• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. One post per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Online availability depends entirely on what is going on in life. I have a kindergartener, a baby on the way, and I'm the spouse to an officer, meaning without me, the house becomes a fallout warzone. On top of all of that, I write for work as well as for fun...so work tends to come first.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy and Sci-Fi are my two major favorites. However, I tend to be quite the picky player. I prefer an RP with a great deal of development...the world, the lore, everything. And for those GMs looking for help with lore, I love to world build!

[btn=modc|http://partheus.webs.com/]Website[/btn] [btn=modc|https://www.iwakuroleplay.com/threads/light-up-the-dragons-eyes.157636/]In Character[/btn]​

  • The threat of war storms over Kabola once more, threatening to completely wipe out the dragon population. A mysterious enemy has risen high atop Mount Tarja, gaining the allegiance of the Tarjan Army, the greatest army of varonians to have ever stepped foot on the Mainland. But the gods have a trick up their sleeve. Five special varonians have been chosen to make a bond with five different breeds of dragon – known simply as the Pact – allowing them to speak to the dragons and use unique and special abilities. With their soulmates backing them and their comrades at their sides, will these dragon riders be able to conquer the brewing evil, or will it finally prove to be too much for the gods and their beloved dragons to handle?

    For more information, be sure to explore this page! If this interests you, be sure to either PM me or post on here any and all questions you may have. Enjoy!


    Where we are in the IC: We've made it to the second day, and the showing of weapon proficiencies is coming to an end. Next on the list: Elements, Meditation, & Religion. After that is dinner and then free time - where chars are free to interact after the day's work is over with. Then, we move on to the next day, which is a full day of Arcanus.

    WE HAVE NO SLOTS LEFT - Sign ups will only open back up if we have a player base of three or more drop. Sorry, everyone!

    Working on a new calendar, since Iwaku ruined mine. Thanks, Iwaku! I'm making it in PS, so it'll be a while. I'll keep you guys updated.

    Claimed Dragons/Elements
    Mowkie - Mercury Dragon//Light
    Soulserenity20 - Ammolite Dragon//Spirit
    RiddL - Bloodstone Dragon//Death
    Takashi - White Dragon//Water
    LoveandHate91 - Black Dragon//Darkness
    DracoGale4 - Ruby Dragon//Life
    Isho13 - Red Dragon//Fire
    Vio - Peridot Dragon//Earth
    Bitterblue - Silver Dragon//Air

  • Hello!

    I'm Mowkie, and this is my attempt at a more laid back version of my Partheus/Kabola RP.

    Partheus is my world, and it has been a work in progress for the past ten years. The story you see above is the overall intro to The Mercy of Inhalla, the true war of Kabola, which is the largest of the three continents of Partheus. It is the setting for the final book of the trilogy I'm currently working on. Because of the amount of characters and separate personalities needed, I thought it would be awesome to have a group role play involving the ten chosen that I can later use as inspiration for the book - however, the events in this RP will not necessarily be put into effect in the book, and the characters created will not be the same as those we play.

    As noted in my interest check thread, this is going to be a very slow-paced RP. This is important to note if you're interested in being a part of the story, as I (as the GM) have a very hectic life RT, and I can't 100% guarantee my presence or activeness based on the schedule I've set. I might be on exactly when I say, or I could be a few weeks late. Of course, that is what the OOC is for - as I'll be posting updates on whether or not I'll be able to post when I said I would. You as the player must be okay with the hectic schedule of your GM and - if at all possible - be willing to stick to it despite my inability to keep up.

    If you are okay with that, GREAT! I will be quite active OOC, as I can use my phone and can sometimes get on for short spans of time while my daughter is napping. Questions will always be encouraged and answered as swiftly as possible. Due to the slowness of this, I'm going to do my best not to be my nitpicky self, so as long as I notice that you put forth an effort, I'm not gonna get upset (whether that's over the charrie sheet or a post that doesn't go 100% according to plan) - this is gonna be pretty lax...but at the same time, I do expect effort. That's all I ask. <3

    Please, enjoy what my world has to offer!

    PS - Soulserenity20 is my Co-GM, just in case she's needed to keep anyone in order or up-to-date. YAY!

  • Kabola is a world that was once filled with peace and tranquility. Upon its beautiful surface, all sorts of wondrous creatures lived harmoniously beneath the benevolent rule of the creations of Kallydrana.

    The Dragons.

    It was by their kind guidance and beneath their thoughtful gazes that the various bits of life thrived beyond the creations of the Kalidyrre, Kallydrana's children. And for centuries, it would remain this way.

    Until the jealousy of Varon, Kallydrana's first grandchild, destroyed the peace and created the first abomination fueled to do one thing and one thing only.


    Varonians, as they called themselves, were the picturesque of perfect in Varon's eyes. Those with golden hair, fair skin, and shimmering blue eyes would be the ones to rule over the others in his image. At first, all they would do was worship Varon as their one and only God. Beneath his rule, they took over the edge of the Thruskior Mountains and began to build villages that would later become towns and even great cities. The City on the Mountain, known at the time as Tarjana beneath the rule of King Tarja I, became the capital. At first, it was a barren town built in a circle around the base of the largest mountain in the land, but as time passed, the mountain was carved up and up until at the very top sat a castle carved of the very stone the mountain had to offer.

    It was at this time that Varonians met their first dragon.

    The dragon's name was Allara, a beautiful creature of fifty feet with opalescent eyes and scales darker than even the night sky. She greeted the strange creatures before her with kindness and an open heart.

    In return, they attacked her.

    This early in their lives, Varonians were not yet capable of bringing down a dragon…much less a Kallydran Dragon, the first species to rise from the soil of Kabola. Still, she flew away and watched from afar as the violent creatures grew and populated, slowly beginning to cover the Eastern half of Kabola. Their violence began to spread like wildfire to other areas, meeting other species. Some opened themselves up to the creatures, while others shut them out.

    But not all Varonians were evil. Upon seeing the great Allara, some of them wandered away from the hatred and built their own settlements. One of the most well-known across what came to be known as the Mainland was the City of Ranas – also known as the City of Dragons. Run by a circle of women known simply as the Priestesses, this city came to acknowledge the power of the dragons. In return, the dragons would come and teach them of Kallydrana – Inhalla, as they knew her – and the Kalidyrre.

    All of this, however, is gone…as it has been for a long time, now.

    Kabola is not a world of peace and tranquility. Not anymore.

    Instead, it is a world divided by corruption, loss, and hatred.

    Across the Mainland, war brews thickly as tension rises across the mountains that guard the heart of the land. Since the last war that created a chaos so thick, it nearly destroyed all life, nothing has seemed safe. No one rests peacefully. Not for the last thousand years.

    And now, it seems to have begun again. This time, however, it will be bigger…and if it is not contained before the storm hits, it may very well be the end of all things.


    The last war, known only as the Great War, was around a thousand years after Varonians first opened their eyes to behold the wonders of Kabola. When the dragons roamed freely, Varon placed as much of his hatred for Kallydrana, Queen of the Gods, into the minds of his creations, driving them to desire only one thing – the death of all dragons. Upon building settlements and armies, they prayed to their Almighty God, who gave them his orders. Upon receiving them, the Varonians laid siege to every dragon they could find, killing hundreds – even thousands – of precious dragons. For a century, the slaughter continued until, finally, Kallydrana found a way within the laws of the Thestimosa – the Universe – to help her children without destroying the world.

    By the time the Great War ended, all of the Kallydran Dragons, the rulers of all dragons and the first creations of Kallydrana, were wiped away from existence. All but one, the great Allara, the first and oldest of all beautiful onyx creatures. With most of the other dragons now hiding from the hatred and rage of the humans, and Allara's task done, she hid herself away from almost a thousand years, hoping that with time, Varonians would begin to see the beauty of peace.

    Instead, she was forced to watch as some of the dragons lost themselves to their hatred, growing in anger and finding themselves to be almost as cruel as most Varonians. These dragons would never return to their benevolent roots. However, she also saw that others found pity for these senseless beings who could not witness the true power of their Inhalla – their Mother of All – and the Kalidyrre, the Council of the Gods. Allara saw with horror that the surface of Kabola would forever be scarred by this war, and the skies would no longer be filled with dragons.

    Varonians became detached from the rest of the Mainland, separating themselves into a single half, coming to be known as the Plains of Varon. The rest of the continent was taken over by those who revered the Kalidyrre, the original ten gods and their queen. Bracchus Elves ruled the Plains of the Pilgrim on the other side of the mountain ranges and the massive Lake Waconiba to the North. The Verian Forest was forever closed off to the Varonians by the Dalin Elves and the Ksiux Dragons. It was only in the Plains of Varon that Varonians were able to rule…and rule they would, building cities and farms all across the great expanse to better tame the land.

    Within the hearts of many Varonians, however, the compassion that had met their hearts during the Great War never truly left. And it was that compassion – that love – that gave Kallydrana hope. So, she waited with the watchful eyes of her sweet daughter, Allara, for the right time to let that love blossom.


    [BCOLOR=transparent]It's been well over a thousand years, now. Since then, varonians have settled down, and the dragon population has been given a chance to grow once more. Unfortunately for the Kallydran Dragon, Allara was never able to find a mate of the same noble breed. Now, even she has perished, and it seems that all is lost for the great rulers of the dragons. However, hope has seemingly been reborn, for a hidden message has been released into the dreams of a few Chosen varonians, whose hearts have been deemed pure by the Kalidyrre.[/BCOLOR]

    In the Hearts of Some shall find
    The seed that oft' gets left behind
    With Minds of Ihnikxia bound Pure and Strong
    Love shall take hold and Right all the Wrong

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Some time after having such a dream, each Chosen eventually finds his or her destiny through the heart of a dragon. Whether finding a lost egg or even a baby already hatched, the Chosen is able to make the sacred Pact, even without the light of all three moons, and bond their souls with the souls of the dragons forever. Upon making the Pact, each newfound pair finds themselves somehow standing in the center of the ancient city of Ranas, forever told to have been wiped out during the Great War. Upon each arrival, the new pairs are greeted by three beautiful women, young and fair, though ancient and frightening. [/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Within the walls of Ranas, the new pairs will train and learn the arts of the dragons - magic, advanced weaponry, and fighting on land as well as in the air and even in water. They must learn quickly, for the fate of all Kabola rests on their shoulders, alone. Will this ragtag group of newborn dragon riders find their way in the chaos of war? Or will Kabola be doomed to a spiral of chaos that ends with the death of all life as they know it?[/BCOLOR]

  • Taking this one month at a time, I'll be giving basic titles as to what we'll be doing day by day in the IC. When the day is over, I'll cross it out. When the month is over, I'll take it down and put up a new month. XD That way, we all know where we're at. ALSO NOTE: We are NOT going to be RPing every individual day out...this is just to show you what the characters will be doing. And to give you guys cool collab ideas. XD

    Karanas || Early Spring || Year 1 || Age of the Ancients
    Nyrdur Anadur Suthdur Kandur Thaydur Arydur Kthudur
    ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
    ----------- ----------- ----------> First Dragon/Rider Appearances 1st Training Day - Overview 2nd Training Day - Arcanus 3rd Training Day - Weapon Skills
    REST - Worship for Religious 4th Day - Elements 5th Day - Skill Development (Study Day) 6th Day - Teambuilding - Riders Choose to stay or leave 7th Day - Dragons Learn Flight 8th Day - Meditation & Control 9th Day - Weapons & Arcanus
    REST - Worship for Religious// Priestesses Reveal Kalidyrre 10th Day - Dragons Learn Breath Weapons 11th Day - Study Day 12th Day - Teambuilding 13th Day - Weapons & Arcanus 14th Day - Riders Learn to Ride - Not on Dragons YET 15th Day - Practice Skills Learned so Far

General Knowledge

  • [COLOR=#800080][SIZE=5]Mowkie[/SIZE][/COLOR]
    Suki Imeara & Ihni'kou
    Kahvana Aarland

    Raijin Imeara & Yrenxia Fheragor

    Wreaver & Drachma

    Tyr Brynhildr & Fafnir

    Name: Ryyker Sien
    Gender: Male
    Place of Origin: Taval
    Height: 5'10
    Weight: 186 IBS

    Hair: Orange
    Eyes: Red
    Honorable: Ryyker is a honorable person if he says he will do something he will and he will keep his word.
    Practical: Thinks if everything in a practical manner and didn't deal with chance.
    Kind Hearted: He has a kind heart and always seems to help someone out as long as he can stay out of the thick of things and remain unnoticed.
    Prideful: He very confident in his abilities and didn't believe he could ever lose.
    Greedy: He loves to have money due to the fact he grew up with very little.
    Twisted Morals: Growing up with Jaralaxe twisted Ryykers morals, to him drugs, alcohol, cigrettes and sex are pleasures.
    Anger issues: Ryyker channels all emotions into anger. He believes anger is what made him perfect on the knight Riven died and why he needs to be perfect.
    Self mutilation: When Ryyker loses a battle or takes a wound he will punish himself for not being perfect. Causing himself pain will drill it into his head.

    Skills & Abilities:
    Dual wielder: Ryyker has trained for a couple years to use twin katanas, and can use the in sync. He still has a lot to learn.

    Shadow magic: Ryyker has heard a voice all his life he thought he was just crazy and made up this dark voice to keep himself company. But eventually he'd walked into a shadow and comr out if it down the street or have a blade or chain made from shadows.
    Shadow walk: Ryyker can freely walk into a shadow and come out another one.
    Shadow chains: Chains tipped with a blade to bind enemy's or hang them.
    Shadow blades: Shadows shaped like swords, spears or arrows that can be fired at enemy's like projectiles.
    He has yet to learn this power very well.
    Speed and agility: Ryykers fighting style has him attack and dodge he can attack quickly with precision and move before his enemy can retaliate.
    Companionship: Ryyker and Orthrax have a good understanding of each other, and can tell what the other plans to do, using each others movements to create openings and advantages.

    Teamwork: Ryyker isn't good working with a team if people he don't know or trust he will hesitate to help new team mates and won't put himself in danger to help them.
    Can't take jokes: Ryyker takes everything seriously and dosnt like jokers if someone jokingly makes fun of him or his skills he will take it personally and may start s fight about it.
    Fear of depths: Ryyker is afraid of deep water he can't see the bottom or some if the creatures down there.
    "I'm not afraid I'm just sea sick."
    Perfectionist: Ryyker dosnt admit to any weakness or fear to him he is perfect and needs to stay that way to survive.
    No armor: Ryyker dosnt wear any armor so any direct attack that connects will hurt him.

    Brief history:
    Ryyker grew up in the gutter if Tavel and had to learn to live by being a scavenger and thief. He was eventually taken in by a older man named Jaralaxe. Jaralaxe called himself a dark monk he was forced to leave the monk life for breaking rules like fighting outside not in self defense, he also smoked, drank, and did illegal drugs he did that to numb his sense of pain so he could fight longer. He was supposed to be banished but he didn't leave he did a ton of drugs before taking on the head monk and managed to kill him which made Jaralaxe a wanted criminal with the charge being murder. Jaralxe then made a deal with his drug dealer Jinx he was too be her body guard along with her sister Scarlet.

    Ryyker eventually caught the eye if Jaralaxe after escaping from a group of locals that he stole food from. Jaralaxe saw a business opportunity with the kids on the streets these thief's were a me to steal and escape like no adult could. So Jaralaxe went around Taval picking up kids who showed skill or promised and tempted them to join him with the promise of a place to live with meals and a family. Jaralaxe got ten kids in total but only three stood out Nova a young girl two years younger then Ryyker she was good at causing distractions like fakeing a injury or knocking over carts allowing Ryyker to take the items and try to escape if anyone was able to keep up Jaralaxe found a big kid named Rivan to act muscle and extra protection, Rivan could take a lot of hits and deliver a lot back. As the years went on Jaralaxe started teaching the kids about combat where Ryyker took a liking to using two blades. So Jaralaxe made a deal with the drug dealers sister Scarlet the weapon master she started training Ryyker at the age of eight as long as she got a cut of jaralaxes profit. Scarlet made a mistake by telling Ryyker one store had two katanas that would fit his style perfectly. Ryyker then set up a plan to steal the weapons not a very good plan since Jaralaxe made the rest. So Ryyker broke into the store at night to steal the weapons but it alerted the owner who sent his dogs after him. Rivan was worried about Ryyker not being back so he went to search for him and saw the dogs chasing him and s man with a sword, Rivan who was like a big brother couldn't bear to have another family member killed Rivan rushed the man and tackled him into a wall, and grabbed a dog by the tail yanking it back and goughing out one eye before yelling to Ryyker to run but the man stabbed his sword into Rivans back piercing his heart. Ryyker thought he could still save Rivan so he drew the two katanas and rushed back taking a dogs head off before having a sword fight with the man and the hits Ryyker scored began to add up and Ryyker was able to slash the mans throat with his blades, a complete sttoke of luck, as Nova and Jaralaxe arrived, they then took Rivan back to Jaralaxes base but it was too late Rivan was dead. Jaralaxe scolded Ryyker on his terrible plan since it ended Rivans life.
    Ryyker continued to train under Scarlett with his new blades. And on one dead when Ryyker and Nova were heading to Scarlet's to learn new combat skills a group of thugs attacked Ryyker and Nova they beat up Ryyker pretty bad before taking Nova and gang raping her before thinking that with her looks and body she would make them a lot more money selling her off as a slave or selling her to someone for a week or so and they could do anything sexually they wanted with the young cute girl there were a lot of bandits and guys who wanted a girl to do all kinds of disgusting things. Once Ryyker was able to move again he tried to track them down and ended up in the gutter. He was able to find the thugs and was able to fight and defeat them all and Nova got away in the confusion. Ryyker felt like somthing was calling him he followed it and found a black colored rock and when he touched it he was engulfed by darkness and ended up in a ruined city.

    Jaralaxe 57: Mentor almost like a father Dark Monk excellent fist to fist fighter some weapon training loves to fight, drink, smoke, do drugs and have sex. Still in Taval.
    Nova 23: Partner/ Former girlfriend even though Ryyker and Nova worked together it seems their relationship went farther then just partners they liked each other and dated for a small time. Still in Taval.
    Rivan deceased: like a big brother to Ryyker and Nova he was always the one looking out for them and trying to protect them the best he could bring four years older then Ryyker.

    Name: Ortharax
    Gender: Female

    Horns started out small and began to grow out at her current age the horns are now past her head.
    Back spikes: Ortharax has spikes growing down her spine the spikes ate connected by a fin like webbing telling her apart from the males.
    Her scales were a dull black as a baby but have a green shine to them due to the acid her body leaks.
    Ortharax was quite slender when she came out of her egg but her body has gotten more bulky and her muscles are clearly defined.
    Her tail looked just like any other but began to sport Horne's looking like a three tipped trident.
    Her eyes shine a greenish gold color.
    Her wings are smaller then most dragons.

    Cruel: Ortharax is just downright mean tortureing anyone unlucky enough the be captured then let's the body rot before eating it. She even gets snappy with the other dragons because they annoy the hell out of her.
    Short temper: These other dragons are annoying as hell and get on her nerves without even trying.
    Greedy: Even though she's lazy any offer to start or increase her hoard will motivate her to move.
    Sadistic: Its already said that she is cruel but Ortharax loves to inflict pain sometimes slowly killing things with her acid breath.
    Masochist: Orthrax loves to infilct pain but she also likes to recieve it if it didn't disable her.
    Superiority: she needs to beat the other dragons in open battle to prove she's the alpha female. That way she can find a powerful mate so her offspring will be even more powerful.
    Attracted to power: Orthraxs quest for a powerful mate attracts her to powerful dragons.
    Swimming: Orthrax learned to swim and is pretty good at it. She is also good at fighting g in the water since her wings don't slow her down like other Dragons.
    Lurking ambush: Orthrax can blend into dark envirments allowing her to attack from almost no where using her dark magic to further hide allowing her to attack at the best moment.
    Shadow magic: Orthrax has a affinity with shadows giving her a number of abilities using shadows.
    Under water battle: Orthrax can fight under water well since her wings are smaller and don't hold her back.
    Size: With Ortharax being a black dragon gives her more muscle mass allowing to deal powerful attacks and take a lot of damage in return.
    Vicious nature: Even though Ortharax has power that is outdone by her vicious fighting style in a close fight she will claw, bite , slam her tail and use her breath weapon against any body part she sees.
    Gripping talons: Since Blacks arnt very good flyers she has talons in place allowing her to climb any surface she can also use them in fights to tear chunks out of her opposition.
    Ambush: Ortharaxs size and viciousness in complemented by her ambush like nature she's skilled at remaining quiet and still until she strikes.

    In the moment: Ortharax has the tendency to black out and enrage on a single enemy attacking the body long past its death mutaliting the body without realizing it.
    Ambush: She's like Ryyker she likes to ambush her opponents and may wait to join a fight or hesitate if she can't ambush she liked having the advantage.
    Masochist: Ortharax takes some pain more as pleasure and may allow more attacks to land but may back fire if too many attacks add up.
    Open skies: Ortharax is used to swimming and climbing she is more clumsy in aerial combat.
    Deserts/sand: The sand can get under Ortharaxs scales and irritate her.
    Eli Stone & Tyrale

    Tahvo Ghyldamere & Fierro

    Emelyn Forge & Lyka

    Calina Akassa & Kilyria

  • There are up to 10 chosen dragons for this story. Each will be placed here with the name of the player beside it.

    Mercury - Mowkie - Character Accepted
    Ammolite - Soulserenity20 - Character Accepted
    White - Takashi - Character Accepted
    Bloodstone - RiddL - Character Accepted
    Black - LoveandHate91 - Character Accepted
    Ruby - DracoGale4 - Character Accepted
    Red - Isho13 - Character Accepted
    Peridot - Vio - Character Accepted
    Silver - Bitterblue - Character Accepted

    For all Dragon Information ~ World of Three Worlds
    PM me for further information on the dragons who are not yet written.

    To give the order in which the dragons appear on the web page, please look at the table below.

    The Good The Bad The Rare
    Turquoise White
    Sapphire Gold Platinum

    Blue Amber Obsidian
    Amethyst Ammolite
    Zircon Pietersite Moonstone
    -------- Brown

    There really is no telling just how long a dragon can live. Some believe the great beasts could survive millions of years, others believing merely hundreds. But for all dragons, there is truly no age limit. There are simply age classifications, which are listed below.​

    Classifaction Age Range
    Hatchling 0-2 Years
    Youth 2-16 Years
    Adolescent 16-20 Years
    Young Adult 20-30 Years
    Adult 30-500 Years
    Young Wyrm 500-1,000 Years
    Wyrm 1,000-2,500 Years
    Great Wyrm 2,500-5,000 Years
    Old Wyrm 5,000-10,000 Years
    Ancient 10,000 Years & Up

  • On Partheus, there are ten known Elements, secondary children born of the love and devotion Kallydrana has to her mate and her original children. Each Element has its own power, and in its own right is a royalty that none can truly understand. These Elements are more than just the base of all that makes up Partheus - they are living, breathing creatures that can take many different forms. Below, you will see a brief description of each.

    It is based on these descriptions that you must base your choice for what fits best with your dragon and character. Keep in mind the dragon's personality and abilities as well as the personality of the character. Choose wisely, for many of your character's magical abilities will lie within their relationship to their Element.

    Tardas - The Circle of Bases

    Earth (Ihnora) - This is one of the four very basic Elements. But keep in mind that it is the bases that are the backbone to everything else. They are not to be underestimated! Earth is the strongest, wielder of dirt, sands, and stones. Those blessed with this Element can create walls, stepping stones, shields, and much, much more. They can make the soil more or less fertile, and if strong enough, can even ask great trees to do their bidding. This Element is very mellow and stable, a good support when you need it.

    Air (Thuus) - The second of the four bases, Air controls the winds that fly beneath their dragon's wings. They may find themselves caressed by a light breeze or awaken to find themselves floating above their beds. Wind is a whimsical Element, happy and free. It is harder to tame than Earth and has a lighter spirit, but its friendship is an unbreakable bond.

    Fire (Xhaken) - The third and most volatile of the four bases, Fire is a life force that brings warmth and light to the world. It can burn away fears and corruption, bring back the light of memories, and chase away the cold of the night. By contrast, it can take away life, harm the world, cause devastation. It can cause death as much as it brings about life. It takes stability to maintain a bond with Fire. Unfortunately, this Element seems to enjoy choosing the most volatile of creatures.

    Water (Kxara) - The cool and the cold, Water washes away what Fire burns. It soothes and relaxes, freezes and sears. This Element shifts much like Air, and though it is not as whimsical, it changes its shape to fit its environment. It is mysterious and beautiful, but it can be harsh and terrifying if the one chosen by it is not careful.

    Spirit (Ynxir) - Spirit is the Element that carries the souls of all living things to their physical forms, pulls them into the Next World, and keeps them lifted during times of great duress. Spirit is the most free of all Elements, the hardest of the first Circle to control. But its bonds are the strongest. It is the leader of the Tardas Circle.

    Tedra - The Circle of Life

    Life (Ihkari) - Life is the breath that animates the shell containing a soul. It allows the body movement and functionality. But it is so much more than that. Life is what grows the trees and all plants that graces the surface of Partheus. It is the child of the god's Life Force, creating a cycle the flows up from the ground into the shells of all living creatures and then back down. Life is the gift that ends with Death. It is the gift that all creatures must, sooner or later, give back. This Element is easily hurt, requiring a tenderness few possess. It is a demanding Element, but it is also very giving.

    Death (Ihnthar) - Death is there when Life is breathed from the shell that contains the Soul. It is there when Spirit takes the Soul back to the Next World. It is there when the body decays and becomes new Life. Though associated with evil, it is not an evil Element. In fact, it is a peaceful, serene Element. Very misunderstood.

    Light (Uhdyr) - Light comes from many things. The suns, the moons, the stars...it is what lets the world be seen in all its glory. It glitters from the scales of dragons and helps many see what they could not see before. It is a lighthearted and warm Element, easy to "talk" to and befriend. But sometimes, it is hard to see through all the Darkness.

    Darkness (Dhanor) - The overbearing Element of Darkness is a heavy burden to bear sometimes. But like Earth, it is a strong backbone that will always be there, lurking, but not always upfront. It is the creator of many things in the shadows, and there are a great deal that have grown accustomed to its thick cloud. It is deceitful and sly, and it loves to play tricks. But it is, like all Elements, a strong friend.

    Chaos (Inortia) - The first Child of Chaos, the Goddess who became Kallydrana, this Element is completely uncontrollable. At least, that is what is believed. Chaos is the leader of the Tedra Circle.

    Here is the MOST RECENT list of chosen Elements.

    Earth - Emelyn//Lyka (Vio)
    Air - Claimed (Bitterblue)
    Fire - Tahvo//Fierro (Isho13)
    Water - Tyr//Fafnir (Takashi)
    Spirit - Raijin//Erenxia (Soulserenity20)
    Life - Eli//Tyrale (DracoGale4)
    Death - Wreaver//Drachma (RiddL)
    Light - Suki//Kou (Mowkie)
    Darkness - Ryyker//Orthrax (LoveandHate91)
    Chaos - Kahvana (Mowkie)

  • The Pact

    Upon meeting their newly hatched dragons, each character will make a lasting bond that will change both the rider and dragon's lives forever. This special bond, which both physically and mentally changes each of the two it affects, is known as the Pact. Despite the typical need for all three moons to be full, for the sake of RP, this will not be necessary and happen almost instantly. Despite not having access to the moons, everything written below will take place upon the first touch made between dragon and rider.

    How it Works

    The bond between dragon and rider, known as the Pact, is a complex linking between the souls of each creature created by Kallydrana (Also known as Onyx) in hopes of saving her children from the wrath of Varonians. This bond can only be completed during the night that all three of the moons are full, which happens only once every twenty-five years.

    Harnessing the pure power that radiates from the moons, both dragon and rider must touch as Una, the smallest moon, reaches her apex, and open their minds, bodies, and souls to the pull of the goddess, Kallydrana. The process is slow and unbelievably excruciating, the heads of the pair rolling back to stare, eyes aglow with the color of their soul (which matches the color of their aura), mouths open to reveal the same light, at the moon. The beams of light cross paths in the air between dragon and rider, halting time, itself, around them. Slowly, the soul leaves the bodies of each, taking the form of what one might think of as smoke or vapor. They reach for each other, towards the area in which their light crosses, and when they finally make it to the top, they dance around each other.

    At this point, the two souls are still separate. Two distinct entities with two different colors. They swirl around each other, touching and testing the other's weaknesses and strengths, poking and prodding at every point until they are to the point of near mixing.

    Upon deciding to merge, the souls "heat up," swirling faster and faster until there is no distinction between the two, creating enough friction to allow them to merge. In a single instance in time and space, the souls create a spark bright enough to contest with the illuminating light of Una as she begins to pass her apex, merging into a single entity with an entirely different color, shape, and aura. For a brief moment, this new soul hovers above its two shells, as though taking in the power of the world for one more instance before starting its final and most dangerous task.

    The next step is to once more separate. Once the souls have merged into one, the new soul must find a way to merge into the two distinctive shells. So, like before, it begins to move, creating enough friction and "heat" to split itself into two smaller versions of itself, each with an equal amount of power and weakness, balanced in every way. Once split, the two halves move back down the still separate streams of light to enter into the bodies.

    The rider, who was once mortal and full of limitations, must be able to accept the strength and raw power from the soul of the dragon. The dragon, who was immortal and near limitless, must accept the frailty of the rider. Upon the acceptance of these souls, the trails of light merge into the same color as the soul, no longer clashing as two separate entities. As Una completes her apex, the light fades from the eyes and mouth of both dragon and rider, and they awaken from their lapse in time and space, whole for the first time in their lives.

    Not all can complete this dire transformation, however. Though Kallydrana smiles upon those who welcome her as their Inhalla, she cannot accept all of them. Sometimes, the soul will be rejected, leaving the body as a shell to wither and die. But these souls are taken into the bosom of their Almighty Mother and laid to rest in the Heart of Industrin in peace and happiness for all eternity.

    What it Affects

    With a new balance between frailty and power, the Pact causes many things to change not only in the ability of both dragon and rider, but also in some of the physiology of each.

    Dragon Effects

    • Dragons, some of which can grow to be large enough to carry an entire village upon their backs, become stunted in physical growth. No longer can even the largest of dragons grow to be larger than 25 feet long from tip to tail unless the need of the rider requires a larger dragon. Though the smaller dragons, such as the Peridot, who only gets to be 13 feet long, will grow to the maximum capability of their breed, even the mighty Ruby will be stunted to be more suitable for riding. None know of how this affects the Onyx, as there has only been a single rider who has made the Pact with such a dragon.
    • Dragons with bodies made entirely or even partly of sharp scales will naturally begin the transformation to create a harmless seat at the point between the shoulders and neck. For example, Obsidian Dragons, whose sharp scales jut out at every possible point with what might appear to be flowing magma beneath, will form a spot of what might appear to be the same color and texture of basalt flexible enough for the dragon to move and harmless enough for their rider to sit.
    • The mind of a dragon who has made the Pact must be able to conform with that of their Varonian counterpart. They gain a great deal of control, able to fluctuate just how much power they project telepathically, and they are able to create a barrier to protect their mind from intruders, an ability unique to the Pact. However, with this gain, there is loss, and the Pacted dragon's mind becomes frail when compared to that of a wild dragon. Though still powerful in many ways, if a Pacted dragon is not careful with their mind, it can very possibly become lost to the evil of another dragon.
    • With weakness comes strength. Though physically stunted, the dragon gains speed and dexterity, both on the ground and in the air; defense, their scales thickening to allow for a greater amount of hits compared to those without a rider; and a heightened form of protective magic.
    Varonian Effects

    • Riders begin the transformation into a lightweight structure that can handle extreme heights and temperatures. Their bones become strong and lightweight with denser bone marrow, allowing for a higher production of white blood cells, their lungs able to quickly and efficiently take in and separate oxygen from what the body considers to be toxins while red blood cells gain the ability to more efficiently absorb oxygen from the lungs. The body temperature rises to over 100° F (38° C), having to work harder to keep all organs running properly.
    • Like the mind of a dragon, that of the rider must change and grow to accept the new telepathic abilities of the counterpart. It is no longer so weak that it risks being torn apart when the dragon speaks telepathically. It is able to stretch out and feel for other minds like a dragon, speak all known languages mentally like a dragon, and even potentially cause harm like a dragon. The rider also gains the barrier ability unique to the Pact, allowing them to shield themselves from intruders - this can include their own dragon. However, like all abilities, the rider must train to gain a greater control.
    • Still, the rider is frail and easily crushed. Like the dragon, the rider gains speed and dexterity, especially on the ground, typically double that of a non-rider humanoid, as well as strength, which can be gained up to three times the amount of another humanoid. However, unlike the dragon, the rider cannot gain armor, and must either wear armor or risk the wrath of mortal weapons. For most humanoids, magic has not yet been taught, but the Pact unlocks the full potential of the rider, even those who have been trained. Riders typically gain a heightened use of offensive magic.

  • Arcana & The Magic of Partheus

    The Aura

    The Aura, as we know it to be, is a mystical field of energy that surrounds a human being that relates to a specific color that, typically, matches their mood or mental state. On Partheus, this theory goes a little farther.

    The Aura on Partheus is the external manifestation of the soul. This field of energy is a direct projection through the shell, or body, of the essence and power of the internal soul, reflecting in a mix of colors the emotion, mental state, and raw base of the creature's very being. It is not only a Varonian trait, but the trait of every living thing in the world, even the grass. However, few can actually see this manifestation, as it requires the natural-born talent to do so. Those who have this talent can learn to understand who a person is just through their Aura.

    Arcana & Magic

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Sources of Magic[/BCOLOR]
    • [BCOLOR=transparent]Life Essence - every living thing is made of a shell with a core of what is known as "Arcana," or magical essence. In order for those who have the ability to harness this Arcana, they must pull from their own source. When this source is completely depleted, the user dies. However, Arcana does regenerate with time, though the time varies depending on the type of creature. Some creatures are considered more Arcane (having more Arcana) than others, such as dragons, which are considered to be built entirely out of this strange, magical essence. Other beings that are known to be made entirely out of Arcana are the gods, the Elements, phoenixes, and Mowkies. No other creature on Partheus is made entirely out of Arcana.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Signs of High Arcana[/BCOLOR]
    • [BCOLOR=transparent]All creatures have a small aura around them that shows their potential in the use of Arcana. Those with short auras that are seemingly dull and colorless typically have no ability in the use of Arcana, whether it be because they have no tie to their core, or are simply not smart enough. Those with a glowing aura, typically colored, have a much higher use of their Arcana, and thus can typically be seen creating works of magic. In order to see Auras, however, one must first have the natural Prophetic ability that allows for this sight.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Who Uses Magic[/BCOLOR]
    • [BCOLOR=transparent]Beings made entirely of Arcana are born with an innate ability to use it to create magic, as though it were as simple as breathing. Other beings, particularly those who are close to the Arcane, can learn it over time with effort and intelligence (note - in later years, even simple creatures such as Varonians can learn how to harness the power of their own Arcana, but this takes most of that Varonian's life span). Those who are close to the original Kalidyrre, the Council of the Gods, or Kallydrana, herself, also have a more innate ability to use their own Arcana. Finally, those blessed with the good graces of an Arcane creature (such as an Element) are granted the use of that creature's Arcana and the unique power to it. With training under the blessing of the Arcane creature, any other living thing can also learn - with time and energy - how to use their own Arcana.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]How Magic is Used[/BCOLOR]
    • [BCOLOR=transparent]Every way that Arcana is used is through the aura of the creature, a physical manifestation representing the power of the creature in question. There are three ways to effectively use Arcana, and four core Arcane branches. Below are the two lists.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]How it Works[/BCOLOR]

    1. [BCOLOR=transparent]Reaching for Arcana - The most typical way to use magic is to reach deep within the core of the user and use the Arcana found. This is mixed with the will or desire of the user and an image borne within the user's head, allowing the Arcana to bring the idea to life. The bigger and more powerful the idea, the longer it takes to produce and the more Arcana is used.[/BCOLOR]
    2. Ritual Usage - When particularly massive ideas are desired, a group of Arcane Users (those who are closely connected with their Arcana) will gather together and create a sort of rune or image of sorts on the ground and surround it with actual objects, typically gemstones. Together, they will all reach for their Arcana and pool it together over their common idea, allowing it to come to life without the death of a single user. This requires a great deal of time and energy from each user and typically is only found in species that are not made entirely of Arcana.
    3. Arcane Items [/U]- Particularly rare across Partheus, there are some items that are blessed with a small portion of (or, in rare instances the entirety of) an Arcane creature's Arcana. These items can be both extremely helpful and debilitating to the world, and thus are hidden away to be kept safe. Those blessed with the entirety of an Arcane's essence are usually sentient.

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Arcane Branches[/BCOLOR]

    1. [BCOLOR=transparent]Offensive Magic uses the most Arcana and deteriorates the user the fastest. It is used for destruction - to cause harm or to scare something away. Basic spells can include creating fire, magic missiles, or poison touch.[/BCOLOR]
    2. [BCOLOR=transparent]Healing Magic is the second-most draining of the four core magics. It is used to heal wounds and bring back what once was. Basic spells include healing touch, restoration, and cleanse.[/BCOLOR]
    3. [BCOLOR=transparent]Illusion Magic is the third-most draining, but if one is not careful, it can become even more draining than Offensive Magic. Depending on the illusion, itself, this magic requires the most concentration and the clearest picture in the mind of that who wishes to cast it. This core magic creates false images to trick the minds of those it focuses on. Basic spells include project image, ghost sound, and hypnotic pattern.[/BCOLOR]
    4. [BCOLOR=transparent]Protective Magic is the least draining of the four core magic types under most circumstances, but like Illusion, it requires a great deal of concentration. This magic is used to protect and defend, building shields and barriers to keep safe those that are special. Basic spells include shield, reflect, and ward.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Arcane Limitations[/BCOLOR]
    • [BCOLOR=transparent]Arcana is a renewable source that replenishes over time. However, it can be burned up if the user is not careful, and if all of the amount granted to the user is used completely, the source is no longer renewable, as there must be enough energy in the user's body to renew it. The more the user's Arcana is burned, the less energy the user has. If not careful, the user does risk death.[/BCOLOR]

    • [BCOLOR=transparent]The magic created from the user's Arcana is derived completely from the user's knowledge and imagination. The user must completely understand what he or she is trying to create before it will come to be. However, if it is within the user's capabilities, Arcana can and will create things out of thin air if necessary.[/BCOLOR]

    • [BCOLOR=transparent]Certain uses of the Arcana require finite objects. For example, in order to change the range of light or create light without the blessing of the Element, one must have a dozen bloomed Luna Lilies. However, manipulating certain things, such as those under the reign of the Elements, is possible with the right tools. These particular limitations are under the jurisdiction of the creator (me).[/BCOLOR]
    Unique Uses of Arcana
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Pacted Dragons[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Dragons who have made the Pact with a Varonian (or some counterpart) have a greater sense of Protective Magic. This form of magic comes much easier to Pacted Dragons than any other type of magic. Dragons who have made the Pact have a more innate sense of creating a shield around themselves and their other halves. Pacted Dragons have the ability to create barriers with little focus or effort upon making the sacred bond, and these barriers that can be created and dropped at will only grow stronger as the dragon works on that particular skill.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Like all abilities, however, Protective Magic still requires training for Pacted Dragons. It just doesn't require as much training, thought, or concentration as the other three branches.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]This is also the source of the mental shield that is wrapped around both dragon and Varonian minds after making the Pact. This mental barrier allows an instinctive form of protection that can be manipulated not only by the dragon, but also by its Varonian counterpart. This allows for protection not only from enemies, but also from each other if the need arises. This can protect both dragon and rider from serious harm if the other has been injured in any way, as both dragon and rider feel the pain of an injury, no matter who it is derived from.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Pacted Varonians[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Opposite to their dragons, Varonians who have made the Pact seem to have a knack for Offensive Magic. This may have something to do with the more volatile temperaments known in the Varonian hearts.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Like their dragons with Protective Magic, Varonians seem to be able to rely upon Offensive Magic with greater ease after the Pact than even some dragons who are without the Pact. Their minds seem to have a greater focus on spells that are called to do harm, and it takes less concentration to learn such things. It also seems to demand less of their Aura. Varonians who have made the Pact with a dragon will quite easily find themselves more keen to this magic than other magic types, and it will come to them much more naturally. However, it still must be learned and mastered.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]It is due to this that Varonians often learn Offensive magic after other types of magic to gain a better control over themselves before being subjected to a freer form. Those who are not taught other types of magic before learning Offensive Magic often find themselves with great consequences.[/BCOLOR]


    [BCOLOR=transparent]Unlike other forms of Arcana, Elements are living creatures all their own - Arcane creatures. Though not necessarily corporeal, they live and breathe just like any other creature of Partheus. Unlike other creatures, they are made entirely of the power of the goddess, Kallydrana. Each Element is in charge over certain aspects of the world, itself. The temperament of that Element can determine the success of its charges at any point in time.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Every so often, each Element finds itself in need of a friend. In that desire to have friendship with other creatures, the Element can bless another with some of its power and the ability to call upon the Element, itself, in times of need. Unlike the other types of Arcana, this draws from both the Element and that who has been blessed. Instead of training in specific skills like other types of Magic, the user must instead gain a greater friendship with the Element. Each one who is chosen to befriend a specific Element must learn how to speak to it, nurture it, and learn from it. Over time, the abilities will get better with the teachings of the Element, itself.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]This is not something that dragons or any other race is better at. While dragons are chosen by Elements much more often than Varonians, those chosen stand an equal chance of gaining friendship with that Element. It's all a matter of perseverance.[/BCOLOR]

  • Kabola.jpg

    Kabola, first of the three continents of Partheus, is the largest and least advanced continent with Varonians ruling as tyrant leaders over the dragons. Having been through the Great War between Varonians and Dragons, which lasted nearly a century, Kabola is well known as the continent on which dragons remain hidden and dormant. The land, itself, is filled with fertile fields and plains as well as raging mountains that stretch down the western side and reach for the North-East to the Temple of the White Woman. The largest of the plains, known as the Plains of Varon, is completely inhabited by Varonians, who have built many farms, villages, and even towns across the great soils. The Varonians have adapted well enough to fight against the harsh winds and blinding rains of the plains, and some farmers have even been able to maintain great orchards that are large enough to build cities with. The continent only contains one forest, the Verian Forest, which is heavily protected by the Dalin Elves and the Emerald Dragons. There is also the Black Bog, which contains nothing but Black Dragons in their natural habitat. Beneath the two mountain ranges reside the Myzra Elves and the Thortoni Dwarves. The greatest and most noticeable landmark is the lake that takes most of the space behind the two mountain ranges known as Lake Waconiba. In the center is Silver Tail Island, the home of the Silver Haired Rider.

    The actual size of the continent is somewhat hard to interpret. However, to give a basic description to the general length of travel, one would have to ride a Syntiba (which can run at maximum speed of 60 mph with average speed of 45 mph) for two months straight from Gareth to the mountain town of Lortania. Due to this, there is a sort of train station set up using great beasts called Bendrines. These creatures can carry anywhere from 20 to 70 people at a time (depending on the size of the beast) as well as shipments of basic supplies from town to town, farm to farm, at an average speed of 250 mph, greatly lessening the trip time.

    Of the 67% of Partheus's water, Kabola contains approximately 3% fresh water within the continent in the lake as well as all rivers. Of the 33% of land on Partheus, Kabola takes up approximately 12%, stretching to be much larger than the other two continents. To Varonian residents of this continent, the land is known as the Mainland, while they refer to the planet as Kabola, perhaps because they do not know that there are other lands in the sea.

    For More Information ~ World of Three Worlds


    1. Tyr & Fafnir
    2. Rykker & Orthrax
    3. Eli & Tyrale
    4. Wreaver & Drachma
    5. Raijin & Yrenxia
    6. Suki & Ihni'kou
    7. Emelyn & Lyka
    8. Tahvo & Fierro
    9. Calina & Kilyria
    10. Kahvana
    11. Dragon Fountain
    12. Bathing Hall
    13. Dining/Meeting Hall & Kitchens
    14. Training Grounds
    15. Temple of the Kalidyrre
    16. Temple of Kallydrana

    From my post in the IC:
    As she pulled aside the iridescent curtain that marked Raijin's room, Suki came to see the full scale of the place she was in for seemingly the first time. The suns were high into the sky, and their light cast deep shadows across the gray scape of what appeared to be a walled village of sorts. A cobblestone path lay before her, winding outward into a larger road that seemed to go in a full circle around whatever walled structures stood in the center.

    To both her right and left were identical buildings, each with a different colored curtain. All of them were the same, gray stone, as though carved straight from a mountain instead of built. They were massive, easily large enough to house decent-sized dragons. She and Raijin had been placed closer to the back, and three buildings to the left of Rai's, she could just barely make out the road winding away from the circle of buildings back towards the fountain she had previously found herself.

    Across the road from her stood a longer building, also of gray stone. This one seemed to have windows, though, and it sat much lower and appeared to be a place for varonians to gather without their dragons. Beside it was a massive temple, circular in shape, much in the same appearance as the Temple of the Moon in Badova. Like all of the other buildings, instead of doors, it had a curtain, and its doorway was easily large enough for a dragon to pass through.

    Behind these buildings were massive walls of gray stone. Even from the distance she was at, Suki could make out the detailed carvings of beautiful women dancing with dragons that sprang from the gray stone, sparkling with some form of color that she was completely unfamiliar with. Uncertainty filled her as she took in the sight before her...around the buildings was another wall much the same as the one seen in the very center. Who knew what was outside of that wall? She couldn't even see a landscape, for they were so high, bodies standing tall and casting shadows as the suns raced across the sky.
    On the walls surrounding the entire area, there are no doorways of any kind. The walls are solid stone, thick enough to give a full grown dragon a hard time knocking down, and they are magically enhanced by the power of the three priestesses and a mysterious source of Arcanus unknown to the party. These walls protect the sanctuary from outside eyes that like to wander back to these mountains, making them appear like the rest of the city, which is in ruins from the Great War.

    The fountain is where all new riders and dragons will appear, as if called directly to it, and it is where they go to be taken to a safe place if Kallydrana deems it necessary to hold them back from the war. This fountain is solid black, carved from a massive block of onyx stone. The base is carved to look like the scales of the ancient Kallydran Dragon, and the sparkling, clear water that fills it sparkles like the night sky, translucent in the daytime. Rising in the center is a pair of Kallydran Dragons, about the size of draft horses, sitting back on their haunches facing each other. Their heads are raised to the sky, and clear water spurts from their open maws. Their front claws are held together, and in the web of talons sits a sparkling black stone about the size of a dragon's egg. The dragons' wings are halfway outstretched, and their tails are the only things that are different about each dragon, one rising up towards the sky while the other curls around the hind legs. Both dragons have opals for eyes.

    Both of the temples appear much like a Temple of Partheus without the massive, ziggurat-like pedestals, cylindrical in shape and nearly as tall as the magical walls that surround the area. Unlike a Temple of Partheus, the stone is a gray color, more like the Temple of the Moon in Badova Village, carved from the mountain, itself. On the outside, they look exactly the same, with dancing dragons carved from the stone, itself decorating each opening, be it a window or doorway. The insides are different, however.

    The Temple of Kallydrana is dedicated completely to the Queen of the Gods and Mother of Dragons, and a statue of what she is perceived to look like stands tall at the back of the circular room, her arms raised up to hold what appears to be a dragon egg. Her hair is long, appearing to be caught on the wind, and she is nude from the waist, up, with a small bosom and black wings stretching from her back, much in the appearance of a dragon's. Around her legs is an airy skirt of sorts, translucent cloth holding fast to strong legs, one stretching out as though she is walking. On the floor is a colorful mosaic of every known dragon in Kabola. Some are much smaller than others, and at the very center is the Kallydran Dragon dancing in the wind as its mouth opens in a roar.

    The Temple of the Kalidyrre, however, has each of the gods in their varonian representations, each holding something that represents what they reside over. At the back and center is another statue of Kallydrana, but instead of holding an egg, her arms are around her belly with a strong male figure behind her, his marble white hair carved to catch a breeze much like hers. His arms are around hers in a loving embrace. The Priestesses call him Partheus, a mythological mate to Kallydrana who is perceived to have never existed, but still worshipped by the dragons as Industrin. The floors of this temple are smooth, black marble.

    The Dining Hall and Bathing Hall are set up relatively the same, with doorways on each side for easy access to all riders. In the Dining Hall, there is a wall farther to the East while it is in the very center of the Bathing Hall for the same amount of room on each side. The sides of the Bathing Hall are divided into Male (East) and Female (West), and each side contains four large pools of crystal clear water that are magically heated and cleaned daily. On the northern wall are rows of towels, jars of various smelling oils and soaps, combs and brushes, and waste bins to put soiled clothing. The Southern Wall contains four spouts from which, water can be turned on and off for a quick wash without being submerged in water - something never before seen in the Mainland. Because there are small rooms with chamber pots in each of the rider's quarters, there are none in the Bathing Hall. The Dining Hall, also known as the Meeting Hall for when the Priestesses wish to speak to the riders directly, is a simple hall with carved windows for natural light and a single, long table made from a sliced and sanded old tree trunk. The edges are still covered with bits of bark, and the chairs are the same color as the surface of the table, as if carved from the same tree. Each chair is simple with a backrest and flat, wooden seat. There are a total of 20, though they could never possibly be filled completely. The entrance to the kitchens from the hall is not covered with a curtain like all other doorways, left open for the smell of freshly cooked food to pour in during meal time. They are always open for anyone that might be hungry.

    Every doorway in the sanctuary is not covered by a wooden door, but a curtain of the same color as the dragon, relatively speaking. This is to give a more open feel to the area while still maintaining privacy.

    The only doors that are actual doors are the ones found on either end of the Training Grounds, which are big enough for ten Pacted dragons to stand from end to end at their greatest size. The grounds, themselves, are a softer, soil-colored sand that makes it harder for the feet to get a good grip. The walls on the inside are carved much in the same fashion as the outside, and great fire pits are lined down the center for nighttime training.

    Surrounding the temples, halls, and training grounds is a great deal of greenery complete with small ponds and various fruit trees that bear fruit all year round. Because this is a home and sanctuary for the riders, the Priestesses welcome them to take whatever they wish, so long as they follow what is asked of them.

  • Gareth, the Capital of the Mainland
    Population: Approx 75 Million
    Religion & Culture: Varon - The people of Gareth believe that Varon is their one true God, and this belief system has become a law upon the people. If a citizen of Gareth has a different belief, the most mercy they will find is a permanent banishment from the walls. However, in recent events, upon the discovery of the Gold Dragon, there is a rumor that Varon has taken the form of the enemy in order to bring about the reign of His people.
    Government & Community System: Like most cities, Gareth's culture is ruled by its religion. High in the seventh ring, the priests of Varon rule in secret, hidden behind a mask of a king the people believe to be real. They use the mighty Tarjan Army, a force that has been in existence since well before the Great War, to put fear and respect into the hearts of the people. The common belief is that to kill a dragon is to become the ultimate warrior. Many young men and even women yearn for the day that they can join the ranks of the great Army and travel the world to meet and kill their first dragon.

    For most, however, life simply goes on without ever seeing the outside of the walls. Many come and go, but for those born and raised inside Gareth, there seems to be no escaping the tyranny of the mysterious King and his priests. To them, Varon is a god to be feared and respected, rarely merciful, always vengeful. As such, they spend their days paying respect to Him with an entire day out of the week devoted to His worship.

    For more information on each ring, read below.
    Lore, Location, & Appearance: The Ringed City of Gareth is the largest city on the continent that is not in ruins, and it is the capital of the Mainland. Sitting right in front of Mount Tarja with an easy trek around the mountain to Lake Waconiba, this city is known by all who reside within Kabola to be impossible to destroy. Originally known as the city of Tarjana, Gareth was build in the year, 2431 BW (Before War) and nearly five hundred years before humans began to hunt dragons. Only after the Great War ended, and the famous dragon rider, Gareth, came to reign in the tyranny of humans, did the name of the city change. Unfortunately, Gareth fell to a mortal blade not twenty years later. However, in order to keep the name, the great Kallydran (Onyx) Dragon, Allara, warned the citizens that were the name to change, she would bring the wrath of her Inhalla down upon them. The name has remained since then.

    The City, itself, is comprised of seven rings, each ring surrounded by a thick wall of solid stone and concrete hardened with the architecture of dwarves and the thick breath of Amethyst Dragons, rising at least 200 feet high each. For centuries more, these walls may stand - at least until the magic wears off, which none have figured out how long that might be. Within the rings live the people, their social structure rising with each ring. As the city goes in, so, too, does it rise, each ring higher than the previous, making it appear somewhat mountain-like.

    The first three rings, each with two entrances - East/West, North/South, East/West, respectfully - contain half of the population of the city within, filled with architects, blacksmiths, and the people who work with their hands. The second ring, in particular, is filled with fertile farmlands maintained in particular to keep the people of Gareth well-fed. The first ring, which is also the largest, is also the place where many travellers - be they human, dwarf, or elf - come to stay for a night or two before continuing their journey. However, every traveller is always warned that items might be stolen in the night, and they are advised to keep all valuables close. Due to this, many travellers have been found sleeping in the stables with their Syntibas to keep their mounts from being stolen. The buildings within this ring are mostly run down, and some are even abandoned. In the shadows of alleyways, the glint of a blade can almost always be seen. The smell of smoke rising from the buildings mixes with the gunk on the streets, making it hard to breath in the thick of it without covering one's face with a cloth.

    The fourth and fifth rings, each with a single entrance, - North and South, respectfully - contains the middle class within the city. This includes the scholars, wealthy merchants, business owners, and lower-level politicians such as the priests of the temples (yes, they are the politicians of the city). These two rings are much more taken care of. Houses are larger and better-built. Restaurants and afternoon spas dot the cityscape, and along the sides of the roads, many different aesthetics are placed, such as small trees that flower and little plants to brighten one's day. The fourth ring contains one temple to their Almighty God - who happens to be the god-killer and creator of humans, Varon - in which the humans go religiously to pray. The building is massive, easily taking up the space that could be used for four or five luxurious houses, and stands five stories tall. The fifth ring contains two identical towers, one of which is placed right beside the entrance for those of the lower rings to come and pray, as they have nothing more than small churches spread across the rings.

    The sixth ring contains all of the most important people in Gareth, save the king. It is the second smallest ring, and the houses are built the biggest and most luxurious. This part of the city is the most well-built as well as the cleanest, and oftentimes the fine fragrances of home-grown flowers and bath oils can be smelled from above, and the long, low-lying houses of the nobles stretch out in elaborate patterns. This ring also only has one entrance, located in the East. There are also a total of three temples, each ruling over one of those in the lower district. The three High Priests of Varon also reside here comfortably.

    The seventh and final ring contains only the Castle of Gareth and all its luxurious space. Though there is, in fact, a wall, the castle, itself, resides upon the peak of the small mountain, high enough to be seen all throughout the city. And because the city stands unopposed, there are no extra defenses to ruin the aesthetics of the castle. No one really knows what goes on inside. In fact, the people aren't really sure if there has been a king since Gareth, as the Priests took over from his rule behind the mention of an unseen ruler. However, the grounds are maintained at all times, and the great building, itself, is kept clean and kept. In the very center of the courtyard is a fountain, and in the very center of that fountain is a massive and beautifully sculpted statue of a massive Kallydran Dragon, upon whose back rides their last and greatest king. Despite the efforts of the High Priests, this fountain has yet to come down.

    Notable Places in Gareth: In the first ring is a traveler's tavern known as The Horny Dragon. The building is very noticeable within this district, as it is more suitable for the middle section of the city instead of the lowest ring, built with beautiful white oak stained lightly and light stone tiles crafted by the exactness of dwarven hands. It stands two stories tall and is built large enough for an upstairs inn complete with fifteen different rooms. The entire bottom floor, of course, holds the tavern where the owner, Gary Stakkam, tends the bar and tells fantastic stories of dragons and war. Bards sing merry songs on a stage built to slightly rise from the floor in the far left corner, the acoustics of the room made well enough for the music to travel across the whole bottom floor. Round tables, each with four to six chairs, scatter the floor, and wenches are seen traversing them expertly to give fine folks their drinks and food. Simple stools rest along the length of the mighty bar for any who wish to hear the tales of the famous Stakkam. And if one is real desperate, the wenches offer another service if the room is paid for - the extra money is provided to the women directly, of course. In this bar, people come to be merry and forget the hardships of life. Gamble, dance, sing, and chatter - not to mention drink! And to complete this offer, Gary Stakkam guarantees that all travelers leave with the same items they came with, save the coins they spent, of course. Recently, there has been talk of renovations so that more travelers can stay the night.

    In the fourth ring, resting on the side of what might appear to be a cliff face, is Armond's Academy of All Things Magical, the greatest and most prestigious school in all of the Mainland. If one would like to know whether they have the gift of a magician, they come here to learn. The building, itself, appears to be a small stone castle jutting from the side of a cliff to hang over the wall that divides the fourth ring from the third, complete with tipped roofs and small towers, and the only way to enter is by the magical elevator of the mages within. However, once entered, one cannot leave until they have the means to get down, the only exceptions being those who do not possess the magical gift of the Aura. Due to this, few young mages actually gain the courage to go in. Those who do come out as powerful and wise mages, oftentimes leaving the city in hopes of finding their own place in the world.
    Badova Village - The Village of the Moons
    Population: Approx 500
    Location: Thruskior Mountains
    Religion & Culture: Melting Pot
    Community System: This village is unique in the fact that it is run by ten elders much in the same form as the Kalidyrre, the Council of the Gods. Each Elder is voted for by the people of similar beliefs so that their voice might always be heard when matters of festivities, community and criminal action, and simple daily routine are talked about. This has kept the village well-balanced for centuries. Whatever the Elder Council says is accepted by the people without much complaint.

    All who live between the twin temples accept the village rules. A house is built for wanderers who have made the pilgrimage to Badova, and in return, those people take up jobs according to their own skills and the needs of the village, itself. This could be anything from gathering to building to baking or farming the harsh lands. There is no war here, and fights are prohibited unless a formal duel has been accepted, and these duels can never end in death or maiming. Those who cannot accept the rules of the village to keep the peace are banished back into the cold, harsh mountains after fair warning and a judgement passed by peers.

    Many festivals are held to honor the production of Badova and the creation of the Temple of the Moon to mirror the natural structure they call the Temple of the Sun. Most of these festivities welcome all religions, as they have nothing to do with any gods or goddesses. Whether people believe that Varon is the one true god or that there are many or even no gods, they can oftentimes be seen in these festivities. From welcoming the new season to the blessing of the third moon, Una, who only graces the skies once every few months, the people find any and all means to celebrate and share with each other. Those who are less sociable, however, are often left alone to do what they wish on such days. Oftentimes, the Elder Council chooses a single storyteller that speaks the lore of the village and the many superstitions that have risen within the minds over the last few centuries. All gather around the massive bonfire built in a pit in the very heart of the village where they listen to the chosen storyteller speak for at least one hour near the end of the festival.

    Clothing from all parts of the Plains of Varon and even beyond can be found adorned upon the shoulders of Badova's people. Skin tones are varied, from light to dark, and accents can be claimed by all sorts of speakers. Some give strange looks, while others accept that there are differences. So long as there is peace, few care about the trivial things such as who wears what and where anyone is from, originally. After all, everyone who has searched out Badova did so for one major reason - to find a haven from the hatred of varonians.
    Lore: Nestled on the very edge of the Serana Desert, where the cold, harsh winds flow from the wintery North where the Temple of the White Woman resides is a small village of hardy folk who have learned to live off the land. Living so close to elves and dragons, of course, has taught them to respect the land they have been given, and the light of the three moons that guides many to them is the light that they have come to revere.

    When the village was first built within the valley of two large mountains in the Thruskor Mountain Range, the Serana Desert was still known as the Yrian Wood, a bountiful woodland of both coniferous and deciduous trees. The elves that had resided there with brilliant Green Dragons were much like the Dalin. At this time, the City of Ranas was still the ruler of the North, and the Kallydran Priestesses would oftentimes visit to see how the people of Badova Village faired. They had built a wondrous temple on the opposite mountain that a Temple of Partheus sat upon, its gray and silver stone a cool opposite to the warm, sandy stone of the natural temple. For many years, these temples were known as the Temples of the Sun and Moon. Many Moonstone Dragons would rest upon the gray stone of the Temple of the Moon, and sometimes a Sunstone would be seen sunning himself upon the Temple of the Sun. For a long time, many different peoples would make a pilgrimage to this village to seek enlightenment from the Temple of the Moon in hopes of being granted entry to the Temple of the Sun.

    Every century, opposite the time that the three moons of Partheus would be full, all moons would disappear from the skies for three nights. It was during this time that the village would have a celebration, simply known as the New Moon Celebration. At this time of year, the winds of the North would be coldest, and the mountains would not be able to protect the village from the harsh winter snows. To keep spirits high, a Kallydran Priestess would visit for these three days with a brilliant, onyx-colored Kallydran Dragon in tow, and the entire village would celebrate the delight of Ova and Badeceri, the goddess and god of the Suns and Moons, in hopes of making Badeceri happy again so that he would once again bring back the light of the moons. The Temple of the Moon would be lit with the power of the Element, Light, and the Moonstone Dragons would dance in the skies. Some say it was the dancing of these dragons that brought about the strange Moon Lights, as they were called, ribbons of green, blue, and violet that would light the skies when no moon was full. On the third night, just before the moons returned to their full glory, the great Kallydran Dragon who had visited the village to see the Moonstones dance would light a brilliant silver fire at the very heart of the village to bring warmth, joy, and peace to the hearts of all its inhabitants. It was the light of the temple and the dancing Moonstone Dragons that would help those who continued to make the pilgrimage to the village make it through the harsh Northern weather and the beating rhythm and warmth of that silver fire that would allow many to find and continue to keep peace in their hearts for generations to come.

    When the Yrian Wood burned to the ground and all life along with it, many believed that Badova Village had gone as well. But many of the people of the village would seek sanctuary within the Temples of the Sun and Moon. And when the fires fell away and the sands drifted in from the East to take over the ashes that remained, they once more came out and began rebuilding. For many years, they were ridiculed by the Zintiva, who blamed them for the destruction that mankind had wrought. But after the elves realized that these humans were not like the others, they created a treaty that would allow the village to remain nestled between the two mountains, beneath the protection of the Elements as well as the Elves that dwelled within the hard land that Zin had provided.

    The dragons would never dance again. The lights would not shine from the Temple of the Moon...and the Temple of the Sun would remain untouched for centuries to come. As the war laid waste to the outside world, humans in search for a miracle or a legend would make a pilgrimage to the secret village, where they would live out the rest of their days. Guided by the Northern Lights, any who needed sanctuary could find the lowly village. For a thousand years, it has remained like this.

    Appearance: The village, itself, is made of simple buildings carved from gray stone. They sit clumped together with narrow roads and simple designs. At the very center of this small clump of buildings is a large and magnificent fountain carved from gray and black stone to depict two large Kallydran Dragons reaching towards the skies. Resting on their outstretched talons is a torch-like construct, within which a silver flame used to burn brightly during the three darkest nights of the century. From these two dragons who hold the torch, many shapes of both Sunstone and Moonstone Dragons - both of which are highly revered - dance outward, their maws open for the natural spring water to pour out, warm and steaming despite the constant cold. Outside the main part of the village, where more have spread, are simple huts of animal skins and long bones. A small, simple orchard it kept farther south in the only fertile section left. This is also where food is grown. What cannot be grown is hunted, particularly mountain goat, kuelo, and other various small animals. It remains a legend to this day, whispered on the lips of men...what happens when humans get too close to compassion. But it also remains a dream for those who wish to find just that... a little compassion.
    Pavire - The Travel Hub
    Population: Approx 30 Million
    Location: Eastern Plains of Varon near the tip of the Cornan Desert
    Religion & Culture: Varon - See Gareth for Info
    Community System & Appearance: The city of travelers, some call it. Wandering souls who never find soil to call their own. For others, it is the city of fire and smelted iron, rock and stone from centuries spent digging into the fertile soils of the Plains of Varon. Pavire is a city of sprawling buildings, built low and long to better withstand the harsh winds that often plague the plains, particularly so far inland. It sprawls so far, in fact, that it touches the tips of two distinct rivers and a small lake. Over the years, it has grown with more and more wandering souls deciding it best to stay.

    In Pavire, the art of the blacksmith and the mason are most often seen. Many men and even women have often shown a great talent, and some even become the builders of great walls and architects to design the next building to be shown off within the many fine districts of Gareth. Others build the hundreds of iron and steel swords found on the hips of the greatest Varonian soldiers. The greatest of jewels found in the Mainland, besides those found from the waters claimed by Port Syren, come from the many lands of Pavire.

    The only thing better than these arts in this city is the market. The only part of the city with actual walls is the very center, known only as the Central Trade Hub (though some of the more posh merchants like to call it the "Grand Exchange"), a massive market-area large enough to fit a hundred Bendrines at one time atop all of the thousands of market stalls placed for the use of merchants to place their goods. This hub allows all places within the Plains of Varon to stay in contact and certain areas to gather precious materials otherwise out of reach.

    In Pavire, if you are not an artisan or a merchant, the only other thing to do in order to become well-known is to train Bendrines, the massive creatures used for human and goods transportation. Like any herd animal, these creatures require a great deal of compassion and care. Unlike most herd animals, however, Bendrines are equipped with sharp claws and teeth, easily able to kill a man even at the size they are as younglings. However, those who are bold enough to train these creatures rack up quite the profit - if they survive it.

    Those who settle in Pavire often resort to farming, however, to keep the city well-nourished at all times. Simple crafts can be picked up by future generations, and sooner or later, a family that was once nothing more than settlers can become well-known artisans or even merchants. In Pavire, anything is possible. It is very easy to dream.

    The government of Pavire is a simple one, run by a series of "Houses" located just outside the walls of the Grand Exchange. Each House is run by either a group of farmers, trainers, artisans, or merchants. TO BE CONTINUED
    Lortania - Mountain Haven

    Unlike many cities and towns found throughout the Plains of Varon, Lortania has its own structure and government system that works in conjunction to the laws that have been placed by the rulers of Gareth. In this haven of farmers, merchants, and trainers, there is a ruling family known as the Mountain Royalty. This family lives within the massive wooden mansion built over six hundred years ago by the Mhoria line. Settling to farm the crops that only grew in the harsh lands of the North, this family created a haven world that only the hardy could remain in.

    For many generations, the Mhoria line ruled supreme, and everyone always rejoiced when a new Mountain Prince was born. Sadly, only two generations ago, the last of the Mhoria name perished after marrying beneath the name of Khumar. Since then, Khumar has been known as the Mountain Royalty, their Mountain Prince a boy by the name of Theolyn.

    Even this, however, has fallen away to tragedy. Now, Lortania is on the brink of disaster, the entirety of the Mountain Haven broken up into separate lines to see who will hold the title of Kind of the North.

    In Lortania, men are the hard workers, breaking their backs in the harsh cold of the Northern summers to sow their fields and plant the seeds that bring them foods considered delicacies across the Plains. Women, by contrast, are the trainers and the merchants. They raise the animals, care for them, train them, and sell them along with the crops grown by their husbands, fathers, and brothers. Women are considered equal to men in every way and treated with a great deal of respect and even reverence, for they do as much work as men while also bearing children and keeping the hearth warm and tidy.

    Sometimes, young men and women break away from their families to become healers and medical practitioners. Others go off to a life of the travelling merchant. None, however, will share the secrets to Lortania's great prosperity. Outsiders often wonder if the city is run on the forbidden magicks of dragons. Of course, this is all nothing more than silly rumors.
    Port Syren - Trader's Sanctuary

    To most traveling merchants and almost every Varonian that has never been there, this beautiful ocean-side city is known as Port Syren. However, it has many names - five different ones, to be exact - not including the name given to it by merchants. Each name was given to the city by a different "founding" family.

    Two centuries ago, five families traveled to the side of what is now known as Siren's Bay, which opens up to what the Varonians on Kabola believe is endless seas. It was around this bay that the families settled, built their own homes, and began their own trade. Each family had their own purpose, and though none of them really liked the other, they would often trade amongst themselves to keep supplies in good order. As their homes became villas and their villas became villages, the five families found themselves merging into a single town. As this happened, traveling merchants began to hear about the wonderful trade hub and made their way down.

    Upon coming to the now merged town, many realized the trouble that loomed within the divided space. At some point in history, the name, Port Syren - named after Siren's Bay - was born. Most merchants - at least those that frequent the city - have made alliances with a certain family. Those born within the family must remain in the city - women marry for treaties with other families, and men run the house. Merchants know to stay out of the politics of it all.

    Some, however, have managed to get on the good side of every family...but it takes a great deal of time and skill to do this. In Port Syren, though it is known as the Trader's Sanctuary, merchants must step lightly or risk losing everything.

    It is rare to hear of a merchant settling in Port Syren, but this has happened in the past, ofentimes bringing along their own family - or establishing themselves within one of the five original families (often without the permission of that family). The family members that decide to marry outside of duty are disowned by their family and treated like garbage by the rest of the residents within the city - at least those that are not recent settlers. It is just as rare to see these family members actually leave the city, but like merchants settling, this has happened in the past.
    Taval - The City of Dreams

    This city, though not well known for its beautiful outside landscape or spectacular natural occurrences, is highly recommended for any Varonian in need of a vacation. With beautiful, tall buildings and pubs on every corner, this city reaches almost as high into the sky as the mountainous city of Gareth. With whitewashed buildings and the clean, fresh air that one can get at the highest points of the city, many find this to be the best spot to rest and relax.

    What isn't mentioned, however, is the dim, dark streets found at the very bottom of this guardless scape. The streets are mud and sewage, the filtering system that takes the stink away from the higher points of Taval. Every corner, alleyway, and dark part of the street is filled with all types of criminals - from thieves to rapists to murderous scum. Those who are unfortunate enough to live in the Unmentioned - the lower part of the city - know to stay in their homes or risk being hurt or even killed. Those who are stupid enough to travel down that way typically do not make it back out.

    The city is known very well to be the go-to place for vacationing Tarjan Army soldiers, who enjoy the time off duty and are known to be the rowdiest groups that filter through. All men - and even some women - from the Tarjan Army oftentimes spend much of their time destroying property and spending all of their in-pocket money on any whore they can find. They can be bullies, as they know good and well that they can get away with it.

    However, on the sidelines, an underground operation simply known as the Weyrborn has begun to take hold of the city. With minor missions - such as tricking Tarjan soldiers to leave, cleaning the lower streets of criminals, and even stealing from the wealthy to give to the poor - taking place on nearly a nightly basis, this city might just become the City of Dreams once more.

    If you wish your character to come from a different city or culture, please mention this to me via PM with ideas on what you would like your character's background to be like. We can easily create another village, town, or city in the Plains of Varon, and it will be added to the map.

  • Character Sheet
    *Blank Sheet Posted in Spoiler Below*

    Place of Origin
    (Name a City in the Plains of Varon - When doing history, please ask questions about lore of the city if it's named on the map - Gareth is the biggest one I'm worried about, so it shouldn't be too big a sweat. ^^ - YOU CAN ALSO MAKE UP YOUR OWN CITY/TOWN/VILLAGE)


    (Give 5 Words and Explain Each)

    Skills & Abilities
    (Create up to THREE unique magical abilities to be cleared by me and unlocked by the character later (EMPHASIS ON THE LATER PART) - abilities linked to the dragon & Element. Other skills, such as weapon skills, etc. are to be put here.)

    (Be sure to balance out the skills/abilities as well)

    Brief History

    (Put the name, the relationship (mother, brother, friend, etc.), and the age and location if applicable as well as a brief description if you'd like. This can also be of characters that will be in the story - be sure to ask your fellow players!)

    (Write out the appearance of the dragon as a baby, juvenile, and adult – there will be a lot of growing through this RP - ALSO, no dragon will be able to grow longer than 25 feet, which is explained in "The Pact" tab of this information missive.)

    (Again, 5 words and explain each)

    (Unique to the dragon – should be roughly the same as rider abilities, but you can tweak them - dragons are given the same Elements as the riders)

    (Be sure to balance out the abilities as well)

    Place of Origin



    Skills & Abilities

    Brief History





Applies to Everything.
I know. You didn't want to see this.

First & Foremost

General Role Play & Character Development
Character Creation
Each character set is a pair, both a Varonian (essentially, human) and a dragon of your choosing (from the list provided – if you don't find one you like, feel free to PM me). The Varonian must be between the ages of 18 and 30, and all dragons are roughly the same age (definitely in the hatchling stage upon the beginning of the RP). Both dragon and Varonian have their own unique abilities (up to three, each, not including breath weapon) in linking with their Elemental affinity.

Upon creation, please PM me the character sheet first, which we will then go over together. Once accepted, I'll ask you to post it in the Sign-Ups thread, and I will also add it to the list of accepted characters. Do remember, always, that when creating a character (or in our sense, a pair), BALANCE is absolutely essential. Be thorough in your chars' abilities, strengths, and weaknesses.

Posting Expectations
I do my very best not to be nitpicky with posts, but I do expect that when a player posts in the IC, they post a minimum of two small paragraphs (we'll say a 15 sentence minimum – no, this doesn't mean I'm actually counting sentences) with good grammar (know the difference between your and you're, to, two, and too, there and their, etc.), and the understanding that in order for others to react, they must know your character is speaking or doing something with theirs.

For dialogue and internal thoughts, please be sure to keep them separated – dialogue in "quotation marks," thoughts in italics, and any kind of mindspeak (speaking mentally with dragons) both in italics and surrounded by ~wavy line thingies.~

While I'm gonna be super lax about how active everyone is, I do want to put this down as discretion, seeing as we do have a large amount of players, and I need some sort of rule in place. So long as I remain active in both the IC and the OOC, I expect the same from you. If you think you are going to be late in posting or are needing to go on any sort of hiatus, please let me know immediately - this means in the OOC, via PM, or Skype (you can add me by searching for mowkielove). Otherwise, if you do not post within a month of a direct response to your character or my next GM continuation post, your character will be removed via my magical, godly poofing system, and your name will be removed from the "Accepted Characters" list. Keep in mind that, if another takes your place, and we have ten people, you will not be able to rejoin unless another spot opens up. This is simply to keep things fair.

I am one of those GMs that does not deal with anyone godmodding or powerplaying other player characters. You as the player are expected to play to your characters' strengths AND weaknesses. First offense will grant a warning. Any other will result in the untimely death of your chars…period.

I as GM also reserve the right to storytell a necessary char who has locked other players into a corner due to inactivity for an extended period of time. This will only be done if necessary.

Character Archetypes
Yes, we all know that humans are boring. No one in fantasy likes to play just a human. But here's my thing – humans are a necessity in this RP. They are the only ones malleable enough to do what this story needs. Will you later be able to play one of my other races? If you are able to stick to your varonian long enough in the RP that I deem it necessary, yes…but your other char will not get a dragon. They will not make the Pact. They will be more of a guide.

However, possible anti-heroes are allowed! If we get enough, we may even have a whole side-story where they all have to fight each other to get the anti-heroes to see that the world is going to end if they're not all on the same side. That would be interesting, yes? You want a char that's not a goody-two-shoes? FINE BY ME! Just go over it with me first.

Dragon Design
You are playing baby dragons at the start, meaning they are not the best of fighters, and they certainly do not know how to fly just yet! However, they do know about the world, the gods (particularly their Inhalla), and their mission. So long as you keep to the basics of the dragon breed you chose, feel free to customize. I'm not saying you can make a yellow Ruby Dragon…but I am saying that this Ruby Dragon can have a unique twist to its breath weapon, its appearance, or its personality. Choose the breed you want because you like the design of that breed…then add your own little quirks. If you can't find a dragon you like, PM me, and perhaps we can make a new one.

Rider Essentials
While I'm good with all sorts of character archetypes, I'd like to lay a few ground rules with the riders. First, at the very beginning, they follow the rest of the group, and they remain with them after making the Pact. You can give them some internal battle or whatever, but at least for the first few months IC, your chars will be with the rest of the group.

At the very beginning, these chars have never INTENTIONALLY used magic. This means that the abilities granted to them in the char sheet are for future use! You can mention in the bio that they've accidentally used some of their power before, but have never gotten a grasp on how to duplicate it on command.

OOC Responsibility
I want us all to become friends, which is why I opened the OOC. There, I would greatly love to see my lovely players chatting. It could be about the world, or about nothing in general. All I ask is that you are respectful to each other and to myself.

I also ask not to mention any sensitive topics in the OOC, such as politics and religion. I'd like to keep everyone happy with each other, if at all possible. ^^ You are not obligated to speak, however. Just be sure that if you plan to disappear for a few days or more to let us know in the OOC, and watch out for any of my updates. Most importantly, if you have ANY questions, always feel free to ask me!

I want to personally thank all of you who have stuck with me thus far. And I want to thank anyone taking the time to read through all of this and deciding that this RP is worth the trouble! I look forward to enjoying this story with you all. And I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!​
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Soulserenity20
@Isho13 Hurray for the college thing, but I'm sorry to hear about the Flu! D: Again?! That sucks! Worry about getting better first, I hope you can get some rest even though you started college and that they'll cut you some slack.
It's because my inmune system is depressed from my depression :( It's like I want to die so hard my body goes 'okay' lol

Choose to continue, not end! I know you don't actually have much control of your body, but depression is hard to go through. I don't really have any right to say anything but I know I don't want you to die so please get better!

((The semicolon represents suicide awareness, for those who don't know. A semicolon both ends but starts a new sentence, and so a person can decide whether to just end it, or continue))
  • Like
Reactions: Esmeray
It's because my inmune system is depressed from my depression :( It's like I want to die so hard my body goes 'okay' lol

Does it make me a bad person if this made me laugh? >.>
Does it make me a bad person if this made me laugh? >.>

It probably means you've gone or are going through depression too xD My best friend also suffers depression, and this kind of dark humour has us cackling while concerning the rest of our friends xD


Choose to continue, not end! I know you don't actually have much control of your body, but depression is hard to go through. I don't really have any right to say anything but I know I don't want you to die so please get better!

((The semicolon represents suicide awareness, for those who don't know. A semicolon both ends but starts a new sentence, and so a person can decide whether to just end it, or continue))

:O It's my first time hearing about the semi colon thing. And thanks for the kind words n_n
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Esmeray
:O It's my first time hearing about the semi colon thing. And thanks for the kind words n_n

Yeah I only just heard about it not too long ago as well. There's a lady who trademarked it, you could probably look it up, but I don't know her name.

They're honest words ^_^ and I take the semicolon seriously. The fact that you use humor(even if a little dark)is a good sign though, but I know depression doesn't just go away. I'll be routing for you and your friends too, and keep you in my prayers.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Esmeray
It probably means you've gone or are going through depression too xD My best friend also suffers depression, and this kind of dark humour has us cackling while concerning the rest of our friends xD

Yeah, I would say I have but I haven't been diagnosed so I won't out right say that I have it. I still need to see a therapist....

dark humor is the best though.
Guys, this roleplay seems to be dying and I don't feel like trying to stretch other scenes and waiting for replies with the ever lurking menace (that was dramatic) of the plot never getting to go further. If the roleplay ever gets picked up I'm all for coming back to this so feel free to spam my inbox, but right now I don't want to put work into a roleplay that might be doomed to die.

Hope you guys are doing well, keeping y'all in my thoughts~
@Isho13 I don't understand... I've been waiting on you? I thought I was doing pretty well in keeping up the replies.

But yeah, it seems only me, Isho, and Blue have been the only ones mainly contributing to posting in the actual thread.

@Vio @RiddL @Takashi Where are we in posting? Are you guys super busy? I know you had some stuff going on, Vio, but how about the rest of you?

I would really hate to see this die, but whatever the case, I'm sticking around even if I have to wait for new people to show up. I developed a lot of time into my characters so I'm not going to just trash them or abandon ship to and wait for a lifeboat. I hope a lot of you feel the same. It's easier for me since I normally don't have a lot of time to post often so breaks in between is nice, though this has gone a little longer than I would consider tolerable, not that it's anyone's fault. Life happens, but Istill hope you guys are still into this rp

I hope that doesn't make me sound dramatic, I'm not upset or anything, just saying nonchalant facts and how I feel. It's not often you get an rp with so much thought put into it.

@Mowkie I'm still with you to the bitter end!
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Isho13
I'm still in this for the long run. Mowkie said at the beginning of the rp that this would be flexible in activity, and I'm not condemning the rp for that. It's actually one of the reasons I joined in the first place. Today is my day off (finally) so I'll try to work on a post for this.
@Vio Yeah, same! My schedule is so crazy that there are times I just can't get a post in, and most rps would kick you out without a second thought.

I'll probably have to delete my post with Tahvo and Fierro, but I can interact with Blue's character and your's Vio
I've been away for the last week to escape the crowds flocking here for the eclipse. Now it's taking some people literally 3 and a half hours for just a 50 mile drive because of all the traffic, it's insane. Anywho, unpacking from that trip and repacking stuff for school and all, plus the occasional dreaded trip into town, has made things a bit had for me to write recently. I'll still be here though, I promise.
@Takashi Where are you? I'm in Nashville, so we got PACKED. We're supposed to be the best place to view the Eclipse, but I'm lucky because I just went down to the pool with my roommate and brother and we hung out there and got the perfect view of the Eclipse. IT WAS SO COOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!
I'm in a little town about an hour south of Bend, Oregon. We had over a million people in Madras though. Our road was apparently a complete traffic standstill for a full day, according to neighbors. But because of all the fires in our area, there was a lot of smoke blocking our view.
I'm still here. Sorry to see you go Isho.

I know Mowkie is likely to be laying low for a bit, with everything going on. I don't blame her one bit for that, with everything going crazy for her.

But I am wondering where our co gm is. Soul's been quiet too, but she is probably working on her main one atm.
I wish I was in Nashville! I miss it so bad! I plan on moving to a suburb when I finish college (I go back in the fall of next year)
I'm in a little town about an hour south of Bend, Oregon. We had over a million people in Madras though. Our road was apparently a complete traffic standstill for a full day, according to neighbors. But because of all the fires in our area, there was a lot of smoke blocking our view.
My Parents live in OR. I get to go visit for Christmas
@Isho13 I don't understand... I've been waiting on you? I thought I was doing pretty well in keeping up the replies.

But yeah, it seems only me, Isho, and Blue have been the only ones mainly contributing to posting in the actual thread.

@Vio @RiddL @Takashi Where are we in posting? Are you guys super busy? I know you had some stuff going on, Vio, but how about the rest of you?

I would really hate to see this die, but whatever the case, I'm sticking around even if I have to wait for new people to show up. I developed a lot of time into my characters so I'm not going to just trash them or abandon ship to and wait for a lifeboat. I hope a lot of you feel the same. It's easier for me since I normally don't have a lot of time to post often so breaks in between is nice, though this has gone a little longer than I would consider tolerable, not that it's anyone's fault. Life happens, but Istill hope you guys are still into this rp

I hope that doesn't make me sound dramatic, I'm not upset or anything, just saying nonchalant facts and how I feel. It's not often you get an rp with so much thought put into it.

@Mowkie I'm still with you to the bitter end!
I'm waiting on everyone else to post
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