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Jexel's heart raced as Isabelle's voice struggled to be heard. He couldn't bring himself to lift his head, afraid that what he heard was only his imagination. As her fingers wrapped themselves around his hair, he nearly choked. All he could bring himself to do was hold her tighter, uttering a pained and sincere "I...love you..." over and over again. Nothing else was on his mind aside from Isabelle. His thoughts were scattered, and he couldn't slow the tears that began to blind him. Doing everything he could to speak audibly, he continued to console and apologize to Isabelle, stroking her hair and holding her tight to his chest. It had all come full circle for Jexel now. The entirety of his emotions, the weight of what he had done to Isabelle, and the chaos he had sewn in the process, all fell on him at once. His silent tears were now full blown sobs, and his body quaked in fear and remorse. Within all of this, his ultimate decision tore him apart on the inside. Should he leave, sparing Isabelle and her friends and family from any more drama? Or should he stay, perhaps to be happy with Isabelle forever at the cost of risking both their lives? It wrung him dry just to think about it, especially with Isabelle barely alive in his arms.
"Jex...love...what's going on? Calm down, ouch." Isabelle said as Jexel held her tight and sobbed over her. Suddenly all the memories of the past day came flooding back to her, making her even more sore and lightheaded than she was when she awoke. Everything started to make sense again and why Jexel would be so upset started to become clear. "I love you too. Relax. I'm fine. Everything is ok now." Mustering all the strength she could, she pulled Jexel off her, forcing him to face her, emerald green meeting golden amber. She grabbed his face between her hands and kissed him gently, tasting the saltiness of his tears that had streamed down his face. Isabelle wiped the tears from his face now, brushing his hair back, bringing his head close to hers, pressing their foreheads together. "I should be the one that's sorry. I lost my cool before. I didn't mean to. It was such a stupid argument. I should've known better. I love you Jexel. No matter how much destruction and rage you produce...I still love you and I want to be with you. It sounds kinda sick actually but its true. I don't want to be anywhere else, which is why I went after you. I'll always go after you Jex. But see...your turn to save me again huh? I think we're even now in the saving department" she said with a small laugh.

Regina rolled her eyes and scoffed. She was a lot calmer now. Tolerating Isabelle and Jexel better after seeing their interaction first hand., "I am going to have to restock on all my herbs and candles. You two are eventually going to kill each other...this 'love' of yours. Glad you're ok Izzy, now get your half-breed out of my house before your father gets here. I'm sure he must be already on his way." Regina had not finished her sentence properly when someone was knocking at the door. "REGINA! REGINA! IT'S ISABELLE'S FATHER FRANK. IS SHE OK? IS SHE THERE??! OPEN NOW REGINA!" Isabelle's father yelled. Regina's eyes stared directly at the door than back to Isabelle and Jexel. "What do I do?!"
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Jexel's heart leapt to his throat when Isabelle spoke clearly, and practically jumped out of his mouth when they kissed. When she apologized, he forced himself to fight the urge to argue with her, just glad to hear her voice and feel her touch. The moment was broken with the shouts of Isabelle's father at the door. His amazement turned to terror as everything he had worked towards came crashing in on itself. His breathing became quick and panicked as his eyes rushed around the room for anything that could help. Glancing from Isabelle's face to Regina's, his mind raced at an insane pace. After the emotional roller-coaster he recently went through, the only solution he could think of was sacrificing himself to keep the two girls safe...but what would that leave them with? Just a bunch of questions that would get them both in trouble anyways. "I...I don't know what to do..." Jexel finally said as he dried his eyes, looking at the door blankly.
Isabelle wasn't fazed by the fact that her father was at the door. "I got it" she said making an attempt to stand. She fell over back onto the couch, her legs still unable to bear her weight. Readjusting herself to look comfortable on the couch she said, "Gina, please hide Jexel somewhere in the house. My dad isn't going to search it unless he thinks something is up. Once he sees me he'll be calm again." Turning towards Jexel now, "We just can't stop finding ways to save each other huh babe? Follow Regina, relax and don't make a sound. We will let you know when it's safe to come out. We didn't go through all this to have it come crumbling down on us now. Trust me." she told him with a smile as Regina began to lead him to another room, "Come on then...you...follow me." Regina had to contain herself from calling Jexel something else. Isabelle would have her head if she insulted him in her presence. Hiding Jexel in her room Regina told him, "Don't touch ANYTHING!" and closed the door behind herself. Running to the door before Isabelle's father could break it down. She opened it wide to let him in. "Hey Mr. Kaswell, what's going on?"
"Where is Isabelle?!" he told her scornfully.
"I'm right here daddy." Isabelle called to him from the couch. Her father almost fell over running towards her.
"Are you ok? Some people said they saw a strange looking creature come in here with you unconscious on it's back. What happened? Are you ok?"
Regina and Isabelle just laughed, "What?! That's crazy. What creature? People have probably been on edge since your meeting with the half-breed mayor. They're probably seeing things. I'm right here, perfectly fine daddy. Nothing wrong at all. The people are probably nervous because you agreed to start the new project on the factory with half-breed workers. They probably think half-breeds are going to be walking around all over here. Maybe they're trying to get you to stop it by saying they saw me. Clearly they were wrong daddy."
Isabelle's father was very confused and it was clearly marked on his face but he trusted his daughter and her judgment was flawless lately.
"I guess you're right. I'm sorry Regina for the way I acted. Come on Isabelle, stand up, let's go. Let's show the community you are perfectly fine and they have nothing to fear" her father said as he stood up, extending his hand to Isabelle.
Regina and Isabelle's eyes darted to each other quickly then back to Isabelle's father. How was Isabelle going to get out of this? Her legs didn't work yet. How was she going to explain to her father why she couldn't walk. "Oh Mr. Kaswell, Isabelle is helping me...with...this project I'm working on. I need it to impress the board of my school for a....new...position I'm applying for. She promised me last week, that's why she's here now. It's due tomorrow, so I really need the help now." Regina chimed in quickly.
"What position Regina? I wasn't aware there were any openings in any of the departments for the students?" Frank said.
"There isn't...YET!" Isabelle interrupted, "I'm hoping we can work something out and then have it presented to you when it's ready."
"Oh, well then. I will inform the community of the misunderstanding and Regina, I want to see that application of yours on my desk as soon as you present it to the board. I would love to help you." Frank said as he made his way towards the door.
"Will do!" The girls responded together as Isabelle's father walked out of the door. Closing the door behind them, the two girls sighed in relief. "JEX! It's ok now, come out!" Isabelle yelled, turning her attention back to Regina. "Gina....why don't my legs work?"
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Just as quickly as Jexel was flung in to a secluded room, he was let out, confused at what just happened. "W-What...What just happened? Are you alright?" Jexel exclaimed as he walked back into the room. He rushed back to Isabelle's side, putting his paw on her arm with worry. "Hey, are you feeling okay? Are you hurt? I-I'm sorry for everything... I..." His voice trailed off with difficulty in voicing his thoughts. The lynxling quickly became torn on whether to leave as soon as possible or to stick around to make sure Isabelle was alright. He wasn't sure of anything anymore if he was being honest. His mind had gone blank, and his head was spinning. Everything was happening all at once, and there was no halting it. He decided to simply see what would happen next, looking at the girls expectantly with his big cat eyes.
Isabelle didn't answer Jexel right away. She wasn't exactly sure how she felt right now. Her legs were refusing to bear her weight. "Gina...what the hell?! I thought you healed me?" Isabelle said towards her friend. "I did!" Regina responded, "everything is fine with you. You're healed. You should be able to walk just fine. I don't know why you can't." Isabelle attempted again to stand...to no avail, she plopped back down on the couch. "Maybe I'm just taking a while to get better. Some people heal slower than others, right? Right Gina? This has happened before right?" she continued to ask her friend. Regina's face said it all, she was worried. It didn't make any sense why she was still unable to stand. Regina never had any set backs in her magic before, this was a first and she hated that it was Isabelle that fell into that. "Everything is going to be ok, I'm going to be ok...yea...yea I'm fine. I'm just taking a little longer...yea...that's it. I'm ok. I'm ok." Isabelle repeated to herself. Maybe if she said it enough times, she would actually believe it. Yet still tears started to well up in her eyes, falling down her face softly. Turning towards Jexel she said, "Don't you dare leave me now. I need you...I really really need you right now." she said as she started crying more. "I'll go to my books, I must've missed something. Make yourself comfortable Jex. I don't like it very much...but looks like you're not going anywhere right now." Regina said as she stepped away from the two of them and went into her room to research what could've possibly went wrong.
"D-Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. It's alright, you'll be alright..." Jexel spoke, almost attempting to calm himself more than console his girlfriend at this point. It was becoming increasingly difficult for him not to rise in a panic, but as long as he kept his focus on Isabelle, he felt a glimmer of sanity in his mind. "Hey, keep your eyes on me...please. After all of that I was afraid I'd never get to see them again..." He said, caressing the side of her face as he used to. Though the intention was to distract her from her legs, he genuinely missed the emerald gleam that met his eyes at the end of each day. "I...I want you to look me in the eyes, and say you aren't afraid." He chuckled nervously, smiling wide so his fangs showed. It hurt him to see her in such a state, wishing that she would simply get up and hug him again, but he had to stay strong. He had already vented his emotions for the day, and more fire would just make everything worse.
Isabelle smiled through her tears, "You said that to me when we first met, remember that? I was terrified of you and you told me to look you in the eyes and say I wasn't afraid." she said to him, staring into his eyes as he caressed the side of her face. The thought brightened her mood a little but when she attempted to get closer to him, her legs didn't budge, reminding her all over again of her predicament. Looking down again at her legs, she started to cry again, tears flowing quickly, chest heaving up and down with every sob. "I can't say it now Jex...I can't....I'm terrified...I'm so afraid. What if I can never walk again? How am I supposed to come see you? How are we going to be together if I can't get to you? I don't want to lose you. I don't. I can't move a wheelchair into the wilderness and my dad would never let me out of his sight if he knew about this. Jexel....I need you. I can't be without you. I love you. What are we going to do? What if Regina can't fix this?" she began to ask through violent sobs and crys.
"You will make it through this Isabelle. You are strong. You were strong when I burned down the apartment and nearly left you, you were strong when the mayors of BOTH communities wanted me to die, and you can be strong now...and you know what? I'll carry you. Anywhere and everywhere, I'll carry you! Even when you can move your legs again, I'll carry you, because I never want you out of my arms!" He held her hand tight as he said this, his eyes sparkling with genuine hope and conviction. It was with these feelings that he continued, gazing deep into her eyes. "There will always be a way Isabelle. I may not be the smartest guy, and I'm nothing if not inconsistent, but nobody can keep you away from me for long." Lifting up her hand to his lips, he gave it a kiss to ease her mind, and smiled calmly at her. His eyes never left hers for a second as he then leaned down and whispered, "Don't be afraid... I love you..." as he gave her a kiss on the lips.
Jexel's words brought a peace over Isabelle and she was able to stop crying. His kisses eased her. Her sobs turned into soft sniffles as she dried her tears softly with her hands. "I love you too," she said, her voice still cracking lightly but better than it was. She rested on Jexel's shoulders for a while, enjoying the comfort of his arms around her, the scent of his fur, the sound of his breath as he breathed softly. She was beginning to close her eyes again when Regina walked out of her room. "Ugh, ill. No nasty stuff on my couch, ok?" Regina said as she looked over to Jexel and Isabelle.
"Shut up, what is it? Did you figure something out?" Isabelle said.
"Yes and no. Some injuries take longer to heal than others depending on how long it took from the time of the injury to the time of the healing. According to my book, it should take two full days to know for sure if the healing is going to take place or...not. In two days we will know if the paralysis is temporary or...or permanent. I'm sorry Izzy. I wish I could do more."
Isabelle's heart sank, permanent? No, she didn't want to bring herself down unnecessarily. She could wake up tomorrow and be perfectly fine. 48 hours. 48 hours was all she needed. Then and only then would she worry about what was to happen to her if her legs still didn't work.
"Can you call my dad and make something up about why I need to stay here for two days? I don't want to have to deal with this unless I know I really have to. For now...we just live day by day." Isabelle told Regina who agreed then looked over at Jexel. "Can Jexel stay? Please? I can really use the company and he's strong, he can help me get around. Please Gina. I know I'm asking for a lot but...please."
"Izzy! You have got to be kidding me?! What if he sets something on fire?" Regina exclaimed with worry in her voice.
"He wont. I'll keep him calm. Please." Isabelle pleaded with her friend. She really wanted Jexel to stay with her. She felt like she needed it. It would probably be the only way she was going to get through the next few days. She needed his comfort, she needed him.
"Ugh, fine! You guys can stay in the spare bedroom. Lucky my parents are away for the next week. But the moment he starts to lose it...HE'S GONE!" she said, not caring much that Jexel was there before turning towards her room to call Isabelle's father. Isabelle didn't mind Regina's attitude. She was just happy that she would have Jexel with her for the next few days. She never wanted to let him go.
"Carry me to our room?" she asked him with a smile, "I'm kind of tired."
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Jexel couldn't help snicker as Regina left to call Isabelle's father. Picking up Isabelle gently, he spoke. "I think she might be warming up to me. Who knows, I could get in your father's good graces yet." He gave her a smile as he carried her into the spare bedroom, laying her softly on the bed then hopping in next to her. "So...it looks like you're stuck with me for a while. Even if I did have to leave, it would be impossible for me to do so now. After the stunt I pulled, people will probably be watching Regina's door for a while... She's a good friend to have, Isabelle. I'm glad I wasn't enough to tear you two apart." He said with a smile, putting his arm around her shoulder and giving her a kiss on the cheek. Despite the scariness of the situation, Jexel was happy that he could spend time with Isabelle on a constant basis for the next few days. Deciding to let the future decide itself at this point seemed like the best idea to him. With that in mind, a new question began to take shape in his head. "...What do you want to do now?" He asked curiously.
Isabelle smiled back, burying her face in his neck, "Regina is...tolerating you better and as for my dad...we'll have to take that one REALLY slow." Gently he laid her on the bed, hopping in next to her, wrapping his arm around her. They were laying in a real bed together, they were living in a real house together, granted her legs were shot but they were together and in someplace...normal. Perhaps there was still hope...still hope they could be together and just be normal. "Regina is a good friend to have. We've been best friends since we were kids. We love each other and as much as she doesn't enjoy my present choice in men...she's always there for me when I need her, and it goes the same for me too." Isabelle cuddled closer to Jexel as he spoke. What were they going to do? What do normal couples do when they're home together. She smiled up at him, "We watch mindless t.v. and then you will get all my references for once." She said with a big smile. Normal...they can finally, at least pretend to be, normal. "The remote is over there, bring it to me." Jexel gladly brought the remote to her and Isabelle turned on the t.v. On one of the home networks was Martha Stewart, "that's Martha Stewart, that's who I called you before." She said with a laugh, watching the program for a bit before changing the channel.
"Wow, it's been forever since I've seen anything on TV..." Jexel said with a grin as Isabelle turned it on. When he saw Martha Stewart, he sighed, noticing the similarities that she was talking about. "Ya know...I wouldn't mind making a career out of what I can do, I'll be honest. It would be an easier transition than what's going on now." He said with a laugh as they continued to flip through the channels. The lynxling was entranced with the amount of channels he was missing out on, and memories flowed back to him about all those lazy days he used to spend on his couch. But now he was in a comfy bed, with an amazing girlfriend, with a big TV...it was like he simply wasn't the same, but better. He laid his head on hers lovingly as he spoke again. "I hope that TV isn't the only thing on your schedule though. You can still practice magic, and...I uh...I wouldn't mind learning how to read..." Jexel blushed as he said what was on his mind. He hated admitting that he couldn't read, even if she already knew.
Isabelle was enjoying the television programming, just enjoying time with Jexel when he spoke to her. She looked up at him now to speak, "We can practice magic later, it takes a lot out of me but Jex...I can't teach you to read in two days love. It takes humans years of schooling to learn. Of course I'll start to teach you but it's going to take some time, ok?" She leaned over to reach into the night stand beside the bed, pulling out a pen and notepad Regina always kept in the different bedrooms. "Regina says, 'you never know when your going to wake up with a great idea' so she always keeps pen and paper near the beds. Do you know the alphabet? It has 26 letters," she began, writing each letter on the paper for Jexel to see. "The first step in learning how to read is to recognize the different letters that make up the words and what sounds they make." She pointed to each letter, showing him each one, its name and what sound it made. "Makes a little sense? Tell me if its too overwhelming for you." she said, concerned for him, wanting him to learn but never wanting to push him too hard.
Jexel grinned shyly as she began to teach him, his face turning a bit red from how childish he felt. "D-Don't worry too much about me. I pick these things up pretty quickly. It's just, after that whole thing with the note... I feel like it just might be a skill that could come in handy, ya know? Of course...I can't really write, what with my paws and all..." He looked down at his paws sullenly as he spoke. He wanted to at least be a bit educated. Maybe he could make something of himself...maybe he could make a difference. The thought excited him deeply, being able to do something to prove himself to humans and half-breeds alike, so he looked on, eager to learn more from Isabelle. "Ah, of course, I wouldn't mind a break every now and then though..." He said sheepishly. Baby steps...baby steps... Jexel thought to himself with a smile, just glad to be by Isabelle.
Isabelle smiled at Jexel. She loved how sweet, gentle and innocent he was. "Well, then we must teach you quickly. My dad is sending a letter to your puma family when your job is ready. It would be nice if you could actually read it when it arrives." she said to him, giving him a big smile. She continued to teach him the alphabet, giving him little drills to help him retain the different letters and the sounds they made. Having him be more educated would only help her case with her father, although she wasn't sure how she could possibly convince him that a convicted half-breed was good for her but perhaps an educated convicted half-breed would be better? She could only hope. Jexel was making progress with learning and Isabelle was very proud of him. "You're doing really well my love. I'm very proud. Let's take a break then." she said as she set the note pad and pen to the side on the nightstand. "So...it's getting dark...we're alone...in a normal room...in a very comfy bed..." she began raising her eyebrows, batting her eyes and giving him a very seductive smile.
Jexel blushed at her smile, his heart beating faster at the batting of her eyes. It was like she knew just how to make him melt like putty in her hands. He pulled her close to his side, giving her his own mischievous and seductive smile as he wrapped her in his arms. He gave her a long kiss before pulling away for a breath, looking at her with a tinge of concern. "D-Do you think...well... I mean, this isn't the wilderness, and... will Regina mind?" He finally got to the point, looking rather sheepish at his question. As much as he wanted to be with Isabelle, staying in Regina's favor seemed to be the best idea. So with that on his mind, he looked to Isabelle for her thoughts. His eyes glowed as he looked upon her, his thoughts swirling like a whirlpool. All he desired, and all he loved, was laying right in front of him. With the atmosphere the way it was, it was almost too good to be true.
His kiss made her swoon, melting in his arms, filling up with passion for him and wishing incessantly that her legs would work so she could crawl all over him. Jexel pulled away for a breath and spoke to her, "Regina? I don't really care what she thinks. Plus the room is locked, she's not going to bother us. I promise. AND...this is much better than the wilderness don't you think? It's a heck of a lot more comfortable not as sexy but it's...normal. I'm going to need a little help but can we be just a normal regular couple, doing what normal regular couples do?" She asked, kissing along his jaw. Isabelle didn't really care what anyone thought at that moment. She just wanted to feel normal again, to feel like they were just like every other couple she knew. She wanted it to not be half-breed and human but just a girl and a guy who were madly in love with each other.
Jexel sighed in relief as she spoke, glad to have no qualms with being with her entirely that night. "It's so much more comfy than the wilderness, and I must have really been missing out if this is normal... Isabelle, I'll be whatever you need, whenever you need it, because I love you..." He stopped himself from saying anymore, wanting to relish her company to the best of his ability. He met Isabelle's kiss once more as he climbed atop of her, relinquishing his clothes and helping her out of hers. In short time, he held her in his arms once more, passion gripping his heart. Leaning in for another kiss, the two found themselves making love yet again, spending the night enraptured with each other.
Jexel was all Isabelle could ask for and then some. He was so in tuned to her every need as they spent the night in each other's arms making love. The warm bed, soft sheets and pillows only added to the pleasure filled night, adding comfort and security to their intimacy. When they were finally too tired to keep going, they lay beside each other to sleep, exhaustion overtaking them, forcing them to pull away. "I love you Jexel" Isabelle said as she cuddled her naked body against his and allowed sleep to take her away with a soft smile on her face. The next morning came...well afternoon, staying up all night caused them both to sleep in quite a bit. Regina always kept the rooms as dark as possible which was so much better than being woken up at dawn by the rising sun. Isabelle awoke before Jexel, looking at the time, 2 o'clock, wow they really did sleep in. She began to kiss him lightly on his lips, "wake up sleepy head" she said softly as she called to him to awaken. "I think this is the first time in your life you've ever slept in," she whispered as she continued to kiss along his neck.
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