{Lewi} An Enchanted Meeting {MiNaGi}

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She frowned as she saw his face after her moment. Great. She'd blew it. She smiled though as he mentioned town. "I will stay close. I promise. After last time you won't have to worry about me wandering off I promise." She told him as she got up to do dishes.
He smiled at her and stood up to help her with the dishes. When he finished, he ran a hand through his hair.
"I think I'll take a quick shower before we go, you can just sit around and relax until I'm done. I won't take long." He pulled off his shirt as he walked to the bathroom, closing the door after himself as he put the shirt on the counter. He leaned his head against the door and let out a soft sigh. He had probably just ruined any chance he would have with her. He hadn't expected anything to happen but now it was entirely impossible.
Kieara just knew her comment had blew it. She sat on the couch with a sigh. "Kieara you just blew it. Great going. Me and my big mouth." She spoke softly to herself with a sigh. However she sat obediently waiting on his return.
From the living room you could hear the water running as he turned it on and stripped out of his pants and underwear. He had spent the morning before running around on his errands and his shoulders were sore from running around with a lot of things in his arms. He stretched his aching muscles and leaned his head against the tile wall. He really blew it with this. He couldn't even dream about her feeling the same now.
Kieara sighed as she waited. Her chances were gone. She wished that she hadnt said that now. She waited on him to get out so she could make it right.
As he got out and put a towel around his hips, he ruffled a hand through his wet hair while looking at his face in the mirror. He was trying to comprehend how she could find him sexy, and turned a little in front of the mirror looking himself over. He really couldn't see it. He wasn't the type that women liked.
He sighed and put on his underwear and pants, and then his dark green shirt and a black vest. He really didn't feel ready to go out of the bathroom.
She rested her hands on her belly. She gave a soft sigh as she waited staring out the window. She felt like crying but knew she couldn't. She rubbed her eyes a little and then waited on him some more.
He mustered up the courage and took a deep breath before exiting the bathroom.
"Uhm, miss Kieara, I'm ready to go..." He smiled a little at her, even if he knew that there was no way he still had a chance. He was horrible at flirting and her intentions had been obvious but he had blown it and ruined his chances.
Kieara smiled as she heard him. "Alright." She held the chair arm with one hand on her belly and pulled herself up to her feet. She wobbled to the door to get her shoes on.
He looked at her wobble with a skeptic look in his eyes. He was worried for her safety if she would continue like this.
"Look, are you sure you're well enough for this? You only just came here..." He walked over to her, again placing a hand on her waist to keep her steady. He could feel her body tremble as she wobbled and the evident feel of malnourishment. He was really nervous if she was really doing well enough to go out.
She did have some trouble with walking because of the malnourishment but the wobbling was because of her larger stomach and the extra weight. She smiled and nodded. "Ill be alright."
She reassured him. She'd went for months now on her own no choice but to travel. A trip into town wouldn't kill her.
"Okay... then."
He pulled her to the horse again, helping her up before he jumped up himself. He grabbed her arms and put them around his waist.
"Hold on tight, we'll make this trip quick."
He smiled as he rode off with a quick speed toward town with practiced ease. He had done this so many times, and yet this was the first accompanied by a girl. And even a girl he felt attracted to. Things sure had changed fairly quickly.
Kieara gently held her stomach. She spoke "n-not so rough please?" She asked as he rode holding onto him with one arm and her belly with another. It wasnt the speed getting to her. It was just the bouncing.
He slowed a little down, though still keeping a nice pace as they neared the town. As they reached the market he helped her down and set towards a nice little shop on one of the side streets. He walked into the store and greeted the elderly woman and her granddaughter with a smile.
"Mrs. Freya and miss Julia. How have you been holding up?" He smiled charmingly at the old woman as she praised him, asking if he'd grown taller since they last spoke.
"No such thing mrs. Freya, but you're looking young as ever." He said to the elder woman making her smile. He pulled out a small note, listing up the materials they needed, and the woman sent her granddaughter, Julia, to the back room to get them. Julia was a year or so younger than Cecil and as most other females in the town charmed by him.
Kieara waddled in with him. She stood near the door feeling uncomfortable. She didn't want to get in trouble again and she knew how they felt about her. She was silent and waited for Cecil to do his business. She looked around at a few nice materials.
As he spoke with the woman at the counter, he told her that Kieara was a friend from his home town, and that she'd lost her husband (a cover story for now) while she was expecting. The town had then sent her away and she had thought her life to be over when she'd reencountered Cecil. He knew it was a lie and he looked over his shoulder at her to make her understand he was doing this in an attempt to help her out of the troubles she'd been in. He didn't want the townspeople to hate her.
Kieara gave him a thankful look as he explained this. She nodded in agreence with him to the woman and went back to looking around. She then edged closer to Cecil's side and stood her hands resting on her large stomach.
Julia came back with the supplies in a large bag, handing it to Cecil all the while stuttering and blushing. Cecil smiled and thanked her and then went to pay mrs. Freya at the counter. They chatted for a few more moments before he turned around to look at Kieara.
"Let's get going?" He took her hand and pulled her out of the shop. He was completely oblivious to the fact that Julia and most other women in town was interested in him.
It kinda made Kieara's heart break. She saw then she stood no chance. There were a ton more women who were interested in him than her, and a ton more that looked better and probably were a lot better than her. She followed along.
He looked at her with worried eyes all the way back to the house, and once they got in he helped her down on a chair.
"Miss Kieara? Are you okay? You look a little unwell..." He sat on his knees in front of her, unaware that she'd been affected by the fact that he was a much desired male in town. He didn't really care about that. The moment he'd seen Kieara he knew that there was no one else for him. It was stupid and he didn't stand a chance, yet he felt as if that was the right thing for him to do.
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