Mixed Match

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Amelia nodded a greeting to Sam then got up. "Its pretty late guys. I think I'll head home." She smiled and hugged her friends then headed toward the exit. She looked around one last time for David.
ryuuto slowly got up and followed amelia. "hey amelia need a ride home." he pulled out his keys and walked over to his car.
As Nils drove along a truck suddenly swerved in front of him, causing him to brake quickly and stop on the side of the road. He pulled of his helmet and got off his bike when the truck pulled over in front of him and a group of figures got out carrying baseball bats. As they walked towards him they started laughing "We came back for our revenge Nils. and we brought some friends". The three bullies and their friends started laughing menacingly. Nils looked at them and with a dead serious voice he said "if you guys fight me I guarantee that you are going to regret your decision when I have broken your bones and knocked out your teeth." The leader grins, well it looks like you and your little bitchy friends arent here to talk to you now are they? maybe after we get done with you we will go pay them a visit..especially that bitch Valkyria." At the mention of her name Nils locks onto them with pure murder in his eyes. The next few minutes are a blur for him but when he comes to he is standing over a pile of bodies, blood covering his arms and hands. He looks down and the bullies whimper in pain as they spit out teeth and cradle their broken limbs. One of them is slowly crawling away but both of his legs are broken and drag along the ground. Nils looks down at his blood soaked hands and sighs. He walks over and sits down on a guardrail. Waiting for someone to come along and call the cops on him.
Valkyria looked up at Sam and felt something prickle in her fingertips. No. It couldn't be happening again. She stared at the other girl for a few seconds before she shyly looked down. Please, god no... don't let this happen again... not now... it's not alright... not twice in a night... that's just too cruel... Valkyria couldn't say anything at first as she stared down into her glass of water. She didn't know how to say anything at first and just stared into the blank liquid. She managed to stutter up something that kind of sounded like a greeting. She tried not to be too nervous or sad when she spoke, but her voice was a bit hoarse and weak from all of her crying, plus that she was stuttering like that. "I-I'm V-Valkyria... b-but you can call me V-Val." She managed as she braided her own fingers together. She knew what was coming. First it would be the prickling in her fingers, then the stuttering. Then came the blushing and shying away. After that came physical attraction, a want to touch and hug and kiss. After that came the love. And she didn't know how to stop this process so she just did what she always did; she kept a shy and gentle distance that made her seem like a socially awkward individual. She just didn't want to get broken again. Then she really didn't know what would happen to her, if she could mentally handle it. Please Sam... please don't break my heart... please for once.... I'm actually begging here... no more punishment, haven't I had enough? I've learned my lesson... never take love for granted... but please... don't let me lose it again... let me for once see a light, a hope... just anything... Before she knew it, tears were prickling at her eyes once again and when she attempted to blink them away, they just fell from her eyes.
Amelia jumped a bit, surprised to see Ryuuto. "Oh, sure if youre heading out now." With a smile and one last look for David, she walked with Ryuuto to his car.
Sam cheeks became a rosy hue due to being exposed to the outsiders so abruptly. Looking down at her hands, she stuttered with her words. "N-Nice to m-meet you a-all. I'm Sam, Lily's cousin." Returning Amelia's welcome, she watched her leave while Ryuuto followed her. Shaking her head, she looked back at the young female left. 'Valkyria? What a pretty name…' grinning, she could feel the start of an attraction towards the cute girl. Then, as her eyes focused on the girl's tear-stained face, she couldn't help but scowl and her instinct to comfort her, kicked in. "H-Hey? Are you alright?" Getting closer to the young female, she couldn't stop herself from hugging her in a comforting way. 'What am I doing? I don't even know this girl…but there is something about her that just makes me want to protect her.' Realizing what she was doing, a blush covered her face, again. Pulling away slowly, she apologized to Val, not wanting to scare the girl with her sudden actions. "I'm s-sorry. I don't know what came over me. Maybe is because I don't like seeing pretty girls cry; I like them better when they smile." Sam looked away shyly upon hearing the boldness in her words.
Valkyria looked up at her as tears fell from her eyes, soft and gentle tears that she couldn't hold back. She found herself instantly hugging back when Sam hugged her. But when she realized what they were doing, she pulled her hands back. Valkyria what are you thinking?!.... never get carried away, always, always keep a distance... don't get close... don't let it show... don't feel... She sniffed as she looked away from Sam, trying not to cry too much. "I'm.. I'm sorry. I just... I'm a bit... out of myself today, I don't know what's come on to me... I feel... these things and they make me... so confused... and I just don't... I'm sorry... I-I shouldn't be t-telling you these things... it's... it doesn't really become you and you don't need to be burdened with it..." She apologized frantically, more tears falling from her eyes from each word she uttered. She was definitely going in the wrong direction here. If she allowed herself to fall into a feeling of love, she would never be able to forgive herself if her heart was broken. From the way she kept wiping her eyes and looking away it was obvious that someone had hurt her badly, possibly broken her heart in this sense. It showed on her features and the way she kept sobbing like that.
Liliana couldn't help but feel guilty for Val's suffering. She knew it was a bit cowardly but patting her cousin's shoulder, she decided to leave the two girls alone and head home; besides, she already accomplished what she wanted to do at the bar, so there was nothing else keeping her there. "Sam...I guess you know how to get home alone, so I'll just head back early. You can answer my question later at the house." With a hug and a kiss to the cheek to her cousin and a nod towards Valkyria, Liliana said her farewells and headed outside. 'I know my cousin is so much better for you, Val...I just hope you are not too broken that you can't give love another chance.' Dismissing her thoughts, she put on her leather jacket and adjusted the strap of her guitar case on her shoulder, trembling a bit from the chilly breeze, her jacket not doing much to cover her from the cold of the night. She thanked God, that she knew how to get to her house from where she was due to familiar landmarks since she had arrived with Nils. As her thoughts wondered to the -still mysterious- boy, she couldn't help the small frown that appeared on her face. 'Where could he have gone?' She felt a bit uneasy and also, a bit worried. He was one of the first person that complimented her music and wanted to become her friend, so she couldn't help but feel the way she was feeling at the moment. Trying to calm her feelings a bit, she decided to wonder around to forget about things for the rest of the night. Noticing Amelia and Ryuuto at the entrance, she said goodbye to them and disappeared into the dark landscape of the city as the sun goes away for another day.

After a couple of minutes wondering around, she comes across what to her looked like a battlefield. She could see bodies of unconscious guys scattered on the sidewalk. 'What the f*ck happened here!?' Looking closely, she recognized the faces of Len and his little minions, among the other unfamiliar faces. 'Len? What the heck happened to them?' She almost felt sympathy for them, but remembering all the trouble they had caused her and all the bullying they had gave to her friends, she couldn't help but feel a bit happy for them getting what they deserved. Scanning the area, her gaze locked on a figure sitting down on a guardrail. 'Hn? Who's that?' If she were any other girl, she would have step back the way she came from, not wanting to deal with the person that probably did all the damage in front of her, but since Liliana wasn't like most girls, she decided to find out the culprit of the scene she just stumbled upon. Inching her way closer to the figure, her eyes widened in surprise when she noticed that the one sitting down on the guardrail was Nils. "Nils? Is that you?" She felt a bit of fear creep up on her at the sudden thought that it might not be Nils; or maybe it was feared of finding out it was Nils and that he was actually capable of producing so much damage to a person in that way. 'I should just walk away now...but I just can't leave him alone in this state. If it is, indeed, Nils...'
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Nils looked up at her with dead eyes "what do you want? here to call the cops on me? go ahead...its not like I have anything better to do.."
Valkyria looked up at Liliana. She didn't know what the other was doing with this. But either way, she was left alone with Sam. Not knowing what to do, she fidgeted and poked at her food. She tried not to be too nervous, but something inside her just made her heart beat faster. Will... will you accept my heart.... Sam...? Is.... is there still hope for me here...? You called me pretty... you said you wanted me to smile... is it okay if I misunderstand that for love...? Is that really okay? Her thoughts rambled off as she looked up at Sam, more tears falling from her eyes. But it was tears of hope, tears of anticipation. It was tears that hoped for something good to happen to her. Her light, sweet blue eyes observed Sam as she tried to form words. But her throat was sore, and she couldn't manage to speak right. So she just looked at Sam as a plea for her to stay. She really wanted Sam to stay with her. "S-Sam... I... uhm... do... do you wanna order a drink?" She managed as she wiped her tears with a handkerchief. She mustered up a beaten smile as she looked into Sam's eyes. She thought the other girl to be really pretty, and really didn't know what to say. She had no idea how to figure out if the other was interested, because her experiences with love were few to none. She had only had feelings but never learned how to express them. So there she sat, twiddling her thumbs as she tried to find something to talk about, something else to do than act like a nervous child on first day in school.
ryuuto hopped in his cadillac and started to drive amelia home.
"thank you", he looked at amelia "so why was val crying"
Amelia looked down. "Its not my place to say...just its personal. " she looked down, unsure of how much to say.
ryuuto nodded. "i understand" he looked back at the road and continued driving. he pulled over at a gas station. "want anything."
"Uh no. Im fine, thanks." Amelia smiled then stared out the window

Hearing her cousin talked, she nodded at her words. Though, she felt a bit worried about letting her walk home alone in the dangerous streets of the city; but knowing Liliana, Sam knew that she had to know the city like the palm of her hand. After saying her farewells to her cousin, she looked back towards Valkyria; as a small tint of red painted her cheeks at the thought of being left alone with such a pretty girl. Noticing how she was playing with her food nervously, she couldn't help but smile kindly. 'Aww…She looks so cute when nervous…Wait!?...Sam, don't get ahead of yourself! You don't even know if she likes girls!' Dismissing her thoughts with a shake of the head she gave the girl a grin, though it disappeared as soon as she saw the tears. 'Damn! What can I do to make her feel better?' She was snapped out of her thoughts at the sound of Val's voice.

"S-Sam... I... uhm... do... do you wanna order a drink?"

Now that she was able to focus more on the tone of her voice, she couldn't help but smile like fool at the melodious voice. 'Her voice is so…her…' Still dazed by how cute Val sounded, she could only nod as a response. After a few seconds of being hypnotized by Val's voice, her mouth blurted out the first think she could think about. "I would love to wake up to your voice every day…" Realizing what she said, she placed a hand over her mouth and looked away quickly, as her face turned a bright red color. 'Why the heck did I just say that!?'


Hearing the cold tone of Nils voice, she couldn't help but flinch at the harsh words. Shaking her head negatively, she tried getting closer to him. She knew that it wasn't Nils talking but his anger, instead. Reaching with her hands she was about to touch his shoulder, but decided to refrain herself from doing so. Maybe he just wanted to be alone, though something in her heart was telling her that, that was the last thing he wanted; to feel lonely and abandoned.

Still a bit scared, Liliana decided to keep him company. Sitting down near him but not so close that they would touch, she let a sigh escape her lips. "I-I won't call the cops on you Nils. You know I wouldn't be able to do it, even if it was the right thing to do…" Looking back at the gruesome scene, she hoped that at least they weren't dead because then, she wouldn't be capable of living with a clear conscience. "Though, we should probably call an ambulance for them? Not that they didn't deserve it…" Though, it was meant as a rhetorical question, she still waited for an answer. She just hoped that he wouldn't try to distance himself from her because she did felt something for him and if he tried to push her away it would really hurt. "I know that we just met, but you were the first person to truly accept me as I really was, Nils…And that was something special for me. So, I want you to know that you don't have to take on the whole world on your own. I'm here for you, you know? And, I want you to be able to trust me and talk to me. Though if you really want to me to leave you alone, I would respect your decision and I will walk away." With her gaze on the ground, Liliana fidgeted with her hands waiting for Nils to speak his mind.
Valkyria sometimes looked up at Sam and sometimes didn't. Her whole being emitted her nervousness, how shy she was feeling and her general awkwardness at being around a person she found as attractive as Sam. She looked up and down, up and down not knowing where it was appropriate to look. Don't get silly ideas, of course she doesn't like you in that way... you don't even know if she even likes girls in that way, geez! She mentally scolded herself as she pushed away the plate of food, finally giving up on it. She sighed as she looked down, brushing a lock of her very light pink hair behind her ear. It was almost white, such a light shade of pink. Despite her wearing a black outfit, her hair and her skin and eyes were all pale or light colors. She tried to return some of Sam's smiles but failed. Her smiles would be crooked just slightly from the shattered heart inside her. She wanted to let Sam pick up the pieces.
But where should she start? How should she approach it? Being subtle was not an option because she was a horrible liar despite being an actress. She could lie on stage and be someone else, sure, but in real life she couldn't lie about anything. She spilled her heart if given the chance and she just didn't want Sam to misunderstand that. She ordered the drinks from the bartender, shy and stuttering as she blushed heavily. She tried not to think about it too much, but really, her mind seemed foggy with emotion. Hearing Sam's voice, those words, those words that made her heart skip a beat, her tears stopped, simply out of surprise. She snapped her head up as a heavy blush covered her face. She didn't know how else to react. "Y-you... I-I... y-you... m-mean.. u-uhm.. I-I... w-wha--?" She managed to stutter in confusion as she stared at Sam in something near awe. She didn't know how else to react. It was the first time that she had ever been told such a thing. It was the first time someone had been blushing because of her, over something about her. It made her heart swell and in a short moment of boldness, she grabbed Sam's hand. She just held it as she allowed her feelings to pour through her actions.
Nils looked over at the bullies "yeah..we probably should.." he was going to push Liliana away like he did to everyone else, but when she told him she cared about him something inside him broke. It was like he was a scared little kid again and he did not know what to do. He suddenly started crying and buried his face in his hands. His shoulders heaving as he realized what he just did and how he had been acting towards the people that cared about him. "im sorry!" he cried as his shoulders heaved while he sobbed as he held his head in his hands.
ryuuto walked into the gas station and came out with 2 bottles of soda. he handed one to amelia. he went over to fill up his car with gas.
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