Mixed Match

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Amelia blinked in surprise. "Oh thanks Ryuu. Can I help with the gas money?" She undid the top and took a drink.
"no its fine. i have it covered." he began to fill up the gas tank of his car.

With her face still a bright tomato red, she kept stealing glances at Valkyria. Liking the way her light pink hair framed her face and they she would brushed a lock behind her ear. 'Does she even know how cute she looks?' Suddenly, she was snapped out of her thoughts by Valkyria hand, they she was grasping her own made her heart, beat faster. Shocked by the girl's action, Sam gazed locked with Val's. 'Such brilliant eyes…Wow, everything about her is so…beautiful' Stuttering over her words, she asked the daring question that has been lingering in her mind, since the first time she saw her. "S-So, d-does this mean t-that you like g-girls as w-well?" Still, mesmerized by Val's eyes and actions, Sam prayed that she wasn't reading the girl's signals wrong. 'Please, let it be that the reason because I wouldn't be able to handle the embarrassment, if I misunderstood her actions…'


Hearing his cry of apology, she felt a bit of her heart break as well. She could feel the suffering and the pain in his sobs. Not being able to stop herself, she quickly wrapped her arms around the tall boy and placed her head on his back as a way to tell him that she was there and she would never leave him alone. She could feel the trembling of his shoulder after every sob and her heart clenched in a painful way, which made her hold onto him tighter. "It's alright Nils…Let it all out. I'm right here and won't go anywhere without you, okay?" She hoped that her words will calm the pain inside him, though she knew that they would not erase it completely; for that to happen, they would have to give it time. However, what Liliana did know was that, a friend never leaves another friend alone to drown in his problems; especially if that friend was someone special, like Nils was to her. With her head still on his back, she waited for him to calm down so they could call the ambulance and leave the place. She didn't know where they would go, but she didn't want to be there when the police arrives to ask question.
Nils turns around and hugged Liliana tightly. He cries into her shoulder for several minutes before finally calming down. "I..I..Im sorry for acting like such a jerk to everyone..Its that..that..whenever I try to help I just end up hurting people..like..like..Val..she was in love with you..and..and.." he sobbed and clutched Liliana tighter and whispered "Im..Im..just so scared..I know nobody loves me..but I dont want to stop anyone else from falling in love.." he pulls away and sighs "I just feel like I am going in a circle..I just end up the people I care about most.." He looks over at the bullies whimpering on the ground "and I cant play music like you, I cant be smart like Amelia, I cant be strong like Val, I cant be brave like ryu...all I am good at is hurting people.."
Liliana let Nils cried on her shoulder 'till he calmed down while stroking his back gently. She released a sigh when he started talking to her, feeling glad that he was starting to trust and opening up to her. Hearing his words, she couldn't help but frown a bit and knowing that honesty was the only thing that could make Nils understand she decided to blunt and open about her thoughts.

"Nils, that's the problem! You are the only one thinking this way. What you see as hurting, others see it as protecting, and there is nothing wrong about that. You may think you are useless but actually, you are very important to the ones that care about you. You say you aren't brave but to protect the ones you love you need to have courage, and you did demonstrate bravery when you beat up those bullies to protect Ryuu, Val and Ames. Besides, beating up so many guys at the same time lets me know that, you are pretty strong. Okay, you may not play music like me or you let your instinct guide you instead of your brain, but you also have pretty awesome qualities that others don't have…Like sticking up for what you believe or having the balls to protect the people close to you. To be completely honest, I haven't seen anyone do it the way you do and that makes you special. Besides, who else gives a girl they just met, a ride on their motorcycle, huh?"

With that last question, she couldn't help but chuckle. She was trying to lighten up the mood; she wanted to make him laugh. "I don't think many guys do that…Anyways, what I'm trying to say is that, you have to be like someone else to be loved. You just keep being yourself and I know you will find that someone that loves you for being you; and you can be surprise at how close that person can be..."

Smiling, she couldn't help herself as another chuckle escaped her lips upon hearing her own words, a small blush appearing on her face when she realized that she had given him a hint of how she really felt, though she knew that, he probably wouldn't notice. "Sorry if I'm being a bit cheesy but Hey! I've seen this stuff work in the movies, so I thought I would give a try. Oh! And about Val, don't worry…We, um, had a talk. And even though our friendship is a bit shaky right now, I know she will recover and we'll get to be the best friends I want us to be…Besides, you need to know, that you can't always be the hero, hero boy." She gave him a smile as she used the nickname she had given him since the first time they met.
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Valkyria couldn't say anything. Her heartbeat was raising, her eyes were flickering and her cheeks were bright red. She widened her eyes at Sam's question and just couldn't answer. Her words were stuck in her throat. Yes! Yes god dammit! I like girls... I like you, I like you really much...! But she couldn't say it and decided to do something bold. Something really bold and possibly reckless. But she didn't care, didn't want to hide herself any longer. So she took a firm but shaky hold of Sam's shoulder, leaning forward. Before she knew what the heck she was doing, her lips were pressing against Sam's. She didn't know how else to show her feelings to the other girl when she couldn't speak properly. When she pulled back, she blushed heavily and nodded in answer to Sam's question about if she liked girls. She just couldn't find the words, they lost her every time she tried to find then in her mind. She leaned forward again and hugged Sam tightly, getting slight tears in her eyes. She just wanted Sam to acknowledge her feelings and return them. She just wanted love, love and acceptance, for someone to take care of her, kiss her and hold her and call her beautiful. Someone who wouldn't break her heart into small pieces, but rather pick the shards up and glue them together out of love. Her feelings were clearly showing in her bright eyes as she looked up at Sam. It was the first time she was in love, felt she had a chance. She didn't know how to react to that. So she just kissed Sam's cheek and closed her eyes, her long eyelashes casting shadows on her cheekbones. Her face wasn't as tear stained as before.
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It was official. Sam was now a living, breathing tomato due to how red her face was. Her eyes had widened in shock at Val's bold action and she couldn't muster any type of words. Her mind was completely blank and turned to mush. She almost missed Valkyria's nod as a response to her question, which she thought was unnecessary because that kiss only, held the response she was looking for. Being a blunt girl, she couldn't help but blurt out the first thing that came to her mind. "Wow, your lips are so soft. I want to feel them, again..." With that said, her body moved involuntarily. Her hands trapped Val's face between them in a gentle grasp, as her lips came together with Val's. It was just an innocent kiss, but for Sam, it was the most amazing feeling. Being able to find a person that is so much like you, that would make you feel special, it's a dream that many girls have; and to be able to say that she was one of those few who did found that person, was the best thing that could ever happen to a girl like Sam. Pulling away, she couldn't help the giggle that escaped her lips. "I can't believe this is actually happening…If this is what was waiting for me here all along, I would have come to live with my cousin, much sooner." Not knowing what else to do or say she grabbed Val's hand and squeezed it gently, as a warm smile adorned her face.
after he filled up the gas tank he got back into the car and waited for amelia.
Nils sniffs and wipes his face "Im sorry, Im acting like a child.." He takes a deep breath and calms himself. "well I am just so used to fighting that its my first reaction when someone I care about gets hurt..and I might have balls but I mostly just chalk it up to poor anger management." He chuckles quietly and listens. "but you guys have skills that are actually good for something..I mean the only reason I am so good at fighting is because I participate in illegal fight rings just so I can pay rent." He looks away in shame. "and I gave you a ride because I try to be a nice guy...plus you didn't run away from me or scream when we met on the roof.."

Nils sighs and looks up at the sky as the sun starts to set. "I don't know Lil..I mean who would fall in love with a guy like me? I just wish I could stop fighting but its so hard not to when nobody is not there to hold you back." He obviously is oblivious to Liliana's comment and looks at her sadly. "and how do you know Val is ok? I mean last I saw her she was crying and looked like she wanted to kill herself..I mean I did that to her..and I couldn't think of a way to help her even though I wanted to with all my heart. I think she hates me..and I ran away instead of facing my fears..and then this happened..I mean I really didn't want to but they were threatening you guys and then they started talking about Val and its like I finally had something to hit that might protect Valkyria..I don't even remember what happened, i just remember seeing red then the next thing I know I am covered in blood and all of them are on the ground. I really hope I didn't kill anyone..but I checked them over and I think they should all be ok.." He chuckles at Liliana's nickname for him. "hero boy...I will never get used to that..that is the first time a nickname actually made me feel good..thanks.." He hesitantly reaches over and takes Liliana's hand in his.
Amelia put her seatbelt back on and smiled at Ryuuto. "So what did you think of the date club?"
"it was ok. ive never done anything like that before. im normally practicing for swimming."

Shaking her head, she flicked a finger at his forehead while giving him a warm smile. "Baka. Why would I run away from my very first fan, huh? And like my mother always tells me, 'Never judge a book by its cover.' Besides, you don't have to feel ashamed of being yourself. Okay, maybe there are some things you shouldn't be doing, but you're not doing them because you want to…You are doing them because you need to, right?" Looking up at the sun setting sky, she smiled sadly knowing that he hadn't caught her subtle hint. 'Maybe Val heard wrong. He can't possible see me the way I see him.'

"Oh! I don't think that's true. I know some girls in our school who would be interested in a guy like you. I mean, who wouldn't want a guy who would do anything to protect his girl? Doesn't that sound romantic to you?" Shaking her head, she released another chuckle at how cheesy she sounded.

Looking back at the unconscious guys laying around, a small frown formed on her face but disappeared before her gaze landed back on Nils. "And like I said before, is not like those guys didn't deserve what they got. If it were Sam the one who found you here, she would have told you that they deserve worst and that's coming from a girl smaller than me." She couldn't help the smile that adorned her face at the mention of her cousin's name, though she forgot that Nils probably didn't know her.

Feeling Nils grab her hand, made her heart beat faster. 'Ugh! Do guys this dense really exist?' Shaking her head, she smiled sadly while squeezing his hand gently. "I know Val was a bit upset the last time you saw her, but I left her with someone that understands her a bit more than us, since they basically have been through similar things. I know that my cousin will help her more than I did, so we can relax a bit, she's in good hands." Letting go of his hand, Liliana stood up, patted her dress to remove any dirt that might be stuck to her and offered a hand to Nils. "Now, we should get out of here, don't you think? If we stay, we might end up crying all night and to be honest, that is not how I planned to spend my night…" With a warm smile, she urged him to trust her and take her hand, her eyes promising that she would do her best to try and cheer him up.
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Nils looked up at her hopefully "yeah..thanks for being my friend. You have probably been nicer to me in one day than anyone else has in my entire life.." He stands up and calls an ambulance for the bullies then turns to Liliana with the beginnings of a smile on his face. "Could we go back to the bar? I need to apologize to Val..then I think I know a place that you might really like." He hops on his Harley and offers the extra helmet to Liliana.
Valkyria's face was bright red as she looked at Sam. She bit her lip trying to see the reaction. At first Sam just stared at her with a deep blush, and for a second she thought she'd done something wrong. She looked down and tried to think over her actions. Had that kiss been a bad idea, after all? Had she misunderstood everything again? She was almost at the verge of tears at the thought. It hadn't been her intention. She had acted on impulse and she was so scared, scared of the consequences. She bit her lip again as she tried to collect herself, to prepare herself for a rejection and hopefully act stone cold about it. She just hoped she wouldn't get hurt too badly. Obviously Sam's actual response brought a look of surprise onto her features as she snapped her head up. "I-I want to kiss you again too... r-really much... I really... really like you a lot..!" She blushed deeply as she spoke, staring up at Sam with an embarrassed and innocently cute face. When Sam kissed her again, she couldn't help her arms wrapping around Sam's neck, grasping it for dear life. She wanted more of this, more love and affection, more of those gentle touches. She closed her eyes and hugged Sam tightly as their lips parted. Her heart was throbbing in her chest like the sound of stomping footsteps of a running horse. She didn't know what on earth she should do. Her head was spinning and she just wanted to claim those lips again, hold her and never let her go. But of course she was nervous to say that out loud; it was a bit embarrassing... so she just kissed Sam's cheek softly with a little shy smile of her own. "And if I had known, I wouldn't have let my heart get broken over and over... I wouldn't have hurried so much with finding love... thank you... thank you for finding me... if I hadn't found you I don't know what I would've done to myself... without you here my life was hopeless and I felt worthless and stupid and I needed someone... someone to love me, make me feel special... and then you show up like an angel from the heavens, you take my heart away without even trying and for once... you're not throwing it on the floor. You aren't stomping on my heart and laughing at the tears of pain that fall from my eyes... thank you... so much..." She reduced her voice to a hoarse whisper as she spoke, as her voice managed to lose her on the way. She held Sam's hand tightly while leaning her head against the other's shoulder, hoping that this would never, ever end. She hoped that this would be her last and only love for the rest of her life, a gentle and painless love with strong feelings and a seemingly bright future ahead.
"Well thats cause we're friends silly. Im shy around strangers." As they pulled into a fancy neighborhood, she got her stuff together. "Here is fine. Thanks Ryuuto. I'll see you at school tomorrow. " with a smile she hopped out of his car and waved then went into a big fancy house,
ryuuto was surprised. he had no idea lived in a house like this. he waved amelia goodbye and drove off. he got home 30 min later changed into some shorts and layed down on his bed.

Feeling Val place her head on her shoulder, she couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face. Placing her own head on top of Val's, she sighed in happiness. "Oh, I wouldn't say I came from the heavens." She said that with a chuckle though she quickly stopped at her mention of someone breaking her heart. Running her hand through Val's hair in a comforting way, a small frown appeared on her face. "Oh! I want to know, who broke your heart, so badly. I would put that person in its place. Someone that plays with a beautiful girl's heart makes me want to punch him/her." With a look of determination, she squeezed Val's hand. "And don't worry, I would never hurt you. But, you have to promise me, that you would never have such a painful expression in your face. You smile is beautiful, so you have to let show more often, kay?" With a quick kiss to Val's cheek, Sam embraced her in a warm hug.


Happy that she was able to cheer him up a bit, Liliana took the offered helmet with a nod to his words, and hopped on behind him. Wrapping her arms around his middle to feel more secure, she couldn't help that way her heart took on a faster rhythm. 'Calm down, Liliana. He doesn't see you the same way you do, so don't turn this into an awkward situation. You don't want ruin the friendship between you guys, right?' With that in mind she tried to calm down the beating of her heart, but even with that little talk with herself, she couldn't help it and laid her head on his back.

"S-Sure! I also want to make sure she is alright…" Though, she had left Val with Sam, she still was a bit worried that her little 'match-making' plan didn't work at all. 'I hope they are both okay…' Feeling the engine come to life and how they started to move, she snapped out of her thoughts and decided to just enjoy the breeze caressing her face and the feeling of Nil's warm body so close to hers. 'Okay, so…this is going to be more difficult than I thought…' A blush appeared on her face and with her eyes closed; she couldn't help but smile sadly. 'Well now, I know how Valkyria must have felt…Hm? I guess we are here…' That was her last thought as she felt how the bike was losing speed.
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