Lewi & Tritsteel

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Kieara washed until her hands she was sure would shrivel off in all the water and soap. She doubted she'd ever get the wet clothes smell off of them. She was so thankful when the time rolled around for sleep. She missed sleep. She went to the quarters given and smiled weakly, tiredly to him. "No problem." she said. "I'm just very, very tired." She said to him. "What about you?" She asked laying back on one side of the bed and giving him room.
"Almost got my fingers cut twice... And had a fight with some of the other workers... Well, with all of them..." Said him and then he chuckled. "You had to see their faces when they realized I knew how to speak Russian." Said him smiling. "Anyway, let's get some rest. Tomorrow is going to be a long day." Muttered him before he lay in the bed next to Kieara and a few moments later, fell asleep.
Kieara soon was asleep as well. She curled up to him in her sleep and cuddled. She nuzzled her head into his chest and slept good. She smiled in her rest and slept deeply. She hoped they'd be back home soon. Safe. In the castle with her father again. Though what she didn't realize was her father was the mastermind behind all of this, and right about now, he was thinking her dead.
The weeks passed. Infinite days of sea, work, and more sea. But eventually, they got to a harbor. At least! A real harbor! One of a real city, with laws, cops, hospitals and regular civilians! Aaron had a rough time having to accept that reality, but it wasn't strange not to, in the end, they came from a jungle where they had to kill or be killed. "It's nice to be in the civilization again..." Muttered him. "Come on, let's se if we can find a place to rest. I need to put mi mind together." Said Aaron.
Kieara spoke. "Finally!" She said happily and smiled. It would be so good to get a decent shower, and something good to eat. She couldn't wait. She smiled happily and hugged him. "It's so nice." She said. "Where should we look first?" She asked. She also wondered how they'd get back to the castle, but they needed to focus on getting shelter here first.
First would be great to know where they were... "Manolo, Joder! Pon esos contenedores allí!" Yelled some of the harbor staff to another one. Well, that pretty much answered the question. "You wouldn't happen to know Spanish, right?" Asked Aaron to Kieara as they walked out of the harbor. Mmmmm.... I don't even know where to go.... Thought Aaron as he looked around, at what it seemed like a poor and humble neighborhood of fishermen and women.
Kieara frowned when she heard that. She looked to him and spoke. "I don't." She said hoping that at least one knew english. She didn't know what to do. She didn't even know where to begin.
"Yeah... That would have been to easy, right?" Muttered Aaron.They began to walk for quite a while until they happened to see something that looked familiar. A rather small 'Hotel' sign with a single star under the H letter. Aaron walked towards the place with a smile, maybe in there someone would speak English. "You know, I got 'paid' for our work on the ship. I think we deserve a rest, don't you think?" Said him, meaning that he stole the money from those ass holes back aboard the ship.

"Si?, En que puedo ayudarles?" Asked a woman behind the counter on the entrance. "Ehhh.... Hell, I don't even know what did he said...." Muttered Aaron. "Ehhh... yes.... Do you speak English?" Asked him. "Mmmmm.... Jessica! Jesica ven! Guiris!" Yelled the woman behind the counter. A few seconds later appeared a rather young girl, barely 18 maybe less, with glasses and wearing summer clothing. "Si... I mean, yes? How can me help you?" Said the girl in a terrible accent.

"Ehh... I we would like to rent a room... Please?" Said Aaron, trying to keep it as simple as possible. "Ehhh.... A room?" Asked the girl. "Yes, a room." Said again him. "Mamá! Quieren una habitación!" Yelled the girl. And so, the chit chat kept going for almost 20 minutes more until the woman understood what they wanted and Aaron got how much it would cost.

"Finally.... For a moment back there I was about to commit suicide!" Said him as he finally got to lay down on a real bed. A big one, since this way the room was less expensive. "Damn Mexicans...." Said him, mistaking the Spaniards with Mexicans, as many people does.
Kieara spoke. "I don't think they're mexicans." She explainde. "I think this might be Spain." She'd noticed the difference in terrain, and that the area wasn't quite as filthy and poor as Mexico. She laid beside him gently. It felt good on her back. She just wanted to be back home where they could get on with life, and this all would be behind them. She was silent and heard a conversation in the next room. It sounded like a couple more of her body guards from back at the palace that had been on the plane, she recognized the voices. She listened and sat up. Their words were muffled through the wall but clear enough. "Well, we never found any of them. I'm sure they're lost in the jungle. They'll all die soon enough anyway." "Well, you know what he said. MAke sure that all of them are dead. No witnesses."
Aaron looked at Kieara as he heard those muffled voices too. "But... What where some of the guards doing in Spain?" Even more confusing: How did Aaron know those voice where form some guards? I guess I over heard their voices back at the plane... Thought him as he got up from the bed and paid close attention, since the words he heard sounded to conspiracy.... And quickly putting some pieces together, the whole accident smelled to conspiracy...
Kieara frowned. It must've just been bad luck catching them here. She listened as again the man spoke. "well, we'll have to go back and find them. No questions asked." Said the more authoritative of the two. "Alright, alright, we'll go...but this time try not to rile up the natives." He said to him. "We at least have to bring back the bodies." Kieara looked to Aaron scared.
Aaron sighed. That wasn't cool. They had traveled for miles, worked their asses off at the ship to get out of that hole, and all Aaron wanted was a rest. A rest! Aaron walked out of the room. I mean, like if I was going to get paid for this! I'm guarding a princess who I meet a week ago! Thought him as he kicked the door of the room besides. "What the fuck?! Can't I rest for a fucking minute!?" Yelled Aaron. Then sounds of fight, glass breaking, wood smashing and bones breaking. Then silence.

"I want to rest, GODAMINT!" Said Aaron as he returned to the room with Kieara. "Princess, I believe we should leave now." Said him, suddenly much more calmed.
((Ha XD that was funny. ))

Kieara watched as he left and started to speak but he was already gone. She listened and flinched at every noise that she heard. She looked up as he returned. She nodded wordlessly and got their few possesions and started to follow him. Perhaps there was another inn nearby.
Aaron walked outside that place and looked around, realizing where he was. Oh yeah, almost forgot: I hate this place. Then they began to walk, going away from that place and again, not really knowing where they were going. After a while, Aaron realized they were far from that neighborhood and where now in another totally different, still looked poor but it was now older and more classic. Lot's of mainstream people on this place.... "Hey, excuse me. Hotel?" Asked Aaron stopping at random people until someone pointed at a place with a 'Posada' sign on it. Oh, so that's how inn is in Mexican? Thought Aaron. "Come on, princess. At this rate we may even learn Mexican." Said Aaron with a smile.
It was cold. And Kieara felt cold. She hoped they found somewhere to sleep soon. "You don't have to call me princess." Kieara smiled and giggled. She never let go of his hand. Too afraid to. "Kieara is fine." she said as she followed him inside the 'posada' building.
Yet again, they had to figure out a way to speak with that foreigners... Well, the foreigners were actually Aaron and Kieara, but the situation was still pretty weird. Finally, and after some, actually fun, issues, they managed to get a room. Too comfortable holding her hand, he didn't even realized about it until they were in the room and there was no longer necessary to be that way. But even then, Aaron just looked at Kieara and smiled. "Well, princess, let's see if we can have a rest now." Said him with a wink, teasingly calling her princess.
Kieara was enjoying holding his hand as well. It made her feel safe and cared about. She loved him but she couldn't bring herself to tell him that. She continued to hold his hand and seeing his wink, she ocuoldn't help but to blush deep red. She smiled and giggled. "I agree." She said to him. "Let's rest." she said still holding his hand and led him to the bed to lay down. "....I wonder what those guards meant..."
Aaron lay on the bed next to her, trying to think a way to explain her what he had in mind. "It just a hypothesis... But only a few knew about the plane travel. And then those army guys who where inside the plane? They should be inside before we took off." Explained him. "I don't want to get into your private life, but you sure remember your father wanting to marry you to another man?" Said Aaron. "Do you see where do I want to get?"
Kieara listened to his words. "I remember that." she said then paused as she listened to him. "What are you getting at?" she was confused. She frowned thnking it was a bad assumption he was coming to.
"Well, there was no way those men on the plane could have get in there without the help of the guards. Guards who are paid by your father. Your father wanted to marry you with some preppy prince, which, to be hones, I think he already did. If I'm not mistaken, he don't even need you to be present if you signed the required papers." Explained him. "Probably someone made you sign something... Or even faked your signature, and by now your father is even more rich than before." Said Aaron.

The he scratched his head, knowing that there were a few plot holes in his story, but pretty much that summed it all up. "I'm sorry... Of course, that's only an assumption.... But I've seen to many 'coincidences' before to believe in them for any longer."