Murder Game II: The Watchful Eyes

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Katarina sighed and pulled her face away a little when Adam kissed her cheek.
The love-time was over, she didn't want to get too attached.

"It's Katarina, I told you. And I guess we're about to find out, huh."

She placed her foot on Adam's hands on got pushed up, then grabbed the ledge and pulled herself up without too much trouble.
When she was safely out of the hole, she lied down on her stomach beside it, lowering her hand for Adam to reach up.

"Hurry up now,"
Adam frowned, clearly the whole romance was over. He really was a toy. It irked him a bit, but not too much.

Looking up at Katarina, he leapt up in the air, grasping a hold of Katarina's dainty fingers, "Gotcha!" He propped himself a bit further, using his free hand to catch the ledge, sloooooowly pulling himself up back into his old cell, groaning, "Damn, I'm fucking heavy..." Whew! He rolled across the dirty concrete floor of the prison, breathing deeply, "That was... fun." And with that, he stood up, laying back on the bed, "Hey, Katarina. Can I talk to you real fast? It's really important."
Adam frowned, clearly the whole romance was over. He really was a toy. It irked him a bit, but not too much.

Looking up at Katarina, he leapt up in the air, grasping a hold of Katarina's dainty fingers, "Gotcha!" He propped himself a bit further, using his free hand to catch the ledge, sloooooowly pulling himself up back into his old cell, groaning, "Damn, I'm fucking heavy..." Whew! He rolled across the dirty concrete floor of the prison, breathing deeply, "That was... fun." And with that, he stood up, laying back on the bed, "Hey, Katarina. Can I talk to you real fast? It's really important."
After pulling Adam up, Katarina got back and sat against the wall again. He really was heavy.
Staring at the ground, she thought about what just happened. It was so wrong... but so good.
But Adam was still the same person she got extremely annoyed at so many times. And now he wanted to talk... ugh.

"Fine, what do you want...?"
"Fine, what do you want...?"
Adam crossed his arms, humph! He squinted at Katarina, back pressed against the bed, "The sex was great, but it's the last we'll ever have. I love you Katarina, but I don't think you love me. And I'm no one's toy. Sex is awesome, but love is soooooo much better. You know, if we weren't in a cell, stuck together, I'd be long gone."

He paused momentarily.

"Nevermind. You probably don't care anyway. I'll see you in the morning."
"Well, thank you for that. Good to see I've still got it," Aoko said, managing a small smile and a wink, before listening to what Garland had to say to the enemy inside the room.

"Ah... I don't think threatening your captor is a good idea. J-Just a thought," She then said with a sweatdrop, smiling and chuckling nervously at the two of them.
He struggles in his bonds, but he had no tools. No bump keys or anything. His wounds were taking a toll on him, he started to feel sluggish. The Marine could only handle so much combat while wounded. He looks at the ground, focusing on breathing. He couldn't break out of these handcuffs. He wonders if anyone could hear the scuffles and fighting. Probably not. He didn't loose hope though. He wanted to help Aoko, free her. She out of all people shouldn't get treated so badly.
Adam crossed his arms, humph! He squinted at Katarina, back pressed against the bed, "The sex was great, but it's the last we'll ever have. I love you Katarina, but I don't think you love me. And I'm no one's toy. Sex is awesome, but love is soooooo much better. You know, if we weren't in a cell, stuck together, I'd be long gone."

He paused momentarily.

"Nevermind. You probably don't care anyway. I'll see you in the morning."
Katarina chuckled a bit, having no idea that Adam was being serious about the love thing.
But after one look at his face, she realized that he was.

"Please... Love is for the weak" she repeated.

She looked away from Adam, now looking at the wall to her right, wondering what love would feel like.
Katarina chuckled a bit, having no idea that Adam was being serious about the love thing.
But after one look at his face, she realized that he was.

"Please... Love is for the weak" she repeated.

She looked away from Adam, now looking at the wall to her right, wondering what love would feel like.
(Even though that's how she's alive.
And her parents.
And her grandparents.
Awkward realizations.)
He struggles in his bonds, but he had no tools. No bump keys or anything. His wounds were taking a toll on him, he started to feel sluggish. The Marine could only handle so much combat while wounded. He looks at the ground, focusing on breathing. He couldn't break out of these handcuffs. He wonders if anyone could hear the scuffles and fighting. Probably not. He didn't loose hope though. He wanted to help Aoko, free her. She out of all people shouldn't get treated so badly.
Mr. Blonde stopped his dance when he looked at the state of the man in front of him. Garland was covered in blood, very wounded. It would be hard for him to make it for the next twenty minutes. With an angry look on his face, Mr. Blonde turned towards the Bad, who shrugged at his look. Mr. Blonde left the place again, annoyed by all of this coming and going. He returned with a little old projector, leaving it at the ground and turning it on. "Do your thing, Killjoy". A hologram appeared in front of Garland and Aoko.


"Hello gentleman. Some fine wounds you got there. May I be at your service. Is the lady wounded as well? I apologize, my vision is not what it used to be any more".

Well, uh, here it is. Why I haven't been posting at all.

My life has been sort of like a drunken car ride, swerving back and forth, but last night I tore off a bridge. I don't really want to go into detail about it, but the event is over. I really waned to finish it, but I can't with everything that has been happening as of late. I will not roleplay any more for a long while now, I just need to recollect myself. The recollection thing might take a month, might take a week, might even just be a day. I wish you all the best, and good luck in this roleplay and your lives.
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I can ask if Gil and Akibahara want to GM the rest of this event, bu there is already a few of you who are not enjoying it, so I'm not sure if I should.
I think I'm gonna have to pull out too. It just doesn't fit that you guys all seem to be on the other side of the world to me. So after I do work and sleep I've got like 10 pages of flat reading... RIP Ike, he shall fight for his friends in spirit.
Ooooh... >>;;

So what are we gonna do then, guys? D:

I don't want another rp to die... *sniffle* TT_TT
// So sorry for that Choco, hope things work out for you :(
"Please... Love is for the weak" she repeated.

She looked away from Adam, now looking at the wall to her right, wondering what love would feel like.
He shook his head, "Please, Katarina, just one, for me, give it a shot. That's all I ask." Adam smiled, innocent yet loving, at his lover, "C'mon, you're gunna catch a draft standing there. Sit on the bed with me?"
(I'm very sorry for what happened to you and completely understand why you dropped out. If anyone is interested I came up with two ideas for my own murder event. But yeah I hope you feel better soon and stay strong choco.)
( reply didn't post...So I've been waiting for nothing XD)

Axel sighed. "Well do you have any ideas Aqua?" He asked. "I don't think I care to be here much longer, you?" He chuckled as he leaned back to try and think of anyway out. It would be better though if he could see his damned surroundings.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

(Sorry it's so short, I couldn't really figure out how to expand it, I had the idea earlier, then forgot.)

(Gonna take things into my own hands a little since nothing is going on and I'm bored. XD )

"That's a good question," Aqua replied to Axel, scratching the side of her face while she thought. She reached into her pocket and took out the only item she had now, her wayfinder good luck charm.

"Wait, I've got it!" she cried. "My good luck charm, I blessed it with a magic protection spell. If I draw the magic out of it, that should be enough for me to use so I can call my keyblade. It may only last a few seconds, but that will be long enough for me to use it to unlock this pod and escape."

Aqua gently brushed her hand over the charm, drawing out the magic energy within it. Afterwards, she held out her hand and summoned her keyblade. She pointed it at the pod and it unlocked, opening slowly as her keyblade vanished.

"Success!" she cried, hopping out. She rushed over to Axel and some of the others. "I'll let you out in just a minute." She said to them. "I just need time for my magic to recharge."

Before she could say anything else, however, the sound of footsteps could be heard. A guard had entered the room. Aqua gasped and ran behind one of the pods to hide herself. "One of you distract that guard. Don't let him see me. If I get caught, I won't be able to free all of you," she whispered to the others.

The guard entered, not noticing Aqua had escaped at first. "All right, which one of you maggots wants to come out and be a test subject?" The guard grinned with yellow teeth.

@Ryu Keiko

@Anyone with powers trapped in the pod area who wants to try and distract the guard.
(Ooc I'm gonna host a murder event but I'm gonna ask you guys which setting to have for it.
(( I'mma wait until @The Gil responds to me. I need to know the traitors and if he's willing to do the next round. ))
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