Murder Game V: The Reapers' Game

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Looking at the rest of their group, she was a little anxious due to the fact that there was an elevator.

"Um... should we... um... take that elevator?" Yuka blinked, sounding a bit on the edge. It was like something out of those horror movies that she would dare not to watch when she was younger.

@The Pimp Tactician @Verite @Wedge Antilles @Xibilation @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Marcus listened to Yuka's question. "Elevator sounds good to me." He wasn't sure it would actually be good, but he felt confident he could protect them. His body seemed to be stronger than he thought it should be, so it may have been contributing to his higher confidence level.

"How about you," he said, looking to Marie, in his arm, "feel okay with an elevator ride?"

@Xibilation @Verite @The Pimp Tactician @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
She shook her head. "You can not partner with me. I have my pins and I can change them whenever. We could probably trade them." She slightly leaned against him as they walked, and looked at the little girl.

"Understood", Marcus said in response to Marie. He then looked towards Yuka. "I guess we're still partners with the pins, kiddo," he said to her, "but I guess with... other things we seem be attached to different people."

He smiled. "But we're all together now."

@Gummi Bunnies @The Pimp Tactician
Round 7: The Price We Paid


For those who wanted to avoid it, they would be disappointed.

If anyone craved it, their desires were granted.


The group inside the maze of the garden found themselves shocked to discover Big Sister, whom they had believed to be their friend and ally, had another identity as Mikasa Ackerman. In a bloody rampage, this traitor ended the lives of many players. She killed Susan, Chrom, Hurly, Wander, and Guy Noir.

Shiki Tohno broke into the reapers' game and attempted to stop the battle between Mikasa, Chandra, and the others, only to watch Mikasa's inevitable death.

Mikasa was the first traitor to perish.

She wasn't the last either.

Teresa, desperate to avenge Ash and save her remaining companion Jenny, challenged Ryu Keiko. Their battle ended up being to the death; both of them died.


The players within the game weren't the only ones facing challenges either...


...Meanwhile, with the afterlife group...


The group of players who found themselves dead were tasked with locating a young man named Joshua who--according to the reapers--had broken into the world of the game and was working together with the demon who had been causing problems for their game. Minato single handedly captured Joshua and chose to deliver him to the reapers along with Marie. When they arrived back inside the room from which they had come, Konishi was there to greet them.


"Excellent work, my reaper recruits. I can hardly believe you've actually managed to do it. I suppose I underestimated your strength."

She stepped forward and took Joshua from them, shaking him hard to wake him up.

"Time to talk, intruder."


Josh grunted and opened his eyes, glaring at Konishi. "N-Ngh, you and the other reapers are fools, Konishi. I'm not the one who is assisting the demon. I'm on your side, although I don't expect you to believe it without proof. If all of you are so very desperate for proof, I guess I have no choice but to give it. I want to speak with The Conductor. He will be able to tell you that I'm not the intruder. Let me talk to John..."

Konishi blinked in surprise, wondering how he knew her name or even about The Conductor.

"Actually, I was planning on calling him. He was the one who wanted us to hunt for you in the first place."

Joshua's eyes widened. "He called you? But that can't be... he... knows about me. He knows what I'm doing. He wouldn't attack his ally; it doesn't make sense..."

The young man shot a look over to the others, almost begging for help. "Minato, Marie, please..."

Konishi shrugged. "I honestly don't believe a word you're saying right now. You're likely just making up some story in order to escape, but I'll play along; I'll tell him to come here."


"No need."

A new voice rung out in the room, a new, yet familiar voice. Although, those of the afterlife wouldn't recognize the voice. After all, they hadn't been around to catch a glimpse of The Conductor when he murdered Uzuki and Kariya earlier on.

The man stepped out in full view of the others.


"I thought I'd pop in for a surprise visit to see how you were coming along with what I asked of you, Miss Konishi. It appears you were quite successful. Before the boy fills anyone's heads with more lies, I'll ask you to hand him over to me."

"John!" Joshua hissed, glaring at the man. "What the hell are you doing!? Let me go! you know fully well I'm not the intruder who broke into this game in order to make an opening for that demon to cause so much destruction. Why would I do such a thing to my own game. You know very well who I am."

"Of course I do, boy."

John's hand suddenly morphed into a rock-hard, glowing red fist. With his first, John punched Joshua so hard in the face blood began to drip from his nose.

Joshua groaned. "If you know who I am, then why are you doing this?"

The man smirked. "Well, since my plan is coming together quite nicely I feel there really is no reason to hide what exactly is going on anymore. I'm sure everyone has been confused for quite some time. Why don't I just lay all the cards out on the table?" he said with a smirk. "You're not responsible for letting the demon invade the game." He gripped onto Joshua's chin, forcing the young man to look at him.

"I am."

He chuckled. "Don't look so surprised either. You picked me as your second in command, to be your Conductor, but I only ever accepted for one reason. I need your power. Every reaper knows that the true creator of the game, The Composer--you--will lose his power to the person who kills him. But you've been impossible to kill in the past. I've even looked into other multiverses were people like Neku Sakuraba have attempted to kill you and have failed. However, after a long time of searching I've finally found a way. There is a demon out there... an arch demon named Akibahara who intends to rule the multiverse. I told him that I want the power of The Composer for myself, so he promised to help me get it in exchange for me helping him when I obtained the power. The Composer has the power to raise the dead. So, as pay for his help, I will raise an army of the dead to fight on his side."

"I allowed the demon into this game so he could search for your weakness, Joshua. I knew it would take some time though, and I didn't want anyone to find out what I was up to while this demon was searching or his search could've been halted. So I recruited a few players from the reapers' game to help me distract the players and reapers by slowly killing off their allies. It's a shame that Ryu Keiko and Mikasa Ackerman have been discovered, however, there are still two more traitors who have yet to be discovered and are still helping me. But anyhow, enough time has passed. Akibahara has told me the secret of how to kill you and I intend to do it, Composer," he said, gripping Joshua by the throat.

Joshua glared daggers at the man. "The other players will try to stop you. You're ruining their reapers' game and I doubt they'll take kindly to it."

John chuckled again. "They can try if they would like, but I'm far too powerful to stop now. Akibahara has granted me more power in order to accomplish this task. All of you are doomed."

Joshua struggled in attempt to pull away from the man. "What do you even need power like that for? Where you came from as a human, you were The Beast, the most powerful being in the world."

John grumbled. "And yet I was still killed by that fool, Cole Macgrath. All I wanted was for the world to be full of conduits--superhumans--and for the average humans to die. But Cole killed me instead of embracing what could have been. With your powers, I shall raise all of the dead superhumans Cole caused to die along with me. Together, we will create a new era where the living will bow before the dead! Now, witness my power!"

John lifted a hand, creating a black hole in the ceiling above the group. Before anyone could move or say anything else, John grabbed Joshua and jumped through the black hole. As for the others, the hole began to swallow them all..

...Meanwhile, with reaper's game group...

The group was quiet, trying to cope with the mindf*ck troubles they had faced earlier.

Asha and Crono moved forward to examine the body of Mikasa, finding a red pin--the mark of a traitor--on her body along with a note.


The note reads:

My name is John White. I am what is called The Conductor, or second in command, of the Reapers' Game. The first in charge is known as The Composer. He is the most powerful reaper in existence and is the one with the power to bring others back to life. But we'll get back to him later. As I'm sure you all know, you've been chosen to take part in this game. However, before the game starts, I have gathered you all here together because each and every one of you has agreed to work undercover for me, slowly gaining the trust of the other players and killing them off. I intend to corrupt this game--with the help of a demon friend of mine--while the traitors distract the other reapers and players. Nobody else will know what is going on. And my reason for corrupting the game is this: to weaken and kill the Composer. The one who kills the composer gains his powers. With his powers, I will bring all of you back to life as thanks for helping me with no strings attached. I won't be like this pompous man who thinks you must be judged by playing some game in order to come back to life. I'll revive you for helping me. And I'll give you anything else you could desire in return for helping me as well. It's time we of the afterlife took more power for ourselves

After reading the note, the players glanced down at the palms of their hands.

Thirty seconds remained on their clocks until they were to be erased...

Their battle with Mikasa had cost them all of their time.

The end had come.

If any of the players were had friends or people they cared about, they hugged them and waited, watching their clocks count down toward zero...


The players were surprised.

Each and every one of their clocks were stopped as if something had paused the reapers' game altogether. Looking up, they could then see that a strange, black hole had appeared in the sky. Before they could question it, the hole began to suck everyone inside of it like a vacuum cleaner drawing in dirt.

The group blacked out.


When they awoke, they found themselves in a giant, rundown city they didn't recognize at all. They appeared right next to a big Hospital building. Even those who had previously been in the afterlife (Minato, Marie, Pyrrha, Jodie, Elizabeth, and The Joker) were bag with the players.

A sense of dread filled the group.

John was responsible for bringing them to this place. It had nothing to do with the reapers.

Tomorrow, the new afterlife group and the city will be updated! For now, please feel free to interact with each other and enter the hospital!


@BarrenThin as the Joker (DC Comics)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as William "Maxwell" Carter (Don't Starve)

@Verite as Ciel (Type-Moon)
@Jeremi as Thanos (Marvel Comics)
@The Pimp Tactician as Minato Arisato (Persona 3)
@Mari as Emma Frost (X-Men, Marvel Comics)
@Dat Pussy Cat as Silver Sablinova (Marvel Comics) and Teresa Agnes (The Maze Runner Series)
@Krieg as Big Sister (Bioshock Trilogy)
@Xibilation as Marie (The Aristocrats)

@Jenny as Jenny (Doctor Who) and Kanye West
@Yiyel as Assassin Asha (Iji)
@The Gil as Lorne Malvo (Fargo)
@york as Crono (Crono Trigger)
@DapperDogman as Chandra Nalaar (Magic The Gathering)
@Gummi Bunnies as Yuka Mochida (Corpse Party: Blood Covered)
@Josh M as Chrom (Fire Emblem)
@Salsacookies as Wander (Shadow of the Colossus)
@Caramon Zero as Gajeel Redfox (Fairy Tale)
@Atomyk as Susan Ashworth (The Cat Lady)

@Ziogen as Aesir (Valkyrie Profile)
@Batman as Batman (Batman Arc)
@Wedge Antilles as Marcus Wright (Terminator: Salvation)
@Raven as Rocket (Sucker Punch)
@MrDubWubs as Kamina (Gurren Lagaan)
@El Presidente as Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect Series)
@Arlathina as Ashabel eh'l Nahime
@Arnold Solomon as Jorik Goringtove
@sierra as Ryou and Bakura (Yugioh duel monsters)
@Crazy 8 Nate as Booker DeWitt (Bioshock Infinite)
@Levy McGarden as Levy McGarden (Fairy Tale) and Eevee (Pokemon)
@TheColourlessRainbow as Elizabeth (Bioshock Infinite) and Jodie Holmes (Beyond Two Souls)
@froggy as P.E.T.E

@Xx420BLAZEITxX as Claptrap (Borderlands)
@Ryu Keiko as Ryu Keiko
@SirDerpingtonIV as Pyrrha Nikos (RWBY)
@Ozzie Chanter as Gabriel (Supernatural) and Ashley "Ash" J. Williams (Evil Dead Trilogy)
@Celeste as Celestia 'Celeste' Ludenberg (Dangan Ronpa)
@Thuro Pendragon as Hurley (Lost)
@Iowan Corn as Guy Noir (A Prairie Home Companion)

@ResistingTheEnlightened as Commissioner Franklin Fitzgerald Reagan (Blue Bloods)


William Maxwell Carter - INNOCENT! KILLED BY NOISE!
'Big Sister' Mikasa Ackerman - GUILTY! KILLED BY THE PLAYERS!
@Everyone entering the hospital

John White's voice could be heard:

They came into the hospital and I didn't even have to invite them. Wonderful...


The group entered the hospital only to find a very dimly lit hallway. As they explored the hospital, they found it to be empty save for an elevator.

There are five floors of this hospital, players. The elevator will slowly go up, stopping on each floor one by one until you arrive at the top. When you arrive at the top, we'll talk.

The little noise wolf pup walked along slowly, sadly keeping his head down. He trailed behind the players, frightened to approach anyone.

Captain Jack Sparrow walked along with the others, still holding the little girl who was finally starting to wake up.


"Wh-Where are we?" she asked, looking around.

She gasped, however, spotting Rocket with them.

"C-Can it be!? I thought she was--"





@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Yiyel

Crono stepped inside the hospital with his partner, though he was a little worried at Asha's notions of killing anyone who seemed like a threat to him, that may become a problem later on... He just hoped that wouldn't be the case anytime soon. He started looking around, taking note of a strange pirate-esque looking man carrying a hyperactive little girl, she shouted a familiar name of someone he wasn't quite sure he had actually met yet. Though soon enough, his eyes fell on the Noise Wolf Puppy. He tilted his head a little, getting slighly closer to it, trying to figure out what it was doing here of all places, and why it didn't seem so hostile, at least at the moment anyways.​
He didn't look fine at all. Seeing the death of one infront of his eyes somewhat reminded him of Joe. Frank was still in his service uniform, as he thought up to himself. "Shit... Uniforms gonna be tattered when I get home." And he began to realize: home wasn't as close as he thought. He stood up slowly from the floor, looking at the service cap which laid next to him as he picked it up and spotted a small red circle. "Blood..." he spoke out to no one, holding the cap as he walked out and looked around the group, going to the elevator as he kept his service cap on, leaving the mark of blood to signify he wasn't going down. "Marcus... Right? Maybe we should team up... It'd be a better idea not to be alone."

@Wedge Antilles
@Anyone who wants to interact

Marcus looked back at the Commissioner. "You could tag along," he said to Reagan. "But it seems I've got more partners than a guy like me deserves", looking at Marie in his arm and Yuka walking nearby.

@Gummi Bunnies @Xibilation @Verite @The Pimp Tactician
"Wish you the best of luck, then. Ciel-senpai's usually easier to get along with, but if what I've been told is correct... Well, she doesn't remember me just yet, but she'll come around," Shiki said, "But she seems to have warmed up to you, fortunately."

@The Pimp Tactician
"Well Marcus, it's best to have a group than only one. It'd be a waste of manpower to have two people working together than just a group." He looked st Marcus and extended his hand. Rathermore, he was offering to partner up with the small group of people. "All of us could keep each other and others that pose no harm, safe." He looked at Marie, Yuka, Ciel, and Marcus. "How about it?"

@Wedge Antilles
@Gummi Bunnies
"Wish you the best of luck, then. Ciel-senpai's usually easier to get along with, but if what I've been told is correct... Well, she doesn't remember me just yet, but she'll come around," Shiki said, "But she seems to have warmed up to you, fortunately."

@The Pimp Tactician
"She has, though I think she's about to hang me by my feet from a bridge and leave me out to dry. Apparently the comparisons about me being an angel irritate her," Minato explained as he kept an eye on the pup.

"Well Marcus, it's best to have a group than only one. It'd be a waste of manpower to have two people working together than just a group." He looked st Marcus and extended his hand. Rathermore, he was offering to partner up with the small group of people. "All of us could keep each other and others that pose no harm, safe." He looked at Marie, Yuka, Ciel, and Marcus. "How about it?"

@Wedge Antilles
@Gummi Bunnies

"I'd be glad to have a cop with us", Marcus said. He couldn't answer for the rest of the group though.
"Pyrrha?" she asks as she stares in disbelief, not even considering that it was a ruse or a trick, she flung her arms around the huntress, clinging to her as tears of her own welled up in her eyes, then she remembered what she'd said, and what Pyrrha had asked, still hiding her face in her chest, mumbling shyly "Yeah...Of course I think you're beautiful"
She continues to hide her face in her chest, trying to hide her blush from her lover

"Jeez, I'm not that heartless, Minato-kun. That wounds me," Ciel said, going along with the joke, causing Shiki to raise an eyebrow.

"I guess she's learning, again. I'm going to assume she wasn't like this before?" He asked.

"Quiet, you."

To be perfectly frank, Ciel was indeed regaining her former self at a much more rapid pace now that Shiki, the very existence she erased from her mind, was present, contradicting the forces that be. Or something less dramatic.

@The Pimp Tactician
"Pyrrha?" she asks as she stares in disbelief, not even considering that it was a ruse or a trick, she flung her arms around the huntress, clinging to her as tears of her own welled up in her eyes, then she remembered what she'd said, and what Pyrrha had asked, still hiding her face in her chest, mumbling shyly "Yeah...Of course I think you're beautiful"
She continues to hide her face in her chest, trying to hide her blush from her lover

She laughed joyfully, holding Chandra tightly, nuzzling her face into the Pyromancer's mop of orange hair. "Not as beatiful as you," she whispered, noting that several of her tears were dripping into the girl's hair, but she didn't really care. "I missed you so much, love," she said softly, her disguise fading, the red-haired, green-eyed huntress returning. "Have you missed me?" she teased, pulling back for a moment.
"Jeez, I'm not that heartless, Minato-kun. That wounds me," Ciel said, going along with the joke, causing Shiki to raise an eyebrow.

"I guess she's learning, again. I'm going to assume she wasn't like this before?" He asked.

"Quiet, you."

To be perfectly frank, Ciel was indeed regaining her former self at a much more rapid pace now that Shiki, the very existence she erased from her mind, was present, contradicting the forces that be. Or something less dramatic.

@The Pimp Tactician
"No, she wasn't. Though it wasn't so bad with her," a small smile took root as he remembered how kind she was at times, "Besides, sometimes you have to wait a bit for good things to come to be. I now have a wonderful woman to love."

"Hey, I never... Tch. Men. Always making assumptions..." Ciel said in response to Minato's last statement, though she didn't outright reject him either.

"Well... Just make sure nothing happens to her then. That's your responsibility, right? If you lose sight of who you want to protect the most, something might happen..." Shiki simply said from personal experience.

@The Pimp Tactician
Chandra pulled back a little, holding back a choked sob of joy as she saw her lover, practically glowing in the light, a wide smile on her face as she wrapped her arms around her neck, hugging her again, tightly "More than I thought possible" she whispers as she plants a soft kiss on her cheek "Welcome back, babe" she adds, her blush growing in intensity
She was amazed to see Pyrrha again, alive. Amazed and overjoyed
She wasn't sure that the last traitors would like what happened to them
It didn't seem to be Ryu, so it was either of the other two traitors...
God help the poor soul who killed Pyrrha when Chandra found out

Minato sighed at Shiki's comment, "Don't worry, I don't want to be apart from her anymore. Being forced to one time was one time enough."

@The Afterlife

@Savvy Savant @Ryu Keiko @Krieg @Atomyk @Thuro Pendragon @Josh M @Iowan Corn @Salsacookies

John smiled. "Oh, you're actually on top of a hospital building in a city. A city on earth. You're back in the world of the living," he announced to the group.​
Susan - Life and Death

"Think of a vegetable while I'm gone."

"... Cucumber."

Yes, cucumber, that was the one she was thinking of. It floated on the edge of her consciousness, buried deep within the recesses of her mind. It felt like she was dreaming, but she knew she was dead-- it was hardly worthy of much note at this point. It was her third time dying... or was it her sixth? It didn't really matter. She was immortal. The Queen of Maggots had said so, and that knowledge had yet to be proven wrong.

Still, alive or dead, Susan realized she had lost. Still stuck between that line of being alive and dead (or was it a line between dead and more dead?), Susan could at least understand what had happened to her. Perhaps it had been her own fault for thinking it had been a mere game of survival. Yes, survival had been the most important factor, but to isolate herself from others like she had was surely a factor in her downfall. Would even Hrist care that she had perished? Certainly not, and Susan felt like kicking herself for missing such an important factor.

She had been told from the very start that partners were required. Not just for using her pins, she knew now. It was about something much more than that.

She awoke with quite the start, the rough ground of the hospital roof digging into her backside. It made her groan as she got to her feet, her legs wobbling in as they got used to being on the ground once again. The cool city air touched at her head, causing her hair to brush at her forehead. She attempted to push it aside as she stared at the man before her. Another one of these gods of death, perhaps?

"And where is this city?" she simply asked. She didn't immediately recognize her surroundings, but she got the feeling this was somewhere in America.
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~The Unknown Soldier~

When others saw darkness, Mikasa saw the light.

Clouded rays of sunlight peered weakly into darken and polluted skies, the overall atmosphere giving off an odd mixture of blue and grey, the world dull and lifeless. Just inches above where she laid in piles upon piles of rubble, embers danced frantically with the wind, and in the distance, she could hear the soft moaning, crying, and groaning of the dead. Blood seeped down her forehead, the hollowed soul battered and broken as she lifelessly looked upwards. Faintly, ever so faintly, she could see the cable-wires of a 3D-Manuever Gear, faceless men and women charging valiantly to their almost certain demise. Beginning to sit up, the soldier looked down, her body trembling in shock as a pile of rubble and concrete had smashed and caved Mikasa's legs in, the once usable limbs now mangled twigs of bone and muscle. Luckily, for her own sanity, she could not peer deep within the crowded rubble, so the sight of it didn't influence the normally stern soul to panic and profusely weep.

Feeling no pain, knowing she was in shock, Mikasa looked up at the streets of an unnamed district, her hands tightening to fists. The events beforehand rushed into her mind, knowing of her demise and the stamp of dishonor she brought as a warrior. Was this punishment for her sins? To forever lay here, hearing their pleads for mercy as she gutted, electrocuted, and incinerated them? Biting the bottom of her lip, her face tightening, tears began to emerge on the normally strong soul's face, pounding at concrete around her, the trapped woman flailing and thrashing as if she could somehow pry herself away.

These are your sins, your convictions, your burdens.


You have failed, your honor stripped, your body bare, your duty broken.


You are not a soldier

I am patriot!

You are not even fit to protect yourself

It is my duty to protect the innocent, at any costs!

And so you march, beating your drums, like a sacrificial lamb wearing a suit and badges.

I have to..I have to protect humanity...even if it means becoming a monster myself

And here you are, a soldier without orders, a warrior without weapons- a hollowed soul.


Mikasa awaken.

No words escaped her lips, no signs of emotion left her face, and nothing seemed to resemble humanity anymore. Gracefully and hastily, she arose upon the roof of the hospital, her scarf missing but her clothes largely unscathed. Reaching up to graze her hand against her left cheek, the strangely attractive yet frighteningly dangerous warrior glanced at her benefactor- the man that promised her that these cycles of death and destruction would be forever undermined. Silently walking to the edge of the roof, looking away from The Conductor, Mikasa silently but clearly whispered,

"I have availed you nothing...."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@On the Roof

Rocket caught Coco in the hug. Rocket stayed clam with her reply. "Well that's twice I thought I had truly died." She paused thinking on what to say on her thoughts when she once more realized she wasn't yet to die it seemed. "Maybe I'm still needed is all I can say. Who knows I know my sister would say it's just another step in the dance." She said now tears started to form in her eyes thinking of her sister but they soon seemed to stop. She just smiled at Coco. "So enough about me. How about you where are you headed. Have you been hurt? If I remember correctly I think I have a pin to help if so also is there anything I missed you feel I should be informed?" Rocket asked not sure how Coco would answer but she really had worried about her all this time.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Coco stepped back, rubbing her arm. "I'm just glad you're here. I was stuck with a smelly pirate most of the time..."

Captain Jack stepped forward, wrinkling his nose. "Smelly pirate my bum. I'll have you now I've saved your little life more times than you can count, mate." He glanced to Rocket and nodded. "Didn't think I'd see you with us again. Welcome back."

Coco nodded. "Well, I got hit on the head and have a boo boo on my head. It kinda hurts..."​
Teresa's eyes widened at this, and she suddenly really took in her surroundings. "...Oh. Oh." Well, that explains a LOT. Especially the fact this place looks like hell... She had to shake off the thought, looking back to the man again with a deep frown. "Why are we here? I thought we were being wiped from existence.."

"...And you wouldn't have happened to have seen a little wolf pup around here, have you? About yay big.." she held her hand to how tall the pup stood, "-black wings.. Cute little face.."

@The Afterlife Crew​
Susan - Life and Death

"Think of a vegetable while I'm gone."

"... Cucumber."

Yes, cucumber, that was the one she was thinking of. It floated on the edge of her consciousness, buried deep within the recesses of her mind. It felt like she was dreaming, but she knew she was dead-- it was hardly worthy of much note at this point. It was her third time dying... or was it her sixth? It didn't really matter. She was immortal. The Queen of Maggots had said so, and that knowledge had yet to be proven wrong.

Still, alive or dead, Susan realized she had lost. Still stuck between that line of being alive and dead (or was it a line between dead and more dead?), Susan could at least understand what had happened to her. Perhaps it had been her own fault for thinking it had been a mere game of survival. Yes, survival had been the most important factor, but to isolate herself from others like she had was surely a factor in her downfall. Would even Hrist care that she had perished? Certainly not, and Susan felt like kicking herself for missing such an important factor.

She had been told from the very start that partners were required. Not just for using her pins, she knew now. It was about something much more than that.

She awoke with quite the start, the rough ground of the hospital roof digging into her backside. It made her groan as she got to her feet, her legs wobbling in as they got used to being on the ground once again. The cool city air touched at her head, causing her hair to brush at her forehead. She attempted to push it aside as she stared at the man before her. Another one of these gods of death, perhaps?

"And where is this city?" she simply asked. She didn't immediately recognize her surroundings, but she got the feeling this was somewhere in America.
~The Unknown Soldier~

When others saw darkness, Mikasa saw the light.

Clouded rays of sunlight peered weakly into darken and polluted skies, the overall atmosphere giving off an odd mixture of blue and grey, the world dull and lifeless. Just inches above where she laid in piles upon piles of rubble, embers danced frantically with the wind, and in the distance, she could hear the soft moaning, crying, and groaning of the dead. Blood seeped down her forehead, the hollowed soul battered and broken as she lifelessly looked upwards. Faintly, ever so faintly, she could see the cable-wires of a 3D-Manuever Gear, faceless men and women charging valiantly to their almost certain demise. Beginning to sit up, the soldier looked down, her body trembling in shock as a pile of rubble and concrete had smashed and caved Mikasa's legs in, the once usable limbs now mangled twigs of bone and muscle. Luckily, for her own sanity, she could not peer deep within the crowded rubble, so the sight of it didn't influence the normally stern soul to panic and profusely weep.

Feeling no pain, knowing she was in shock, Mikasa looked up at the streets of an unnamed district, her hands tightening to fists. The events beforehand rushed into her mind, knowing of her demise and the stamp of dishonor she brought as a warrior. Was this punishment for her sins? To forever lay here, hearing their pleads for mercy as she gutted, electrocuted, and incinerated them? Biting the bottom of her lip, her face tightening, tears began to emerge on the normally strong soul's face, pounding at concrete around her, the trapped woman flailing and thrashing as if she could somehow pry herself away.

These are your sins, your convictions, your burdens.


You have failed, your honor stripped, your body bare, your duty broken.


You are not a soldier

I am patriot!

You are not even fit to protect yourself

It is my duty to protect the innocent, at any costs!

And so you march, beating your drums, like a sacrificial lamb wearing a suit and badges.

I have to..I have to protect humanity...even if it means becoming a monster myself

And here you are, a soldier without orders, a warrior without weapons- a hollowed soul.


Mikasa awaken.

No words escaped her lips, no signs of emotion left her face, and nothing seemed to resemble humanity anymore. Gracefully and hastily, she arose upon the roof of the hospital, her scarf missing but her clothes largely unscathed. Reaching up to graze her hand against her left cheek, the strangely attractive yet frighteningly dangerous warrior glanced at her benefactor- the man that promised her that these cycles of death and destruction would be forever undermined. Silently walking to the edge of the roof, looking away from The Conductor, Mikasa silently but clearly whispered,

"I have availed you nothing...."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@On the Roof

@Anyone I tagged in the afterlife group

"You're all here because I revived you with a little bit of my power. I don't have as much power because I haven't obtained it all yet, but I did have enough to reconstruct your souls. As for the other question, we are in Empire City of the United States of America. Yes, this city was destroyed, but I have revived it to it's decaying state. Soon, I will return it to its former glory and it will be better than it's ever been. I brought all of you back to witness this," John explained.
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