Lewi & Gicofokami

While thinking to himself, he looked out of the window and noticed it becoming daytime.
Kieara had no sense of night and day. She couldn't see it. She just rested when she felt tired.
He yawned slightly. "I'm not gonna ask if you should be heading home, given what happened."
Kieara spoke. "Thank you." She was getting tired.
"It's no problem at all." He responded with a tired smile.
She yawned softly her pink lips parting cutely before she stretched
"You can take a nap if you want to." He offered.
"Are you sure? I don't want to be rude." She spoke.
He nodded once again."Yeah, it's no problem" -I'll play lookout again.- With a smile he relaxed slightly. At least he knew when someone would be comming.
She yawned. "Well, if you insist." With that she leaned back trying to be more comfortable.
He nodded and leand his head back to look at the celing.
After what felt like hours, Allen decided to fall asleep as well.
Kieara slept the best she had in ages. She felt safe.
After a few moments, Allen woke up completely on guard for some reason. With a sigh, he tried to get some rest.
Kieara had somehow shifted to be curled up to the young man.
He was about to reach for something when he saw Kieara curl up to him. While repressing a chuckle, he decided to be a second lookout.
Kieara smiled as she listened to his heartbeat when she laid over on him. It helped her sleep better.
With a smile, Allen looked down at Kieara's sleeping form. At first, he was reminded of someting back in the day but he repressed that as well.
She hoped he didn't mind, but she was just so comfortable.