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Murder Game IV: Monokuma Rising

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(Oops, sorry)

"So, can I just call you Lilia?" He asked the woman, confused at her previous statement. A mercenary traveler, He thought groggily, attempting to stand. He used the wall behind him as support, but that didn't help the fact that the room appeared to be spinning. Dizziness washed over him like a wave crashing down onto the sand below, causing him a moment of unsteadiness. But he shook that off as he stood on flat feet, not reaching the height of the woman ahead of him. He happened to bit short for his human age of eighteen, but that didn't mean anything to him at all; he had no care for how he looked. But now that he thought about it... what was he wearing? Urushihara looked down at his clothing and a surprised look crossed his face. This is defiantly not what he slept in last night, nor what he planned on wearing the next day.
"Hmm...yes I suppose you can, if you wish."

Lilia took another look at him, he seemed just as confused as she was right now, although, he was being more open about it. She decided to question him as well, seeing if she culd ascertain what their current position was.

"How about you? What's your name? As well as that...are we the only awake ones in here?"
"My dear door, is this some kind of currency?" she whispered. "Or is this your key?"

Bayonetta then turned back to the group.

"Doctor Song," she asked, showing the coin, "you're an archaeologist, what do you make of this?"
"It was far from a simple coin, the woman would soon learn. Fate had brought it to her." The door is practically beaming. "It may bring you something you desire."

It was certainly being vague. Whether or not this was a key was still unknown.
"One of the Suckage pair had lost his way. It seemed he didn't even know who he was, for he was asking a door about himself. Such a tragedy it was to see."

You can't tell if the door is being serious or not. It's just a door after all.
"What the fuck does that mean, man?!"

The Engineer grumbled at 'The Door,' walking toward the bed and... fuck it, flopped on the covers, "That's it. I'm done playing. See ya, guys!" In 'real life,' the Engineer's player clicked the 'esc' button on his PC. Nothing. Huh? How about 'Ctrl' 'Alt' 'Del'? Nada. It's as if the Murder Game forced him to play it, "What the hell?" His finger pressed the 'power' button on his PC. It refused to shut off. No, no, no... as a last-ditch attempt to recover his sanity, a loud 'bzzt!' erupted from the PC, pulling away a black power cord from a wall socket...

... It didn't turn off ...
The Engineer's player, wide-eyed, shivered evidently in his chair, and began speaking via his headphones, "W-what the fuck's going on? The PC won't fucking turn off."

Room a: River Song (@Klutzy Ninja Kitty) and Bayonetta (@Mari) awake on the bed. Sting Eucliffe, Lector (@ShadowPrime)and Elizabeth Swann-Turner (@Xibilation) awake on the floor. William Borden (@Kirah ) awakes inside the bathroom.

Elizabeth glanced around at her roommates again, eyes wide in disbelief. She didn't understand. "Obviously, you are from a different place than I. Where I'm from, doors aren't quite supposed to speak." The sarcasm leaked from her tone, eyes narrowing to accompany it. Her reached down to her belt for her flask, is it there? @Atomyk @Ziogen
Wuya finally noticed that the door would not even burn. She looked at Jack and the Noob in a slight defeated look. She sighed. "Well Jack I don't think Chase is why we are here. Why would Chase be so cruel as to have a door mock me? You on the other hand I'm sure would be for his and my entertainment." She looked back at the door in discus 'How could you mock me and stay untouched as to mock me?' She thought but did not speak aloud. Jack looked at Wuya with a defensive expression but then rolled his eyes. He then deiced to see what technology happened to be in the room that he might had missed. 'Why not make a mini Jack bot? I don't need my tools it will be easy if I find the right stuff. Maybe he could get the door open.' He then began to search the room once more to see what he missed this time.
[BCOLOR=transparent]Y A N G . X I A O . L O N G ; R O O M . D[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]-P r o l o g u e-[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]She remembered…[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Her golden locks flowing in the wind as she rode on her motorcycle. She was on her way, heading back to Beacon Academy after her trip to the dust shop[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] From Dust till Dawn[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent], which was just ways from the hunter and huntresses training school. Why she was coming from there? Well, she wanted to check out the shop simply because she wanted to scope out the area to check if there were any Whitefang members who were out to steal dust from the shopkeeper (whose name she did not know of). Turned out that everything was just as it was supposed to be. No Roman Torchwick. No Whitefang members. Nothing but the sweet, old shopkeep going about in the little shop.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]She remembered..[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It was a little late at night. She didn't really know the exact time, but if she had to say, she would probably say about three hours before midnight. As she zoomed through the somewhat empty streets of Vale, she felt and heard her scroll ringing in the pocket of her tan vest. Pulling her scroll out of her pocket only to see that the person who was calling her was Weiss.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Pressing the answer button with her thumb, she greeted her teammate with a cheery tone, [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]"Hellooo~"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Don't you 'hello' me! Do you know how late you are?! You're way past curfew to be out this late!"[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] an apparent angry Schnee yelled into her phone.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Calm down Ice Queen, I'm just a few blocks from Beacon. No need to get your knickers in a twist,"[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] the teenager replied with a roll of her lavender eyes.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Knowing all too well that it wasn't good for her to continue talking while riding her motorcycle, she told Weiss that she had to 'motor', ended the call and shoved the communication device back into her vest.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]She remembered.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The female looked back up towards the street and that's when it happened.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]A car was speeding towards her, out of control. Just as she was about to get hit, she swerved out of the vehicle's path using her weight.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Then. . . [/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]She crashed into the wall of a nearby building.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]All she remembered was blood... lots of it.[/BCOLOR]


Then, she jolted up in bed with a shriek.

@Everyone in the same room. Can't tag, sorry.
Room C

You manage to solve EIGHT numbers before they start fading in and out!
It seems the ninja door is having second thoughts!

Do you continue the door as it screams silently in immeasurable pain unknownst to non-door mortals?

Bayonetta took the coin and looked closely at it.


"My dear door, is this some kind of currency?" she whispered. "Or is this your key?"

Bayonetta then turned back to the group.

"Doctor Song," she asked, showing the coin, "you're an archaeologist, what do you make of this?"
Room a: River Song (@Klutzy Ninja Kitty) and Bayonetta (@Mari) awake on the bed. Sting Eucliffe, Lector (@ShadowPrime)and Elizabeth Swann-Turner (@Xibilation) awake on the floor. William Borden (@Kirah ) awakes inside the bathroom.

Moving away from the drawer when Bayonetta obtained a coin from the door, River walked over to examine the coin. She touched it, squinting her eyes as if trying to better focus on it.

"It is some kind of currency. Of that I can be certain. But of how much it's worth and what it might be used for I'm not certain. I've never seen anything like it at all. Quite odd..."
"What the fuck does that mean, man?!"

The Engineer grumbled at 'The Door,' walking toward the bed and... fuck it, flopped on the covers, "That's it. I'm done playing. See ya, guys!" In 'real life,' the Engineer's player clicked the 'esc' button on his PC. Nothing. Huh? How about 'Ctrl' 'Alt' 'Del'? Nada. It's as if the Murder Game forced him to play it, "What the hell?" His finger pressed the 'power' button on his PC. It refused to shut off. No, no, no... as a last-ditch attempt to recover his sanity, a loud 'bzzt!' erupted from the PC, pulling away a black power cord from a wall socket...

... It didn't turn off ...
The Engineer's player, wide-eyed, shivered evidently in his chair, and began speaking via his headphones, "W-what the fuck's going on? The PC won't fucking turn off."​
The door doesn't answer your frustration. "The man learned that leaving wouldn't be possible. Not for any of the students. This isn't the game Suckage thought he had been playing, not one bit." The lights in your room flicker.

Elizabeth glanced around at her roommates again, eyes wide in disbelief. She didn't understand. "Obviously, you are from a different place than I. Where I'm from, doors aren't quite supposed to speak." The sarcasm leaked from her tone, eyes narrowing to accompany it. Her reached down to her belt for her flask, is it there?
Luckily for you, yes! You'll find that it is empty, however.
"Hmm...yes I suppose you can, if you wish."

Lilia took another look at him, he seemed just as confused as she was right now, although, he was being more open about it. She decided to question him as well, seeing if she culd ascertain what their current position was.

"How about you? What's your name? As well as that...are we the only awake ones in here?"
"Lucifer, but humans know me as Hanzo Urushihara," He felt no need to conceal identity around the woman, and he was way too groggy to even attempt it. "And as for the second one, I don't exactly know if we're the only two; I've been pretty out of it, so I can't say for sure if anyone's awake," He stated tiredly, pushing his hand against the wall. He was defiantly out of it, but he just brushed it off as one of those things that Ashiya would have. What were they called again? Sicknesses? He studied her blurred appearance, and wondered why his vision hadn't cleared up yet. Was it mental?
The door doesn't answer your frustration. "The man learned that leaving wouldn't be possible. Not for any of the students. This isn't the game Suckage thought he had been playing, not one bit." The lights in your room flicker.

Luckily for you, yes! You'll find that it is empty, however.
Elizabeth picked it up, opened it, and tilted it in anticipation of the sharp liquid that would pour down her throat....

Nope. Nada. Zip. No. There wasn't any rum in her flask, despite her regularly keeping it stocked.

Elizabeth was slightly pissed at this discovery.
Room a: River Song (@Klutzy Ninja Kitty) and Bayonetta (@Mari) awake on the bed. Sting Eucliffe, Lector (@ShadowPrime)and Elizabeth Swann-Turner (@Xibilation) awake on the floor. William Borden (@Kirah ) awakes inside the bathroom.

Moving away from the drawer when Bayonetta obtained a coin from the door, River walked over to examine the coin. She touched it, squinting her eyes as if trying to better focus on it.

"It is some kind of currency. Of that I can be certain. But of how much it's worth and what it might be used for I'm not certain. I've never seen anything like it at all. Quite odd..."
Room a: River Song (@Klutzy Ninja Kitty) and Bayonetta (@Mari) awake on the bed. Sting Eucliffe, Lector (@ShadowPrime)and Elizabeth Swann-Turner (@Xibilation) awake on the floor. William Borden (@Kirah ) awakes inside the bathroom.

"Thank you dear" Bayonetta said to Doctor Song.

She remembered the door's remarks just moments ago.

"It told me the coin would grant a wish, or something similar," she said to the entire group.


"I'm inclined to save it, but would it be worthwhile to use it, say, on getting past the door?"
Elizabeth picked it up, opened it, and tilted it in anticipation of the sharp liquid that would pour down her throat....

Nope. Nada. Zip. No. There wasn't any rum in her flask, despite her regularly keeping it stocked.

Elizabeth was slightly pissed at this discovery.
Something does pop out, surprisingly. You almost swallow it, but it lands at the edge of your mouth and bounces off on to the floor.

What is it? Well...

[BCOLOR=transparent]Y A N G . X I A O . L O N G ; R O O M . D[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]-P r o l o g u e-[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]She remembered…[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Her golden locks flowing in the wind as she rode on her motorcycle. She was on her way, heading back to Beacon Academy after her trip to the dust shop[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] From Dust till Dawn[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent], which was just ways from the hunter and huntresses training school. Why she was coming from there? Well, she wanted to check out the shop simply because she wanted to scope out the area to check if there were any Whitefang members who were out to steal dust from the shopkeeper (whose name she did not know of). Turned out that everything was just as it was supposed to be. No Roman Torchwick. No Whitefang members. Nothing but the sweet, old shopkeep going about in the little shop.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]She remembered..[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It was a little late at night. She didn't really know the exact time, but if she had to say, she would probably say about three hours before midnight. As she zoomed through the somewhat empty streets of Vale, she felt and heard her scroll ringing in the pocket of her tan vest. Pulling her scroll out of her pocket only to see that the person who was calling her was Weiss.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Pressing the answer button with her thumb, she greeted her teammate with a cheery tone, [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]"Hellooo~"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Don't you 'hello' me! Do you know how late you are?! You're way past curfew to be out this late!"[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] an apparent angry Schnee yelled into her phone.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Calm down Ice Queen, I'm just a few blocks from Beacon. No need to get your knickers in a twist,"[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] the teenager replied with a roll of her lavender eyes.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Knowing all too well that it wasn't good for her to continue talking while riding her motorcycle, she told Weiss that she had to 'motor', ended the call and shoved the communication device back into her vest.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]She remembered.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The female looked back up towards the street and that's when it happened.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]A car was speeding towards her, out of control. Just as she was about to get hit, she swerved out of the vehicle's path using her weight.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Then. . . [/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]She crashed into the wall of a nearby building.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]All she remembered was blood... lots of it.[/BCOLOR]


Then, she jolted up in bed with a shriek.

@Everyone in the same room. Can't tag, sorry.
"Hmm...yes I suppose you can, if you wish."

Lilia took another look at him, he seemed just as confused as she was right now, although, he was being more open about it. She decided to question him as well, seeing if she culd ascertain what their current position was.

"How about you? What's your name? As well as that...are we the only awake ones in here?"
Urushihara's head suddenly jerked towards the one on the bed as she jolted awake. he had thought there was someone in the bed with him, but hadn't been certain. "Well, now she's awake," He pointed at the girl on the bed, ushering Lilia's attention that way. She had been in the same bed as him, Urushihara inwardly shuddered at the thought.

@Reaper Jack
"Maybe...maybe the key isn't the door?" He pondered. "What do you think, Lector, should I try?" He asked, kneeling near his Exceed pal.

"Perhaps. You're so weak at this stage though...try to power up as high as you can before you attempt!" Lector replied, really wanting to see Dragon Slayer Sting be the hero to get everyone out.

"...Right." He grinned, standing. "White Drive." He muttered.


As the power came in and surrounded him, boosting...he went to the level beyond.


His aura propelled itself violently, white shining and wind blowing upwards, hair shooting to stand on end. Dragon Force, the pinnacle of dragon slayers. If this wasn't enough...he wouldn't be able to do it. "Here goes." He went to an unoccupied side, facing one of the walls...and fired.

Wuya finally noticed that the door would not even burn. She looked at Jack and the Noob in a slight defeated look. She sighed. "Well Jack I don't think Chase is why we are here. Why would Chase be so cruel as to have a door mock me? You on the other hand I'm sure would be for his and my entertainment." She looked back at the door in discus 'How could you mock me and stay untouched as to mock me?' She thought but did not speak aloud. Jack looked at Wuya with a defensive expression but then rolled his eyes. He then deiced to see what technology happened to be in the room that he might had missed. 'Why not make a mini Jack bot? I don't need my tools it will be easy if I find the right stuff. Maybe he could get the door open.' He then began to search the room once more to see what he missed this time.
You won't be as lucky as your Warrior friend. The only monocoin that had been lying around has already been picked up.
Room a: River Song (@Klutzy Ninja Kitty) and Bayonetta (@Mari) awake on the bed. Sting Eucliffe, Lector (@ShadowPrime)and Elizabeth Swann-Turner (@Xibilation) awake on the floor. William Borden (@Kirah ) awakes inside the bathroom.

Billy had been pacing he suddenly looked up. "A captain, an archioligist, two dragon slayers, an engineer." Billy pointed to each person in turn, himself las . Then looked at Bayonetta, "I don't know what you do. But why us? I think we need to think about this a bit bigger. Have any of you played those pixel hunt games where you're trapped in a room?" No one had, the people in the room didn't exists in world's where that kind of thing existed, except River, but of course her life hadn't exactly been one that lended to free time to play games like that. "Uh well I think this might be the same theory. Just with a door that talks. I guess." He eyes the door a bit suspicious of it. "Anyway I think there's a clue here and each clue will lead us to opening the door... maybe." Billy frowned unsure.
Room a: River Song (@Klutzy Ninja Kitty) and Bayonetta (@Mari) awake on the bed. Sting Eucliffe, Lector (@ShadowPrime)and Elizabeth Swann-Turner (@Xibilation) awake on the floor. William Borden (@Kirah ) awakes inside the bathroom.

"Well, if there's one thing I've learned from examining odd objects, it's best to return to the source for more information. And the source for this item appears to be that door. Perhaps we should ask it..." River replied, glancing behind her when she heard something fall on the floor. "It looks like that lass back there has found another one," she said, seeing the fallen item was in fact another coin.

His aura propelled itself violently, white shining and wind blowing upwards, hair shooting to stand on end. Dragon Force, the pinnacle of dragon slayers. If this wasn't enough...he wouldn't be able to do it. "Here goes." He went to an unoccupied side, facing one of the walls...and fired.
"The headmaster would be disappointed in the Guildmaster for his gross display of negligence."

The blast is magnificent, but doesn't even seem to phase the door.

"And what if he got one of his peers hurt? The poor Guildmaster was looking for a detention..."
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