MLP: Canterlot Arrival [Wildpelt x Teal]

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Quillina didn't answer, still locked on her strange dedication to every single little detail of Luna's list. It should be noted she wanted to impress Luna more than anything. She wasn't tryign to ignore her, just was kinda wrapped up in it all. She thinking too hard at the baloons.

Now staring at her, she blinked and looked at her, "I should have some snacks in that bag, next to the quills."
Snacks? she asks.

Sanny gets up and rummages around the quills for the snacks she mentioned. She finds something in a wrapper and chews on it until she can tear it open and get at the treat inside.
Quillina finally bought both due to her indecision and thought that Luna would want them. She also kenw that Luna, when they weilded the elements, weilded the one of laughte,r so that could play into it. Still, it puzzled her why she wanted them now.

She finally got to the end of her buying streak, "Hide so I can go pay, okay?"
Okay, um...
Sanny looks around for a spot to hide in. She crawls underneath Quillana's work paper, noticeable by a small bump.
Nopony would really look inot her bag untless she was asked for an autograph or to make notes to Luna. Luckily, she was able to hide among the poines and slowly made her way out the store with the paid groceries, then looked at the little bump there in her paper, giggling.

"Ever heard of Princess Luna? She's my...boss you could say. I'm her scribe."
Sanny struggles to find her way out from under the paper. She pokes her head out and looks up at Quillana.
I don't think so. You're the first pony I've ever spoken to.
Quillina blinked and thought about ath statemtn. For some reason, this pony-er, mini pony, had never even seen another pony before? And yet how was that possible? With a solid resolution, she decided to got ahead and ask the little thing later on when they got to Luna.

"Well Luna and Celestia, as well as Twilight down in Ponyville, lead this place. Luna raises the moon at night and keeps guard over the night. You may have to adjust to sleeping during hte day and staying awake at night if you ever want to see her; she is rahter nocturnal."
I just sleep whenever I want. Sanny says, crawling out from under the paper.
It's just kinda whenever. I get tired when I do.
She sits down. Is this um...where I'm going to live? she asks, not too fond of living in a bag.
Quillina had to think about hat for a minute. She at least knew that hte princess would give her a bed and wouldn't feed her like a pet, probably let her eat at a table with them and everything. She had to take into her questions very slowly, knowing she could screw up the benifits of living with her if hse said this wrong.

"Luna will let you live in either my or her room, not in a bag unelss you want to. The bag is so I don't lose you. Also, if you are wondering about any other accomodations, you probobaly won't be a pet in all reality. Probably mroe of a friend to her. Luna always wants friends."
Oh! she perks up. This sounds much better than I thought it would! her tail wags adorably.
And no, I don't want to live in a bag. But I get why I should be in one right now.
What's she like? Luna?
Quillina nearly died at the tail wag as they neared the gates of the castle. She had to think of how to describe Luna t first, knowing that some ponies never understood her. Their loss, but still, it hurt Luna deeply.

"Luna can be very scary on the outside. She is taller than most ponies, with sparkly armor and is an alicorn, meaning she has special wings and a unicorn horn. She is sweet and gentle on the inside, and hse loves to prank ponies! She honestly is probalby the closest thing to a mother I'll ever have."
Everypony and thing is taller than me, so that's not a problem. She sounds sweet!
She gets up and stands on her hind hooves against the wall, trying to peek out of the bag. Where are we going? Can I see? Could I come out?
Quillian wanted to just hug that little pony and never let go of it. Hoenstly, she was just so adorable hs was hugging material already. She was fighitng the urge so hard it was almost starting ot hurt her quite badly.

"I promsie you jsut a few more mintues. Let me get you to the top of the spire. Then you can come out!"
Okay, I can wait a little longer.
Sanny lets herself fall onto her side and occupies herself with picking at her hooves with one of Quillana's quills.
When they'd gotten up to her study, Luna was out like the stars when Celestia arose. She arranged her groceries on a table in her bedroom, then went to the chaotic study. Papers stacked up the ceiling,.bookshelves overflowed, and the entirety was messy. She opened the back.

"Home sweet home!"
Sanny climbs out of the bag and falls out onto the floor with a squeak. She's okay, it was just an unpleasant fall. Rubbing her flank, she gazes around the room in awe.
oh gosh...there's stuff everywhere in here. Why does it smell...papery in here?
She gazes up at Quillana curiously with her beady pink eyes. You live in here?
Quillina adamantly refused to make this place more lively. She had half light and all she ever needed in here, so shed told Luna to not make her. The room was a mess, but felt cozy at least!

"Yep, I live here! It's my favorite room on the castle!"
Sanny begins trotting around the room, exploring it. She climbs up one of the many book towers to get a higher view of the room. Stopping at around head height with Quillana, she sits down and looks around the room.
It's pretty, lots of stuff to climb on. she pats the book she's sitting on. I like the light and plenty of room, I like the room too!
Her tail wags once again, brushing some dust off the book behind her.
Quillina Sat on her hoof. Oh she wanted to cuddle her! This pony was just adorable! She made her want to snuggle and never let go.

"I appreciate that! I work hard on this place!"
How long did it take you to make all she gazes at the book towers.
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