Mixed Match

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Valkyria resumed dressing when Sam had taken the clothes. She put up her hair, wondering what to do with it. She ended up with making a little braid that she drew to the back of her head, placing it there as a cute little change to her otherwise loose hair. She looked at herself in the mirror, wondering. 'I wonder if I even look good... I'm not even so pretty, I should stop getting expectations... I should really stop expecting that she'd... well that she'd like me at all just because I dress up...'

Her thoughts were a little bitter and very sad, and she felt as if a hand was clenching around her heart. She still hadn't gotten over the rejections in her past, and it just hurt, hurt so badly that she could barely even breathe. When she turned around, she noticed that Sam's eyes were practically fixed on her body, gliding over every inch of her. It made her so embarrassed. But something in her seemed to collect itself. It was admiration that she saw in Sam's eyes, not judgement. It made her heart blossom in relief and she blushed heavily at the words that came from Sam. 'E-eat me up? Oh god... she's so embarrassing...! shit.... I love her so much..! She was about to say something when Sam ran out of the room. "Ah... Sam..." Was all she managed to say.

Valkyria shook her head at Sam and mustered up a little smile, shyly playing with the hem of her jacket.
"N-no... I... I really like you and... I'd love for you to say more stuff like that, it makes me feel all warm and nice inside..." She admitted as she looked shyly up at Sam, walking closer to her. She saw the clock too and sighed. "We'll take my car... sorry for making you come in late on your first day." She looked down as she grabbed Sam by the arm, fixing them both toast and a piece of fruit to take with them in the car. Her parents were still not home.
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Nils smiled and followed Liliana to her class. When they got to her class he let go of her hand. "alright I will see you after school Lil" The bell rings and Nils shrugs "oh well...I wasn't gonna be on time anyways"
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