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Randy narrowed his eyes "and now the truth.."
There was one thing he hated, and that were lies, or secrets.
Things would come out eventually if you lied, so honesty was all he had.
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"She pushed me," Dawn admitted eventually. She didn't want to hurt Randy's feelings. What Dusk said was slightly true, it was crazy, and a little weird, but maybe that's why she liked it.
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"It's fine. It's a girl thing, you won't understand," Dawn blushed. She wasn't comfortable with explaining anything, let alone what goes on in her head. So he's targeted head and heart. What was he going to ask now? How her arm felt?
"What Dawn said. You'll never understand. Or Aston, or anybody else. It was a debate that got out of hand," Dusk sighed irritated.
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Randy sighed "it was about me.. wasn't it?"
He grabbed his bag and shook his head "Look, I'm not trying to cause trouble. Like I said to Aston, if you have a problem with me in terms of dawn, say it and I won't."

With those words he felt an undeniable pain in his chest, like he could littarely could feel the heartache pressuring onto his heart.
He swallowed heart and looked down "I'm out."

He walked through the door and slammed it close behind him.
Randy had to get outside, he needed air.
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Dawn ran after him, "If they have problems, they'll have to live with them. They are always selfish, and it's my turn," she looked Randy in the eye, it showed her seriousness and honesty. She felt like it was true. So, the girls annoyed Aston, and Aston and herself argued with Dusk, but Dawn was not selfish. Ever.
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Randy sighed "Aston doesn't have a problem with it, he just wants everybody to be happy."
He looked at her "I don't want to cause any trouble. I don't want to be the reason you fight with your sister. That's family, and family always comes first. No matter what."
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"She's just a bitch. She always has been. She doesn't want people to be happy. Opposite of Aston, really," Dawn insisted. Family did not ever come first. At least, not in her family. She wouldn't be here if that was true. The list of people who came first was:

1. Me
2. My friends
3. Everybody else excluding my siblings and enemies
4. My enemies
5. My family
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Randy sighed "I don't know.. I just don't want any problems."
She didn't even realise how much it hurt to let go of something he wanted so badly.
Something he needed so badly, she was a craving, but nobody would understand.
Maybe some day, but right now he couldn't.
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"There's no problem," Dawn wanted to cry. He sounded like he wanted a problem.
He cupped her cheeks and looked into her eyes "you were fighting, because of me. To me, that's a problem."
He sighed, she didn't understand.
Who would? Family was important to him, even if he was never important to his family.
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"No, Dusk was fighting. I was standing," Dawn was crying by now, tears trickling down her cheeks because it didn't make sense, did he not love her? Was Dusk right?

"Why do you do it, Dusk? Why'd you do it? Why do you?" Aston eventually said. "WHY DO YOU DO IT? WHY?" he yelled. He wanted his family happy, but Dusk clearly wasn't.
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Randy wiped her tears away and wrapped his arms around her "shh.. don't cry.. please.."
He held her tighter than he had before.
He didn't want to hurt her, he just didn't want to do something that would cause any har, to anyone.
He kissed her cheek and sighed "please.. it's going to be okay.. I promise.."

Seeing her cry was heartbreaking, and it was his fault.
Randy closed his eyes "I'm so sorry.."
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Dawn cried into his shoulder. She wasn't just hurting where Dusk had hurt her, but where her heart was, if she had the heart she believed she had. "I'm not crying," she tried to speak but it hurt too much. Everything was painful. She should've wiped her eyes but she couldn't, she was enjoying the moment as much as she could. Every moment with him was precious.
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Randy held her and whispered "I'm not going anywhere.. I swear.."
He squeezed her and kissed her cheek again "I'll stay, I don't want to be without you.."
A moment of silence fell, he pulled his head back and tilted her head to look at him.
Before anything, he slowly pressed his lips against her, kissing her softly.
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Dawn didn't know if he wanted to just kiss for a moment or not, so she waited for him to finish the kiss.

Aston watched them kiss, and smiled. It was kinda cute. So that's how girls wanted guys. Argh hell, he'd been doing it wrong.
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He noticed she didn't kiss him back, he pulled back and looked down "I ruined it.. didn't I?"
He let go and looked at her "I'm sorry."

Randy looked over and saw Aston, he smiled when he saw him smile.
He sighed and looked at Dawn "I'll see you around?"
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"No, I just wasn't ready," Dawn looked at the floor.

"I've lived my life wrong," Aston mumbled to himself, before suddenly bursting out laughing at how stupid he thought he'd been.
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