Little Explorer

Perhaps just have him walking around in the village, watching the Tinks do their every day thing? Have him run into a few of the other's characters to start a conversation? Really, there's a lot of different options. @Holo
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Hey guys! Super sorry for no response. My WiFi has been acting up, and I can't use the data on my phone, so I can't get on. (I CRI) But it's supposed to be fixed tomorrow, but ya never know with these things. So I'm very sorry in advance!!!!
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Hey guys! So WiFi was fixed today! Whoop! I'll have replies tomorrow however, because I need sleep due to testing tomorrow and ugh... I really hate school right now. So just bear with me for 1 more night, then expect replies and such tomorrow! Thanks for understanding~ <3
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Ugh I feel like the crappiest GM ever! So sorry you guys. I've been stressing out majorly over this, and another roleplay I'm trying to start up. And this roleplay is slowly dying and ugh... makes me so sad but I know it's mostly my fault..... just please bear with me ahaha. I'll have posts up in a few, and hopefully I can try and catch up! Alright! -Whoop of ambition- Let's do this!
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