• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
COOKIES!? What do you need?~ Grrrr.

And sadly that picture you're talking about? My dog ripped it up.

.... -sobs over lost art- ;_;

Eye color: light brown
Skin tone: Pale uh...pale?
Gender: Female... YES I HAVE BOOBS.
Hair: down to my shoulders, hair comes to points and is longer at the front and shorter in the back, its black with red tips atm but will grow out into a light brown-blonde...dirty blonde type deal
Clothing you'd like to be wearing: dark blue dark red and black for tops the only light stuff i wear is as close as i can get to #00ff66 as i can get , blue jeans for bottoms.

P.S thin goth like intead of over chunky like they sometimes can get hybrid hooker boots pls (not pointed heel and rounded toe) <3
Eye color: Blue
Skin tone: Light
Gender: Male
Hair color/style: Shaggy, dirty blonde
Clothing you'd like to be wearing: Red shirt with long black sleeves, blue jeans

The comics look nice, TK. ^^
Working on the sixth comic, and also, this is another picture for October.

This is his angel. ^.^

You got mad skill.
Eye color: Hmmm... I think they're gray-ish blue?
Skin tone: White, slightly tanned. (You can't tell from my pictures)
Gender: Imma GUUURL.
Hair color/style: Dark brown / straight, shoulder length, bangs swept to one side.
Clothing you'd like to be wearing: Plaid (red and black) short-sleeved dress to the thighs with jeans. Gotta represent Canada, eh 8D

I guess I could link a RL photo? o_o Would that help?
Yeah, that would help a bit, Dawners, and thankies Octy.
I love your style TK! Both for the comic spritelings, and also your standalone art as above... so much talent!
Zyph and Char.

*blushes, burns, boils, spontaneously combusts, goes supernova, becomes a black hole*

So pretty... So sexy........

New tablet, practicing with owls!


except can i have the jacket blue and the eye augmentic from my avatar (block of metal that covers the eye socket and cheek, with the avatar eye bit on that!)?
Sure sure! ^.^
I'm sorry, but zombie Abraham Lincoln owns everything else. The demon girl was nice. The two guys--weren't my thing. But the zombie Lincoln was awesome. I just know we're all doomed now. Just give him a light saber.
Wait... zombie abra....

OH, you mean Grumpy's protrayal of himself! Nah, I didn't draw that... thought I wish I had... 0.o
That's was actually a picture of grumpy taken by me

we were in scotland

drunk as all hell.
**thrash and flail**
Want a Kitti plushie, Teeeeeekaaaaaay~