Little Mare

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He nods and tips her face up kissingb her sweetly, " it is your decison. I will not force you into that"
Therani kissed him back. "I would want you as my first mating, you would be gentle. All I know is breeding, so that would be best for your farm." She flicked her tail, feeling exhausted and stuffed from the good food. "May I sleep? Would you wake me for the vet?"
" of course you can sleep little one" he taps her nose softly and gets her a blanket
"Out here?" She asks, not wanting to be holed up in a stall again. She was enjoying her freedom.
" wherever you like little darling" he smiles and tugs her hair gently
Therani promptly fell asleep, the events of the day taking its toll. Normally, she hardly slept, instead being used as the stablehands plaything. They would insert one finger in her, feeling her tight pussy, not wanting to risk doing anything further to upset the master.

The night passed smoothly, with Therani hardly stirring from sleep, she slept until close to the time when the vet was to arrive, making up for lost time.
She came in early in the morning and farid smiles " sweetie it is time for your check up"
Therani awoke to see Farid standing over her. "Will you take me back to my stall then?" She stood, wobbling. She did not want to be pocked and prodded and inspected in front of the other centaurs.
He nods and leads her to her stall and the vet comes in She is a younger woman with her chestnut hair pulled back and some glasses, she looked very kind and she looks at the little mare, "do you have any records sweetie? Come over here and let me have a look at you"
Therani walked over to the vet. "My last owner refused to keep records...I doubt their vet was even a real vet." Her coat twitched in fear.
She nods and checks her coat and then each of her hooves, she inspects her legs and ears " open your mouth and say aaaah" she would check for any throat issues or broken teeth. Finally she looks at her, " have you been broken?"
Therani opened her mouth, saying ahh. She then closed it and looked at the vet quizzically. "What do you mean by broken?"
She sighs and spreads the mares legs expecting her and smiles " no not yet. Now I'm just gonna reach in and check. Brace yourself" she puts a glove on and does the deed. It only lasts a few minutes and she finishes , " no permanent damage that's good. How old were you when you were weened?"
"Ah, you meant mated!" Therani says, before she whinnied at the unexpected intrusion. "I have not been mated, but the men were allowed to penetrate me with their fingers." She shifted and pawed the ground with a front hoof. "I was very young, only a month or so."
She nods listening and then pets her hind gently " well my dear, you're gonna be alright now. You'll be taken care of here and I will give you some supplement to help you regain complete health, why don't you go rest while I speak with your master"
Therani nodded and went to curl up in the corner of her stall, yawning and settling in to sleep.
They smile and she gives the full report and he nods paying her before going and covering his sleeping mare with a soft blanket and kissing her cheek softly
Therani awoke at the kiss. "Farid...?" She rubbed at her eyes, trying to wipe away her exhaustion. "What did the vet say?"
He smiles and kisses her nose " she said you just need to eat more and take these pills little one. It will be fine"
"I am hungry..." Therani stretched her back legs out, enjoying the space she had been given.

"Did she not tell you what breed I am? Or that I am different?" She cocked her head at Farid, watching him closely for any negative reactions.
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