Little Mare

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He nods and points to a bucket full of food just for her " that you can bear more colts? I know this and you my dear are a painted mare"
Therani stands and walks over to the bucket, plunging her hands inside to shove the food in her mouth. "You are not affected by my being able to bear more colts?" She asks in surprise after swallowing her mouthful of grain. She loved hearing that she was a painted mare. She had always admired the painted ones for their beauty.
He smiles and plays with her tail, "it just means you can bear a few more babies before I retire you. That is all pumpkin"
Therani smiled and flicked her tail into Farid. "You are kind. You are unlike my last master!" She pawed the ground with a hoof and reached back into the bucket, swallowing some more grain before looking back at him. "I am glad you will be my first mating...though I am told the first heat for a mare is difficult...I also am told that so is the first this true??" She munched on more grain as she waited for his response.
He laugh as her tail gets in his face and listens to her questions, " they tend to hurt yes dear. I will do my best to minimize that but yes in general this is indeed a problem for young mares"
Therani sighed. "Oh well, some things cannot be helped." She continued eating, relishing the feeling of a full stomach. "What pills did the doctor prescribe for me?" She asked, her attention going back to the food. She glad that there had been no damage done to her permanently. It would have been a waste for her to have talent as a breeder, then been unable to breed. She snorted, her nostrils flaring.
" Just some vitamins to help with healing and growth. It is nothing you need to worry about, you are in remarkably good health" his eyes watch her move and he smiles, clearly attracted to his mare
Therani flicked her tail at him. "Good!" She smiled with pride at her body's strength.
He smiles and pads the floor next to him, " come here and let me see you pretty one."
She trotted over, sitting down by him. "You could have seen me from over there?" She was confused but was attracted to the young man so did as he asked.
He laughs and leans over kissing her softly on her llips, " true but it would have been harder to touch you" he reaches and pulls the bow revealing her breasts
Therani knickers. "Touch me?" She leans forward and looked Farid in the eye. "Very well."
Farid smiles and kisses her gently fondling her large breasts, " you are allowed to touch back"
Therani whinnied, feeling excitement growing. She ran her fingers through his hair. "You are a very attractive human male..." She snorted. "Make sure you are prepared to follow through..." She smiled, her nipples growing perky.
He grins and kisses her moving close and then whispers in her ear, " just dont kick me"
"Mmmm...would never dream of it." She leaned in to kiss him. She reached her hand down to grab his and place it on her breasts. "I shall please my master and be the best breeder"
He smiles and strokes her cheek softly before gripping her breasts, she was perky and beautiful. He leans in and kisses her his other hand travels down her chest and over her stomach
Therani moaned, thrilled at being handled gently the first time. Her opening grew wet, and she put her hooves under her, preparing to stand on all fours. She gripped his hair lightly, kissing back. "Will master be pleased by my matings?" She was nervous, not knowing exactly what would please her new master. The other owner had shown her what was expected of her, restraining her if she resisted his prying hands. There was no such demand from her new master and not knowing what he liked bothered her.
He smiles and strokes her cheek gently pulling her hair, " of course it will. Are you ready now or shall we wait a little longer for you to grow healthy?"
Therani smiled. "Now I am ready, and my body is willing." Her hind legs straightened until she was kneeling on her forelegs, her chest remaining level with him. "I have never before gained such pleasure." She pulled his hand back to her chest, enjoying the stimulation of it. Wetness dripped from her, further reinforcing the fact that she was both stimulated and ready.

"Anything master wants..." Her eyes shone as she looked at the boy, feeling a deep connection with him. She wondered if she was in heat, her body was responding to the boy in a way it had never before responded to anyone else.
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