More Than This <3

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Adsila rolled her eyes "He doesn't know that much about me, i think" Adsila said biting her lip and shrugged "He's my older brother, i tell him most things a part from somethings" Adsila said with a smile "Errm, i don't actually know, i guess we will find out" Adsila said with a smile at Zayn
Zayn smiled and suddenly burst into song, "Find me somebody to love, can anybody find me.eeeeeeeee..... somebody to lo-oove!" He burst out laughing at the random singing.
Adsila rolled her eyes "And you lot really call Louis the mental one" Adsila said and got out the car as Zayn stopped outside her work "You coming" Adsila said smiling and put the code into the door of the modelling studio
"Louis is mental!" Zayn laughed and climbed out after her. He strolled across the lot, and squeezed her hand. "Any chance I'll see you less than fully dressed here?" He teased.
Adsila laughed "yeah he is" Adsila said held his hand while opening the door and smiled up at him "You are such a guy, most likely yes, they get me to do the swimwear most of the time or really short stuff" Adsila said and walked in to be greeted with people who she works with "Oi Chica, hurry up and put this on you're late you know" Her manager said who was a guy "Going" Adsila called
Zayn playfully mussed her hair, and glanced at the passing manager. "You go and get changed - I'll wait here." He kissed her forehead.
Adsila looked up at Zayn "Really, you had to go and do that" Adsila said and rolled her eyes "Okay, but i warn you, the guys here are jerks, that is a part from Josh who i am normally paired with" Adsila said and past her phone and that to Zayn and went to go and get changed into what she was through which she didn't want to look at and just put it on and doing her hair and a bit of make-up and looked at her side and saw her tattoo which she had never told Louis or anyone about it and groaned, but walked back out

Zayn waited for her to come out again, and when she did, he was not disappointed. His eyes widened, and he murmured, "You look amazing." He glanced her up and down, and his eyes caught the tattoo. He smirked, and remarked, "I'm guessing that Louis doesn't know about that...."
Adsila laughed a little at Zayn's face "No, he doesn't, told you i haven't told him everything, shhh about it, although i think he has an idea about it, i nearly let it slip once" Adsila said with a smile and lifted Zayn's chin up "You do know my eyes are up here and not from here" Adsila said motion at her chest "To here" Adsila said and pointed at her legs and sat on Zayn's lap "But i think i could give you promition" Adsila said with a smile
"I know where your eyes are - I fell in love with them in the first place." Zayn said softly. and gently pushed a lock of hair back from her face. "You look beautiful."
Adsila laughed and smiled at him going a little red "I'm glad you like my eyes" Adsila said and looked at him with a smile and then bit her lip and looked down "Thanks Zayn" Adsila said and was told to go and do her work "I'll be back in a minute" Adsila said and pecked his lips before getting up and do what she was told to do
"What's the theme for this?" Zayn stood and followed her around the building to the set. He glanced at the palm trees, and remarked, "Hawaiian Paradise?"
Adsila shrugged "I really don't know" Adsila said looking at her outfit and walked to the set and crossed her arms and looked at Zayn "Yeah i'm guessing it is" Adsila said with a grin

[we can skip to after her work if you like]
Zayn watched avidly for the next few hours as the shoot went on. He watched Adsila, and kept thinking about how beautiful she looked.

Finally it was over though, and he waited outside the changing room for her.
Adsila smiled when she finished and was told she had been really good and had some time off and went to get changed back into her normal clothes again with a smile and walked back out to Zayn "You ready to go handsome?" Adsila asked with a smile and took her phone and house keys off him
Zayn handed her belongings back, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "I'm coming." He kissed the top of her head as they walked out. "Home, then?"
Adsila smiled and put her arm aroud Zayn's waist and leaned into him a little and nodded "Home it is, i'm hungry and tired" Adsila said with a smile and lowered her hand a little
"Remember, Louis's making a celebratory dinner." Zayn made a face. "I would rather Harry made it -at least Harry can cook." Out of all the One Direction guys, Harry could cook the best, having worked in a bakery previous to X Factor.
Adsila shrugged and then laughed "I've lived with Louis cooking that's why i took over, i'm not the best but it is better than Louis" Adsila said "Yeah Harry is a good cook in the kitchen" Adsila said with a smile
They drove home, and Zayn parked the car outside. He leaned over, and kissed Adsila lightly on the lips. "I love you. And I will til the end of time." He murmured softly.
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