Melodic High School (Battle Edition)

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A group of paramedics ran though the school to the band room they picked up Andrew and took him to the nurses room he was still passed out and the paramedics were trying to figure out what happened they put him on a bed and were analyzing what could have happened
Erin felt her blush darken as she smiled shyly. "Thanks. Your eyes are too." She said, turning to look at them. She gave a half smile and raised her hand, adjusting the bag of ice. She pulled the bag of ice away from her eye, her hand touching Storm's for a second. Her eyes widened a little before she gently pulled her hand back and touched her face. The area was cool where the ice was. "Did it go down?" She asked, turning to look at Storm again.
Storm kept staring at her.

Storm: Yeah. It went down. You know...what that girl said back's not true. I think you're the beautiful one.

Storm smiles and grabs her hand. However a commotion is going on outside of the patient room that Storm can't help, but hear.
The nurse and paramedic took Andrew to the patient room and talked about what happened to him

Nurse: what happened?

Paramedic: Were not sure we found him in the band room passed out laying in a pile of blood

Nurse: Oh my was he hit beat up or just passed out

Paramedic: He has wounds all over him he was beaten up the blood is from his mouth so he was hit in the stomach

Nurse: Do you know what happened

Paramedic: No one is confessing to it also whats the patients name

Nurse: *Looks at papers* Andrew Faygun

Paramedic I suggest we leave him next to those two until he wakes up

Nurse: OK
Erin felt her heart beat against her chest. She was at a loss for words. When Storm grabbed her hand, she held his hand back, staring into his eyes. Slowly, a smiled grew onto her face until it was a bright smile. Then, she turned her head, hearing something outside, causing her smile to drop. She gently squeezed Storm's hand before hopping off of the table and opening the door. She saw a lot of nurses surrounding a bed and gasped, bringing a hand to her mouth. "Andrew!" was all she said before hurrying over to the bedside. "What happened?" She asked the nurses, looking down at the innocent boy's face.
The nurse replied "He was beaten up in the band room no one knows who it was and no one is confessing, He is badly Injured he was hit on the head punched in the face and kicked multiple times in the stomach he coughed up blood but hes fine now right now he is passed out" she checked his vitals and continued doing paperwork
Storm stared at Andrew whom was laying on the bed. Angered he balled his fist.

Storm: Who did this...when I find out...

Storm's eyes begin glowing red and changing back to normal repeadetly. Anger filled him as he wondered who could of done this.
The doctors and nurses left to talk to the students Andrew Erin and Storm were the only ones in the room
Erin felt tears fall down her face as anger boiled in her veins. "He doesn't deserve this..." she whispered, too angry to talk any louder. Erin turned and strode out of the room and into the hallway, walking quickly to the music room. There, she saw Andrew's music torn. She was beyond upset now. There, Erin saw the small puddle of blood where Andrew must have been laying. "Andrew...who did this to you..." She said softly, dropping to her knees and staring at the blood. Andrew was just a silent kid who didn't deserve to be beaten up.
Storm: Just hang in there bud. You're gonna be fine. These nurses will take care of you.

Storm sat down on a chair in the patient room. He rubbed his face and was noticebly stressed out at this happening to his friends.
Andrew slowly opened his eyes his vision was very poor his head felt like it had been hit by a steel rod and his stomach had felt like it had been crushed by a car no doubt he didn't even know what happened he got up slowly he felt light headed and nauseous he looked around confused not sure what to do he was in horrible pain so he just laid back down
Storm is surprised and calls the nurse in. She sprints in and begins attending Andrew.

Storm:'re alright.
Erin stood up and was finally fed up with everything. She opened the music room door and left, slamming it shut behind her. She made her way to the cafeteria and asked around; asked if they knew a boy named Andrew.She finally came up to some boys and asked them innocently if they've seen Andrew. "Yeah, I saw him. Punched the dude's lights out a few hours ago. What a wimp." The boy snorted and started laughing. Erin's gaze turned cold toward the boy and she sent a deadly glare at him. The boy smirked and crossed his arms, as if taunting her. Erin jumped forward and shoved the other boy out of the way and watched him fall to the ground. "Andrew's my friend. And you messed with the wrong person, buddy." Erin snapped, gripping the boy's collar and dragging him to the infirmary. They boy was struggling against her grip on his shirt, but she didn't falter. She kicked open the patient room door and turned angry eyes to Storm and Andrew, ignoring the fact that the room was full of nurses. "Here he is." Erin snarled, pushing the guy into the room. She was really angry and felt like knocking him out.
"What happened?" he said curiously "I don't feel that well I just feel conscious my head hurts horrible and my stomach just feels like it had been crushed multiple times I don't remember what happened all I remember was going to the music room and waking up her that's it"

Nurse: Andrew go back to sleep you need rest to heal

"Ok... Storm once I recover and remember everything we can talk but for now I'm stuck here" He laid back down and closed his eyes again slowly falling back alseep

Storm looked at the boy Erin had dragged in.

Storm: Kayden?! You little...

Storm picked Kayden up and took him outside of the nurse's office. He throws him against the lockers.

"Wait whoa whoa Storm come on man i'm sorry!"

Storm punched a locker beside Kayden's head and left a dent in it.

Storm: You better give me one good reason I shoulden't end you right now.

"I'm sorry! It won't happen again! I...please Storm. We were members of the same group. I was your second in command! Please think about this!"

Storm hesitated, but then punched him in the gut. Kayden had his breath taken out of him and his head landed on his shoulder. Storm grabbed Kayden by the hair and threw him on the ground

Storm: If you even think...about touching any of my friends again...I will make sure that you will no longer be able to walk...

Erin watched as Storm snatched Kayden up and dragged him outside. Her eyes widened when she heard something something slam from far away. She turned her gaze toward Andrew and smiled a little, knowing he would get better. Erin just sat there and waited for Storm to come back.
Storm walked back into the nurse's office wiping his mouth.

Storm: I don't think he'll bother Andrew again. If he does...he'll know what'll happen.

Storm looks at Andrew and gives him a thumbs up. He looks at Erin and smiles at her
Erin watched Storm walk in saying the boy wouldn't bother Andrew anymore. Erin sighed in relief and returned the smile Storm sent to her. "That's good. I feel so much better now." She said, leaning her head back against the wall and closing her eyes, a faint smile still on her face. She opened her eyes and looked at the light above her. The light caught in her eyes and she smiled, glad the situation with Andrew was taken care of.
Storm puts his hands in his pockets and walks towards the exit,

Storm: well I think i'm gonna go have some food. I'm starving!

Storm walks out of the nurse's office and begins to think of the conversation between him and Erin before the paramedics rushed in. He was going to tell her how he felt, but the moment was interrupted.

Storm: Darn shame
Erin watched Storm walk out, something written on his face. She couldn't place it, but she stood up and walked out of the door behind him. "Well, that's good." she said awkwardly, before mentally face palming herself. She skipped a few steps ahead of Storm and turned, smiling at him while walking backwards. "Any idea what your going to eat? I think I might have heard you say something about bacon when I rammed you down earlier." Erin said, laughing a bit.