Moth to a Flame

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Kennyo knew that he was unable to persuade Asuga to see his point. She had experienced enough wars to know what a danger a man formed without clear loyalties and goals of his own. Perhaps there was something about the Oda fox that Kennyo hadn't noticed yet, for what she said was true. He was no better than the rest; in fact he would even claim that he was worse than them together.

He wanted to ask her what she would do should he find herself betrayed before the two of them could find safety, or where she would go instead if Azuchi fell, but he didn't. Not wanting to divulge his own nefarious plans, and not wanting to involve them any further prevented him from asking the questions he wanted to ask.

He didn't respond when Asuga climbed back onto her horse, departing with warm words and a promise. He couldn't, for it would only serve to upset her more, for he couldn't keep the same promise of next time.

"Be safe," he said instead, passing on a wish for good luck, and a wish for peace.

Turning around he soon found that Ranmaru hadn't come tonight. Tired, he judged the boy to be, as his eyes turned towards the tenshu in the horizon. The light still burned, the feast was still ongoing, and Kennyo could only imagine what the mood was inside.

Heaving another sigh the man continued on his way, fist clenched around his staff as he once more repeated to himself the name of the man who he was determined to take.

Shinju Maeda

It was just before dawn that Shinju woke at the sound of movement in the room. Careful, as if afraid to disturb her, and then the sound of fabric being untied and meeting the floor. Pretending to take one particular deep breath Shinju closed her eyes once more, letting sleep overtake her once more. It was only when the first rays of light perturbed through the shoji that she stirred awake and started her day, remembering the disturbance of hours before only vaguely.

Reaching for the folds underneath her futon Shinju pulled out her notebook and watch, flipping it open as she smoothed out a page, making another mark for another day that had passed. Next to the page she laid out her watch, the hands of it faithfully telling her the time of the day. Jotting down a quick line about yesterday's events the female dragged herself up, washing and dressing herself as she hid the two items within the folds of her clothes, close to her heart. A ritual she had started ever since she had fallen into this era, to keep track of her time, to maintain her sanity. Or so she told herself as she moved on to her usual stretches.

Leaving Asuga to sleep, knowing that the woman needed the rest, Shinju carefully went out of her room after finishing her morning rituals. It didn't surprise her to see that the servants were already hard at work, preparing the first meal of the day, or relieving the guards who were on night duty. Breathing in the fresh morning air the sight gave her some sense of normalcy as she continued her way.

A slave to her own habits and routines, normalcy, the lull of life, those were the comforts in Shinju's life. Comforts that had been torn apart ever since she landed in this era and tried to maintain. A peace that was further shattered when a weight nearly pulled her to the ground.

"Morning cousin," Keiji called, an arm snaking around her neck as he pulled the female into a headlock, "Up early, I see. Is Asuga uuuu---"
Before he could finish his sentence Shinju had planted her elbow between the ribs of the man before pulling herself out of his grip with a deft move over her shoulder. It earned Keiji a landing into the grass of the Akechi garden, wide bright eyes meeting with annoyed dark ones.

"She isn't, you're early," the female answered somewhat grumpily as she squatted down on the engawa. What was it with these Sengoku men and their intrusive manners? Shinju could only mentally sigh at the nuisance as she turned an eye up at a certain vassal standing some distance away.

"You never agreed on a time," Kyubei said with a low bow and Shinju knew and hated how he was right. Keiji had said that he would come by in the morning.

"Someone is grumpy," Keiji teased the female, earning another look from her side as Shinju couldn't help but retort with a:

"You're annoying."

It really was a childish conversation, so she realised in hindsight, but it was a refreshing one nonetheless as she offered the man a hand.

"Let her sleep for a bit longer and join me for breakfast," she offered, not realising, as an only child herself, that siblings didn't leave it only by conversation and Keiji certainly was a man of action.
  • According to Plan
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She only faintly noticed that Shinju got ready for the day in their room, while her mind was still hazy from the lack of sleep and the demand of her body to get more rest. Since she returned from her trip to the woods last night, Asuga felt somewhat restless. Some of Kennyo's words were still fresh in her mind and he had given her a lot to think about, but not only this, she also thought about him in general, couldn't help but compare him to the gentle and kind man she once met a few years back. His tone sounded somewhat fond when he spoke of Shingen. Thinking about it sent a sting of pain through her heart.

She went back to dozing, for the moment, at least until Shinju left their room to start her day. Kunoichi had no intention of getting out of her futon right now and face reality. Or more… The crazy other Maeda in this town. The worst was, she even had no chance to refuse him because of her status. Everything was quiet again and Asuga could almost feel sleep taking a hold of her once more… But then suddenly there was so much noise and voices.

Quite annoyed she sat up in her futon, rubbing her eyes. She got up and stretched her arms, her back giving a rather loud cracking noise as she did so, but the tension was instantly leaving her muscles. She would kill for some coffee. Literally kill. Without hesitation. The Sengoku really was shit sometimes. She had these thoughts since she arrived and got a hold of her own situation in this new time. No coffee for another two hundred years.. Wasn't Nobunaga trading with the westerners? Maybe she could sneak coffee on the shipping list?... Worth a try…
Without even bothering to get ready, she only adjusted her sleeping kimono and walked out of their room on bare feet, patting along the floors, eyebrows drawn together in a deep, irritated frown. She could clearly make out Shinju's voice and Keiji's, too. Were these two responsible for all the ruckus this morning? Carefully she walked towards the entrance of the garden...Just in the right second to see Shinju fall over and from the engawa.. down onto Keiji…..

Asuga didn't even realize Kyubei was also present with the idiocy in front of her eyes. "What in all heaven's names are you two doing?" She reached up and rubbed both of her temples, not bothering with honorifics. Mornings weren't her time of day, unless she was out on a mission where she would rarely sleep anyway. Otherwise the time after her waking up was generally dangerous to be around her. "Some people are sleeping around here…" Asuga crossed her arms over her chest, waiting for the two to either answer or cease whatever they were arguing about.

"Why are you here so early anyway, Keiji? Don't you sleep?" She let out a deep sigh and shook her head, really not in the mood to deal with any of this. Her eyes wandered over to Kyubei now and she instantly felt a bit bad that he had to see all this. Mitsuhide's vassal had been nothing but kind to them. But instead of an apology the grumpy Kunoichi only let out a 'hmpf' sound.
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As an only child Shinju had missed certain notices that come with having siblings. Though vaguely aware of them because of friends, and certainly not spared entirely with cousins, there was just that degree of distance she had never bridged, ever. Until now that was.

Feeling herself fall over Shinju was quick to grab hold onto the pillar next to her, sweeping her with a twirl before gravity did the rest of the job, earning a sound landing onto Keiji's stomach who let go of a painful groan himself.

"You are a lot heavier than you look," the male groaned, the surprise stemming more from the amount of muscles she had compared to most ladies in this era.

Before Shinju could retort to that Asuga's voice sounded from the door, a groan escaping the female as she let her head fall into the grass, staring up at the sky as she wondered what she had done to deserve such humiliation.

"S/he started it!"

The two of them spoke in unison as Shinju felt her world topple over once more when Keiji scrambled up easily, picking up the female by the back of her collar as he straightened her up.

"We were just playing, right?" the redhead spoke easily as he returned Shinju on the engawa and climbed up afterwards, dusting himself off in the progress. "It is what family does," he winked afterwards before facing Asuga headon, a broad smile on his face.

"Sleep is good, but so is good food and dance. My cousin here invited me for breakfast and I can use a second one after her stomping it out of me."

To this Shinju flushed, a glare sent over his way before Kyubei interrupted.

"I will let the kitchen know to set up an extra table, but if you will follow me first," the male smiled, enjoying the scenario unfolding in front of him. It was rare that the Akechi manor had such liveliness. The two women certainly had brought some brewery along, though Kyubei also knew it to be Keiji's talent to draw out such a mood.

"Since we are all awake it isn't a bad idea to have your meal together," the male continued with another line as he eyed Asuga. "Though, you might want a change of clothes for that," he pointed out amusedly.

Truthfully spoken, Kyubei had only come this way to see if the ladies were awake. Keiji had somehow made his own way into the manor, though even that didn't surprise the vassal anymore. After all, the Maeda was known for doing whatever he wanted, and to delight himself in being as unreadable and unpredictable as his master.

"Sounds like a great plan. Get dressed and join us for breakfast, then we will leave!"

Before Shinju could even say anything more than the exchange of a sympathetic look Keiji had already thrown a casual arm around the female, dragging her off towards the dining room.

He really wasn't planning on giving her any room to breathe, Shinju figured, a sigh escaping her as she tried to pry herself out of her ancestor's arms.

"Energetic," Kyubei smiled jovially before giving Asuga a short bow. "I will see you in a bit," he promised before stalking off again to resume his duties, and how numerous they were indeed ever since Keiji's arrival.
  • According to Plan
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This energy in the morning was far too much for her to handle, especially after a night of so little sleep. How was she supposed to survive the day when Keiji would drag her around town? Not to mention, they were arguing like little children.She didn't comment any further on his arguments and pinched the bridge of her nose. Asuga admitted she could use some breakfast, if she didn't get any coffee here. "Fine then…" She would get dressed and join them only to get them off her back and to leave her alone. In her mind she was thinking how she could sneak out the next time. It would be hard to get out while under the watchful eyes of Kyubei or Mitsuhide.

The night was her only ally in this plan, but eventually they would even notice that… Maybe in a few days she could try again, visit the hideout and maybe take Nemain for a ride back through the woods. Leaving her horse in the stables for another week or so filled her heart with pain. It couldn't be helped right now.

Ripped out of her thoughts by Kyubei's voice, she looked at him not as grumpy as before. "If he keeps that up he will wake up with a sword in his back.", Asuga mumbled when Mitsuhide's vassal left. She made her way back to their room, washing herself slower than usual, taking her time picking out the clothes for today. If she was supposed to be dancing with Keiji or whatever he had planned, she should probably stick to more feminine clothing. What a pain. So restricting in her movements. Asuga went with her black Kimono, decorated with a dark purple floral pattern.
Looking herself over with a deep sigh, she slipped into her sandals and steeled herself for the upcoming chatter and forced interactions.

Asuga made her way over to the dining room, where Shinju, Keiji and Kyubei were already sitting down. As usual Mitsuhide's spot seemed to be empty. She frowned slightly and sat down on her normal spot across from Shinju, next to Kyubei. No matter how simple they claimed the food in Akechi manor to be, Asuga always liked it. She was used to far worse when out on missions. Without as much of a word she started to eat quietly. A sense of familiarity settled into her heart. Was she getting used to living here?

That was not good.

Getting used to being in Azuchi meant letting her guard down. She couldn't do that. She was in enemy territory. Asuga had to remind herself more insistent than she would have expected. Not everyone here in the castle was bad, she was able to admit this simple fact. Masamune, Keiji, Kyubei.. Maybe Mitsunari too but he was more braindead than anything else. At least in regards to normal life. The thoughts brought a faint smile to her lips, which vanished within second though. She lifted her amber eyes and focussed them on Keiji. "What are we doing today? Do you intend to dance all day?" Asuga raised an eyebrow, curious for his answer.


Mitsuhide walked down the street towards his manor after finishing up some early business in the castle. He had more letters to write this morning and later on he decided to take their little lady out into town. Maybe make some good on her eagerness to train, hoping not to disappoint her guard. What an amusing thought. What could he test her in? He would think of something… Something that would help her survive in this new environment she found herself in. In the back of his mind there was always the idea of putting the two women to use for his own gains. Information was a more powerful currency than any money ever could be.

Upon his return he didn't find his home in silence anymore. Out of the dining room came joyful conversation. He stopped for a moment to mentally note down the voices. The two Maeda's, Kyubei and Asuga. Maybe he should join them for breakfast for once and inform Shinju about their plans for today. A smirk grew on his face as he returned to his room, only dropping off some papers and finished a few notes.

Once that was done he headed back towards the group, who was sharing a rather lively breakfast.
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"Dance, eat, explore," Keiji shrugged at the question, not particularly concerned about an itinerary, he never had one anyway, only a goal, but he wasn't about to share that one. Not so freely anyway, it might ruin the plan.

"That sounds lovely, you haven't had the chance to explore Azuchi yet since arriving," Kyubei spoke up, "and you're dressed for the occasion as well, it suits you," the vassal complimented with a low bow.

To this Shinju smiled as well, nodding along as she poked Asuga playfully, "enjoy yourself, I would hate for your face to be stuck into a frown permanently."

Her wish was sincere. Asuga seemed to have relaxed somewhat after yesterday, though the walls were still up high and Shinju had no clue how to tear them down, or how to help the woman. Keiji seemed to have an idea, however, or at least the talent and that relieved her, knowing that the redhead wasn't planning on revealing them.

"I promise I will be training diligently. I already toppled over Keiji this morning," Shinju continued, jovially adding in a joke to which Keiji could only let go of a scoff.

"Only because you took me by surprise, else I wouldn't have even let you, shrimp," he threw back at her wittily. To this Shinju only had one phrase ready, a look thrown into Asuga's direction as she wondered if the kunoichi would catch onto the reference;

"Constant vigilance, Keiji. Constant vigilance."

Her guards were certainly up when Mitsuhide entered the dining hall, however. Mysterious as ever the man seemed to have been up for quite a while already, eyes sharp as ever as the servants seemed to gasp in light surprise before quickly serving another set of breakfast at the master seat of the room.

"Lord Mitsuhide, how rare of you to join us," Kyubei spoke up, greeting the man as Keiji and Shinju followed in paying their respects.

"Morning Mitsuhide, didn't know you were a breakfast type, or any sort of meal-type," the redhead jested, earning a confused look from Shinju as she glanced over at Kyubei, trying to discern his reaction before moving on to the rest of the servants.

She should have suspected something, seeing how she was staying here in his house, but the revelation was a new one nonetheless.
  • According to Plan
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Dance and explore wasn't exactly how Asuga would prefer to spend her day, while Keiji was nice enough and seemed to be an entertaining man, she would rather find a way to make their life a little easier.. or train.. or go out horse riding. However, exploring Azuchi was a good chance to find secret ways to sneak in and out and maybe give over some information into the Mitsumono network in hopes someone would actually find them or use said infos to gain an advantage against the Oda..

Though at Kyubei's compliment, Asuga halted for a second. She wasn't really used to being complimented. The Kunoichi cleared her throat and looked down onto her breakfast. "Thank you, Kyubei. I thought it would be really inappropriate to spend the day in my guard uniform." Though when Shinju added to this, the criticised frown only grew deeper. "That is just my face, Shinju."

She took another bite from her breakfast. Asuga wasn't quite sure if Shinju would train by herself all that effectively. Training alone can only make errors more anchored into your whole fighting behavior. She let the two Maeda's bicker playfully. Throwing a Harry Potter reference her way.. This woman.. The frown eased off her face and was replaced by a gentle expression, while she watched them, shaking her head lightly. It was good that they were getting along so well and the easy way Shinju teased Keiji gave off a certain sense of trust. Had she spoken to him about her origins? Maybe. Asuga wasn't sure, but she would just leave it how it was for now, accepting the small mercies in their situation.
And then Mitsuhide entered the room… The Kunoichi instantly tensed up and focussed stubbornly on her breakfast without looking at Azuchi's silver Kitsune. Suddenly going out with Keiji didn't sound too bad anymore..


Upon entering the dining room he could only see the maids and servants scramble like ants to get a breakfast set up for him. It was not needed, but he wouldn't tell them that. He could indulge in some food before heading out for the day. Everyone present in the room greeted him respectfully, except Shinju's foreign guard. How curious. Mitsuhide put on his usual, pleasant smile and sat down at the spot prepared for him. He didn't pay much attention to the meal presented to him. "My apologies. I did not wish to interrupt the morning bickering of our newly reunited family. By any means, continue."

He looked Keiji dead in the eyes, while the smile was still in his lips, his expression was empty. "It is food, Keiji. A human needs it to survive, I fear. Occasionally even I partake in this mysterious thing called 'breakfast'." It was a blank lie. Mitsuhide rarely ate unless someone reminded him or Masamune forced him to have dinner with Mitsunari, who also never ate. It mattered little to him. He swallowed down what was in front of him and got back to work. Joys of good food or a specific taste was meaningless to him.
"I overheard that you promised your guard to train, am I right?" His attention turned to Shinju. "I suggest you and I go out today and I shall oversee your training, since your guard is certainly busy with.. whatever your cousin has planned. It would be a shame if you manifest any errors in your routine, wouldn't it?" He smirked, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I can offer you some new perspectives, if you so wish." The tone in his voice was easy going, but with an ice cold edge. It wouldn't be pleasant for Shinju but she needed certain skills to survive here and it wouldn't hurt to actually know how to defend herself properly. Her guard was coddling her too much.

"We shall begin after breakfast, if you have nothing else planned?" It was not a question. Not really.
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The tension that Mitsuhide brought into the room was one that could cut, Asuga fell quiet, Kyubei returned to his role as a vassal, and Shinju straightened up. It was only Keiji who remained calm as he let go of a scoff at the man.

"You could be so much more charming if you just appreciated your meals," the redhead spoke, as three pair of eyes observed the awful habit in which all dishes were mixed within the bowl. "Even if it ends up the same in your stomach, have you ever considered how it spoils the mood?"

It wasn't criticism per se, for Keiji's tone was much too light and too casual, his smile ever so present, and his attitude too lax. Not waiting for the answer the man instead rose up from his seat, turning towards the kunoichi as he offered his hand.

"Anyway, I have a date," he announced jovially, giving the foreigner a wink.

Meanwhile Shinju had just witnessed the strangest habit so far in the era. A disgruntled expression passed over her face as she watched Mitsuhide pour the miso and mackerel into his bowl of rice, mixing it through and through before starting to eat. All the flavours that would clash, Keiji was right that it spoiled the mood, but also the appetite.

However, that wasn't even what startled her the most as the male addressed her, an elusive smile on his face as Mitsuhide offered to train Shinju, a hidden undertone underneath it all that really told Shinju all she needed to know;

Bad news.

"Ah," she started, her eyes shifting over to Kyubei whose eyes were downcasted, finishing up his own meal, then shifting over to Asuga and Keiji, who were both occupied with other things. She would have to find her own excuse it seemed as she returned a smile to Mitsuhide.

"I wouldn't dare to impose on you. Your schedule must be, undoubtedly, packed."

Though, that didn't seem to deter anyone, or not in the least the man in question.

Shinju Maeda

"I will be in your care," Shinju bowed, her expression resigned as she stared out over the now empty courtyard of the Akechi manor. Kyubei had left, departing for some work elsewhere, and so had Asuga and Keiji, off to the market, leaving her at the mercy of the man that had volunteered in training her for today.

"Should I call you shishou for today?" The female tried to joke, mostly to calm her own nerves, for she knew that Mitsuhide could have nothing good planned for her. Not with the way he had smiled at her. Had he caught up on her reluctance, or any of her weaknesses? Shinju wouldn't put it beyond Mitsuhide to even notice her habit of dragging her left feet when turning in. However, whilst she was aware of her bad habits and covered for them, Shinju knew that some of her lackings came from a principle and those weren't so quickly changed.

Keiji Maeda

Of course the man was beyond aware of the fact that exploring Azuchi's market meant also exposing its trails and weak spots. It had not escaped him that the woman that he had taken out was one trained in such arts of intelligence gathering, the way her eyes flitted and her style said so enough. However, Keiji wasn't one for constant work, understanding the importance of leisure time, and having perfected the art of leisurely professionalism.

"So, what do you want to do first, explore, eat, dance, or all three?" Keiji turned towards Asuga, a boyish smile crossing his face as he challenged the woman.

"Though you look like you've had a rough night, so maybe a nap on my lap?" he continued with a tease instead.
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After breakfast everyone had gone their own ways. Kyubei had to collect some information for him, so Mitsuhide let his vassal go, also giving him a bit of a break from the work in the manor. The request itself wasn't anything someone of his rank should be bothered with, but his most loyal friend hated to have nothing around his hands so if one would want to force a break on him, it had to be hidden. Kyubei would never question a duty his lord would give him, which let Mitsuhide make use of it.

"You don't have to be scared, little lady. I will not eat you alive." There was a smirk on his lips, a glint of mischief in his eyes. He had his plans on how to keep Shinju busy for the day. His fingers tapped on the wood of the rifle, he was holding in his hand. Nothing out of the ordinary, since Mitsuhide usually carried one of these weapons with him, but today this one was for Shinju. It was a bit easier to handle than his own.

"If it pleases you.. You may. Otherwise you could just stick with my name." A smile replaced his signature smirk and he gestured towards the entrance gate of his manor. "Shall we then?" If she wouldn't be willing to learn, at least she would see some other surroundings. A bit of fresh air hurt nobody. He often had to remind himself to actually set foot outside of his manor or the castle when things would get hectic. "We are heading out of town for now."
Azuchi's castle town was already bustling with activity. People were out on the market and the mainstreet was crowded. He didn't think it needed to fill the silence between them with senseless small talk. Mitsuhide had his eyes and ears everywhere, though so far everything was normal. Though after a while he stopped walking and reached inside his Kimono, pulling out the token with the Maeda crest on it and held it out to Shinju. "You should keep better watch of this or someone will come by and snatch it again."


Asuga couldn't quite say that she was happy with this arrangement, but Keiji was pleasant enough company. She was thankful that he at least didn't have a stick up his ass. Her amber eyes kept keen watch on the streets and people around them, while they walked into town. And he was not wrong, her night indeed had been short but she surely wouldn't reveal anything to him, so she gave him a different answer. "Sleeping in this environment, where you have to worry to be stabbed in the back at every turn can be quite trying." She looked at him for a moment and then turned away again, focusing her attention on the street ahead.
"We did just eat, Keiji. It is far too early to start any type of dancing.. So my request is that we look around town for now. I haven't seen much of the city since arriving here and being stuck in the Fox's den.", she replied to his question deadpan, not impressed by his behavior. "I will postpone lap naps to a later date, if you don't mind."

It was nice to be outside. While her trip during the night had taken a lot off her shoulders, giving her the ability to just stretch her limbs again and breathe in some freedom, the conversation with Kennyo still rested heavy on her mind and wouldn't leave her alone. "Do you by any chance know someone around town who practices the art of Irezumi?" Her thoughts wandered to the unfinished tattoo on her back. Maybe she could get someone to add the finishing touches to it, while she was here. It would serve as a reminder to where her home was and the place her heart belongs to.
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Shinju Maeda

Nothing seemed to ever fluster the man. Not in annoyance, nor in embarrassment, and while admirable it only vexed Shinju the more, for it was she who was so often flustered or irked instead, making it hard for her to find a chance to gain the upperhand on the man.

Trailing her eyes over to what Mitsuhide held in hand Shinju drew in a sharp breath as she eyed the weapon, visibly gulping as she turned to examine the expression of the warlord. She knew that the Akechi were considered to be the most accomplished shooters of the sengoku and it made sense that Mitsuhide would want to teach her to shoot. However, she couldn't help but wonder as well. The change between yesterday and today was one visit, surely nothing had absolved her from suspicion, right?

And then there was the matter that Mitsuhide went down into history as a warlord whose intentions were at large unknown, along with his tactics of subterfuge and deceit. It was only natural that the female spiralled down into theories upon theories, as she tried to read the man that wouldn't let himself be read.

The market street was already lively despite the early hour, with merchants setting up their stands and signalling to early passersby to check out their goods. The smell of early breakfast food lingered around as well, for the weary traveller and those who were in a hurry, and despite the historical sight the sounds and the smells were familiar; they reminded her of home.

It so very strangely occurred to her that she hadn't missed home at all. Or at least, not quite as much as she should have, or expected to do. Surely, she missed the luxuries of the modern age. She still ever so often caught herself checking the time on her wrist, the watch that used to be there now safely tucked away close to her chest. There had even been times where she was tempted to reach for her phone to look something up, only to find it entirely useless in this age.

She didn't miss home, not as she should be missing home, Shinju realised, and when she nearly collided into Mitsuhide who was dangling her tag in front of her the female actually had to take a few seconds before she recognised it. Another thing she had forgotten about easily, despite the anxiety she had felt when she had initially lost it.

Reaching for the tag, Shinju took it, letting her finger trace over the carvings that represented her name and her crest, wordlessly taking it before tugging it away.

"Does this mean I'm clear of suspicion now?" Shinju questioned as they resumed their way, this time she took better care to keep up with the man, perhaps observing the man better as well. She couldn't afford letting her guard down so easily. If she wanted answers she was to chase after them, actively, as Shinju doubted that Mitsuhide had decided to trust her any more than he had trusted her the day before, or the day they met.

Keiji Maeda

Asuga didn't take well to any of his suggestions, stern as ever. The man thought to himself what a shame it was for her to be so on her guard. Though, in a way it was also understandable, many were like her, weary of the fights, exhausted by the constant fear in which they lived. Though the redhead had no clue what life is like in the west, or where Asuga had even come from, Keiji couldn't help but question what had made her decide to stay here and follow Shinju.

"Spoil," he teased her lightly, enjoying the way the merchants were waving and trying to attract their customers. The more creative ones adding in a little song to entertain the crowd, and to catch their attention. It was that sort of brewery that gave this town the liveliness that it so deserved and it were Nobunaga's policies that encouraged such originality to thrive.

"Irezumi?" Keiji was surprised to hear the question come from the kunoichi. Clear was that she was asking about the decorative type of the art, for Asuga didn't strike him as particularly spiritual. However, it was a rare form of art, for the prejudices against inking the skin were strong.

Glancing at her shoulders the man wondered what sort of paintings the female let herself be covered with, allowing for a short silence before his expression broke out into a wide smile.

"I can draw on your back if you want?" he offered suggestively, though he was aware that he was being far too impudent now, trespassing any sort of decorum. Asuga was making it so easy however, and Keiji found himself wondering if she would allow him to watch, the westerlings did seem to be so much more open about intimacy, after all.

"The castle has tools and executioners when one is sentenced to a mark on themselves, but to find a true master is going to be hard," Keiji explained, his arms crossing as he casually let his eyes trail over the goods of one particular merchant, his eyes examining what was offered. "Those who practice it as an art are often wandering artists with no set destination, going to and fro as they find their clients," he continued as he picked up a pendant, checking it out from side to side before putting it down again, "will you let me watch if I find you such a master?" he finally concluded mischievously, an eyebrow quirking up to Asuga as he turned around once more.

"If you say yes and agree on more dates I will find you the best there is!" and this he wholeheartedly intended. Irezumi, though not widely practiced yet, was an experience he hadn't had the honour of seeing yet. Who knows, perhaps he would take one himself, maybe even match with the foreigner.

"Is it common to get your skin painted in the west?" Keiji found himself questioning, genuinely curious as well to hear how widespread the practice was and how it was done elsewhere.
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Mitsuhide watched Shinju for a while as she handled the tag he just gave back to her. Curious, she didn't seem to miss it as much as she did when he had taken it from her. Were things changing for her this quickly in a few days? He had given it back to her because he had no use of it any further. The small piece of paper he took from her belongings was strange enough for him to work as a tool of pressure when the time was right. For now the two odd women were staying in his care and he was glad about that. Even if they were harmless for their forces… What he still kind of doubted.. especially Shinju could get hurt very easily in these rough times.

"Nobody is ever clear of suspicion. I'm giving this back to you because I don't require it anymore." His answer was colder than intended, but it was the reality they faced. Was there anyone free of the chance of betrayal? None of them at least. Mitsuhide watched the streets for a moment and then continued walking, citrine eyes always focussing ahead where the town slowly grew thinner on buildings. The trees were starting to take over the landscape.

He guided Shinju away from the bustling streets and the lively chatter of the townsfolk, to a more secluded place, far enough so nobody would be concerned with the sudden gunshots. They had a good bit to walk. "You seem to have gotten quite accustomed to the presence of your cousin, it seems." Which was not surprising considering how much of an outgoing personality Keiji was and as unpredictable as ever. For that very reason, Mitsuhide preferred to keep close watch on him, whenever he was around. He often got reports back about his actions… Especially recently in Sakai where he had been seen with Naoe Kanetsugu under false names. "Do be careful. Not everything is as it seems at first glance.", he spoke the vague warning and then fell silent again, a pleasant smile returning to his face, but it didn't reach his eyes.
It took them some time to reach Mitsuhide's preferred shooting grounds, hidden in the woods. He held out the rifle to Shinju. "Have you ever held a rifle?", he asked rhetorically. The trees around them were partly riddled with traces of shooting practices before. Mitsuhide liked to clear his head here, aside from the simple fact that he better he was able to hit his targets in battle, the chances of his survival were greater. "You cannot always count on your hand to hand combat experiences and you need a way to defend yourself. If anything, these practices are good for concentration." While his voice was neutral, he didn't feel as tense as before.


Asuga, as before, entirely ignored his teasing tone and just walked by his side with eyes forward. "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but my back is already occupied." Back in Kai, when she had accepted the Takeda as her family that she would protect until the day she couldn't anymore, Asuga went to one of the few Tattoo masters in feudal Japan. He had found shelter in Kai, much like she did and had agreed quickly to her request, even though he was a bit skeptical if someone from the west could handle the amount of pain. He had also been fascinated with the tattoos already decorating her skin. Of course Asuga had to keep quiet about how they were made.
So whenever she had free time or was back from missions, an image would start to form on her back by his hands, subtly showing her allegiance to Kai, it's people and of course Shingen as their lord and for Asuga more of a brother figure.

"If you can find me a true master, I might consider it." She narrowed her amber eyes at him, shaking her head. "You keep adding conditions when you want to strike a deal. This is not how things work, Keiji. If you find me a true master of the craft, you may watch. I will not give you the promise of being dragged out again by any of your antics more often."

She couldn't help but let a small smile form on her lips at his enthusiasm. Keiji was really an odd guy, but she didn't dislike him. He was fun enough to be around. If he wouldn't work for the enemy, she would see herself become friends with him.
"It's not uncommon.", she answered vaguely enough. Again she couldn't reveal the actual practice of the tattoos already on her body. "People use it as a way to express themselves. These images can have a specific meaning or they just like how they look on their skin. I quite enjoy it." At least this wasn't a lie. If Asuga could, she would cover herself with art and if it was only to hide away the scars scattered all over her skin, she was so ashamed of.

Her eyes wandered over the goods presented by one of the merchants. It was mostly overdone accessories for women, but one thing caught her attention. A simple necklace with a leather band, at the end was a stone of a reddish, orange colour. It almost looked like the colours of the Takeda. Melancholy swapped over her heart, though it was tucked away quickly. It was better to change the subject. "Keiji, are you really that undisciplined vagabond everyone claims you to be?", she asked in return. It was only fair.
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Shinju Maeda

Last night a dream had come to Shinju; a white fox in her room in the 21st century and it was going through her items. A white fox with near golden eyes and long lashes that only glanced over at her with a flash of a grin before leaping past her. A dream she had quickly forgotten about until Mitsuhide's words, sharp and succinct.

She had forgotten whom she was dealing with; of course there was a catch and it made Shinju anxious to know that Mitsuhide still had something on her. Something else, something that she might have carelessly dropped once more. Not answering Mitsuhide as they exited the market and entered the forest Shinju took the silence as a moment to guard herself. She had been careless, perhaps arrogant even as she believed herself at an advantage with her knowledge from the future. However, history was easy to study, harder to live in and so far it was she who had dropped the most hints.

"He is like a brother," the female lied through her teeth, though somewhere she did wish that she had a brother like Keiji, that much was a wishful truth. She remembered her conversation with Keiji, short as it was, but charged anyway. Though it was still vague Keiji had confronted her openly, making her position with the redhead so much easier to read and to call.

Mitsuhide's warning, however, fell in the wrong soil with her, a bile of irritation rising up before she took in a sharp breath, swallowing her words as she took the rifle from him, gulping at the weight in her hands. There was a lot she wanted to say to Mitsuhide at the moment. There was a lot ongoing within Shinju, but all of it remained unsaid as she instead locked her eyes with him.
"I have always preferred archery," she admitted, deciding to share another truth, deciding that she was to change the conversation before her emotions got the better of her. It felt whimsical, the little fact, childish even, as she only threw it out to remind herself once more that she wasn't delicate, nor helpless.

Ironically Shinju noted that the man seemed to relax where she tensed. A push and pull of the waves, it seemed, even if the lesson taught was a bitter one.

"I know you and Asuga both mean for me to fight," her voice turned more clipped as she gripped tighter around the rifle, a realisation dawning upon her of the reason why she was taken out to shoot. They wanted her to be ready to fight and do harm, anything to keep herself protected, her life ensured. It scared her with how incapable she felt despite her whole life being dedicated to the life of a samurai, how incompetent everyone made her feel.

Above all, it startled Shinju how little determination she had in harming, in fighting, though she had always been aware of this side of her.

"I'm aware that I can't stay passive in this era," she ended with a frown.

Keiji Maeda

The admission that her back was already spoken for was an interesting note to file away. Accompanied with the ease in which she spoke of the subject suggested to Keiji that she had either decided to trust him, or that irezumi was more common from whenever she had come than it had been in the rest of the country. A place that seemed to escape his attention right now despite being well-travelled.

Smiling broadly the male let go of a hearty laugh at the female, his shoulders shaking at her own stern response as she actually agreed.

"That is a whole lot more than I expected you to give me," he admitted, though he left behind that he hadn't expected anything at all. That tended to offend people often, though he had never meant for this all to be a negotiation to begin with, finding the thought of meeting an irezumi master to be a thrill to begin with.

"Depends, are you what the stories claim you to be?" Keiji retorted the question with another question, a mischievous smile playing around his lips as he continued his way down the market.

"Come, I'm going to show you my favourite spot here on the market," he called over his shoulder, deciding that it was time to start his tour in earnest.

Ranmaru Mori & Kennyo

He had failed his master last night, the party went on for too long. And then there was also Keiji who had tricked him into leaving Shinju's side. However, it was valuable nonetheless as Ranmaru had picked up on a few details. Interesting details.

"They speak as if they know what the future holds," Ranmaru's report was cool as he briefed the abbot on what he had heard and witnessed in the garden. "At least, Lady Shinju seems to do."

This was certainly an interesting report, one that could be of use to Kennyo, of great use after last night.

"And today Keiji is taking out Asuga."

That line for some reason bothered Kennyo. The abbot reasoned with himself that it was because the women were strolling around closely with the enemy, but he knew himself better than that.

"Master?" Ranmaru questioned, catching the monk's attention once more, "it is rare for you to ask for sweets and wine," the male observed, wide eyes examining Kennyo carefully as the monk turned around.

"Just feeling nostalgic," he exclaimed before turning towards another one of his subordinates, a grim expression crossing his face.

"And did you find anything?"
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It was easy to watch how tense and uncomfortable Shinju was around him and he frowned at that. Mitsuhide was very much aware of the fact that he was not easy to be around and that most people saw in him nothing but Nobunaga's torturer, but they knew nothing. "We shall bring a bow and arrows next time then. It is important that you are able to defend yourself, your guard is right at that point." He looked at the weapon in her hands and sat down, gesturing to her to follow him. "We will start by learning the parts of a weapon, it's the best way to get familiar with it."

Mitsuhide looked at her for a moment, a slight frown on his forehead. "This era?" He was visibly confused, but only shortly. "Sit down and listen." While he was growing tired of her words, he didn't show it on the outside. He gave her a bit of time to refocus herself and then started to explain to her every piece of the rifle she was holding. It was complicated enough for a first day, though he wanted to at least have her take a shot later on to see how she would react to it. Having a tool in your hands which decides over life and death can be a very empowering experience and not only a few people went crazy from it eventually.

"Did you learn archery as part of your training? Did someone properly teach you how to use a bow and arrow? Not just for show." Maybe if someone had to teach her archery it should be Ieyasu, who was more than capable of doing so.. Though maybe a bit unwilling. "What you have been taught are good basics, I saw that while you were training with your guard, but you don't really aim to defend yourself, don't you? You would rather nobody came to harm." He tilted his head a bit to the side. "But during these times, that will get you killed. I'm sure you're aware of this."
He paused for a moment. "Now.. Shall we continue?" The smile was back on his face, back to hiding everything about him away behind fake-warm eyes and a gentle expression, covering up whatever he was actually feeling.


"And you shouldn't be expecting anything. I only tell you this out of the kindness of my heart.", she said deadpan to him, though there was a bit of mischief in her eyes. Telling someone in this time about her origins was always risky. Though Asuga was talented enough to spin in lies with truth to make it more believable and always was vague enough to not give anything away, but detailed enough not to raise too much suspicion. It felt ironic to her that she could talk more about her roots in the future, than her ties to the Takeda and Kai.

"There are stories about me?" She couldn't help but chuckle. "I'm not sure if I should feel flattered or worried. There is really not much to tell about me. But answering a question with another question is quite impolite. Some rude date you are, Keiji." It was easy to fall in line with his casual teasing. A familiarity that had long since settled into her usual habits. Teasing each other was entirely normal in Tsutsujigasaki at least. When one lived in the same household as Shingen and Yukimura it was just normal.
She had been lost in thought for a moment and Keiji was already ahead of her. She returned the necklace to the table and gave the merchant a brief smile, before jogging after the Maeda. Slower than usual because running in a Kimono was one pain and a half. "Your favorite spot? You are not taking me into the red light district, aren't you?" Was that even a thing already in these times? Not that she would mind.. Though she doubted they would serve women in these establishments in the Sengoku. "So, where are we going?"

Genuinely curious now, she fell in step besides Keiji once more.
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Shinju Maeda

Shinju dismissed Mitsuhide's confusion, acting coolly about it as if it had been a natural thing to say instead of a slip of the tongue. It was better that way, for the man was much too sharp and she was very much not so. However, when he brusquely told her to sit down and listen there was a moment of defiance, her dark eyes darkening further as she pondered if she should act out now before deciding that it wasn't worth the fight. It never was.

Television exposure had allowed Shinju to at least have some idea how a matchlock rifle worked, the parts being somewhat familiar to her in at least their function, but not their design. Somewhere, she was curious to learn how to shoot, mindlessly comparing it to archery as she tried to find their similarities asides from needing a careful aim.

Another sharp intake of her breath. In her mind Shinju counted to ten, her eyes focused on the parts of the rifle as she took apart the weapon and put it together again, her movements mechanic and perhaps a little rougher than needed to be.

"Nothing that I was taught was for show," she responded after a short silence, recollecting herself as she then let go of her inner-fire. She had to remind herself that no one knew her in this era. Asuga didn't, nor did Mitsuhide with his widespread network and intelligence. These were simple questions and by no means a personal attack. They didn't deserve her anger expressed, or her insecurities over her appearance and situation here.

Hand growing slack she looked down at her lap, where the rifle was, disassembled. Did she come across as someone reluctant to defend herself? Shinju wasn't sure about that, for she had always protected herself, though she knew it was hard to understand for anyone. Even her own family often found it hard to understand.

It crossed her mind that, perhaps, the Sengoku era could be everything that Shinju stood against, that the man in front of her with his elusive smile was also her direct opposite in all matters speaking.

She once again chose silence as her answer, reassembling the rifle before lifting it to her shoulder, the rifle pointed into an empty direction, unloaded. Just to feel its weight, to know its pressure and to watch how it aimed.

"Action without vision is a nightmare," Shinju quoted one half of the proverb as she lowered the weapon, feeling that her shoulder was oddly burning from the press of the rifle against it. Rolling her shoulders, Shinju for once prayed for a decent answer, though her expectations were far beyond.

"What is your vision, Mitsuhide?" she questioned again as she peered through the rear sight, the rifle weighing once more against her shoulder.

Keiji Maeda

"Oh, yes, that is how I found out about you and my 'cousin'," Keiji remarked, a skip in his step as he led the female around. "Foreigners stand out, you know, and some tried to make a scandal out of this unknown Maeda that suddenly popped up."

Keiji grimaced at the stories in which claims had been made that he was a father. Not that it could have been entirely impossible if Shinju had been half her age. The warlord did sweat for a short while, after all, a bit too anxious at this sudden claim of offspring, but that was nothing that had needed to be shared.

"Unless you're a ninja, I'd say be flattered that people wag their tongue for you," the man retorted as he stepped into the center of the castle town, a wide plaza stretching out before them, water to one side, a giant tree in the middle. The weather was pleasant, allowing for fireflies to fly all around them, peacefully coexisting between the mass and the shadows cast by the tree.

"If you want to see red lights you will have to stick until the summer at least," Keiji responded, not entirely understanding that Asuga had meant the pleasure houses instead. "I can take you out to watch the lanterns then, but for now you will have to do with this," he gestured towards a spot in the shades of the tree.

There, in the shadows, a group of musicians kept themselves busy, their tools all spread out in preparation for the performance that was about to be started. Wandering artisans, the type that had no place to belong to, but were free to roam the markets of Azuchi unlike most places. A policy that was greeted with eagerness, as it attracted all sorts of talents that had found themselves at the lowest ranks of society.

"Keiji!" one of the musicians brightened upon noticing the appearance of the redhead, a friendly smile crossed the features of the troupe as they all surrounded the man, though they did not forget Asuga who stood near. Their reactions to her were a bit more uncertain, but welcoming nonetheless for the man she was with.

"And who is this stranger? A friend, or someone you picked off the streets again?" came one of the artists, a cheerful 'ooh' coming from the rest of the crowd as Keiji greeted them all like long-lost brothers.

"She is the guard of my cousin, you know, the one you were singing songs about, saying that I have a bastard daughter," Keiji retorted, though everything was said in jest and good nature and nothing was taken in offense. "They call her Asuga, which is a disappointingly domestic name," Keiji finally introduced the female, a hand reaching out as he ushered Asuga to the center.
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"My apologies." While his words were sharp he actually didn't intend to offend her or insult her education in any way. From what he had observed, though, her fighting style was just not meant to cause any harm or disarm her opponent. He fell silent for a moment, watched her disassemble and reassemble, actually quite impressed that she was able to do this so easily. Maybe they could fire some shots before they would head back to town. He decided that he should treat her later.. some tea or sweets. Was she even into sweets? He had no idea, but was willing to find out.

He sat cross legged across from Shinju, thinking about her question for a while. He knew of course what his goal and vision was, but how much was he willing to tell Shinju about this. Maybe putting it simple would be enough for her. He put his elbow on his knee, resting his chin in the palm of his hand, head slightly tilted to the side.

"My vision is peace, simply put.", he started. "And I'm willing to do whatever it takes to achieve this goal." As he spoke those words, he stared dead in her eyes, his narrowing slightly. Mitsuhide was willing to walk in the shadows, to sacrifice the few for the good of the many and to finally achieve the goal of a country without war, where the children don't have to starve in the streets and the common people are not cowering in fear of the next attack to come.
His loyalties never were with a single person, like his fellow warlords, who were blindly loyal to Nobunaga..or the other side.. He was only loyal to his ideals and as long as they aligned with Nobunaga's goals, they were allies. "I'm sorry, if this is not nearly as heroic or exciting as you might have expected." He smirk was back in place, hiding away the bit of honesty he just showed her, maybe as a bit of a peace offering.

"Shall we continue then? You seem to be familiar with the built of a rifle, now stand up and try to hold it, aim for the tree to your left." He swiftly jumped to his feet, waiting for her to follow suit.


"They thought Shinju was your daughter." Asuga snorted quietly and shook her head. "I thought that was quite funny, to be honest." She walked alongside him, tension slowly leaving her shoulders..until he spoke again. Did he suspect something? Asuga wasn't entirely making a secret out of her training as a Kunoichi, but officially she was just a guard.
"What if I am?", she said with a glint in her eyes, which could easily be mistaken for mischief.. or a threat. Depending on how he would want to see it. Though he obviously didn't understand her joke, she kept silent again. The sight spreading out in front of her when they kept walking a little more sure was something. A gentle smile spread on her lips. This would be the perfect spot to just sit down in the evening sun and play her guitar. It took her another moment to notice the group of people, musicians on closer look, gathered in the shade of the large tree.

They greeted Keiji like he was part of their family, which was on one side very heartwarming to her and wholesome but on the other hand she felt terribly out of place. Aside from her people in Kai, she was never part of a group, at least not here in the Sengoku. Once an extrovert in modern times, feudal Japan had quickly taught her that trust was something only very carefully given here.

She tried not to take offense in the words spoken by one of the group. Of course they didn't know her and as a foreigner, distrust was something she was quite familiar with. She didn't want to be introduced, she didn't want to be the center of attention at all. And she didn't like that he talked down on her name like this. Shingen was the one who gave it to her after her first mission, when she left her original name behind. Nothing she could let show right now.. So she swallowed her discomfort and tried to look as neutral as possible, while she stepped up to his side, bowing briefly in greeting.
"Pleasure to meet you all.", was all she said. This was a bad idea. While her training let her look calm on the outside, inside she was ready to flee, every muscle in her body tense. People wasn't her strong suit at all… At least strangers… That's why she was trained in combat and assassination not spying and seduction.
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Shinju Maeda

Mitsuhide's apology startled Shinju, to say the least. Was it sincere, or did he mean to mock her again? What was he apologising for exactly? The female couldn't tell, and somewhere she felt that she was best left not asking about it either. Mitsuhide was hard to read and Shinju didn't feel herself up to the task to unpack the man and his roundabout answers.

His answer to her question, however, intrigued her as Shinju wondered what she had expected from the man that went down into history as THE TRAITOR, capital letters included.

"Peace, huh?" she repeated after him, feeling rather dumb that she was unable to think of any intelligent questions to ask. At least, no questions that wouldn't give away what she knew of the future.

"It sounds… ambitious," Shinju responded, wondering if she had the right word for it. Ambition, Shinju always felt that she lacked ambition, as she always let herself be shoved to the side and as she always had others tell her what she should be doing.

She didn't understand the look in Mitsuhide's eyes, the flash of emotion that he covered up so well in the next moment with his smirk. It confused her, but she didn't press onto the matter, feeling that she had lost her chance the moment Mitsuhide hid himself again.

And for the first time Shinju actually felt a curiosity bloom up, an interest geared towards one person, a man whose intentions were as much of a riddle to her as they were to history. That he hoped for peace meant that he dreamt of a tomorrow, and that was something she didn't expect. After all, what did tomorrow mean if one had to constantly fear for their lives?

Her mind still lingered at the words he had spoken before as she turned around as told, aiming at the tree as she thought of the meaning of peace, ambition, and tomorrow. Whatever it takes he had said, and where the words had seemed dismissive at first Shinju suddenly found them chilling as she lowered the rifle, eyes blinking towards the tree before turning towards the man next to her.

"Would that include your own life?" she suddenly questioned, a slight horror settling down within her. She remembered some accounts, a few theories as to why Mitsuhide had allegedly betrayed Nobunaga, or at least claimed that he had betrayed his lord. Theories that went all unconfirmed in her time, but that she could maybe find answers to as long as she kept to the man. Each of the theories all ended the same; he and his clan paid the ultimate price for it and died out whilst the Maeda thrived.

"For peace, I mean. You said you would do whatever it takes. Would that include your own life and name?"

Shinju suddenly felt a little breathless as she thought of the possibilities if the answer was 'yes', and she was certain that it was. For it could mean so much, and all of its little meanings could mean a countless of other things and affect 1582 in ways she hadn't considered yet.

And not even to mention what this could mean about the character of the man himself. If someone could value their own life and name so little, what could that possibly mean more about his attachments to the world? And what would that mean to her presence here?

Keiji Maeda

The rumours definitely had been fun to hear out, if only because of the mirth it brought the people around him, but it was definitely a badly crafted one.

"They should have replaced me with my uncle," Keiji jested, "then even I would have believed it," he laughed boastfully, though there was an underlying bitterness in it. His uncle had, after all, adopted him as well after the death of his father, and Nobunaga had given the clan to the man, instead of the actual heir. Replacement was an ongoing topic for him.

"Oh, give us some artistic license, will you," one of the musicians hit Keiji on the shoulder before eyeing Asuga, their smiles never faltering, though their guards were up.

"She is a stiff one, huh? Were you hoping for us to beat some rhythm into her?" the leader of the troupe joked before pulling out a drum, his hand steadily thrumming along the taut skin of the instrument.

"No need to be so formal with us, we aren't considered much more than foreigners here as well, less so even," the man spoke. The leader of the band of musicians was a fatherly figure, warm and sturdy, and wisdom beyond his years. A figure of comfort Keiji knew to tell as he threw an arm around him.

"Don't adopt her, mister. My cousin will miss her guard too dearly if you do," Keiji winked before he thrummed the drum himself as well. "Anyway…" he started leisurely, an eye thrown into Asuga's direction, not having missed the sudden tension.

"You're well-seasoned artists and travellers, have you heard of any irezumi artists setting up shop here?"
Straight to the point the redhead wasted no time in asking the question, earning the attention of everyone in the group as they eyed Keiji, at first with suspicion before a bunch of punches landed on the shoulder of the redhead.

"A nobleman like you wants to get some permanent ink?" came from the crowd, some disapproving whilst others still treated it as a joke.

"Keiji, just live well and behave, you are a fortunate man, so act like it!" another voice admonished him as Keiji raised his hands in defeat.

"Not for me, not for me, I'm just inquiring. Curiosity killed the cat and all, you know?" the redhead clarified, though he never mentioned Asuga whilst doing so, not wanting to drag her into the spots any more than he had already done.

To this the group calmed down a little, their expression thoughtful before they slowly backed off.

"Well, perhaps, but you will have to play us a tune first, and a dance. Information doesn't come cheap, after all," a cheeky youth from the group popped up, earning a cheer of agreement from the rest.

"Yeah, smart one, let's go!"

Keiji couldn't deny them that pleasure or the excitement, always having intended to grace the crowds with some music and dance. It just conveniently came with an answer.

"Are you joining us?" He turned towards Asuga before picking up a shamisen.
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Mitsuhide wasn't surprised when Shinju wasn't able to actually say something to his all over goal. Not many could, since his ideals were mostly hidden from the outside for no one to be seen. And yet he had given her at least a small hint of what was behind his ever pleasant smile or teasing smirk. He wouldn't call himself ambitious. This word was reserved for other people like Nobunaga or maybe even Masamune. But he could see why she would say something like that.

He didn't feel the need to correct her, but was rather intrigued by her question out of nowhere. The answer was pretty clear to him. What was his life compared to the peace of a whole nation or at least the path to it. If he had to sacrifice himself for the good of everyone else Mitsuhide would not hesitate to do so. His citrine eyes were focussed on her and it brought up the thought of where she actually came from. With all the odd information he found on Shinju and her questionable connection to the Maeda it was certainly a mystery yet to be revealed.

For a moment he considered misleading her with a jest as a reply or not saying anything at all, but she had put up with his antics and somehow Mitsuhide felt she deserved at least a small splinter of the whole truth. He looked her directly in the eyes, after she repeated her question again a bit more specific. There was no change in his expression, no fake smile or smirk. "Yes.", was all he said. It was the most truthful answer he could offer her at this point.
It was easy to see the million questions behind her dark eyes, but he couldn't offer her any more information than this. It was time to get back on track. "Do you wish to shoot or shall we return?" There was no judgement in his voice. He wouldn't want her to use weaponry when her mind was this distracted. Either way she was out of Azuchi for a little while, seeing a different scenery. For someone like him, who is often just hidden in his manor or room to work, he valued the short moments of freedom once in a while. "I would like to invite you to some tea once we are done here, little lady. If you would like to."


Asuga didn't like it that she was being talked about like she wasn't present. A deep frown appeared on her forehead, though she knew the musicians didn't mean any harm by what they were saying, she couldn't stop herself from opening her mouth at last. "I'm not stiff, I just don't trust and speak to every single person I pass by on the street." Her posture however relaxed despite her rather cold words.

Curiously she eyed the instruments of the troop, thinking that she would actually really liked to join them if she only had her guitar with her. She could always just put it off as a rather rare western instrument now could she? A faint longing in her heart, Asuga sighed quietly, returning her attention to Keiji and the others. There was a warmth coming from these people, which put her mind at ease eventually or maybe it was just Keiji pulling the strings along with the mood.
She smiled slightly when he asked about a tattoo artist for her. He actually took it to heart; it was somewhat endearing. Maybe she would consider at least letting him see the ink on her forearm. Keiji and the others chatted happily, readying their instruments to play. She wasn't quite ready yet to join in as a dancer or whatever they needed. Asuga had been trained in japanese dances by Chiyome, so she could clearly provide… Maybe after she watched them once.

"Let me enjoy watching for a moment. I shall join you in a bit." Somehow she now felt a little bit excited. It had been some time since she got to dance and actually enjoy herself while doing so. The last time she had to dance for someone it was a dirty, old Daimyo who had some valuable information and was obsessed with her being from the west. Unpleasant memories that she quickly pushed aside. Instead Asuga settled down in the shade of the tree, out of the morning sun with a soft smile on her lips.
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Shinju Maeda

Mitsuhide's ready answer earned a flinch from Shinju's side. The certainty in which he answered, accompanied with the resolution he professed. It was breathtaking but chilling at the same time as her thoughts immediately went to the family he was to leave behind. His wife, who he was said to be so devoted to that he never married another, or sought out the company of another. Or his sons who all died along with him after his treachery was exposed. Shinju couldn't quite understand the willingness of one man to lie down his life and his name so eagerly along with the rest of his family for one cause, no matter how noble or good.

Would she be able to do the same? Shinju chewed her lip as she returned the question to herself, finding that she had no answer. And perhaps this was what made them so different from each other. Mitsuhide had conviction and the will to pull through, earning his place in history and Shinju only held indecisiveness.

Speaking of indecision. When Mitsuhide asked her if she wanted to shoot, his voice indicating that he was open for all answers, his eyes genuinely inquiring her on the matter, the female was reluctant to answer once more. She feared the reasons behind the sudden offer to teach her to shoot, but she didn't want to seem like a lamb either and disappoint as a bad or meek student, or worse of all; as a lazy one.

"I—" she stalled as she tried to think of a good answer, wondering if she was being tested, or if this was a genuine question and offer for tea. Shinju couldn't read the man, himself, but she had been in similar situations before, in which she was tested for her own determination, tests she never liked as she always had to prove herself one way or another. She feared that this was no different this time, that Mitsuhide was alike to all her previous teachers.

"You don't need to go so easy on me," she decided to say, blinking away her own doubt, "I'm used to being worked hard," she continued. There was just no way that Mitsuhide would just offer tea without anything in return. Fixing her posture Shinju aimed once more, her eyes squinting as she felt the weight of the rifle on her shoulder, her finger tasting the trigger before she took in a deep breath, focussing herself.

Keiji Maeda

"That's a promise!" Keiji had called to Asuga as he started to pluck the shamisen, a jolly tune playing as the rest of the troupe joined in, a few of them dancing as they played the drums and the bells, a song came from one of them as the crowd stopped and watched. It was in weary times of war that performances like these cheered up the overall morale. It was these moments that Keiji felt most alive, instead of performing.

Standing up from his spot in the shade the redhead walked into the center as well, his fingers still plucking the strings of the instrument in hands as he nudged Asuga along the way, inviting her to join him.


The beginning of the fifth month and close to the end of spring were renowned for its pretty scenery and pleasant weather. The falling blossom of the cherry blossom trees were a sad sight to behold, if not one of endless beauty that the man could appreciate, still.

It felt strange to be amongst people again, having wandered the forests for so long, traveling within the shadows, it felt even stranger to be out in the sun and to see the people smile and the flowers fall. As if the war didn't exist, as if there was peace right now. It was proof of how the people did not care for who it was that ruled, as long as they could go on with their lives, as long as they could survive.

However, Nobunaga had forever taken away that chance from his people. From both his monastery and those in the surrounding area. In Nobunaga's conquest to fight he had denied all of Kennyo's people a chance to experience another cherry blossom rain, and for that the man couldn't deny the warlord.

But that wasn't what Kennyo was here for. After meeting Ranmaru, Kennyo decided to go into the castle town under the pretext of wanting to buy something and not wanting to bother his men anymore. However, the truth of it came quickly into sight as Kennyo approached a small crowd near a tall tree, accompanied with the tunes of music.

It did him well to see the people so at peace, to see so many bright smiles and the sound of music play as if nothing was wrong. It even drew a smile from Kennyo, appreciating the art as well, but then his scar ached and his expression soured as his eyes fixated on a certain redhead, a scowl on his face as he realised once more where he was.

Turning away he didn't stay to observe Keiji nudging Asuga to join in with the dance, his staff ringing as he walked off into the crowd, face back into its usual scowl.
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Mitsuhide was a bit baffled by her reaction, when he for once just tried to be nice and it just offered something for her not to feel pressured about. Perplexing how she read maybe a threat out of his words? What had the people of her past done to her to keep her this much on her guard when someone wanted to teach her a new skill? He frowned slightly but eventually got up from his position, shrugging lightly. "If that is what you wish, I will not stop you."

Once she got into a shooting stance, Mitsuhide approached her cautiously and corrected her, so she wouldn't break any bones while firing the gun with it's backlash. The way she put it back together with such ease he would expect her to be ready to fire, but practice was always above the theory. Shinju did surprisingly well under his guidance and he couldn't help but feel a small sense of pride that she got a hold of his teachings so quickly. Maybe she should abandon bow and arrow and rather pick up the rifle for good.

He wouldn't admit it but getting away from his duties for a day was quite a nice change of pace. A war or unrest was always brewing somewhere in this country, useful information lurking in the most unlikely corners of the streets. And a break would actually throw him back with his contacts, letters and reports, but these were problems for his future self. Eventually he took the rifle from Shinju's hands. "That is enough for your first day."
He took a few steps back, getting some distance between them again. "Would you like to return to the manor or are you still willing to accept the offer of tea?" She looked incredibly tense and there was a battle still going on behind her eyes. Was she questioning herself the whole time? It was difficult to follow her line of thought, since most people one would encounter are really single minded. They only cared about their daily life, nothing more. It was this simple kind of thinking he wished to protect, though Shinju seemed constantly under pressure of something else.

Maybe he could tease it out of her.. Or at least take her mind off things. "Are your thoughts always this loud, little lady?" A smirk on his lips he started to turn around and walk back the path they had come from without asking her any further of her opinions, since she didn't seem to get a hold of her thoughts anyway right now.


Listening to the music, watching everyone, it lifted her mood immensely. A genuine smile formed on her lips. This reminded her of the many celebrations they had in Kai for every given reason. Dancing, singing, loud and happy music, it felt a little bit like home. The happy faces of the crowd building around them.. And then Keiji nudged her forward.. She hated being the center of attention, but for once that didn't matter. The energy of the situation just carried one away, taking away stress and worries for a moment.

Dancing was a lot like fighting with her sword. The movements were more similar than most people gave them credit for. Learning the traditional dances from feudal Japan had never been an issue to her, though she liked combining it with some western dances as well. So Asuga joined in the fun, actually enjoying herself and she didn't even need Sake this time for it. She forgot entirely where she was, that she was in enemy territory, cheerfully dancing with one of those enemies. It all slipped her mind.

Time felt like it was flying away and when the sun turned and she found herself actually out of breath, she returned to the spot under the tree and sat down cross legged, looking at Keiji for once with no hostility or guard in her amber eyes. "That was fun." She looked at him, as he still was holding the shamisen. "Shinju said that the shamisen is a lot like one of the western instruments, I play. I doubt it.. But I can't help but be curious… Hm." She tilted her head a little to the side.
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Shinju Maeda

Training was the moment Shinju felt at her lightest. Or at least, so it commonly was the case for her back home. However, it had been a while since she had any scrutinising eyes upon her, or anyone guiding her so closely as Mitsuhide did right now as she fired a shot. Yet, it was so very easy for her to click back into that subservient role, in which she just merely soaked up all the instructions, paying attention and forcing her body to remember the movements belonging to it, all committing it before she started to think of the sense of it.

Time went by fast, surprisingly so and before long Mitsuhide had to break Shinju out of her own concentration as he announced the end, the rifle lowering in her arms as she only realised now how heavy her arms were from the weight she had constantly carried.

The offer of tea sounded tempting, and Shinju was craving for something refreshing to drink and to replenish her energy. Feeling for the inside of her sleeve Shinju wondered if she had remembered to bring money with her, not wanting to be in debt to the warlord before she let go of a small smile.

A smile that seemed to fade away quickly enough as it turned into something of a slight horror when Mitsuhide taunted her.

"L-liar," she threw back at the man, a little startled, but her hands flew to her ears nonetheless, as if that would prevent her thoughts from leaking out, if they were leaking at all. She hadn't even been thinking anything indecent, and when she realised that as well she felt all the more silly for getting so flustered. No one could read thoughts, she knew that, and yet she was.

Regaining her composure, Shinju quickly followed after the male, "maybe we can pick up Asuga and Keiji as well, it would be nice to have tea together," the female quickly proposed, covertly disguising her own wish with another, more sensible and selfless one. Though, it would certainly be easier on her nerves, as well she knew. Mitsuhide rather intimidated her with the way he seemed to know which buttons to press.

Though, it didn't seem to matter what her plans had been as she soon found herself following the man into a teashop, without Asuga or Keiji in tow, a missing that was expressed in a slight pout that she quickly covered up again.

"I suppose I don't have a choice but to accept," she concluded, as if a little disappointed, though somewhere she also felt relieved, for the teashop meant some rest and some relief, whilst the Akechi manor was still some distance away.

Keiji Maeda

Seeing Asuga join in on the dance after some coaxing delighted Keiji, relieved to see that the kunoichi was finally loosening up a little whilst he played on, joining in with the songs at times when he happened to know them, and otherwise continuing enticing the crowd.

"The shamisen?" Keiji repeated, lifting up the instruments as he strummed its strings again. He had been taking a break whilst the rest of the troupe continued their performance, a little awed at how hard they worked for their bread, drawing in long hours and large crowds.

Turning his eyes back at Asuga the redhead didn't hide his curiosity for her, strumming his instrument once more as he gave her a look, "do you wish to learn?" he asked before shrugging his shoulder. "We won't know if they are until you try it, not?"

After all, he certainly had no idea of western instruments, but Keiji did at least pride himself in being able to play all sorts of instruments, so he felt confident at that at least. "I can teach, if you want?"

The offer had his eyes twinkling, curious as he was about the foreigner.

And as the time drew near for the market to close up, as there was no more daylight to use up anymore, or wares to be sold, Keiji felt a pride swelling up as the troupe showed off the money that they had gathered from the crowd.

"For the two of you!" the leader had said, handing both Asuga and Keiji a string of coins for each other. Keiji took his, before throwing it back with the rest with a large grin;

"For a day well-spent!" he called, and to this the musicians could only laugh in unison, knowing that Keiji had no need for their money and meant nothing offensive with it. A ritual of sorts, so to say.
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The teahouse he picked was a bit away from the mainstreet of Azuchi castle. A small place, who was discreet enough for his own discussions so he was a regular here. Even with his lack of taste, he appreciated the quiet and solitary atmosphere and Mitsuhide hoped it would give Shinju some peace of mind at least for a moment. The owner of the teahouse greeted them with a friendly smile. An elderly woman, who waved them inside and gestured towards an empty table in a rather excluded corner.

Maybe she thought he was here on business, well it couldn't hurt. He had on purpose ignored her suggestions on picking up her guard and so called cousin. She would try to hide in the safety of the group, or that was what he suspected.

He gestured to Shinju to follow and settled down by the suggested spot. He ordered them both tea with his usual, masked smile. His citrine eyes wandering over to her now, observing her for a moment. "If you would like to order some sweets as well, I heard they have some good things here. I can only speak from other's opinions though." He leaned a bit back, making himself more comfortable.
He only thanked the owner when she brought them their tea and then turned his attention to the woman in front of him once more. "Does my presence unsettle you, little lady?" He paused, raising one eyebrow. "I've seen you smile and be at ease around almost everyone. Am I really this frightening?" Of course he was. He knew that. It was his image and he aimed for it. He would still like to hear Shinju's opinion, maybe to this question she would give him her own answer? So far she had either avoided a direct one or offered what others told her.


She looked at the instrument for a while and then turned her attention back to Keiji, a smile on her lips, curiosity in her amber eyes. "If you are willing to teach me." Maybe he could make her understand what Chiyome failed to do back when she formed her into a deadly weapon. With the request she made, she joined the troop for the rest of the day, actually enjoying herself, laughing and dancing.. She didn't even think about payment or anything. She was happy to be out of the manor and enjoy some fresh air, being in good company.

Unlike Keiji, Asuga accepted their payment with a soft smile and a deep bow. "Thank you for having us. You are good people and I wish you the best." It was not like she didn't need this money and it would put less strain on their small savings from the Mitsumono network. She would at least make sure their horses were taken care of for now. At least they didn't have to pay for food or anything. For once Akechi seemed useful.
While the day came to a close, Asuga walked beside Keiji slowly back towards Akechi manor. It felt like walking back to her cell, back to the golden cage she was locked up in and she didn't like it. Her steps grew slower without her even noticing. "They are good people. It's been awhile since I smiled this much..", she admitted to him after a bit of hesitation. "Thank you, Keiji." It was the most honest thing she had offered to anyone since leaving Kai. Asuga felt light on her feet almost. "It means a lot.."

She would need some Sake and a good night of sleep after this day..maybe tomorrow she could make her way outside of town again. To stretch her own legs some more in the wilds and Nemain's too.
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