as he would have expected. Still, Marcus was getting a good rage on. "If you insist", he said, as he took her in a choke hold, grabbing her by the neck.

@Thuro Pendragon @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
The woman gasped before she was grabbed around the neck, her eyes slowly bulging out of her head. "Kill me," she told him. "Use me for target practice. That's what I'm here for," she explained barely able to speak as Marcus choked her.

@Thuro Pendragon @Wedge Antilles
Booker was truly alarmed when the dummy turned into a doppel-ganger of himself.

"What the hell?" Booker roared in surprise. He could tell that the other Booker was in pain, but he was still standing.

"Uh.....sorry about that." Booker said, taking a step back.​
"Not as sorry as you're going to be!" the dopple-ganger exclaimed suddenly, picking up a small dumbbell off the floor. He charged at Booker, attempting to hit him with the dumbbell.

The dice will be rolled to determine if he dodges or not! :)

Odds = Miss
Evens = Hit​
@Verite @The Pimp Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @york @TheColourlessRainbow @Arlathina


"Oooh testy, are we?" he asked Minato with another wiggle of his finger. "Ask away. That doesn't mean I'll answer."

When Yuka spoke up the man grinned. "How adorable. You want me to say I'm sorry? Well, too bad. Why should I be sorry for the lot of you irritating me and constantly coming up to my well? After a while, it started to get on my nerves. What have any of you to be angry about anyhow? All of you who had your pins stolen without purpose have got them back now."

In reply to Ashabel he said, "Well now you know this well belongs to someone. So why don't you do me a favor and simply leave? Unless you'd like for me to make you all leave. But that would be most unpleasant," he said letting out a shrill giggle afterwards.​
Minato summoned Onikiri again, officially tired with this man's attitude, "After going through the trouble of dealing with that pesky thief of yours, you owe us. Unless you want us to leave a note for all other players that tells them the kind of lying deal-breaker you are."

"Give Yuka her apology and us our just rewards."

@Verite @Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Verite @The Pimp Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @york @TheColourlessRainbow @Arlathina


"Oooh testy, are we?" he asked Minato with another wiggle of his finger. "Ask away. That doesn't mean I'll answer."

When Yuka spoke up the man grinned. "How adorable. You want me to say I'm sorry? Well, too bad. Why should I be sorry for the lot of you irritating me and constantly coming up to my well? After a while, it started to get on my nerves. What have any of you to be angry about anyhow? All of you who had your pins stolen without purpose have got them back now."

In reply to Ashabel he said, "Well now you know this well belongs to someone. So why don't you do me a favor and simply leave? Unless you'd like for me to make you all leave. But that would be most unpleasant," he said letting out a shrill giggle afterwards.​

"Those who have lost their pins may have gotten them back, but we would like compensation for all the trouble you and your little friend put us through," she said bluntly, before listening to what he said to Ashabel.

"Make us leave? And how do you expect to do that?" She said in an almost condescending tone, as if she was just challenged and intended to accept said challenge if so.​

// argh forgot to tag

@The Pimp Tactician @york @Gummi Bunnies @Arlathina @TheColourlessRainbow @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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@Verite @The Pimp Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @york @TheColourlessRainbow @Arlathina


"Oooh testy, are we?" he asked Minato with another wiggle of his finger. "Ask away. That doesn't mean I'll answer."

When Yuka spoke up the man grinned. "How adorable. You want me to say I'm sorry? Well, too bad. Why should I be sorry for the lot of you irritating me and constantly coming up to my well? After a while, it started to get on my nerves. What have any of you to be angry about anyhow? All of you who had your pins stolen without purpose have got them back now."

In reply to Ashabel he said, "Well now you know this well belongs to someone. So why don't you do me a favor and simply leave? Unless you'd like for me to make you all leave. But that would be most unpleasant," he said letting out a shrill giggle afterwards.​
Crono was originally going to leave after he'd heard what he'd wanted, though, the way Rumpelstiltskin was acting was quickly making him change his mind, he didn't want to fight, but at the same time, he figured he'd stay here for now with the others, see how things would play out.
"You wish to practice with pins? You cannot practice without partner. Pins no work without partner. Perhaps you partner with my apprentice, Daniel-san, just for a few minutes so you can practice with pins," he offered, looking at the young man beside him.


"Whaaa? Me? Why me?" he questioned, frowning.

Miyagi waved a finger in his face. "Be helpful to others. And you..." he glanced at the Joker. "Read signs from now on. You not read instructions in this reapers' game, you die," he warned.

@BarrenThin @Mari @CrunchyCHEEZIT

"Okay," Emma replied to Miyagi's suggestion, "I shall practice with Daniel-San."

Emma prepared to use one of the pins. She picked one randomly from her set: Lightning Storm.

"So, am I supposed to just exert the lighting somehow?" she asked.

@BarrenThin @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Verite @The Pimp Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @york @TheColourlessRainbow @Arlathina


"Oooh testy, are we?" he asked Minato with another wiggle of his finger. "Ask away. That doesn't mean I'll answer."

When Yuka spoke up the man grinned. "How adorable. You want me to say I'm sorry? Well, too bad. Why should I be sorry for the lot of you irritating me and constantly coming up to my well? After a while, it started to get on my nerves. What have any of you to be angry about anyhow? All of you who had your pins stolen without purpose have got them back now."

In reply to Ashabel he said, "Well now you know this well belongs to someone. So why don't you do me a favor and simply leave? Unless you'd like for me to make you all leave. But that would be most unpleasant," he said letting out a shrill giggle afterwards.​

"...w-well... it's not right... to have our pins not be returned after... it was clear of a deal... a-and...and... we almost got hurt... when we had to deal with the meanie thief..." Yuka stuttered all over the place, and there seemed to be a certain quiver in her lips and quite watery in her eyes. It was like she felt offended that she wasn't getting a proper apology after all of that trouble...

"I-It...... it's not like we're... asking for much... j-just... make amends.... for all of us....say sorry... and we'll... leave you alone..." Yuka mumbled, clearly not wanting to have a conflict start again.

@TheColourlessRainbow @The Pimp Tactician @Verite @york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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This earned an eye roll from Silver. "Don't judge a book by it's cover," she chided. Evidently, she was fairly insightful and enjoyed using sayings that showed such. "While it is true a majority of the human race can be fairly dull, it's also true that there are many beings of said race that are both bright and noble," she replied. "Don't underestimate those who may look weak. There's always more to one than meets the eye."

Minato summoned Onikiri again, officially tired with this man's attitude, "After going through the trouble of dealing with that pesky thief of yours, you owe us. Unless you want us to leave a note for all other players that tells them the kind of lying deal-breaker you are."

"Give Yuka her apology and us our just rewards."

@Verite @Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Those who have lost their pins may have gotten them back, but we would like compensation for all the trouble you and your little friend put us through," she said bluntly, before listening to what he said to Ashabel.

"Make us leave? And how do you expect to do that?" She said in an almost condescending tone, as if she was just challenged and intended to accept said challenge if so.​

"...w-well... it's not right... to have our pins not be returned after... it was clear of a deal... a-and...and... we almost got hurt... when we had to deal with the meanie thief..." Yuka stuttered all over the place, and there seemed to be a certain quiver in her lips and quite watery in her eyes. It was like she felt offended that she wasn't getting a proper apology after all of that trouble...

"I-It...... it's not like we're... asking for much... j-just... make amends.... for all of us....say sorry... and we'll... leave you alone..." Yuka mumbled, clearly not wanting to have a conflict start again.

@TheColourlessRainbow @The Pimp Tactician @Verite @york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Verite @The Pimp Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @york @TheColourlessRainbow @Arlathina


"Give your friend an apology? Ah, ah, ah. I don't think so, dearie," Rumple said to Minato with a snicker. "And by make you leave, I mean kick you out by force. I just want to be left alone. We don't want any conflict, now do we? I won't attack if all of you don't stay. "I'm not asking much, am I, child?" he asked, looking at Yuka.​
@Verite @The Pimp Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @york @TheColourlessRainbow @Arlathina


"Give your friend an apology? Ah, ah, ah. I don't think so, dearie," Rumple said to Minato with a snicker. "And by make you leave, I mean kick you out by force. I just want to be left alone. We don't want any conflict, now do we? I won't attack if all of you don't stay. "I'm not asking much, am I, child?" he asked, looking at Yuka.​
"Do you really believe you're in a position to make requests and demands?" She questioned curtly, "Or are you implying you could force all of us out by yourself?" Ciel pressed on without flinching.

@Gummi Bunnies @Arlathina @The Pimp Tactician @york @TheColourlessRainbow
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