Life, Love, and the Foster Home

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Bryce didn't say a word... damn that kid. He was only 11! Bryce sighed as they entered the house. He simply mutters, "Can you put him into his bed?" He says as he head up to the attic. He plopped down on his bed holding his head. Fuck it hurt... his head was pounding.
Cheyenne laid him in his bed and covered him up before walking up to the attic and knocking, a first aid kit in her hands, but hidden behind her back.
Bryce let out a sigh. At this point his face was emotionless once again. He lifted up his head and looked at the door, he figured it was Cheyenne. "Come in." He said simply.
Cheyenne walked in and looked at him,"Can I clean the blood up? I saw it bleeding and it's probably a deep wound if it still hurts,"she says softly sitting the first aid kit on the bed beside him and standing in front of him.
She steps closer to him so they're almost touching and she's basically standing between his legs. She tilts his head down a little to get a better look at it.
Bryce looked at her a little surprised she was this close to him. He didn't even bother arguing. He just tilted his head down, "I just have a major head ache. I am not sure about the wound." He paused for a moment, "Thanks..." he said simply waiting for a response.
"It looks bad but it's probably just because it's dirty,"Cheyenne says."Here this might hurt a little,"she says using alcohol to clean out the wound. After it's cleaned out, she blows on it just a little to get it to dry. She reaches down to grab a bandage and some medicine for it. When she was finished putting the bandage on the wound where it would stay, Cheyenne handed him a couple pills."Here it's for the headache. Don't go to sleep for at least thirty minutes just to make sure you don't have a concussion, and tomorrow you'll have to let me rebandage it,"she says stepping back and putting the stuff back in the first aid kit.
Bryce tensed up a bit when she used the alcohol and let out a sigh as she handed him the pills, "Cool, thanks," he says again taking the pills and looking at her, "You don't seem to be that afraid of me anymore." He realized he said that out aloud but knew he couldn't take it back.
Cheyenne stood up and held the small red and white box."I was never afraid of you really.. not really anyway... just cautious and careful. Only a little scared,"she say blushing and turning away, denying everything.
She walks back towards his door."Thanks for fixing the truck,"she says looking at him with a small, shy smile."I'll probably be gone for awhile after school tomorrow but I'll be back eventually. I have some work to do on the house. You can use the truck tomorrow if you'd like. I can't drive it yet,"she says chuckling.
He smirked slightly, "Don't mention it... And no its alright purple is not really my color," he chuckled. He the wished her goodnight and watched her close the door behind him. He was pretty tired but knew he couldn't go to sleep yet. So to keep himself busy he walked over to his desk and began drawing.
Cheyenne said her good night's to Bryce before walking to her room and looking at sleeping Jessica. She quickly changed into shorts and a tank top, her body almost sweating because of how hot it was in the house, which was saying something because she was always freezing.
Cheyenne yawned and laid her head back on her pillows and rolled over,falling asleep quickly. Throughout the night she kept waking up because of nightmares haunting her dreams. She sighed as one woke her up around 5 and she just stood up, letting Jessica sleep.
Without thinking about it, Cheyenne walked down the hall in her shorts and tanktop to the bathroom and all of her scars and bruises on her skin were showing. As she walked back out of the bathroom to go to her room and get clothes to change into, she noticed a light on in the living room.
By the time Bryce finished his drawing he fell asleep on his desk. The drawing was of a hawk. (Pic below lol) It was perfectly drawn. By the time Bryce woke up he yawned and stretched. He winced slightly, he slept wrong so his neck hurt. He quickly cracked it then got up looking at the time. It was 5... Oh well. He left the drawing on his desk and walked downstairs


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Cheyenne walked towards the living room, still not realizing she was wearing shorts. She yawned and walked towards the light and saw Bryce,"What're you doing up to early?"she asks looking at him. She figured that everyone would've been in bed still since it was so early.
"Can I see your bandage?"she asks remembering his wound and walking over to him slowly and cautiously.
Bryce rubbed his eye then let out a yawn, "I don't know, just kind of woke up. Turned out I fell asleep on my desk." He looked at her when she asked to see the his bandage. He chuckled, "Sure." He says as he grabs a chair and sits down so she can see it better.
Cheyenne stood behind Bryce and lifted the bandage up carefully."It looks better but it's a little swollen around it. Let me grab some more bandages,"she says. Cheyenne grans another bandage and medicine and then fixes his bandage.
"Does it still hurt?"she asks moving to sit on the couch. She pulls her legs up against her chest and bruises are seen clearly running up and down her legs.
Bryce shrugged, "Its better than it was yesterday." out of the corner of his eye he noticed the bruises. Hey wait a minute... did he see that right? He turned around and saw the bruises. He furrowed his eyebrow in concern and looked into her eyes, "What the hell happened to your legs?"
Cheyenne looked down at her legs and realized she was only in shorts. She covered her legs with her arms which didn't look much better than her legs. She didn't answer at first."N-Nothing,"she says nervously, looking away from his eyes. She stood up and walked back to her room quickly before he could say much else.
Changing into jeans and another tanktop, she pulled a jacket on and grabbed her book bag and phone. She headed back towards the living room a little later after waking Jess up so she could get ready for school. "I'm heading to school. See you later,"she tells Bryce as she walks him. She sees all the kids getting on the bus and Carla and Richards car gone.
"Cheye-" it was too late she already left. He let out a sigh, he is going to have to talk to her later.... Bryce quickly got dressed and headed out the door. He still had an hour until school started. He quickly walked over to the motorcycle shop searching for 'the' one. He eventually found one, smirked and paid for it. He didn't even bother putting on the helmet. He decided to go for a little ride before school.
Cheyenne continued walking to school and when she got there she walked to her first period class and just sat, waiting a bit until class finally started a little later.
After school Cheyenne slipped her bag over her shoulder and started walking towards her old house and walked in. It was obvious by looking at it that it needed some work on it but Cheyenne wasn't giving up. She was determined d to fix it up and move into it when she was 18.
Cheyenne started hammering in and fixing some cabinets that were broken in the kitchen and them started working on the walls in the livingroom, slipping her jacket off when she started to get hot.
Just as Bryce was walking out the door Beth, the blonde haired girl from his english class walked up to him, "Hey Bryce!"
Bryce stopped and looked into her blue eyes, his face emotionless, "Yeah?"
She blushed slightly, "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight... lets say 9?"
Bryce stared at her for a moment then shrugged, "Sure, why not. Meet me at the walking park." Then he left. He got on his motorcycle and drove over to Cheyenne's old house. He figured she would be here. He parked his motorcycle. The door was surprisingly wide open and he walked in. It didn't take him that long to find her. He smirked and walked over to her and straightened out one of the cabinets she was in the middle of working on. He chuckled, "It was crooked."
She finished hammering it in as he straightened it and she looked duo st him from her squat in position,"Thanks,"she chuckled."What're you doing here? Don't have a hot date tonight?"she joked teasingly.
Cheyenne stood back up and walked to another cabinet that she had to climb onto the counter to reach. Although Cheyenne was short, she was flexible and athletic, so she could easily jump from one counter to another, so climbing one was a piece of cake.
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