Murder Game II: The Watchful Eyes

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(( Since, well, things are changing...I will be changing my character if that's alright. I already have the perfect back story for him. I mentioned this in the OOC tab. ))

@The Gil
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(*cough cough* Leona needs some love *cough cough* I know new GM and all *cough cough* but love please *cough cough whimpers*
@The Gil)
((Oh, and I'll need the traitor list. ))

((Alright, so being very new I have a question. How will switching rounds work? Do we keep the same characters, choose new ones, what's going on?))
After Deadpool's transfer to the anti magic pod he felt pain for the first time in years. The cancer came back with a vengeance, killing him quickly. As his life faded from his body he began to call for Death, "Baby I'm coming, take me now." He blacked out falling to the floor.

He appeared in a loft his body back like it used to be and he smiled seeing Death. He was finally where he wanted to be.

@The Gil
(By the way, if anyone in the anti-magic pod area wants something to do, go back a couple pages and read my post with Aqua. ^_^ )
((Alright, so being very new I have a question. How will switching rounds work? Do we keep the same characters, choose new ones, what's going on?))
(( So Choco had to leave due to RL situations as we're all aware of. By switching rounds, you keep the same characters and... well, think of it as the same storyline, just different plotlines behind each chapter. As if only one GM was running the event. Nothing really changes. ))
(She okay with an Australian stoner?)
(She is in a pit with silence of the lambs Buffalo Bill. it was a bit away so that might be hard to get to for a stoned guy. Other than that yeah sure)
//important stuff: everyone of the new characters (except for La Muerte who was doing it ever since Chocos time) will be introduced only on mid round update, unless you PM me saying what's the change so I can give it a proper intro
//important stuff: everyone of the new characters (except for La Muerte who was doing it ever since Chocos time) will be introduced only on mid round update, unless you PM me saying what's the change so I can give it a proper intro

// Ah, alright. Thanks for announcing this. I'll PM you about me changing my character.
After Deadpool's transfer to the anti magic pod he felt pain for the first time in years. The cancer came back with a vengeance, killing him quickly. As his life faded from his body he began to call for Death, "Baby I'm coming, take me now." He blacked out falling to the floor.

He appeared in a loft his body back like it used to be and he smiled seeing Death. He was finally where he wanted to be.

@The Gil
Deadpool saw an old man using a black cape near him. The man approached, with a scythe on his hands. "It's time. It has been far too long now, Wade. Far too long..". The man dropped the scythe over the chest of Deadpool, sucking his soul away. Deadpool felt his eternal life flowing out of his body.

Eric sat on his bed with a girl looking for a toke. They shared hits from an ice blue bong. The smell of smoke thick, mixing with the smell of incense in the room. Eric reached in a drawer by the bedside table pulling out a bag of something labeled 'White Widow', "My bud grows this hydro and its strong as shit." His Australian accent thick.

As he fixed the bowl in the bong he started falling. He had blacked out for a moment waking up on the cold ground of god knows where. "I hadn't even hit it yet man." All he had with him was his pistol and two bags of pot.

@The Gil
(I'll keep playing Holly. I'd like to keep my next collection of characters ambiguous until their time comes.)

(Both of 'em have something to do with this.)

[ QUOTE="La Muerte, post: 1496112, member: 10752"]

Eric sat on his bed with a girl looking for a toke. They shared hits from an ice blue bong. The smell of smoke thick, mixing with the smell of incense in the room. Eric reached in a drawer by the bedside table pulling out a bag of something labeled 'White Widow', "My bud grows this hydro and its strong as shit." His Australian accent thick.

As he fixed the bowl in the bong he started falling. He had blacked out for a moment waking up on the cold ground of god knows where. "I hadn't even hit it yet man." All he had with him was his pistol and two bags of pot.

@The Gil[/QUOTE]
A blonde man got behind Eric, sticking a syringe to the neck of the junkie. "Not exactly my type, but for today I'll take it". Buffalo Bill placed Eric over his shoulders and dropped him inside the hole where Leona was staying, freezing with the hypothermia. One of the ribs of Eric broke with the fall. He felt cold by the inches of dirty cold water floating around with them.
Killjoy was nervous at the request of the woman. Mr. Blonde eyes launched an happy look over Killjoy, who turned around to see the guard and then back at the girl. "I... I'm afraid I can't let you go. My hands are tied right now. But anyways, let's focus on what's important". Killjoy launched a ray of light towards Garland, healing the man from his wounds. He then turned back to Aoko. "Ahem, I hope you don't mind ma'am, but I have to search wounds on you as well". Killjoy leaned over the woman, whispering in her ear. "Break the projector and I will help you". He floated away again. "Yes, everything looks fine. One could even say...". Mr Blonde turned off the projector, making Killjoy disappear. "That was enough". Aoko and Garland were once again imprisoned. Mr Blonde left the room, looking for other kinds of fun. The Bad stayed, leaning against the wall and placing his hat over his sight. Be careful though, he's a soft sleeper, and wouldn't want to wake up.

Garland sighs, but is happy that he now has both ears. He looks over at Aoko, wondering what he told her. He felt great now as he is in top physical condition, just like he was before all chaos started. He looks over and gives Aoko a nice warm smile. He talks quietly.

"Any ideas?"

[ QUOTE="La Muerte, post: 1496112, member: 10752"]

Eric sat on his bed with a girl looking for a toke. They shared hits from an ice blue bong. The smell of smoke thick, mixing with the smell of incense in the room. Eric reached in a drawer by the bedside table pulling out a bag of something labeled 'White Widow', "My bud grows this hydro and its strong as shit." His Australian accent thick.

As he fixed the bowl in the bong he started falling. He had blacked out for a moment waking up on the cold ground of god knows where. "I hadn't even hit it yet man." All he had with him was his pistol and two bags of pot.

@The Gil
A blonde man got behind Eric, sticking a syringe to the neck of the junkie. "Not exactly my type, but for today I'll take it". Buffalo Bill placed Eric over his shoulders and dropped him inside the hole where Leona was staying, freezing with the hypothermia. One of the ribs of Eric broke with the fall. He felt cold by the inches of dirty cold water floating around with them.[/QUOTE]

Eric slowly came to an ebbing in his chest,he rubbed over where the rib was once intact. A bruse was starting. Eric sat up fast coughing, his chest ripped with pain from the broken rib. He doubled over for a moment, " Son of a bitch this hurts." He looked around sitting up slowly looking around seeing a girl. "Where are we?" Eric's voice soft in his question.

Garland sighs, but is happy that he now has both ears. He looks over at Aoko, wondering what he told her. He felt great now as he is in top physical condition, just like he was before all chaos started. He looks over and gives Aoko a nice warm smile. He talks quietly.

"Any ideas?"

"Sort of, yeah," Aoko whispered with a slight nod, glancing briefly at The Bad before back to Garland, "I just need to get to that projector over there... It may sound weird, but I'm sure the plan will work. Of course, by getting over to that projector, I, by extension, will need to find a way to get my limbs free, or even just my legs at the very least... but we may have to wait a little while for that to happen," she explained.

She thought about how Killjoy suggested she break the projector. Was he on their side? Why should she trust him though, assuming he was? For all she knew, he could be plotting a big ruse to give her and Garland some temporary hope before crushing it and setting the two of them into a trap for the sake of torture. But even so, she wanted to believe, since there wasn't exactly anything else to believe in at the moment.

@The Gil
(( Err, I guess I'll just post my characters I can change characters. ))

*It appears that the liquid was more than just a transformation potion...I felt sharp pains in my chest, it felt as though I was having a heart attack. Wait, it was a heart attack! I quickly clenched my chest, and stumble around in my cell. "What the hell...I never thought I would go out like this..." I fall to the ground, the pain becoming even worse. I could only release small gasps for air, before my vision began to blacken out. I job here on earth is done. Goodbye XCOM...It was a honor serving with you Commander. Goodbye...*

Bradford could be seen in his cell, slumped against the wall, on the ground...dead...

@The Gil
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