Monreau's Daemon

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As Damion took her into his arms and held her close Colette felt everything fall away. No longer where they in her room but rather floating above it all. Away and into the night her hands wrapped around his neck as he carried her away from all the madness. Away from all the lies and evil trickery. Her eyes lit up like the stars in the heavans above. Her smile washed all all doubt. Colette's hair flew about her neck and shoulders as the nights air stole them away into the distant places few had ever seen. Together in a dream they slept.

After the night things changed for Colette and Damion. They became more aware of their needs and slowly began to fine tune their relationship. Everything fell into a natural rythm and they were happy. Colette moved in with Damion and their love grew. He stopped questioning her and she began to feel safe. Colette was still standoffish in the bedroom and knew that was becoming an issues. One she would have to address sooner than later.

Taking a deep breath she entered their bedroom and found Damion watching TV. He looked so handsome and well groomed that it made her want him, but she was still very scared. Her fear was well placed, being her mother made her terrified of sex, saying being married was legalized rape, Colette had never taken that step with anyone and now married she knew the has too, it was only fair to Damion that she become his wife in everyway.

Shaking from fear she climbed into bed with him and nuzzled in close. She started to kiss his neck and nibbled his neck. Her hands moved up his chest trying to get his attention. She was still shaking but she felt something knew as passion started to override her fear.
Damion felt Colette lie against him. In their time together she had always been hesitant when it came to intimate physical contact and Damion hadn't wanted to pressure her in any way but this time was different, she kissed his neck nibbling as she moved downwards. Damion couldn't help but react putting a hand to her waist, she was trembling as him other hand slid up her arm and gripped shoulder. Every moment he expected her to stop. To pull away.
Colette wasnt able to even open her eyes as she feared his next move, she wanted him but feared him at the sametime. She was so scared that she whimpred from both complete and utter desire that clashed with terror. "Dont..." she spoke softly as he touched her and kissed her. She returned every touch with more and more passion. She let him remove her clothes as she lay under him in sweet submission. Her eyes fluttered, she felt him grow with excitement, it was something so new to her. Something she had wanted for very long time. In a weak voice she nearly whispered "Dont hurt me..." As she clung to him. Begging him to have her. She arched her back to his touch. She was on fire and feeling things she never knew she could, she was ready for him.
He could feel her desire growing, replacing her fear. Rising to match his own. He held back, taking his time, making sure she was ready as he touched her making her writhe beneath him before he entered.
Colette let out a slight whimper as a wave of passion over took. At last she knew love in the most intimate way and it was with the one she loved the most. For hours she know his love and tender affection. Panting softly her eyes started to close as her breathing slowed and she fell into a wonderful dream.
A few weeks past happily, Damion noticed a change in Colette and at first thought it was just her settling n to their new life together but he began noticing things and soon was sure Colette was carrying his child.

He moved up to her putting his hand of her shoulder. She was sitting on the couch. Sitting next to her they exchanged smiles, for once everything seemed to be going well. "I know." he said simply, his smile only widening pulling Colette into a hug. "I couldn't be happyer."
Colette looked up at Damion and smiled, she nuzzled into his chest and blushed. Looking up her expression changed, she looked a little confused. "You know what darling?" Letting out a sigh she cut him off before he could say anything. "Oh you know what, that order I put in for that wine came in, Oh i cant wait to try it" Colette was moving away from him slowly reaching for her shall. "Wanna see it, its in the cellar"
Surprised by Colette's complete refusal to go into the subject Damion blinked. "Alright, but promise me we'll talk about this..." he patted her stomach and smiled at hergoing with her to the basement.
The wine cellar was packed wall to wall with some of the finest wines from around the world. Huge racks lined the walls and set aside on some crates sat two wine glasses and a bottle opener. Turning over a bottle in her hands Colette smiled and looked at Damion. "So what do you think? I did well didnt I, the seller was hesitent to sell to me, he told me not to drink it myself, at least not for a while. Why he would say that I have no idea. Maybe he thought that the wine wasnt ready. Well anyway, lets open it, Ive been dying to try it." Colette took up foil cutter and went to work.
"Colette?" Damion asked,, but the sound of a car pulling up outside made to stand on his toes to see out of the small basement window.

"Hold the bottle, Logan's here.... and hes brought someone...... perhaps hes come to introduce us to …."

His sentence trailed off and without another word he ran up the stairs.
Sighing hard Colette watched Damion take off up the stairs. Rolling her eyes she set the bottle down, fixed her shawl and followed after him. Half way up the stairs Colette felt tired and thought it was odd. Stopping to catch her breath, she felt a little dizzy and grabbed the hand rail tighter. She could hear everyone above her talking and carrying on. Closing her eyes just for a moment Colette took a deep breath and continued up the stairs. Once on the landing the butler noticed her and went to her side at once.

"My lady are you alright" He asked her with a clear expression of concern. Colette wanted to say something but he cut her off.

"This way, you look like you need to sit down." He escorted her to the sitting room and covered her with a blanket. Then quickly left the room and found Damion with his guest.

"My, Lord" He hoped that he could get Damion alone, but it didnt look like that would happen. He eyed Logan and his guest and let out a heavy sigh. Once more he tried to get Damions attention. "Sir?"
Damion was talking loudly with Logan.... it was hard to know what they where saying but the woman Logan had brought his him was nowhere to be seen. "What is it." he asked the butler.. "It is the lady.. I'm afraid shes had a bit of a turn...."

The door to Colette's room opened quietly and Veronica slipped in, and smile on her face as she looked at the weakened Colette.... "So there you are.... enjoying your prize now are we? Just because hes here now doesn't mean his yours.... you still have a lot to learn.."
"Veronica? What are you doing here, I thought you where..." Colette was about to say more but again she felt very tired and simply closed her eyes. "Look I dont care, your a horrible person, Damion loves me and thats it, just leave, your not welcomed in my home!" Colette tried to sound mad but her words came out more like a heavy sigh. Curling up into the blanket she tried to just ignore the woman and hoped to God that Damion would come find her.
Veronica smiled sweetly and sat on the bed putting her hand on Colette's stomach. She looked like a little girl exept the her eyes flashed menacingly. "I'll get whats mine young one."

The door flew open and Damion came in, he looked at Colette and walked over to her taking her hand, kissing it. "Are you alright?" he asked as Veronica stood, seemingly un-noticed. She smiled at Colette again and bent down to sniff at Damion's neck and lick her lips before walking out the door. Damion's eyes never left Colette's the whole time.
"Yes, Im fine, why is that monster in my home!" she snapped as the room spun on her. Colette gripped Damions hand tighter as her eyes focused on him. "What is wrong with me? I cant climb the stairs, I feel so dizzy and I just feel so tired. I think Im coming down with something. Mabye it was dinner last night, have you been sick?"

Colette blushed as Damion looked at her. Something in his eyes always made her heart leap. "What? Whats wrong, why are you looking at me like that and why the hell did she touch my stomach, she must need glasses, Im sure she was aiming for my hand" Sniffing for now reason Colette blushed and laid back into the ultra plush pillows.
Damion studied Colettes, face.... "Colette, you do know right? I mean you couldn't couldn't know, his eyes darted to her stomach, and he layed his hand on it gently, giving her hand a squeeze and kissing her forehead. "Honey, you're... you're pregnant." he smiled at her looking into her eyes, Now you should just rest, I'll get you something to eat and we can talk about this.
Colette was frozen as Damion told her she was pregnant. "No, Im not its just the flu, now leave me alone and everyone can stop touching me, I hate it!" Colette flipped the blanket off and got up off the bed in a flurrie of blankets and pillows.

"Just leave me alone. I cant be, its a lie, go away" Staggering a little as she moved Colette reached her bathroom, after flipping on the light and look back at Damion she slammed the door. "go away" her voice was less then convincing as she could be heard crying on the other side.

In the hallway Logan was about to knock and enter the room but stepped back when he heard Colette saying something about a lie. His brow went up as he smirked and returned to the sitting room to Veronica.

"So is she?" Logan asked her with an evil grin. Patting the seat next to her Veronica smiled. "Oh yes she is, and even better she is terrifed, poor thing is in such denial, its just delicious."
Damion was stunned and sat on the bed looking at the door. "Colette." he called out uncertainly.... "Who was here...." he hadn't seen anyone and... "\He knocked on the door softly.
Damion sitting on her bed with a look of utter confusion carried on for months. It was a nightly thing that they would fight and she would hide out in her bathroom and cry. It was always over something she refused to face. Her body was changing, she was chaning and it all terrified her. Damion had told her she was expecting but that never sank in.

It was on an uneventful night that Colette again had ran off to her little cave and hid from Damion. He was use to it and took to having a few drinks. Ignoring her and no longer trying to reason with her was his choice of action.

With Colette in her pocket of tears and Damion alseep when something hit Colette hard in the stomach. Whimpering as she fell over and then onto her back the room spun. She whinced again as she was slapped with a sudden explosion of pain.

Laying on the floor she was completely disabled as something moved from inside her and out, then again. She screamed and moved away from the too forms that lay on the floor, naked and crying.

Clearing her long hair from her face she looked them over and realized that she had just given birth. Trembling from the shock she covered her mouth. Her body was already healing, she felt nothing but fear. Covering her mouth she stiffled a scream.

Taking a deep breath she went to them, cleaned them up and wrapped them up. Each one was perfect. She couldnt help but smile. Wrapping a robe around her body, she collected the tiny bundles that had stopped crying the moment she touched them, and carried them over to Damion.

Getting close as she dare Colette spoke softly to Damion. "Ah, Damion, I've um... Well..." she wasnt sure what to say as the soft moans and sighs from the twins filled the space between them.
Damion had had more than his usual amount to drink. Every time Colette locked herself in the bathroom he escaped into a bottle. But when Colette came to him he put a hand to his forehead trying to hear her through the cloud in his mind. She had come t him, and it wasn't morning, she said she had done something and..... the sounds reached his ears but took a moment to sink in past the treacle of his mind.
He rolled his head to its side to get a look and saw Colette standing with.....

He sat up swayed a bit then finally managed to focus on the three of them again. "Colette you've......" he shook his head trying to clear away the buzz..... "No... you can't .... I'm dreaming aren't I?" he stared looking as if he might lei back down... but then he stood, swaying slightly... "Colette... you've......" he looked down at the twins in wonder...