Murder Game IV: Monokuma Rising

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"Probably not! Though, who can say for sure? As for me repeating myself, well--

All bears have their ups and downs!"

Monokuma shrugs, before giving Edward a quizzical look. "... Well then, do we like that idea? Are we in agreement that we are all in some kind of virtual reality simulation? Final answer, guys!"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Gummi Bunnies
@The Pimp Tactician
Ruby seemed to have come to a conclusion eventually and nodded "I think that's what it is!" she declared "I hope I'm right though..." she thought to herself, she'd rather not think about the horrific consequences that might ensue if she was wrong about this.
"Good question, love. For now though, I will have to go with yes as it would fit as the catastrophe in my theory. However, Monokuma's creator could have made them along with the bear."
"Monokuma, something happened to our worlds, right? Something truly catastrophic... And we were put in some kind of prolonged cryostatis, connected to a machine so we could live false lives in here. Am I right on track?" Robin questioned.

"You're getting a bit into the 'Why' there! But that's okay, because, yes--

We're all inside a virtual reality simulation!

But now here comes the harder question-- Why are you here? I can't yet confirm if those videos were real, but who knows?"​

"You're getting a bit into the 'Why' there! But that's okay, because, yes--

We're all inside a virtual reality simulation!

But now here comes the harder question-- Why are you here?"​
"Let's see, I recall you saying that you brought us here to keep us safe from whatever disaster was occurring outside the place you called safe, which at the time was the school building...correct?" Erika seemed to be trying at this from all angles. It was much more complicated than solving a closed room murder mystery, but it was interesting either way.

"Since I'm already in the why, let me continue. The reason why we are here is because we escaped the catastrophes in our world. Realizing we didn't have time to outlast the disasters, we found a way to preserve ourselves in a virtual reality until the trouble ended. However, your creator then took control of the program and began this game of theirs, Monokuma."

"You're getting a bit into the 'Why' there! But that's okay, because, yes--

We're all inside a virtual reality simulation!

But now here comes the harder question-- Why are you here? I can't yet confirm if those videos were real, but who knows?"​
Ruby frowned "If the creator's anything like James Ironwood, this is all a "test-drive" of this new product?" she suggested, this was her first guess, not a really good one, but at least she had a guess.
This whole time, Ed was just frowning in deep thought. His time lord mind was going over everything he could remember while he was here, but he knew that he would need more than that. He took River's device out of his ear, opened it up, made a few adjustments, placed it back in and turned it on again. Like he had hoped, Ed's memories were now partially mixing up with The Doctor's so that he could remember both his experiences and Edward's.

"... Of course... Yes, yes, yes! I've got it! It's so simple, so obvious! It's been right in front of our eyes this entire time!" It didn't take him too long to figure out, but there was absolutely no other explanation. What he had in mind right now was the answer to all of Monokuma's questions, and if he told the bear that answer, everyone would be free to go.

"Oh you are in for a surprise, you big old bear, because I have found it! The truth, the reason we're all here, the big, dark, mysterious secret surrounding us, clouding our minds, keeping everything hidden from us!"

This was it. At this moment, everyone's suffering in this place would end.

A small grin grew on his face as he walked up to Monokuma.

Then, he just stared at the bear for a while... and passed out.

His body just fell to the ground.


@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Joellie @Atomyk

River raised an eyebrow when Edward stepped forward. Oh? What was this? Was Edward's Doctor infested mind actually going to help them come up with something important for them to use in the trial? Had he done it!? Had he figured out the greatest truth of truths!

Nope. :)

At least, if he had, there wasn't time for him to share it.

"Edward!" River shouted, dashing to where he had fallen. She cursed and quickly dropped to the floor next to him, lifting his head up to set it down on her lap. River fawned over him for a moment, quite worried. She smoothed his hair back and began to tamper with the device she was using to keep his mind in check. Maybe it was about time to replace the battery on that bloody thing...

"B-Better hurry up and figure out this thing quickly. I don't know how much time he's got," River explained about Edward.

After tending to Ed for a moment, she looked back up at Monokuma who admitted this was a virtual simulation. Oh-ho!

"Oh, I've got another bloody brilliant idea as to the extent of this simulation. Perhaps we're all fictional characters from various shows on the telly, from video games, comics, and or other sources. And perhaps we're all being controlled by different people sitting at their computers all across the world. They type out everything we say on their screens and roleplay all our actions in a fake game set up on a website called"

"I'm a stupid monkey head."

"See? I never would have said something like that unless someone with a screen name known as Klutzy Ninja Kitty hadn't made me."

River shut her mouth after saying all of that. It was almost 1am in the morning where Klutzy Ninja Kitty lived, and she was probably making her character say stupid stuff now. :)

"Why?" He ponders, he'd said it was some kind of game...but what kind of game needed...

"You said this was a game..." he says to the bear "A murder game"

"We're here to be the characters...we had traitors...innocents, a murderer" he mimes to the people in question and smiles "Heck, you have romance and rivalry, a thick plot and plenty of lore to go along with it...heck...I even served as a plot twist..." he says with a smile "We're in an actual game, We're the player characters!"
"Let's see, I recall you saying that you brought us here to keep us safe from whatever disaster was occurring outside the place you called safe, which at the time was the school building...correct?" Erika seemed to be trying at this from all angles. It was much more complicated than solving a closed room murder mystery, but it was interesting either way.

"I did say that, and it was true in terms of that location. But, you guys have been yelling at me for ages about it, why would I pit you against three traitors if that was the case?"

Regarding Robin's theory, Monokuma shrugs. "Let's say that's true, that there was a disaster outside-- It still doesn't explain why I would put you into any sort of game."

@The Pimp Tactician
@Gummi Bunnies
"...So you're saying mine and Erika's feelings are false, Pretty? That we were put together because two overlords made us? It's official, you're a maniac."

@Joellie @Atomyk

River raised an eyebrow when Edward stepped forward. Oh? What was this? Was Edward's Doctor infested mind actually going to help them come up with something important for them to use in the trial? Had he done it!? Had he figured out the greatest truth of truths!

Nope. :)

At least, if he had, there wasn't time for him to share it.

"Edward!" River shouted, dashing to where he had fallen. She cursed and quickly dropped to the floor next to him, lifting his head up to set it down on her lap. River fawned over him for a moment, quite worried. She smoothed his hair back and began to tamper with the device she was using to keep his mind in check. Maybe it was about time to replace the battery on that bloody thing...

"B-Better hurry up and figure out this thing quickly. I don't know how much time he's got," River explained about Edward.

After tending to Ed for a moment, she looked back up at Monokuma who admitted this was a virtual simulation. Oh-ho!

"Oh, I've got another bloody brilliant idea as to the extent of this simulation. Perhaps we're all fictional characters from various shows on the telly, from video games, comics, and or other sources. And perhaps we're all being controlled by different people sitting at their computers all across the world. They type out everything we say on their screens and roleplay all our actions in a fake game set up on a website called"

"I'm a stupid monkey head."

"See? I never would have said something like that unless someone with a screen name known as Klutzy Ninja Kitty hadn't made me."

River shut her mouth after saying all of that. It was almost 1am in the morning where Klutzy Ninja Kitty lived, and she was probably making her character say stupid stuff now. :)


"Why?" He ponders, he'd said it was some kind of game...but what kind of game needed...

"You said this was a game..." he says to the bear "A murder game"

"We're here to be the characters...we had traitors...innocents, a murderer" he mimes to the people in question and smiles "Heck, you have romance and rivalry, a thick plot and plenty of lore to go along with it...heck...I even served as a plot twist..." he says with a smile "We're in an actual game, We're the player characters!"

"You guys seem to like the idea of being fictional characters! Whether or not we all exist as some text on a screen, that doesn't provide me the why that I'm looking for! Thinking in terms of a so-called fictional plot, what would be the in-story reasoning for my actions?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

All joking aside, River finally added: "I'm going to go back to my original question: Does this have anything to do with a demon called Akibahara?"
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"It's entirely possible" he replies with shrug "But who's to say you don't match up well even without these...player's interference?" he offers with a smile

Looking to the bear he smirks "We're here for the same reason every Player Character exists, we're here for the enjoyment of those controlling us!"
"Monokuma, are you or your master really the one who placed us in the machines?"


All joking aside, River finally added: "I'm going to go back to my original question: Does this have anything to do with a demon called Akibahara?"

"You're getting to the 'Who' now! But I suppose the 'Who' and 'Why' are related."

He pauses, nodding. "Okay then, I will answer both questions. No, Tact. Yes, Song."

@The Pimp Tactician
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"It's entirely possible" he replies with shrug "But who's to say you don't match up well even without these...player's interference?" he offers with a smile

Looking to the bear he smirks "We're here for the same reason every Player Character exists, we're here for the enjoyment of those controlling us!"

"Calm the meta, Boy! That is still not a sufficient in-story reason!"

  • Bucket of Rainbows
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"The idea of my movements and thoughts being controlled and dictated by some teenager typing furiously on his laptop greatly unsettles me," Kotomine uttered, crossing his arms with a scowl.​
"A simulation program had to be made by somebody... and that somebody would be highly the one to know if his or her invention were to be used to simulate this experience to all of us," Erika tried to narrow it down, talking to herself essentially. All of this thinking was quite tiring but worth it.

"If Monokuma or his creator aren't responsible for it, then surely the people that worked on this program would have some responsibility for it," Erika continued, crossing her arms as she tries to piece this all together. the name 'Akibahara' seemed to be thrown around a lot... was this one person involved with the creation of said virtual reality machine?
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