Monreau's Daemon

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Colette wanted to tell him so badly but at 30,000 feet it wouldnt be a good idea. She tried to ignore the guilt but it was hard. They had left in an unprotected plane and Logan took note of this as he felt a sudden burning and quickly closed the shade. He got up and closed all the others as well. Bending near Colette he almost hissed at her.

"You better tell him for Christ sake, just get it over with or I will" they exchanged a heated glance as the flight attendent came by with their meal. Logan took his seat and asked that the lights be lowered in the plane as well. The flight attendent did so and left them alone to eat. Colette didnt even pick up her fork and simply got up and went to hide in the restroom. Logan sipped his brandy and watched Damion.
Once again Damion felt lost, Colette has acting strange, and Logan seemed to be angry with her. The only one that didn't know what was going on was him. He pushed his food around his plate but didn't eat and kept looking to the closed loo door. Finally he couldn't take it anymore and threw down his fork and with a look at Logan walked over to the door and knocked softly.
"no!" Colette shouted at the door. "Im not coming out, just go away Logan I cant tell him now alright it will make him mad that we tricked him... you cant make me tell him we are married, just go away!" Colette had no idea that it was Damion on the other side of the door. She held the latch in place as Logan just spaced out in his seat only half ass looking at a magizine. He had no idea that Colette just implicated him.
Damion was shocked..... he stood there speechless before turning to look at Logan. "WE'RE MARRIED!?" he shouted slamming a hand into the door making it shake. "You got us married.... And neither of you where going to tell me..." he didn't know what he was going to do we just wanted time to think. He stormed down the aisle past a shocked Logan and into the rear cabin. He stood pushing against the wall breathing hard. Was this their plan, get him married and make him forget? He never though Colette would do anything like this.
Colette screamed from within the restroom and then screamed again when she heard Damion yell. She should have told him, she wanted to explain it to him to make it better but she just blurted it out and it was all wrong.

Logan heard Colette scream and was on his feet as Damion yelled at him. He was ready to brawl right on the plane but watched as Damion went to the rear of the plane. The flight attendent was hidding out and wanted nothing to do with the clients. Logan went to the restroom and tried the handle. It wasnt working anymore from the hit the thin door took.

Logan opened the door and lookes inside. Colette wasnt crying like he thought she might be, instead she looked mad. "Now Coe just breath its going to be fine" Logan tried to comfort her but her eyes were unstable as he opened the door all the way. "Coe?" he knew only Sterling had called her that and it was a bad choice of words. Her eyes were wild as she blew past him and went over to Damion. She grabbed his shoulder and looked at him with savage eyes.


Colette was shaking as she yelled at Damion. Logan was shocked that she just did what she did. Huffing she ran toward the front of the plane and sat down. Logan knew damn well to leave her alone so he too, just sat down as the plane went very quite and slowly started its descent.
Damion stood at his full height. He took Colette's yelling without flinching. Then spoke with gritted teeth. "Save me from who Colette?" his voice was quiet but had an unmistakable edge to it. There was no one there but us, I don't even know how Logan got there." he was still breathing heavily as he knocked her hand from his shoulder, "How do I know you're telling the truth....." his eyes searched hers, he wanted to believe her.
She stood up from her seat and glared at him with a blistering edge. Logan tried to stand up but she stared him down and he sat down.

"Oh and now you give a shit about me! Now your thinking with your heart and not your dick! thats real nice, how novel! Look you ass, your head has been so far up your own ass that I cant take this for one more fucking second! Im done, you can believe whatever you want. Ive lost my brother and my life to this shit! Ive lost it all over you!"

The plane touched down and Colette grabbed the head rest to steady herself. The plane was in a fast taxi and it hadnt even stopped all the way they were still chalking the tired and getting the door open and she slipped out. Moving like the wind she was out and gone into the hanger with only minor burns that were already healing. She was all out savage, kicking the driver away from their black sedan, she got in and drove off. The driver rolled away just in time as the tires screamed. Logan blinked and swallowed hard.
Damion glared after Colette, Logan started to walk towards him but he was pushed aside as Damion moved towards the exit. Outside the plane there was nowhere to go, Damion stood looking out into the bright sun his skin burning as it tried to heal. His entire world had ended and he didn't want to watch it burn. He reached out into the light and gasped in pain as it started to smoke and wither. He fell to his knees holding his burned hand and whimpering. He couldn't do it.
Logan looked back at Damion as he caught himself on a seat and turned to see Damion dying. "Oh like hell you will you bastard!" Logan grabbed Damion and yanked him back inside the plane and then grabbed a blanket and covered him as a guy from the ground crew looked inside.

"YO! You need a cab or what?" the guy stood their with his gloves on chewing his gum. "So? We dont have all day rich man" he quipped.

Logan hated the smuggness of some people. "Look Ill pay you $500 bucks if you tow the jet into the hanger." Logan ment it too.

"What? Come on man, what are you kidding me?" the guy stood back as another showed up. "Hey, whats up?" "This guy wants to give me 500 buck to tow the plane into the hanger." the smaller guy shurgged. "make it grand and you got it, 50/50" "FINE" Logan snapped and moments later the plane was moved inside. Once inside Logan left the money on the seat and carried Damion away, he too moved like the night and seconds later they were safe inside his own black sedan. "You jerk" Logan muttered to Damion who was in the front seat, then putting the car in drive, he drove to his place.
Damion didn't talk, he didn't even look at Logan. In fact he wasn't even fully conscious. Lagan had helped trick him and he didn't care if he lived. His face was healing but his hand would take longer. The skin was completely gone and the flesh was blackened. Weather Damion was asleep or awake it was impossible to tell. It was more than just his body that was dieing.
Logan reached his place and got Damion inside. He had some medical aids that were made just for his kind and they helped. He knew that Damion was broken and for the next week he left Damion alone to heal. He checked in on him but aside from that he left him alone. He tried to find Colette but their was nothing. No one had seen her or heard from her. Her family was refusing to say and never let on that anything was wrong. He assumed she was hidding out in her mother house but it as hard to say for sure.
Every time Logan entered the room Damion either turned away from him or glared. His body was healing but there was no improvement to his mood. A week past and Damion was no longer bedridden but hardly ever left the bed except to beat against the wall. One night Logan went to check on him and found the room empty. He searched but Damion was already gone.

Near midnight at Colette's mansion a figure appeared out the front. One second there was nothing the next Damion stood in full view. He didn't move as the wind blew his hair. He was still wearing what Logan had left him in, shorts and light shirt, but seemed oblivious to the cold. His eyes where wild and beastial, his hair long and unkept, blowing in the wind.

With a shout he ran at the front of the mansion and jumped up the the second floor, tearing a window open and moving inside, he had one question to ask, and mothing was going to stop him asking it.
A sudden noise woke Colette and she dropped the book that rest in her lap. Looking around that the nearly empty room she tried not to be scared. It must have been the wind. Sure that was it. She was alone in the estate since her mother and all others had left for Dublin. She refused the trip since it was one she loved to share with Sterling. It would be to hard to go now without him. Everything in the estate was covered with white sheets. The only light in the place came from her room at the end of the hall. The soft glow from the fireplace flickered at the bottom of the door.

Colette was in her night shirt and barefoot. She reached for the fire poker and gripped it tight. She was shaking as she heard something coming but also thought it was all in her mind. She watched the doors to her room like a batter ready to hit a homerun.
Damion headed for the light, his feet pounding on the floor. It was already to late to stop in time so he braced himself as the lock tore free from the door and skidded across the floor. He stood facing Colette looking ready to tear into her.

"Who was it?" he asked.
Colette screamed and dropped the fire poker as she covered her head. It was Damion but he scared she shit out of her. "Who was what?" whimpered as she backed away from him fearing for her life. She was so strong before but now she was weak and not willing to fight him she loved him to much.
Colette backed away more and lowered her arms a little. "It was Veronica, she was at your estate in Paris, she tricked me and had me locked up while she made you into her puppet" Tears swelled in Colettes eyes as she remembered being thrown away like garbage.

"She's the one behind all this she said something about getting what Vivian took from her. It was horrible I thought I would never see you again" Then Logan showed up, I dont know how I think he followed me, but that doesnt matter now. He rescued me and well together we came up with a plan. Damion I never wanted to hurt you, but everytime I tried to get close to you she tried to kill me and when she tried to kill you we had to stop her. Dont you see?" Colette was openly crying now and getting angry.

"You, were a zoombie, your eyes were gone, your tone was awful it was like you were already dead!" Colette was trembling as emtion swelled up inside her.

"I wanted to touch you in the Cathedral, I wanted to tell you then, but I was to scared, you looked at me like I was a stranger! Paris changed you. I though we were going their to be together and we, well look at us!

Sighing hard Colette turned to look at the fire. She was crying harder now and felt completely drained. So sobbed into her hands as she covered her face and dropped to her knees. "Im sorry Damion, I just wanted to be with you forever, I love you."

Colette felt cold and empty as flames before her did nothing but illumiate the room. She had never felt more alone in her life even with Damion standing right behind her.
Damion looked at Colette. His eyes searched her soul trying to see the truth behind her words.


His features relaxed... how could Colette know about Veronica unless...... Logan Hadn't even known. She was the reason he had left France with Vivian...... She would never leave them alone always trying to get between them......

All the energy seemed to go out of him and he fell to his knees. "It was her? I should never have gone back."
Colette heard him fall next to her and went to him. She curled into him for comfort and protection. She said nothing, she didnt have the strenght or the wisdom he craved. She had nothing more to give him then her tender comfort. It was all she had left. Her eyes closed as she nuzzled into him.
He leaned into her resting his head against her shoulder. He has so confused he didn't know what to feel but he now knew she hadn't betrayed him. And now he had burst into her room, and all she did was love him. He put his arms around her gently and let himself relax. "I don't remember anything that happened there, but thank you.. thank you for saving me.. for forgiving me.. for everything. I don't want us to be apart anymore."