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Mr. and Mrs. Wilson's Home for the Parentless...

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Kaine nodded, turning his attention towards Simone. He didn't know what all the Wilsons had done to them, exactly, but whatever the case, it did seem to have taken a toll on her. "Are you alright, Simone..?" He asked lightly, setting Skye with Nicolette and walking over. "If it's any consolation, that old bastard's jaw is gonna be hurting for a while." He joked, offering a smile. Though he was still terrified of the consequences of his actions, he didn't regret what he'd done. It could probably be considered his proudest moment.
Nicolette bounded towards Kaine and Skye, offering a soft smile to the smaller boy. "Hey Skye, sorry you had to see all that on your first day. I have a story book, wanna read it with me?" She asked a little more then excited. She hadn't had someone around her age for a long while and to be able to befriend someone her age made things even more great.
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"Well for one this wasn't my brightest moment at all" Xavier said looking down at the floor "when I was younger before you came here I used to steal food from the kitchen, I was so hungry they gave us less than they do now, well Mr. Wilson confronted me about it, and I told him it was Kaine who stole the food.....so Kaine got a really bad beating and then Kaine came in here after the beating and was all beat up and crying and said it was because the Wilson's thought he stole food, well I said that was awful they thought that and never told Kaine the truth, so I'm more of a coward than you...." Xavier looked away from the boy not wanting him to see the tear that was rolling down his cheek.
"Oh, that's terrible, i'm sorry" He looked at the ground. "Well then i guess were both cowards, even better" He looked at him and rubbed his back. "It's okay, we all did something wrong, bet Kaine has did worse, wanna go to the girls room with kaine and skye?" He stood up of the bed
Wiping the tear from his check Xavier replied "no Kaine didn't do anything worse, he always tried to protect me, and I just threw him under the bus, even now he tries to protect me ever though I'm only a few months younger than him and pretty much a grown man" Xavier said realizing Stelios probably didn't want to hear all of this he added "sorry,"
"No it's okay, i get it, let's not tell this to kaine, he's not a sappy moment person, this will be our little secret okay?" He then put out his hand to pick him up. "Wanna go see them?"
"Yeah our secret, Stelios if there is anything you ever wanna confide in me about just tell me, I'm here for you you and Skye are my little brothers and I need to help protect you" Xavier said to the boy.

(Good night everyone @justice hunt you can control Xavier while I'm gone I trust you not to make him do anything too crazy haha)
[Holy dinosaur nuggets, so much hit the fan >.<

Just gonna respond to Nicolette since I can't respond to everything.]

Nicolette bounded towards Kaine and Skye, offering a soft smile to the smaller boy. "Hey Skye, sorry you had to see all that on your first day. I have a story book, wanna read it with me?" She asked a little more then excited. She hadn't had someone around her age for a long while and to be able to befriend someone her age made things even more great.
Skye only shook his head and smiled back at the redhead. It was true that his heart was hammering hard against his ribcage when Mr. Wilson had grabbed him, but it soared when Kaine put himself at risk for him. At the mention of a storybook, everything that happened earlier floated out of his mind. "Yeah, I love reading!" He exclaimed, staring at her with a joyful expression.

[Lol, reading through the previous posts made me laugh since everyone was just stealing Skye from other people's arms XD]
"Yay! Were gonna be the bestest of friends, I won't let anyone hurt you" She smiled brightly, promising herself that she would keep up with those words, before jumping up onto her bed and grabbing the book from underneath. "You can sit up here with me, and we can take turns reading the pages. I think it's Peter Pan? Do you like Peter Pan?"
Another person to protect me. I'm glad that I have all of these people. I have to make sure that I protect and take care of them, too! Skye followed Nicolette, struggling as he tried to climb on the bed as well. After a while, he finally was able to sit next to her. He let out a breath as she pulled out a book from under her bed. Eyes scanning the title, he nodded to answer her question. "I like anything Disney! People would call me a Disney Child," he informed her with a huge grin.
Nicolette beamed at the words, her big blue eyes shimmering with curiosity. She had been here for three long years and at the age of five you just start to get into the buzz of Disney movies, sadly she hadn't been able to really watch them much. Once she got here to this little orphanage in the middle of nowhere, there wasn't really a place where she could sit around and watch them. She had taken to reading stories instead, something that was easily acquired as it was basically the only thing they had provided for them in the short years she had been there. Brushing some of her red curls away from her face, she opened up the book and flipped to the first page. "What's a Disney Child?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowing.
Skye's gaze was trained on a random spot on the ceiling as he thought about Nicolette's question. "Hmmmm, like," he paused as his legs swung back and forth, hitting the bed. "a kid who really likes Disney?" He finished, turning back to face the girl. His eyes scanned the first page, wondering who was going to read first. With his gaze still glued to the words printed on the page, he said, "That means that you're a Disney Child, too! You really like Disney, right?" They could be Disney Children together! Maybe, the Disney Duo? He liked the sound of that. It made their bond feel even more special than it already was.
"I have a lot of Disney books, but we don't get to watch movies around here. But yeah we can be the Disney Duo, best of friends!" She smiles brightly, nudging him softly before furrowing her brows. "Wanna play rock paper scissors to see who gets to read first, or do you just want to do the eenie meenie thingy?" She looked at him waiting for a response, because both of those were highly viable ways to choose.
I look up from my pillow at Kaine, eyes swollen. His soft features gave her a sense of security. She nodded at being alright, she would cope.
"Hope it hurt like a bitch" I whisper, a smiling etching onto my face.

Kaine raised a hand to stroke the girl's hair in a comforting gesture. "Oh trust me, I hope so, too... Pretty sure I felt the bone crack, so there's that.." He replied, laughing lightly.
Xavier got off if the bed and went downstairs to the girls' room. "How is everyone feeling?" Xavier asked looking at the battered teens in the room. He saw Skye and Nicolette playing and a smile formed on his face.
Simone sat up giggling, and gave a Kaine a hug, holding him tightly. She felt as though he was a big brother to her and liked the feeling of being held. "Thank you" for making me feel better" She said into his ear, nuzzling her face into his shoulder, smelling the soap that was in all the showers, a minty smell.
Kaine smiled, returning the hug. "Of course. You know we're all here for you, right? If you ever need something or just someone to talk to, you can always come to me, Xavier, and Stelly. That goes for the rest of you ladies, too. Understand?"
Xavier saw the two hugging and cuddling. We may finally have a relationship in the this place good for Kaine Xavier thought to himself trying to hide a grin.
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