Look-Alike (~Nora.Inu~ & SleepyDreamer)

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I wouldn't have offered if I did mind," Riki replied, turning the television down so Dan could sleep peacefully.
Dan was already asleep and was practically dead to the world. His body slowly curled up next to Riki, taking on an almost feline curl to itself. He never released Riki's hand as he slept peacefully.

((Say... Could I... add a supernaturalish quality to this? o3o -has an idea-)
(What was your idea? I wont reply til I know, cause I don't want to ruin it.)
(( Dannie boy being a were-creature or maybe just a leopard boy or somethin'. Nothing too big.))
(Yeah, sure. I wouldn't mind that)

Riki looked at Dan lovingly, gently tugging some knots out of his hair.
As Riki played with his hair, something small and pointed popped into view as the man curled up tighter on the couch. It was a small cat ear. Sandy brown with a black tip, another one popped out on the other side of his head. He shifted and a tail popped out of the top of his pants, hidden under his large t-shirt that he had worn that day.
Riki blinked, thinking his eyes were playing tricks on him. He reached out and touched the ear, jumping up and moving away with a loud curse word.
Dan's eyes popped open as his head hit the couch and he looked around as the curse word rang out in the living room. "What? Did someone break in? What's going on?" He asked, rubbing his eyes weakly as he yawned, not all that worried about someone breaking in.
Riki looked at an with a mix of emotions on his face.
"The.. the ears, a-and you... you have a tail," e whispered as if it was a big secret.
It took a moment for Dan to realize just what had happened. His eyes widened as he reached up and felt the ears twitch under his fingers. He felt the tail move under his shirt, tickling his skin. He looked up at Riki and stood, backing away, fear in his eyes. No. No no, this couldn't happen. Not now! Before the other man could stop him he dashed form the room, slamming his door behind him, leaning up against it as he tried to keep Riki from seeing him like this. He slid to the ground, his hands going to cover his kitten ears.
Riki shouted after Dan, getting to his feet when he was out of shock.
"Dan... are you okay?"
The young man whimpered softly, curling tighter into a small ball against the door. "I-I" he tried to say but felt tears sting his eyes. "I didn't want you to see this Riki. I'm sorry, i'm so sorry!" he scrambled away from the door and slid under the bed, quivering there as he waited for the denial or screams of 'demon'.
Riki paused for a long while.
"You don't need to apologize, just... why the hell do you have ears and a tail?"
Daniel listened, intently, waiting for something other than that to be said. What could he say to that anyway? 'Oh, hello. I have a tail and ears because I'm not human!' He shuddered at the thought. He pushed his hands down tightly over his ears, trying to get them to disappear again. Why couldn't he have been awaken when this had happen? If he had been he would have been able to hide out and push them down sooner. He couldn't talk to Riki. Over and over again he said he was sorry. Memories of the times when he'd changed in front of Gary flooded back and he closed his eyes tighter. "No,no," he moaned as he could almost feel the lash marks reappear on his back.
Riki tried jiggling the handle, with no luck. It was locked.
"Daniel? Please, can you tell me what's going on? I'm not gonna leave."
Daniel shook his head, pushing down harder on his ears so much so that they started to hurt. Instead of staying where he was safe he crawled out from under the bed and slipped silently to the door. The second he unlocked the door, he dived under the bed, scooting as far back as he could. Only... his tail stuck out from under the bed, despite his attempts to be unseen.
Riki walked in calmly. When he saw the tail, he laid down so he was on his stomach and parallel with the bed. He laid there with his head resting on his arms, turning to look at Daniel.
"Hey there," he said with a kind smile, even though he was freaking out on the inside.
Daniel's eyes snapped open and he looked at him. The next second he had scrambled out from under the bed and was on the other side, watching him from over the edge of the bed, fear plain on his face. "R-Riki, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep it a secret. I just never figured that you'd see it. I've learned so well to keep them in, please don't hate me for it. I'll keep 'em hidden. I really will! You won't have to hurt me to make me remember," he said, tears as bad memories came back starting to form in his eyes, "Please, don't be mad."
Riki looked at him as if he had gone madly insane.
"Hurt you? Dan, baby, what would make you think that? Seriously, do I seem so shallow? You don't have to hide this, really. I just want to know what's going on."
These words didn't seem to sooth him for he ducked even lower until only his hands over his ears could be seen. "I-I have them. They won't go away no matter how much I drink the solution that was made for me. They keep coming back. Gary would always hit me if they came out. Please, please, don't hurt me. I promise. I'll make sure to drink the stuff as much as possible. Please-I-I don't want to lose you. I-I'm sorry I didn't tell you," he whimpered, sliding further down, thirty years of torment hitting his body and driving any form of coherent thought besides wanting to grovel for forgiveness from his mind completely.